Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


GENERAL INDEX. 387 Rhind. David. architect. 11. 147 275, '2 6, I I t . 67 244 . Rhmd, {anet, ToAb of, 11. 262 Riccarton, 111. 319; its loca history, 111. 321 Riccarton House 111. 322 Richard 11. of E h a n d . 11. 2 Richardson, Messrs., tobacconists Richardson, W.L.,theartist, 111.8: Richmond Court 11. 338 Richmond Stree; 11. 188 333, 332 Riding School ?he 11. 1>8 Riding School'Lani, 11. 135 Riddell's Close, I. 110, 1rr,z82, ng: Riddell's Land, I. 98, 110, 11. 9 Riddle Sir Jama 11. 187 194 Riddle's Close, Liith, 111: 226, 22( Ri ht of sanctuary, Edinburgt tastle deorived of the. I. 67 111. 34 , , Rillbank IiI. 55 Riots at ;he Cananmills, 111. 87 Risps, or ancient knockers, I. 94 237, 271, 11. 253 35' Ristori, Madam, the actress, I Ritchie, the sculptor, 11. 134, 147 336 Ritchie, hitch, 111. 79 Ritchie, Prof. Uavid 11. rg6 Ritchie. William. iditor of thq Scoto;mm, I. 284 of the Scottish bank note: RE25 and 5s.. 11. 94 Rirzio, David, Murder of, I. 6, 50 92. 3173 11. 41, 58, 66,68, 70, 71 92; abude of. 11. 11,111. 361 Rivio Joseph 11. 68, 70, Robe4 Abbot)of H~lyrood,~II. 3 Rober;[., 11. 307, 111. 35, 94, 166 Robert II., I. 26, 27. 142, 11. 3 Robeh III., I. 27, 11. 54,111. 317 Robert Bruce, I. 23,24,III. 199,34: Robert Gourlays house, 1. 116 327,343, 348 323 338, 348.354. 362 331, 354, 355 278, 111. 32, 59, 118, 166, 315 *rao 123 &. David. the oainter. 11. 80 Robei III. +, 83; his p;rents,lI~. 7; 78; his birthplace, 111. -77, 78 Robertson, Patrick, Lord, 11. 156 175, 191, 193, 19% zoo, 111. 126 240; Lockhart's description 0: him, 11. I 3 ; Lockhart'sepitaph: an him, I?. 194 Robertson, Dr., I. 101, 231, 236 271, 273, 11. 27, 194: tomb of 11. * 381. (See also the two fol Iaving articles) Robertson, Principal, 1. 106, 261 (See tkc $re. 11. 255, 281, 24% 293. 378, 379 111. 20, 22, 23,45. ceding andfolrauing artider) Robertson, the historian, 11. 168 his death, 111. 49; his materna niece, Lord Brougham's mother 11. 168. (See the two precedizg Robertson Memorial Estahlishec Chutch, 111. 50 Robertson, Dr., the Leith historian 111. 167, 173, 218, 219, zzo, 222 226, zA, 229, 23r. 235, 236, 238. 239,245, 2471 249, 256, 259: 2697 2701 276 Robertson Mr I. 175 Robertsonlof zochart, George, I. 204 206 Robekson of Lude, Lieut.-General. 111. 34 ; his black Servant, ib. Robertson, Geordie, 11. 3'6 Kcbertson, John, and the lepers, 11. I02 Robertson Mrs. Hannah reputed grand-diughter of Chahes II., Robertson's Close, 11. 250, 251 Robertson's Land, I. 178 "Robin Hood,"Gameof, forbidden, I . 116, 277 ; riot in wnsequence, II.21,355 1. 126 "Robin Mend-the-Market," 111. 274 RobRoy, 111,9r; thesonsof,I.70; popularity of the play of, I. 349, 350 Rob Roy's purse, 11. 87 Rohinson, Professor, 11. 86, 191 Rohinson's Land, I. 264 FWwn, the actor, I. 351 Rocheid of Inverleith, Sir James, I Rocheid family The 111. 94 Rocheid of 1n;erleith James, 111. 95 ; his encounter d t h the Duke of hlontaw, ib. ; his mother, ib. 111.94, 343 architect. 11. 184 5, 6 Rollinson, the comedian, I. 350 Rollo, Lord, I. 208 Rollock, Hercules, 11. 288, 289 Rullock of Pilton Peter 111. 307 Rollock Robert,' PrinApal of the Univirsity, I1 -78,111.8,9,16,2 Roman CatholicJchapels attacked by the mob, 11. 