Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 187 In the unfortunate “ Walcheren Expedition,” undertaken in 1809, under the late Earl of Chatham, the Marquis commanded the fourth division. The object of this armament, which had been fitted out on a very extensive scale, was the destruction of the fleet and arsenal at Anbwerp, but except in the bombardment of Flushing, the expedition entirely failed of success. With the Walcheren expedition closed the foreign military career of the Marquis of Huntly. His subsequent life was distinguished bya patriotic and active zeal in whatever tended to the honour or advantage of his native country. He was long a member, and frequently President, of the Highland Society, an association which has done so much to improve the agriculture and condition of the peasantry of Scotland. As a mark of distinction, in 1813, the Marquis was appointed General of the ancient body denominated the Royal Archers of Scotland, or King’s Body Guard. Of the Celtic Society he was also an equally honoured member ; and, in short, in all patriotic or national associations he was found to yield enthusiastic co-operation. On the death of his lordship’s father, in 1827, he succeeded to the dukedom of Gordon in Scotland, and the earldom of Norwich in England ; and in the still more extended sphere of influence thus opened to him, the spirit which had animated the Marquis continued to be manifested in the Duke. The great improvements which he effected on his extensive estates-the exquisite taste displayed in laying out the grounds and ornamenting the lawns around the princely Castle of Gordon-together with his successful .exertions in improving the breed of Highland cattle, and promoting agriculture, are well-known instances of the Duke’s untiring zeal and perseverance. He married, in 1813, Elizabeth, daughter of the late Alexander Brodie, Esq. of Am Hall, but had no issue. His Grace died at London in June 1836,’ and with him the dukedom of Gordon and earldom of Norwich became extinct. The title of Marquis of Huntly, and some of the inferior dignities, devolved to his Grace’s ‘‘ heir-male whatsoever,” the Earl of Aboyne. The estates passed by virtue of an entail to his nephew, the Duke of Richmond. As a tribute to the memory of the Duke of Gordon, we beg to append the following letter of condolence to the Duchess from the Governors of the London Scottish Hospital, whose opportunities of knowing his Grace’s exertions in the cause of charity give peculiar weight to their sentiments : Unto her Grace Elizabeth Duchess of Gordon, Marchioness of Huntly, Countess of Huntly; Enzie, and Norwich, Viscountess of Inverness, etc. etc etc. etc. MADAM, WE, the Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and Governors of the Scottish Hospital of the foundation of King Charles the Second, re-incorporated by King George the Third, in General Court assembled, beg leave thus to olfer our heartfelt condolence upon the severe bereavement with which God in his Providence has seen meet to make trial of your “faith and patience.” Be assured, Madam, that it is not in the observance of a mere formality, but because of that alfectionate regard which we must ever entertain for the memory of our late noble President, that we intrude thus early upon that grief in which we do sincerely participate. When, at the command of our present most gracious King and Patron, the Duke of Gordon entered upon the Presidency of this Institution, we congratulated ourselves on the acquisition of a nobleman whose ancient and honourable lineage, and whose generous, chivalrous character, concurred with his previoua knowledge of the Society, and zeal for its interests, to recommend him to our
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