Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


386 OLD AND NEW' EDINBURGH. 'Plague in Leith, The 111. 180,186 Plainstane's close ~ i . 235 Playfair, Dr. Lyo;, 111. 24 Playfair, Professor, 1. 339, 11.106, 1% 1p,z70' monument to,II.rro Playfaii, W. H., architect, I. 379, 11. 83 88, 97, 106, 110, 2x41 335, 111. ;3, 68, 83 Playhouse Close 11. 23 Pleasance, he, i. 38, 253,278,295. 298, 335, 382-384, 11. 3, 218 135, 240, 301, 3247 330, 337, 3383 345, 111.54 ; origin of thename, I. 382 Plewlands, The, 111. 42 Pocketsleve 111.92 PokerCluh ?he, I . ~ O , Z ~ T , I I I . I ~ ~ Police of Ehinburgh, 11. 120 Police Office, I. 242 Political unions. Illegality of the, . - - 11. 236, 237 Pollok. Robert. 11. ICO Polton Lord iII. 3;6 PolwAh d d y 11. aog Pont, dkrt, dinister of St. Cuthbert's Church 11. 131 I 2 Pont, Robert, hrovost 'o?Trinity Pontheus, John, the quack doctor, Poole's Coffee-house, 11. xza Popular songs of 1745, I. 325 Port Hopetoun, 11.~15~226 ; Edinbur h Castle from, 11. *a16 Port .ft. Nicholas, 111. 171 Portmus Captain I. 130 111.262 263 ; hHnged b;the mdb, I. 130: College, 1.305, 307 I. zoo, 201 ~. z3i, 11. 2 I, 232 Porteous john, herald painter, 111.4: Porreou~ riots I. 4 123, 128-1 I 178, 218, 3:g; h n t i n g ~f t2: 111. III .___ ._ Portland, Henrietta Duchess of, Portland,'Duke of, 111.42 Portland Place 11. zza Portobello, I. h3, 111. 138, 143- 154165; Romanroadnear I. 10, fro; view of Portobed, III. :IN, *152, *r53: plan of, 111. . 147: churchesandchawls. 111. II.rg1 111.42 - . 147; * 153 Portobello Hut. 111. IM Portobello review lhe' '111. 146 Portobello Koad '111. ;38 Portobello Sand; 111.145, Plate p Rortsburgh CO& House, 11. *=I. - 2=4 Porbburgh, The Eastern, I. 3 8 , k l p , I I . 222 224 226 227,22gr 334 33s ; anciehtly H htirgh, 11. 103 Post Office, The old, I. 274 338, *356; the new I. 340, 351, 353, *357,358.364; ;he Scottishpostal system, I. 353- 58 : itsexpenses at various periJs, I. 355,356; its posf-ten 1.354,355,39; the vanous po&office buildings, I. 358 Post Office Close, I. 358 Potato, The introducer of the, 11. p Potterrow, The, 1. p, 335,II. 135, 231, =4=r 274. 327, 330, 33% 332, Potterrow ort, 11. 257, 334 331, 111.3 Poulterer The King's 111.66 Poultry AndS. Dean,'III. 65, 66 Poultry Market The old I. 373 Powburn, The ' 11. 267 ' 111. 29 I 58; its otier names: Powburn House 111. 51 Powderhall III:88 8g *g3 Powrie, di1liaq 'ac<ornplice ot Bothwell in the murder of Darnley, 1. 263, 276, 111. 4, 6 Prayer, An ambiguous, 11. 133 Preaching Friar's Vennel, The, I. Preaching Window," Knox'r house, I. 214 3331 3 3 4 , p 345, 111. 51 81.:; ' '( p7,258 Pre-historic Edinburgh, I. 9-14 Prendergast's revenqe, 11. 52, 53 .Prentice, Henry, the introducer 01 Presbyterian Church, Re-establish. .Preston, John, Lord Fentonbams, the potato, 11. 30 ment of the, 11.246 -1.206 - Preston, Sir Michael, I. q &ton of Craigmillar Provost Sir ?reston of Craignillar. Sir Richard. Henry, 11. 242, 278,'III. 61 111.61 ?reston of Craigmillar, Provost Sir Simon, I. w, 305, 11.279.111. 58, 59, 61, 62, 107 'reston of Valleyfield, Sir Charles, 11. 26, 335 326, 330. ,331: 332. ?reston, Lieut.