282 Roman Eagle Hall I. IrI Romanism, BurleAue on 11. 289 Roman relics and coins i. 10 Roman road near Portdbello. I. 10. . . * I2 I. +I0 319 Roman urn foundnear DeanBridge, Romieu, Paul, the clockmaker, I. Rood Chapel, Broughton, 111. 151 Rose, Bishop Alexander, 11. 22, Rosebery, Archibald Earl of, I. Rosebery Earls of I. g 111. 106 Rosebery: Lord, IiI. :5, 3 5 Rosebery James Ear? of, ?I. 324: singula; advertisement, ib. Rosehaugh, the persecutor, 11. 331, 375 Rosehaughs Close I. 253 25 Rose Court, Georie Stree;, If. 1x8 Rosehill, DavidLord, 111. 30 ROM Street, 11. 146, 158, 159, 163, Rose Street Lane, 11. 150 Rosebank Cemetery, 111. 89 Roseburn Howe 111. I-, 103, *104; lintel at: III. *Io3; 111- scriptions at, ib. Roseburn Mqltings, 111. 102 Rosevale Place 111. 266 Roslin Castle, iII. 346, 3 , *348, 351 ; its early history, 141. 347- s p ; the St. Clairs (Sinclairs), 111. 131 2572 11. 1042 109 96 say, D a d ) ' ;, Lords, I. 66, 11.326, 339,111. 362 Ross of Hawkhead, Lord, 111.260 Ross, John Earl of I. 247 ROSS David comedian, I. 341, 342 Koss: Walte:, the antiquary, I. 230, Ross House 11. 338, 339 Ross Park iI. 338, 339 Rosslyn. Earls of, I. 271-273, 111. 33% 111. 71-73 349- Rosr's Court I. 91 Ross's Towe:. or " Follv." Rothes, Earls of, I. 159, 11. p, 218, Rothesay, Duke of, 1. 26, 27. 142, Rothesay, Earl of, 11. 65 Rothesay Place, 111. 62 Kothiemay, Lady, 1. 281 Rotten Row, Leith, 111. 167. 235 Kotunda The 11. 83 Roubilkk, the'sculptor I. 159 Routing Well, The, 11). 364 Row, Colonel Archibald, I. zoz ; his wife s tomb, 1. 203 Row, the Church hiatorian, 111.260 Rowites The I. 239 Rowland Hili, the preacher, 11. 103 Roxburgh, Dukes of,I. 128,223,Il. ' 5 , '23 Roxburgh, Earls of, I. 223, 11. 3, 15,50,181,111.57; houseof 11.34 Roxburgh, Dr., botanist, IIi. 162 258 11. 47, 243. 111. 31, 32 Roxburgh Close I. 223 Roxburgh Club,'I. 375 Roxburgh parish 11. 135 Roxburgh Place 'I. 362 111 338 Roxburgh Terrice, 11. j38 Royal apartments in Holpood Xowl dank. I. 217. 222, 24% 11. Palace Piate 15 Fro 115, 136 170"171 *17a' the, 1. 182 335337 *?40 *IQ) its curator 111. 98 111. 71 b y a i Bank Ciose, iI1. h 4 ; fire in hsyal Blindksylum andschool, 11. Royal Bo;anic Gardens, 111. gb, Royal kircus, 11. '195, 199, *ZOI, Royal Collegeof Physicians, I. 362, 11. 247 Royal Company of Archers 11.348 3, 354; their hall, Ii. * 3 y : Royal Crescent 111. a6 Royal Edinbuigh Asylum, 111. 25,53 39 Royal Edinburgh Volunteers, I. 63, Royal Exchange, The, I. 79, 183- 187, *r8 191, 228, 229, a42, 255, 11. 281 ?I]. 125 ;.plan of the, I. * t 8 8 ; ;he Council Chamber, I. 11. 307. *377, 111. 105, 264 184, 186, Pkfc 7; back of the Royal Exchange, Plafe 10 Royal family, Submission by the Jacobites to the, 11. 247 Royal gardens, Holyrood Palace, 11. "65 *69, 9 Royal H~ghlanJ Society, 111. 127 Royal Horse Bazaar 11.225 Royal Hotel, 11. I&; its distinguhhed guests, ib. Royal Infirmary, 11. 146, 147, 28r, 282,296, 298-302, 359, 111. 114; thenewbuilding 11.358,359,*361 Royal Institution,'The, 11. 83, 86, 88. 01. 0 2 : in 1810. 11. *84: at .. present -11. "85 =' Royal Lhth Volunteers, The, 111. 198, 264 burgh Castle, I. 32, 36, *68 Royal Life Guards 11. 217 Royal lodging, 0; palace, Edin- Roval Maternitv Hosnital. 