Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


' GENERAL INDEX. Tytlm of Woodhouselee, William, Tytler, the aeronaut, 111. 135 I. 155 U Umbrella First use of the, 11. 282 Umptmvhe's cross I. 383 Union BankofScotlind 11.150,151 Unlon Bank Leith I d . 239 Union Canal, The,'I$. 99, 2x5, 219, Union cellar, The, I. 164, * 165 Union Club, The, 111. 122 Union of Scotland and England, Unpopularity of the I. 163-165, 178. 11. 37, 111. 19;; its dire effects and ultimate good results, I. 165 ; increase in wealth in spite of the, I. 155' e&ct of 11. 15 ; place where i; wns siined, 11. '32, 33 : period when Edinburgh seemed toarouse fromitslethargy, 11.175 ; rights of the University defined, 111. 16 Union Jack first usedin Leith, 111. 182 UnitedCorporationofLeith,I17.218 United Incorporation of St. Mary's 226, Ill. 326 Chapel, The, 11.264 United Presbyterian Church, 11. , 138, 185, 214 United Presbyterian Church of Scotland, Offices of the, 11.152 United Presbyterian Theological Hall, 11. zy. United Secewon Chapel of the Links Leith, 111. 265 United Secession Congregation, 11. University buildin s 11. 356 University Club #de 11. 125 University Hall: 11. ;56 University library, The, 11. 356, Ut%r%;B%alSchools, Lauriston, 11. 357 University ofedinburgh, I. ~ 5 5 , 11. 274, 282, 298 111. 8 - 2 7 ; its origin, 111.8: the first Regent3,III. 9; James VI.'svisitation, I l l . 10; salanes of the professors, ib.: magisterial visitation, 111.10, 11, 15;abolitionof thebirch 111.11; Cromwelrsgifts, ib.; and-Popery riots,III. 11-13; the quadrangle, 111. 25 : south side of, 111% * 13 ; professors expelled, 111. 14 ; dw section first practised, I I I . r 4 , 1 ~ ~ quarrel with the Town Council: 111. 15 ; the museum of rarities, ib. ; a Greek professor appointed, 111. 16; s stem of educationpursued by h-tcipal Rollock, ib. ; early mode of education, I11.18: achangein17p.111. 19; theold hours of attendance, ib. ; the silver mace, 111.~2. projects for a new college ib . 0;iginaldesignforthe new bdldlAg, 111. '20; original plan of its principal storey, 111. * 21 ; the foundation-stone laid, 11. 17~22; completionofthenew college, 111. 2 . its corporation after 1858, II?.' 24 : principals, chaiis, and first holden thereof, 111. 24, 15: average number of students, 111 2 5 . notable bequests 111. '26. 'income ib.; 1 1 4 , ib. ; the 1;brary hail, 111. *z8; the museums, Ill. 27; the new building Pink z~ 215, 2 3 249 University prilting-office, 1. 116 Upper Baxter's Close, I. 106 Upper Bow Port, I. 217, zrg ; relics Upper dean Terrace, 111. 75 Upper Quarry Holes 111. 128 158 Upper West BOW, ~ . ' q i , II. Urbani, Signor Pietro 11. 178 Urquhart, Sir George,' I. 226 Urt, Jacob de, theartist, 11. 74 of, I. I0 V Valleyfield House 111. p Valleyfield Street,'III. 30 Vandenhoff the tragedian I. 350 Veitch, Wiham, the Gdenanting Veitches,Clan rivalries of the, I. 1% Veitch's Square, 111. 75 Vennel, The, I. 38, 258, 11. 221, 122 225, 226, 239, 362, 111. 30; vie; of ~ t a t e 21 Vennel, $he, Newhaven 111. agg Veteran A naval II. 22; VictorilDock, L;ith, 111.284, *285 Victoria Jetty, Leith, Ill. 284, 312 Victoria Statueof Queen 11. 