-General, I. 322,323. ?redon relic, bt. Giles's Cathedral, I. 140 ?restonAeld manor-house, 111. *56, 57, 58 ?restongrange, Lord, 11.242, 272, 111.10 ?restonpans, 11. 283 16,.340, 111. IM, 174, a63; the' ishermen of, 111. 300 ; battle of (see Battles) ?reston Street, 111. 50 ?retender, Defence of the, 111.194 ?rice, Sir Magnus, 1. 117 ?nestfield or Prestonfield, I. 3 2 6 3 . Primrose, Viscount, I. m3,II. 124; Primrose, Si Archibald, I. 91,111. ?rimrose Lady Dorothea, I. 257 Primus 'khe title 11. 246 Prince 'Anne of benmarks Dragoons I. 64 Prince kharley's house, Duddmgston 11. *317 Princ;Consort, The, I. 358,II. 79; memorial to, 11. 175, '77, a84 PrinceofWales, Marrageof, 11.284 Prince of Wales's Graving Dock, Leith, 111. 286, q8g 358, 3647372r 11- 93, 95, 99s 100, 14, 1x0, 114, 117, 118, 119-130, 176, 182, 191 no6, zog, ?XI, 213, 372, 383,111.'146, 295 ; view from Scott'smonument, 11.*124: view looking west, 11. * '25 hinale, Andrew Lord Haining, I. 315, III.5p Viscountess, I. 104 I06 Princes Street, I.39,a55,295, 339. 131,136, 139, 151, 163, 165, 175, 27; Pringle, Sir Walter, I. 1% Pringle, Thomas 11. 140 Pringle of Stichel, Colonel, 111.45; Printed, Number of, in Edinburgh Printing-press, The first, in Scot- Prison& of 'war in Edinburgh Privy C&ud, Imd Keeper of the, Proctor John thecartoonist,III. 82 Project' for :urprising Edinburgh Promisc;ous dancing, Presbyterian Property Investment Society, I. 123 Protestant Institute, I. zg , 11. z6a Provost of Edinburgh, Salary and privileges of the, 11. 281, 111. 270; his first appearance in official decorations, 11. 282 Provost Stewart's Land. West Bow, Lady 11. 163 in 1779, I. 318 land I. 142 255 Castle 11. a48 1. 370. 372 Castle I. 67 abhorrence of, I. 315 I. 325 Provosts of Leith, The, 111. q, Provat's Close, 11. 277 Provost's House. Kirk+f-Field, 219, zm, 270 111.3 Publicopinionin Edinburgh, Weak. ness of formerly I. 285 PuirFolks'Purses:The,I. 138, 11.6 Pulteney, Sir ames 1. 106 '' Purging *' o/ the Scottish army, Furitan g&ner,Anecdote ofa, 1.56 Pye, Sir Robert, 111. 260, 261 111. 186 187 Q Quadrangle, The, Holymod Palace, Quality Street. Leith, III.2~1,235, 11. '76 . . Q,';?ity Wynd, Rotten Row, Leith Quarry Holes, The, 11. 101, zw Queen Mary (sec Mary Stuart) 111. 173 111. 128, 133, 151 Queen Mary's Apartments, Holyrood Palace 11. 66, * 67, 74 ; h u bedchambei, ib. Queen Mary's Bath, 11. 40, 41 !&.en Mary's Bower, Moray House 11. *32 33 &een Mary's r&m Dungeon in Edinburgh Castle below, I. *ZI, ,R Q&en Mary's room, Rmeburn House, 111. 103 Queen Mary's sundial 11. 68, 73 Queen Marys tree i1. 316; her pear.tree, Mercdiston Castle, Plate 26 ; her tree at Craigmillar Castle 111. 59 *60 . Queen itreet, iI. 115, 151-158, *16o 162 175 186 18 ,194, 199, Que& d e e t Gardens, 11.185~194. &eenptreet, k i t h , III.r73,qo, Queen's Dock Leith 111. 283 285 Queen's Drivi, The, \. XI, 11.'303. ZW ;U2 d83, iI8, i72, III. 74,106 am ueen Street Hall 111. 88 231, 232 312 Brigade, 1. 286 the, Ptate 23 turret near the I. * 49, 78 11. 17 Queen's Edinburgh Rifle Volunteer Queen's Park, Volunteer review in Queen.s Post, Ancient postern and Queen's Theatre k d Opera Houl, Queen $ctoria'svisit to Edinburgh, 11. 