Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


30 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. No less remarkable for his wit and convivial powers, than for his more solid qualities, Dr. Webster was as great a favourite at the social board as in the pulpit. A friend on whom he called one day, and who was aware of his predilection for this liquor, said he would give him a treat, adding that he had a bottle of claret which was upwards of forty years old. The bottle was accordingly produced, but proved to be only a pint bottle. “ Dear me,” said the disappointed Doctor, taking it up in his hand, “ but it’s unco little 0’ its age !” Upon another occasion, after he had, with a few friends, not spared the bottle, some one inquired, “What would hie parishioners say if they met him thus 1”-‘‘ What 8” says the Doctor, “ they wadna believe their ain een although they saw it.” This excellent and much-respected man died on the 25th January 1784, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. He was particularly fond of claret. No. XI. DR. JAMES GRAHAM GOING ALONG THE NORTH BRIDGE IN A HIGH WIND. HE is here represented in the dress’ in which he attended the funeral of Dr. Gilbert Stuart, who died 28th August 1786, in white linen clothes and black silk stockings, his usual attire. The lady walking before him is said to resemble a Miss Dunbar, sister of Sir James Dunbar, Bart. Dr. James Graham was born at the head of the Cowgate, Edinburgh, 23d June 1745. His father, Mr. William Graham, saddler in Edinburgh, was born in Burntisland in 1710. He married in 1738, in Edinburgh, Jean Graham (born 1715), an English lady; they had issue three daughters and two sons. The eldest daughter was married to a Jlr. Smith ; the second to the celebrated Dr. Arnold of Leicester, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh ; and the third ta Mr. Begbie, town smith. James was the eldest son j both he and his younger brother William studied medicine. The two brothers, in their early years, were not unfrequently mistaken for one another, from their strong family likeness, and from following the same profession. William, after practising some time as physician, abandoned medicine entirely, and entered into holy orders. He was an Episcopalian, and married the celebrated writer, Mrs. Catharine Macaulay: sister to Alderman Sawbridge j she died at Binfield, in 1 This lady’s writings were 80 enthusiastically admired by the Rev. Dr. Wilson, prebendary of Westminster, that during her lifetime he caused a statue of her, as the Goddess of Liberty, to be aet up in the chancel of his church in Walhrook, which was, however, removed at hi8 death, by his successor in office.
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