Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


GENERAL INDEX. 385 - Nisbet Lord 111. 67 Nisbet: Sir .&exander. 111. 136 Nisbet Sir Henry 111. 136 Nisbet: Sir John,?II. 10, 111. 66, Nisbet, Sir Patrick. 111. 66, 67. 136 Nisbet, Henry, 111. 66; manumentto I1 134 135 Nibet df bear;, Provost Sir William, 11. 280. 111. 26. 65, 66 ; Lady, I!. 335. 111. 66 Nisbetmuir Battle of (see Battles) Nisbets of Craigantinnie, The, 111. 136 138 Nisbdts of Dalzell The 111. 65 Nisbets of Dean,?rhe, ?111. 65,67, 136, 137 138 Nisbets of Dirleton, 11. 335, 111. 135, 138 ; houseoithe. 11. IO.*IZ Nisbett, Execution of Sergeant John. 11. 231 Noble Place, Leith, 111. 266 Noel, Miss, the vocalist, I. 350 Nollekens the sculptor 11. z8a Non-jura& The, 11. ;46 ; burialplace of, 111.131 Normal ghool of the Church 01 Scotland I. 2 5 296 Norman Rks, t$?assassin of Lady Baillie 111. 156, 157 Norrie John !he decorator I. zgg Norrie: the ;inter, I. 89, li. go North Bank Street 11.95 North Bridge, I. 3ir 238, 245, 302, 334-344 358, 11. 2% 94, 99. Im, 111. 67 150 152 ; view of, Platd 12; con&udtionof, I. 337, 338,II. 281 ; fall of, I. 338; widening 01 the. I. $60: east side of the. I. No-Pope riots of 1779, I. a61 120, 126, 177, 178, 706, 283, 338, 34636;? . North Bridge Street I. 338 North British and hercantile In. surance Company, 11. 123 North British Investment Cam. I28 North British Rubber Company, 11.219, azo Pro!. John) North Christopher (see Wilson, North College Street, 11. 174, 111. 178 Home?s residence ib. North Hanover Street, 111. 242 North Inverleith Mains. 111. w6 . - N%h Leith, 11. 3,336,111. p, 9% 165, 166, 187. 188,. 193, 197.=g, ~51159, 295. Brid e of 11. 7 111. 167 : th; old ciurci, of 6,? Ninian, 111. 251-255; the neu church 111. 255, fa57 Nort Lkth Free Church, 111. z5! Nortk Leith Sands, 111. 258 North Leith United Preshyteriat North Ldch, I. 10, 20, 31, 38, 103 118,182, III.86,162; the botanic garden, I. 61 6 accidenrs U the North k? 21: 81, 82 North Quay Leith, 111. 210 North ueeAsferry 111. 282 North Zt Andrcw htreet 11. 1b0 Northern?Club The II.?151 Northern New?TowA, The, 11. 18; North&, Earl of, 11. 166,111. p NorthumberlLd, Imprisonment o Northumberland Street II.198,1p Norton, The Hon. Flktcher, 111 Church 111. 255 119, 183, ZP, 234 238, 3 4 335 337. 358,II. % 81, 99, 1 1 4 , w -189 Countess of 11. 21 the Earl of, 11. 242 127, 128 School 111: 1z8 11.168 Norton Place 111. 165 ; the Boar< Nottingtkn Place 11. 103 Numerous societi& in one house 0 Oakbank grounds 111. 54 Oakeley, Prof. Sd Herbert, 11.34 145 lbservatory, The old, 11. IW, 106; lchiltree, Lord, I. 195, 196, 214, khterlony, The family of, 11. 165 Jdd Fellows? Club, 111. 123 3dd Fellows? Hall, 11. 326 lffensive weapons, hlanufactun of, Jgilvie Sir Alexander, I. 236 3gilvie: Imprisonment of Lady, I. ? 