11.2'1 Royal Maternity and $impson hie- Royal Medical S&iety, I. 123, 11. morial Hospital 11. 362 yx.303, 111. 266, 311 Royal Riding School, 11. 334, 335 Royal Scots Grey Dragoons I. 64 Rqyal Scottish Academy, 11:86,88, Royal Scottlsh Naval and Military Royal Scotkh Volunteer review, Royal Society, l h e , 11. 83, 86, 204, 89, 9x7 921, I97 Academy 11. 335 11. 320, 354. Plate 23 111. 77 ~Oy.2 Terrace 11.103 Royal Terrace'Gardens, 111. 158 Royal tournaments, I. 35 Royston, Lord I. rrr,273,III.310, 311 ; eccenhc pranks of his daughter, I. 111,135,III.11q, 312 Royston, III.308,310 Koyston Ca5tle, 111. 311 Ruddiman, Thorn=, grammarian, I. 110, 123, 11. 291, 382, 111. 363 Ruddiman, theprinter, 11.310,III. Ruglen, Earl of, 111. 122, 3'7 Ruins of the old Market Closeafter Rule, Principal Gilbert, 111. 14, 16 Rullion Green, 111. p. 334. *337 Rumhold, Richard, 1. 59, 60 Runciman. the oainter. I. oz. axo. 363 the fire, I. *177. Russell Bishop of Leith 111. 187 Russell: Rev. 'Dr. h d a e l , 111. Russell the actor I. 350 Rutheriord, Lord: 11. 98, 174, 111. RutAerford Sir John 11. 356 Rutherford: Alison, iI. 156 Rutherford, Andrew, 11. 156 Rutherford, Dr., the fint inventor 243 68 ITI of gas, I. 274, 276, 11. 383; hu nephew, Sir Walter Scott, I. 276 Rutherford the botanist 11. 1zo Rutherford: Anne(Si WAterScott's mother) 11. 142 Rutherfurd-Clark, Lord, 111.26 Ruthven David Lord I. 178 Ruthven: Williarn Loh I. 6 206 215, 316, 11. 66, 70, 71; II1.'174! his dagger I. 317 Ruthven Si; Patrick, I. 52, 54, 95 Ruthven' the printer 11.18 111.271 Ruthven's Land L i d I. 5x6 Rutland Street, \I. I$, zog Ryan, the actor, 11.23 S Sabbath, Breaches of the, 11. 132, Sadler Sir Ralph, 111. 154 20) Sailin;, Early restrictions on, III. I33 '59 ailors' Home, Leith, 111. a59 'Salamander Land," The, 1. 142 Salamander Street, Leith, 111. 239 Salisbury, Earl of I1 305 Salisbury Craigs, \. I&, 384,II. 60, 161, 303, 305, 34, 3'372 311. 111, 142 Salisbury Road 111. 55 Salmon, Charle;, the local poet, 11. 310 111. 164 Salmon Pool, The, Water of Leith, Salt Backet The, 11. 178 Saltoun, h i d , 11. 343, 344 Fmpson's Grave,!I. 319 Sarnsou's Ribs, I. 11. 11. 312, 313 Sancto Claro, W i l l i de, 111. 35 Sanctuary Court-house, 11. 11 Sand Port Leith 111.171, 177,281 Sand PoriStreet' Leith 111. 259 Sandford Bishod 11. 1:6 111. 147 Sandford: Sir Dakel K. iI. 126 Sand-glasses, Use of, in law courts, Sandiland, James, 111. 42 Sandilands, Sir James, I. 195, 245, 302 11. 47 65 111. 116 Sandhand's ho;e I 240 Saughton Bridge'IiI. 319, *3zo Saughton Hall, iII. 19 Saughton House, I d . 3 9 , * 320; a drunken brawl I11 19 Saughton Laan knd,'dl. 319 Saunders Street, 111. 76 Saxe-Coburg Place 111. 75 Schmitz, Dr.Leonhh, 11.111,III. School House Wynd, 111.2 School Lane, 111. 28 Sciennes Court, 111. 54 Sciennes Hall 111. 51 Sciennes Hill house 111. 55 Sciennes b a n III. \4 Sciennes, The,' 111. 29, 50, 51, $2, I. I72 81 Scott William Lord Stowell, I. 299 Scott: LordJdhn, 111. 322 Scott, Sir Gilbert, the architect, 11. 111, 213, 111. 243 Scott, Sir John, 1. 210 Scott, Sir Walter, I. 3, 7, 12, 7'. 75, 1077 '23,1% 1% 150, 1549 163. 166, 171,173, 179, 182, 211, 222,
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