Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


Volume 8 Page 153
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 105 descendants are now alive. the 8th July 1800. Mr. Dickson died, at his house at Stockbridge, on MR. JAMES TORRY, the pondurn friend of Bailie Dickson, was born about the year 1746 at Paxton in Berwickshire. His father Mr. John Torry was for some time governor of Edington Castle, and afterwards factor over the estate of Mr. Hume of Paxton, and one of the most influential farmers in that countryside. Mr. Torry came to Edinburgh in early life, and served his apprenticeship as a clothier with his cousin, Mr. John Black. He afterwards commenced business in partnership with Mr. Butter, predecessor of the present Mr. Butter of Fascally, Perthshire. Their shop was the first one on the east side of the Royal Exchange entry, now (1837) possessed by Mr. Blyth. Mr. Torry married Miss Jane Halliday, daughter of Mr. James Halliday, brewer, Leith, by whom he got the estate of Strathore, which he afterwards sold to the father of John Fergus, Esq., the present proprietor, and Member of Parliament for the Kirkcaldy district of burghs. He was elected a member of the Town Council in 1772, and next year was constituted one of the magistrates of the city, which honours he enjoyed until 1786. He died on the 22d of November 1788, leaving a son,’ and daughter. The former survives, but the latter (Blrs. Major Douglas) died in Gilmore Place only a few months ago (1837). No. L. WILLIAISI DOYLE, SAMUEL SONE, AND WILLIAM FOSTER. THE first of these figures to the left was a Lieutenant Doyle ; the centre one, Mr. Sone, surgeon, commonly called “ The Little Doctor ;” and the third, Captain Foster, all of the 24th Regiment; the two last were inseparable companions, notwithstanding their disparity in point of size. While here with the Regiment in 1784, they were remarkable for their attention to the fair sex ; Mr. Kay has accordingly represented them as squireing three of the most celebrated belles of the day, dressed in the fashion of the time, along the North Bridge. d’dschkow, the Lord Provost and Magistrates, and many of the nobility and gentry in the city and neighbourhood. Next day his Excellency WBS presented with the freedom of the city, on which occasion the Lord Provost (Dalrymple) gave an elegant entertainment in his own house. On the 9th of October his Excellency set sail from Leith Roads, on his return to Russia.’’ While on this visit, tlie Admiral also went to London, where he was introduced to the King. He was for several years a clothier, under the “ Three Wool Packs,” and well known in the sporting circles of Edinburgh ; but he latterly retired from business, whether with or without a fortune we know not. His daughter.Jane married, in June 1832, Henry Lord Cardross, eldest son of the, Earl of Buchan. P
Volume 8 Page 154
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