83 Victoria'street, I. 291, *'293. 310, Victoiw. swing bridge, Leith, 111. Victoria Terrace, I. 111, 291, agz, Viewforth Free Church, 111. 30 Vinegar Close, Leith, 111. 226; sculptured stone in, 111. *2z6 Virgin's Square, 111. 75 Vocat, David, 11. 287, 111. 2 Voght theGerman traveller, 11.120 Volunieer Light Dragoons, Ertab lishment of 11. 342 Volunteer review in the Queen's Park 11. 310-32z, 354, Phi< 23 Vyse, beneral, 1 ~ 3 7 2 , 3 7 3 minister, 11. 273 319 ,II. 230 "73.&6 *293r 310 W Wade General 11. 354 Wagekg Clud The 11. 319 Wait the paintk 11; go Walcer of Coatei. Sir Patrick. 11. 111, 116, 111. 2.j Walker Bishop 11. 198 Walker)of Drukheugh, M k , 11. 138 Walker, Dr 1. 235 Walker, JGes, Clerk of Session, Walker, Patrick, 111. 156 Walker Street 11. 210, arr Walkers of CAtes, Misses, 11. 210 Walkers The 11. 265 Wall of 'lam& 11.. Excavation of 11. 217 the I I - z ~ . Wallice k i r h l i a m , I. 24, III. 143 Wallace of Craigie, Si Thomas, I. IOI 378 Wallace of Elderslie, ohn, 11. 344 Wallace, Dr. Kobert,l. go, 11. 180, Wallace, Prof. William, 11. 13 I r Wallace's Cradle," 1. *z5 Wallace's Tower, 1. 36, 4g Wallace's cave and camp, 111. 355, Walter Comvn. I. 21 366 Wnller de H*unkrcokbe I 24 Walter, Earl of Monteitb. i. 13 Ward, hlrs., the actress, 11. 23, 24 Wardie, 111. 84,94, ~4 307 Wardie Bum 111. Wardie Castl; I. 4 2 1 1 . 310 Wardie Crexe'nt, IIi. 307 Wardie Muir, 111. 98, 306 Wardie Point, Ill. 286 Wardieburn House 111. 307 Wardlaw Sir John: 111. 161 Wardlaw' Sir William 11. 23 Wardlaw: Portrait of br., 11. 92 Ward's Inn, 111. 140 Warlaw Hill 111. 331 Warren, SaAuel, the author, 11. Warrender Sir George 111. 46,47 Warrende; Sir John, Lbrd Provost, Warrender, Sir Patrick, 111. 46 Warrender of Lochend, Bailie Lord Warrenddr Capt. John IIJ. 46 WarrenderlHouse 111.'45 +48 Warrender Lodgi, Meaddw Place, Warrend& Park, Old tonib in, 111. Warrender Park Crescent, 111. 46 Warrender Park Road, 111. 46 Warrenders of Lochend, The family, 111. 45 Warriston, Lord, I. 226, 111. 9; Bishop Burnet's account of him, 111.99; hisson,III. IOI loo 111. 46 Provost 111. 46 11. 348 111.29 46 Warriston, Abduction of Lady, 111. WarASton, 111. 96, 306, 321; iu Warriston cemetery, I. 155,111.57, WarristoA'n Close I. 223 224 11. 1x5; Messrs. Cdmbers':printkig office, I. zq, 226; Sir Thomas Caig's house, I. 226 Warriston Crescent, 111.95, IO~, Warriston House, 111. *97,98,101, 98. execution of 111. 9 hitsory, 111. 98 111. 83 10,) 307 125 Gallery, 11. 89 Warriston's Land 111. gg Water-colour coliection, National Water Gate, The, I. 43, 59. 11. z. 114, 182, 185, 191, 202. zog, 217, 751 77, 83,86, 87,907 91,1018 102, 103, 118, 132, 164, 165, 178, 251, of, 111. 42 63 65 67 70 * 7 z . valley of, f11. bz& its'flocds: Water Port, The, Leith, 111. ~ g r Water supply of the city, 1. 82, 326 Water Reservoir, The, Leith, 111. Waterloo Bridge, 11. r g Waterloo Place, I. 234, 339,II. 91, Waterloo Rooms 1. 286 Water's Close, d i t h , 111. 234; old house in 111. 189 Watson Gptain R.N. 11.91. Watson: George,' the phinter, 11. 