Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


CON TENTS. V CHAPTER XIII. THE DISTRICT OF RESTALRIG. PAGE Abbey Hill-Baron Norton-Alex. Campbell and 'I Albjm's Anthology "--Comely Gardens-Easter Road-St. Margaret's Wellxhurch and Legend of St. Tnduana-Made Collegiate bv James 111.-The Mausoleum-Old Barons of Restalrig-The Logans, &c- Conflict of Black Saturday-Residents of Note-First Balloon in Britain-Rector Adams-The Nisbeb of Craigantinnie and Dean -The Millers-The Craixantinnie Tomb and Marbles-The Marionville Tragedy-The Hamlet of Jock's Lodge-Mail-bag Robberies in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries-Piemhill House and Barracks. . . . . . . . . . . . . I 27 CHAPTER XIV. PORTOBELLO. Portobell~The Site before the Houses-The Figgate Muir--ctone Coffiqs-A Meeting with Cramwell-A Curious Race-Portobello Hut- Robbers-William Jamieson's Feuing-Sir W. Scott and "The Lay "-Portobello Tower-Review of Yeomanry and Highlanders- Hugh Miller-David Lamg-Joppa-Magdalene Bridge-Rrunstane House . . . . . . . . . . . . I43 CHAPTER XV. LEITH WALK. A Pathway in the 15th Century probable-Genera1 Leslie's Trenches-Repulse of Cramwell-The Rood Chapel-Old Leith Stazes-Propsal for Lighting the Walk-The Gallow Lea-Executions there-The Minister of Spott- Five Witches-Five Covenanters-The Story of their Skulls-The Murder of Lady Baillie-The Effigies of "Johnnie Wilkes" . . . . . . . . , . . 150 CHAPTER XVI. LEITH WALK (conchfed). East Side-Captain Haldane of the Tabernacle-New Road to Haddington -Windsor Street-Mrs H. Siddons -Lovers' Loan-Greenside House-Andrew Macdonald. the Author of" Vimonda "-West Side-Sir J. Whiteford of that Ilk-Gayfield House-Colonel Crichton --Prince Leopold-Lady Maxwell-Lady Nairne-SFr;ngfield-McCulloch of Ardwell and Samuel Foote . . . . . ' 157 CHAPTER XVII. LEITH-HISTORICAL SURVEY. Origin of the Name-Boundaries of South and North Leith-Links of North Leith-The Town frrst mentioned in History--King Robert's Charter-Superiority of the Logans and Magistrates of Edinburgh-Abbot Ballantyne's Bridge and Chapel-Newhaven given to Edinburgh by Jam- 1V.-The Port of 153c-The Town Burned by the English . . . . , . . . . . - . 164 CHAPTER XVIII. LEITH-HISTORICAL SURVEY (continued). The Great Siege-Arrival of the French-The Fortifications-Re-capture of Inchkeith-The Town Invested-Arrival of the English Fleet and Army-Skirmishes-Opening of the BatteriesFailure of the Great Assault-Queen Regent's Death-Treaty of Peace-Relics of thesiege . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r7o CHAPTER XIX. LEITH-HISTORICAL SURVEY (catinued). rhc Fortifications demolished-Landing of Queen Mary-Leith Mortgaged-Edinburgh takes Military Pasession of it-A Convention-A Plague-James VI. Departs and Returns -Witches-Cowrie Con%pkacy-The Union Jack-Pirates-Taylor the Water Poet- A Fight in the Harbour-Death of Jamer VI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 178
Volume 6 Page 395
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vi1 .- CONTENTS. - CHAPTER XXVII. LEITH-CONSTITUTION STREET, THE SHORE, COAL HILL, AND SHERIFF BRAE. PAGE Constitution Street-Pirates Executed-St. James's Episcopal Church-Town Hall-St. John's Church-Exchange Buildings-Headquarters of the Leith Rifle V o l u n t e e d l d Signal-Tower-The Shore-Old and New Ship Taverns-The Markets-The Coal Hill- Ancient Council House-The Peat Neuk-Shirra Brae-Tibbie Fowler of the Glen-St. Thomas's Church and Asylum-The Gladstone Family-Great Junction Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 CHAPTER XXVIII. NORTH LEITH. The Chapel and Church of St. Ninian-Parish Created-Its Records-Rev. Gorge Wishart-Rev. John Knox-Rev. Dr. Johnston-The Burial-Ground-New North Leith Church-Free Churchald Grammar Schoolxobourg Street-St. Nicholas' Church-The Citadel-Its Remains-Houses within it-Beach and Sands of North Leith-New Custom House-Shipping Inwards and Outwards . . 25 I 1 CHAPTEK XXIX. LEITH-THE LINKS. Links-Gdfers t h e 4 h a d e s I.-Montrose-Sir James Foulii and others-The Gn .lit-A Duel in 1729-Two Soldiers $hot- Hamilton's Dragoons-A Volunteer Review in rTgT-Residents of Rank-The Grammar School-Watt's Hospital-New Streets- Seafield. Baths-First Bathing Machine in Scotland-A Duel in 1789 . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 259 CHAPTER XXX. LEITH-THE SANDS. The Sands of Leith-Pirates Executed there-The Kuit oflyme-Captain Potts of the Dmdrrought-A Duel in 1667-Horse-racing- "The Bell"-kith Races in 1661--"Going Down with the Purse"-Races in 1763 and ,771, etc. . . . . . . . . 267 CHAPTER XXXI. LEITH-THE HARBOUR. The Admiral and Bailie Courts-The Leith Science (Navigation) School-The Harbour of Leith-The BaF-The Wooden Piers-Early Im. provements of the Harbour-Erection of Beacons-The Custom House Quay-The Bridge-Rennie's Report on the required Docks-The Mortons' Building-yard-The Present Piers-The Martello Tower . . . . . . . . . . . 270 CHAPTER XXXII. MEMORABILIA OF THE SHIPPING OF LEITH AND ITS MARITIME AFF.\'RS. Old Shipping 1st-Early Whale Fishing-kttei; of Marque against Hamburg--Captures of English Ships, 1650-1-First recorded Tonnage of Leith-Imports-Amrt of Captain Augh Palliser-Shore Dues, 1763-Sailon' Strike, 17g~--Tonnage in 188r-Passenpr Traffic, etc.-Letters of Marque-Exploits of some4lance a t Shipbuilding . . . - . . . . . . . . 27) CHAPTER xxx~ I r. L E I T H - T H E DOCKS. New Docks proposed-Apathy of the Government-First Graving Dock, 1716Two more Docks constructed-Shellycoat's Rock- The Contract-The Dock of rhr-The King's Bastion-The Queen's Dock-New Pierx-The Victoria I)ock-TXe Albert Dock-The Edinburgh Dock-Its Extent-Ceremony of Opening-A Glance at the Trade of Leith . . . . . . . 282
Volume 6 Page 396
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