Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


Volume 8 Page 43
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 33 No. XII. DR. JAMES GRAHAM LECTURING IN EDINBURGH. IN Spring 1783, Doctor Graham again paid a visit to his native city, and for the first time gave his fellow-citizens a lecture, which the Magistrates of Edinburgh deemed improper for public discussion, and accordingly endeavoured to suppress by the arm of power. The Doctor immediately published “an appeal to the public,” in which he attacked the Magistrates, and particularly the Lord Provost, John Grieve, Esq. For this, the Procurator-Fiscal raised a criminal complaint in the Bailie Court against him, and as his real prosecutors mere his judges-the result was, his being mulcted in 320, and imprisoned till the fine was paid. He suffered, however, no very tedious imprisonment, as his supporters collected the money amongst themselves. He also continued to give his eccentric lectures as long as the public curiosity lasted ; and to induce people to hear his lectures, the admission being three shillings, he promised each person a book worth six shillings-viz. a copy of his lectures ! The admission was reduced subsequently to two shillings, and lastly to one. The following advertisement was circulated by him in December 1783 :- .“DOCTOR GRAHAM desires to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Edinburgh, that at the earnest desire of many respectable persons, he proposes to favour them on Monday evening next, the 27th instant, and the three following evenings, with A LECTURE on the simplest, most rational, and most effectual means of preserving uninterrupted bodily Health, and the most delightful mental sunshine or serenity to the very longest period of our Mortal Existence: Teaching them how to build up the human Body into a fair and firm Temple of Health, and to repose the Soul on the all-blessing Bosom of that pure, temperate, rational, and Philosophical Religion !-which alone is accepted of God ! ! ! and truly useful to all his Creatures. The Lecture being therefore at once Medical, Moral, and Religious ; the Technical Terms and nonsensical jargon of the followers of the Medical Trade or Farce being avoided, and the whole treated in a plain, practical, and useful manner, DR. GRAHAIVtr usts it will prove perfectly satisfactory, and of the highest importance to the health and happiness, teniporal and eternal, of every sober and intelligent person who honours him with their company ; as the precepts and instructions proposed to be delivered in this long and pathetic Lecture cannot fail, if duly practised, to preserve them in health, strength, and happiness, through the course of a long, useful, and truly honourable life here; and to prepare them for the enjoyment of eternal felicity hereafter. “ The Lecture will be delivered on MONDAY EVENING next, the 27th, and the three following evenings, precisely at Seven o’clock, in St. Andrew’s Chapel, foot of Carrubber’s Close, next to the New Bridge. ‘‘ Admission only One Shilling. s
Volume 8 Page 44
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