88, go, 91, 151, 19; his brother Andrew, 111. 161 Watson George 11. 358, 359 (see Watdn's Hoaiital) Watson-Gordon, Sir John, 11. 88, rv 9% 1277 143, 15k, 111. 4 w rother's beouest to the dnii 238, 111. 63, 64,68, 71. ' 73, 74, 252, 270, 322, 333. 360; village 111. 71 213 '04, 1073 109 versity, 111. 26 of, 111. 26 p i t a l , d Watson, Henry George, Bequest Watson ohn 111. 68; his hos- Watson of Muirhouse. Marmet. I. I - , 366 papers, 111. 215 Watson, Robert, and the Stuart Wawn, W i l l i i S.. the artist, 11. 9' '5' Wa&n famil The 11. 91 Watson's Col?& Sihool for Boys, Watson's (George) Hospital, 11. 11. 359,363 :533 347,355,358, 359, *360, 111. -J- Watson's (John) Hospital, 111. 68; view from Drumsheugh grounds, 111. "68 Watson's Merchant Academy, 11. 359 Watt, John, Deacon ofthe Trades, Watt Institution and SchoolofArts, Watt, Provost, 111. 286 Watt, StatueofJames, 1.380 1 1 . ~ 5 Watt, Kobert, Trial and exkcutiou of for treason 11 236-238 Waks Hospirai L k h 111. 265; its founder Ili. 365, :66 Wauchope, d r John h n , 111. 338 Wauchopes of Niddrie, 'lhe, 111. 3=71 30,339 Waverfey Bridge 11. rm 6' Waverley NOV&: I. 211,339.11. 341 ; their popularity on the stage, 1. 354 351 ; their author unknown 11. 26. Sir W. Scott avows deir autdorship, I. 354 Waverley Station 111. 87 Wealth oftheSco;tishChurch,I. 24z Webb Mrs theactress 1.347 Webs&, d. Alexande; I. go Webster, the murderer, iI. 183 Webster's Close, I. go Websten The 11. 2% Weddal kapdin I. 52, 54 Wedde;burn, Laid Chancellor, 11. 111.29 1- "377, 3792 380, 11. 275 11. 150 287,293 39r Wedderbum Alexander, Lord Wedderburn, Patnck, Lord Ches- Wedderdurn Sir David, I. 358 Wedderbum' Sir Peter I. 172 Wedderburn' David Ii. zgr Weigh Ho&, Edirhrgh, The, I. Loughbordugh, I. 271 terhall I. 271 55 5, 328, 334 331. *332 ; the. L i t 1 111. 238 Weir dobert, themurderer, 111.99. Weir) of Kirkton, the wizard, 1.3, 31-312, 11. 14, 230 (sec Major 'I'homas Weir) Weir's Museum, 11. 12s Well-home Tower, I. 20, 3q36,II. 1x5; ruins of, 1. + z9,.80 Wellington Placz, Leith, 111. 178,. 186 Wellington statue, Register House. Wellington Street, 11. 218 Wells of Wearie, 11. 322 Welsh, Rev. Dr 11.98 145, 210 Welsh Fusiliers: Scots' dislike of,. 1. 12% 130 Wemyss, Earl of, 11. 27, 157, 170, 194 354 111.365, 366 ; Countess Wemyss of Elcho Lard 111.94 ~ e m v s s . Sir lam&. I. I. 37% 373 of, t. Id Wemiss; Sir john 1. 194 Wemyss, L i r d of'II. 65 Wemyss, the arcdtect, 111.88 Wemyss Place 11.115 Wesley John 'at Leith 111.227 Wesleyh Me;hodistCl$pel, 11.335 West, the comedian, 1.342 West Bow, The, I. 3, 4, 37, 3:' 94, 98, 131, m-321, 11. 230, 9 3 . 2371 35)r 375, 111. 34, 19; OlCf. houses III, 1. * 324 Wesr Bush, The, aunken rock, 111. 307 West Church, I. 334 11. 82, I o- 138, 3+6, 111. %, 73; new o{II. * 136 West Churchyard, 11.116, 111.156, West Coates Establihed Church, West College Street, 11. 274 West Craigmillar Asylum for Blinb. WCst Cumberland Street, 11. 18% Wet End Theatre, The, 11. 214 West Highland Fencibles, Mutiny- West Kirk Act, 'lhe, 11. 133 Wat Kirk parish The 11.346 West Leith villaie, I d . 