Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


CONTENTS. - -- CHAPTER I THE KIRK OF ST. MARY-IN-THE-FIELDS. YhCD Memorabilia of the Edifice-Its Age-Altars-Made Collegiate-The Prebendal Buildings-Ruined-The House of the KW-of Field-The Murder of Darnley-Robert Balfour, the Last Pmvost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . I CHAPTER 11. T H E UNIVERSITY. A n ~ l s of the Old Co:lege-Chartem of Queen Mary and James VI.-OM College described-The lirst Regems-King Jdmes?s Letter of 1617-Quarrel with Town Council-Students? IZlot in 1 6 b T h e Principal Dismissed-Abolished Offices-Dissection for the first time-Quarrel with the Town Council-The Museum-The Greek Chair-System of Education introduced by Principal Rollock-The Early Mode of Education-A Change in r7jo-The Old Hours of Attendance-The Silver Mace-The Projects of 1763 and 1789 for a New College-The Foundation laid-Completion of the New College-Its Corporatiop after ~8~&-Pnnapal.-Chairs, and First Holders thereof-Afew Notable Bequests-Income-The Library-The Museums . . . , . . . . . . . 8 CHAPTEK 111. THE DISTRICT OF THE BURGHMUIR. The Muster by James 111.-Eurghmuir feued by James 1V.-Muster before Flodden-Relics thereof-The Pest--The Skirmish of Lowsie Low-A Duel in 17zz-Valleyfreld House and Lmen Lodge-Barclay Free Church-Bruntsfield Links and the Golf Clubs . . . 27 CHAPTER IV. DISTRICT OF THE BURGHMUIR (concZrr&d). Morningside and Tipperlin-Provost Coulter?s Funeral-Asylum for the Insane-Sultana of the Crimea4ld Thorn Tree-The Braids of that Ilk-The FairleF of Braid-The Plew Lands-Craiglockhart Hall and House-The Kincaib and other Proprieto-John Hill Burton- The Old Tower-Meggatland and Redhan-White House Loan-The White House-St. Margaret?s Convent-Bruntsfield House-The Warrenders-Greenhill and the Fairholm-Memorials of the Chapel of SL Roque-St. Giles?s Grange-The Dicks and Lauders- Grange Cemetery-Memorial Churches , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3: CHAPTER V. THE DISTRICT OF NEWINGTON. The Causewayside-Summerhall-Clerk Street Chapel and other Churches-Literary Institute-Mayfield Loan-Old Houses-Fre Church- The Powbnrn-Fernde Blind Asylum-Chapel of St. John the Baptist-Dominican Convent at the Sciennes-Scienns Hill House-Scott and Burns meet-New Trades Maiden Hospital-Hospital for Incurables-Pratonfield House--The Hamiltons and Dick-Cunninghams --Cemetery at Echo Bnnk-lhe Lands of Gmemn-Craigmillar-Dption of the Castle- James V., Queen Mary, and Damlev. wraentthere-QueenMary?sTree--ThePrestonsandGilmours-PeBerMillHo~~.
Volume 6 Page 393
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