354, 362 Queensberry, Duke of, I. 162. 164, 11. 8, 35, 38, 225, 226, 351, 111. Queensberry Duchess of I 155, 11. 37 ; herleccentric habh,.II. 38 Quernsbeny Earl of, 11. a53 Queensberry'House, Canongate, I. 1058 1'55, 327. 11. 10, 357 36, 37, 38; its present use, 11. 38 Queensberrv Lodge, 11. 38 Queensferry, I. 16, 19,II. 101. I!I. Q u e e n 2 4 Road, 11. 115,185,sm, Qneensferry Street, 11. 136 Qqhitncss John of, Provost, 11.278 Quince? +hornas de, 11. 135, 140, 246, 265,365 63,211, 306,307,314 ; theherrug fishe at 111. p 207, 111. 255 - II.74,359 R Rae Sir David 11. 26 203 ~ a e l Sir Wildm 11. ;27, III. 33c Rae: Lady, !I. &, 339 &burn, Sir Henry, I. 119, 159, a y , 384, 11. 88, go. gz, xzz,1z6, his stepdaughter, 111. 77 Hadical Road," The, 11. II I. 285 11. 188 187. 188, 111. 7lr 74, 6, 77, 140; Raeburn Place, 111.79 Railston Bishop of Dunked, 11.54 Railway;, their influence foreseen, Ramsay, Allan (see Allan Ramsay: Ramsay, Allan, the painter, 1. 83, Ramsay, Sir Alexander 11. 206 Ramsay, Sir Alexander,'Provost, I. Ramsay of Dalhousie. Sir Alex. y s Close, 11. I8 '99 ande;, I. 24, 25, 111.354, 355 Ramsay of Abbotshall, Sir Andrew. I. 311, 11. 74 ; Lord Provost, 11. ,281 Ramsay, Sir George I. 162 Ramsay, Sir John, IiI. 42 Ramsay of Balmain, Sir John, 11. Ramsay, Sir William 11. 166 Ramsay of Dalhousii, Sir W i l l i i 239 111.94 Ramsay, William, banker, 11. 362 111. 124 Ramsay, Cuthbert, I. 258 Ramsay Dean 11. 126, 205, 206 portrait of, 1;. * 128 Ramsay, Duel between Sir Georgq and Capt. Macrae, 111. 13-14, Ramsay, General John, I. 83, I1 I28 camsay, Lady, and Capt. Macrae, <amay Lady Elizabeth 111.32 Zamsay: Miss Christian,'her fondcamsay, The Misses, 111. 138 camsay Garden, I. 83, 11.82 ; view camsay Lane, 1. 87. 91 camsay Lane, Portp,bello 111. *153 <amsnpS, Peter, White Horse <am$y's Fort, Leith, 111. 171 tandolph Earl of Moray 11.47 candolph' Sir Thomas ; successful re-captlre of the Castle by, 1. 24 candolph Cliff, 111. 70,75. f'tate 28 candolph Crescent, I. 237, 11. 11.5, ZW, 2057 2071 20% 209 bnkeillor Street 11. 39 cankenion Club,'The, 11.180 lavelrig, 111. 334 tavelrig Hill, 111. 331 <avelston, I. 331, Ill. 79, 106 tavelston House 111. 106, 108 <wen's Craig ri. 307 <awdon Lad;Elizabeth, 11. 18 <ay Jdhn rectur of the high Sc~ool, Ii. 290 <eade,Charles, thenovelist, 111.303 ieay George Lord II. 272, 111.8 <ay: Lady ElLabTeth Fairlie, 12 tecord of Entails, I. 372 cedbraes manor-house, 111. 88, 89. * 93. its changes, 111. p ' !&gauhet," References to, 11. <edhallCastle, 111.313; themanor tedheughs, 'I he 111. 114,31g,33r <ed House The' 11. 330 teed. Robert. K'inp's architect. 11. 111. 139--14I ness for cats, 11. 18 from Princes Street, Pidr 17 Inn ' 1. zgg 272, 346 270 house, 11.43 R&rig, KLdS of, 111. 134, 135, Restalrig Lwh, 111. 13 Keston Lord, 11. 199 Restodtion festivals 11. 334 Restoration of Cha;les II., Popularity of the, I. 55, '59, 176, 11. 334 Restoration of James VII., Plots for the I. 66 Review dfScottish Volunteers, 1860, 11. 284.354 ; Plate 23 RevoliitionClub,The, 111. s a 3 ; i t ~ meLI, I. *63 . 168
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