63 West Loan 111. 51 WestLondAnStreet 11.1 I 1 1 1 . 1 6 ~ West Maitland &et 19. &J West Meadow, 11. 36: West Nicolson S t e t , 11. 337 West Port, The, I. 38,42,47, so, 60.. 9 76, ~ v r 1 2 2 , ~ 3 0 , 146,330,334~ 1 . 134, 135, 221--230, 241,. 259, 330,111.42, g $ ~ u , 135; old! houses in the, 11. 224 West Port Street, 11. 226 West Preston Street 111. .p West Princes S t r d Gardens, 11- Wes; Regkter'street, I. 114 171,. West'Kichmond Street, I. 384, 11. 11.214 Females, 111. 51 of the 111. 194, 195 82 *IOI 128 130 372 111. 78 WZer The district 11.221 WesteiCoates, Markon of, 11.116 Western Bank, The, 11. a67 Wetern Duddingston, 11. 316; house where Prince Charles slept, Westem hew TO^, The, 11. q- 221 111. ,--Irz Wedrn or Queen's Dock, 111. 283 Western Reformatory 11.~18 Western Road 111. 1:s Westhall, Lord, I. zzz Wet Docks Leith 111. 283 Wettm-all Leut.-ken., 5u G. A., Whale fishery of Leith, The early, Wharton, Duke of, I. 117 Wharton Lane, 11. 221 Wharton Place 11. 359 Whinny Hill ;'he 11. 319 Whim The '111. WhitAeld, &rge,and the theatre, 11. 316 *317 11. 321,'3E2 111.275
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392 I. 344 341, 111. 158; Foote's attack on Whitefield I. 342 Whiteford, Sir John, I.'106,~82, 11. 35 166 111. 161 White Hart, Leg&d of the. I. 11,22 White Hart Inn, Grassmarket, The Whit; Hbrx hot& The, I. 99, 11. Whik Horse Inn, I. 4, 6, 299.303 White House Loan, 111.43, 46,47, Whihorh HOW 11. U, 35 old I1 234 235 *237 21 22739 W%e iron smith, h e first, :I. 263 "White Rose of Scotland, The, Wig Club The 111. 124 Wigan dfred 'the actor, I. 351 W i g h u k , h i d Provost, I. 94 Wigmer, John, 11. 278 Wi ton Earl of 11. 270 Wi&er&rce, William, 11. 336 Wilkes the demagogue 111. 157 Wilkie: Sir David, L ;Os, 11. 89, Wilkieof Foulden 11. 142 w i l l i III., PrAlamation of, I. 62; unpopularity of, 11. 324; proposed statue to, 111. 123 : announcement of the death of, I. 201 W i l l i IV. inLeithRoads, 111.198 W i l l i de Dedervk. alderman, 11. 11. 123 po7.337~ 111. 7' _ . W:fi7ram the Lion King, 11. 46, 50, Willram Foular's Close, 11. 241 Williams, the actor, 1. 348 Williamson, David, the ejected minister 11. 133,111. 67 Williamso~, Peter, the printer, I. 122, 176, 282, 356, 11. 25, 173, 111. 250 Willow Brae The 11.314, 318 Willox, Johi, the Reformer, 11.286 Wilson, Alexander, Provost ofEdin- 339. 111. 94, 174* 327, 335, 346, 347. 361 ' burgh, 1. 131, 2x8 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. Wilson, Execution of Alexander, I. 129, 11. 231, 315 Wilson Charles, painter 11. 86 Wilson; Daniel, antiqdian, I. 10, 14, 21, 118, 126, 139, 142, 150, 178, 207, 213, 217, 221, 228, 230, 245, 262, 267, 268, 276,278, Nos, 317. 11. 6, 7, 9, 11, 21, 34, 58, 379, 111. 2. 32, 37, 46, 47,49, 51, 66, 72. 74. 86, 103. 113, 14 130, 131, 213, 214, 217, 221, 223, 226, 230, 232 234 a38 246 257 258 Wilson, david, th; pokcal' shamaker, I. 230, 11. 25 Wilson; Professor George, 11. 107 Wilson, James (" Ckudero "), 11. Wilson, Patrick, architect, Ill. 50 Wilson, Prof. John, I. 107, 339, 11. 1277 135, 140, 14Zi '42, 143, 193 223, 111. 