Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


Volume 8 Page 63
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 47 maps of the counties, besides a general one. The work was reprinted in eight volumes, in 1787. The success of this work induced Grose to illustrate in a similar manner “ The Antiquities of Scotland.” This publication, in numbers of four plates each, commenced in the beginning of 1789, and was finished in 1791, forming two volumes, with 190 views, and letterpress. Before the plates of the latter numbers were out of the engraver’s hands, the author “ turned his eyes to Ireland, who seemed to invite him to her hospitable shore, to save from impending oblivion her mouldering monuments, and to unite her, as she should ever be, in closest association with the British Isles. The Captain arrived in Dublin in May 179 1,’ with the fairest prospect of completing the noblest literaqdesign attempted in this century.” Such are the words of Dr. Ledwich, to whom Grose had applied for assistance, and by whom the work was completed, in two volumes, in 1795. But, while in Dublin, at the house of Mr. Hone, Grose was suddenly seized with an apoplectic fit, and died, in the fifty-second year of his age, upon the 12th of May 1791. The following epitaph proposed for him, was inserted in the St. James’s Chyoniele, May 26 :- Here lies Francis Grose : On Thursday, May 12t11, 1791, Death put an end to His views and prospects. Upon occasion of his marriage, Grose took up his residence in Canterbury, where he remained several years, during which period his wit and vivacity made him many friends. No one possessed more than himself the faculty of setting the table “ in a roar,” but it was never at the expense of virtue or good manners. He left several sons and daughters ; one of the latter married Anketil Singleton, Esq., Lieut.-Governor of Sandguard Fort. His son, Daniel Grose, F.A.S., Captain of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, was, after several campaigns in America, appointed Depute-Governor of the new settlement at Botany Bay, 1790. Besides the works above noticed, he published- “ A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons ; illustrated by plates taken from the original armour in the Tower of London, and other arsenals, museums, and cabinets.’’ Lond. 1785. 4to. A Supplement was added in 1789. “A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue.” Lond. 1785. ~ V O . “A Guide to Health, Wealth, Honour, and Riches.” Lond. 1785. Svo. This is a most amusing collection of advertisements, principally illustrative of the extreme gullibility of the citizens of London. A very humorous introduction is prefixed. “ Military Antiquities, respecting a History of the English Army, from the Conquest to the Present Time.” 2 vols. Lond. 1786-88. 4to. With numerous plates. This work was published in numbers. He was accompanied, for the last three yeara of his travels, by a young man whom he called his Guinea-pig, and who had caught hie manner of etching.
Volume 8 Page 64
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