68, 126; humother, 11. , 155, 156; anecdotes of the prcfessor, I I. 200; his love of dogs, i6. Wilson, Willlam Deputy-Clerk of Session I. 46 '67 163 Wilsm, Fhhweh's;ervant inDarnley's murder, I. 263, 111. 4, 6 Windlestrawlee farmstead, 111. 3 9 Wind Mill The 11. 346 Windmill $tree: 11. 333, 346 Windsor Street 'III. 158 159 Windy Coule, $he, 11. ;IS, 314 Wham, Colonel John, I. 62, 63, WinLm The family of III. 338 Winter A d e n , The, 11: 214, 215 Winton, Earl of, II.34,35. 111. 57 Wishart, George, the martyr, I. w, III.15a Wishart George, minister of Leith andBi;hop of Edinburgh, 11. 14, 111. 254 Wishart, Rev. William, Ill. 219, 101, 116, 135s 1% 2273 2342 2421 250, 2518 253, 2542 258, 327, 3748 250 155, 156, 194, 19s~ !w, 204 =I% 64 65 za Wishprt of Pittarow, James, 111. Wi:&raft, Belief in, I. 255,II. 22 111. I&. DW: Demons accused od , ,_.. ~~~ ~ 11. r~z, 223,330,111.339; witch& burned 11. 181 Ill. 134,155,181 ~odrow,' Rev. Gobert, I. 58, 60, 111, 123, 179, 196, 222, 247 287 11- 10, 17, 23, 133, 354, 111. 99: 191, 260 Women, Sumptuary laws against, I. 198 Wood Lord 11. 174 Wood' Si Andrew, the "Scottish Ne&n," 111. 199, 200, =I, 202, 204 206 214 267 298 Wood th;his;oriaA 111. 107 108 Wood' oseph, the &tor, 1. 3k Wood: kr. Alexander, 11. 283,293, 303, 111.131 Woodbine Cottage, Trinity, 111.79 Woodhall 111. 2 Woodhouhe, IIf. 33 Woodhowlee, Lord, I. 156, 230, 11. I ~ , Z I O , 270, zga, 111.33 Woods theactor I. 347 Wood': Farm 11'115 117 182 Wood's Victo;! kall,'II1.'88 Wool trade, Edlnhurgh the Seat of Wwlmet, near Dalkeith, 111. 134, Wor ouse The 11. 325 Workhouse: Erekon of St. Cuththe, 11. 264 3 3 ~ 3 6 4 , bert's, 11,'135 Works at Neu teenth century, 1 I I . z ~ World's End Close, I. 281, 282 World's End Pool, Dean village, W Ill A" Wright, the acto;, I. 3i1 Wright, Thomas, 111. 47 Wrightsand masons The 11.264 Wright's-houses, Th;, II.'36, 111. subposed denkation, 111.3; ; the lo *32, 3+ *36, 3 9 . its THE END. Napiers of, 111.34; laird of, 111. 33 Wrightslands Lord I. 226 111.32~ Writer's Codt, I. :zo, 186: 229 Writers to the Signet, I. * z * ; libraryofthe I. 123 *1z8, 1%: 186; Society'of the '1. 158 167 built on thesiteof G;orgeHbriot'G workshop, 1. 175 Wyndham, the theatrical manager, I. 8, 351, 11. 179, I l l . 95 W n%am, Mrs., the actress, I. 351, 111. 95 Y Yardheads,The, Leith III.a27,z34 Y y s , Mr. and Mrs.,'I. 343, 344. 3 51 Yelverton Mrs. 111. 307 Yester, Jdmes d r d Hay of, I. 278, 11. 286 Yester, Lady, 1.278,11.286; church of 11. 28 286 187 *n88, ago, 291, zd9, IIL'r58 I he:sons 11. 286 York and AlbAy, Duke)of, 1. 79, 1 5 9 ~ 1 h 355, 371,1I.10~3771 111- 57 York Cardinal I. 71, 7z York'Hotel 11: 230 York Lane '11. 188 York Plac;, 1.366 11. go, 92, 180, 182, I&, 185, 1i6, 187, 188, 190, 199, 328, 111. 158 Young, Charles tragedian, I. 348 Young Si Joh:, l!I. 4 Young: Dr., ph siclan, 91. 17, 18 Young's Land, 11. 159 Younger, the comedian, 11. 24 Yuwn, Andrew, Provost, 11. 278 z Zoologid Gardens, The, 111.88 CASSELL & COMPANY LIMITED, BELLX SAWAGE WORKS, hNDON, kc
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