70 Dgilvie, Colonel, 11.310 Dgilvie, Gorge, 1. 121 3gilvie Thomas, Family of, 1. 70 311-paihings in the National Gal- D?Keefe?s ?? Recollections,? 1. rgr 31d and New lawn, Scheme for 31d Assembly Close, I. 245 ; ruins 31d As2ernbly Hall I. 190 31d Assembly RooAs, I. 242 31d Babylon, Leith, 111. 227 230 31d Bank Close, I. 117, I,& 282, 31d Broughton, Remains of the Old Canonrhls House, 111. 88 Dld Dea?haughHouse, 111. 77 Old fighting mannersol Leith, 111. Old Fishmarket Close, I. 189, 190, the new, 11. 14, 111. 270 215, 111. 174 11. 263 lery, 11. 88, 89 joining the, 11. 95 ofthe 1. *244 11. 95 villap of 11. 1% 199 241 Dld High School Wynd, 11. 284, 111. 12 Old High School Yard, 11, 286 Old houses in the West Port near the haunts of Burke and hare, 1869 11. *224 Dld hduses, Society,185z, 11. *272 Old G.rk St Giles?s Cathedral Meetiniof b General Assembli in the Phte 13 Dld Plaihouse Close 11. 23,?s DldSchool The II.?rrr Old ScienAes HAuse, 111. 54 Dld Stamp Office Clox I. 231,275 Old 6urgeon?s Hall I. ;8r Old timber-fronted? houses, Lawnmarket, I. ?108, IIO Old Toll Cross 11. 345 Old Town, Views of the, I. 16; Plate 4 ; Plate 16 Old Weigh-house, Leith, I. 186,188 Old West Bow I. 295 Oliphant Lord 11. 8 Oliphant?of Ndwton, Sir William, 11. 47, 379, 111. 364; his family, 111. 364 Oliphant of Newland, House of, Oliphant of Rossie MR Oliphant, Than&, P&ost, 41. Oliver and Boyd Messrs., 1. 281 O?Neill Miss adtress I. 108, 34 Orange: ExGcted dnding of t\e Oratory of Mary of Guise, I. *97 Orde. Chief Baron. 11. xcz: anec- 11. 7 11. 17 278 Prince of. 11. 306 do& of hisdaaglker, 11; I& Ordnance, The Castle, 1. 35, 36 Organ in St. Giles?s Cathedral, I. C47 ; in the music-class room, 11. Original Seceder Congregation, 11. ?335 _. 119, 1 8 2 , ~ 7 . 348, 350 -- Ornuston trd of, I I I . 4 , 6 , 150 Omond ?Duchess of 111.62 Orphan hospital The, I. 2x8, 340, 359, 364 *361,?365 111- 67. *68 Orphan Hospital Park, I. 338 O r Captain John 11. 138, 35 Orrbck, Robert, blacksmiti, 11. Osborne, Alexander, the volunteer, Osborne Hotel The 11. 125 Otterburn, .%?A&, I, 43, 111. 237, 238, 111.67 11. IQ 43, 58 Otway, Admiral, 11. 171 Otway Silvester I. 179 Ought&, SirAdhphus, II.z+j?,pg, 3101 111. 195, 196 ?Our Lady?s altar,? St. Giles?s Church, 111. 107 ?Our Lady?s Port of Grace,? ancient name of Newhaven 111. 295 ?Our Lady?s Steps,? SL Giles?s Church I. 147 3utram h e r of Sir James 11.126 3ver Idw, The, 11.64, 22: Dxenford, Viscount, I. 378 Oxford Terrace 111. 71 Oyster parties patronised by ladies, I. 255, 111. 126 P Paddle ship, Curious, exhibited at Palace Gate, &e, 11. 40 Palace Yard 11. 310 Palfrefs In; 11.241 Palliser Capiain Sir Hugh, Amst and ikprisonment of, 111. 277 Palmer?s Lane, 11. 337 Palmerston, Lord, 11. 39 Palmenton Place 11. 211,214 Panmure, Earls of, I. 214, 11. 20 Panmure Close, 11. 20, 21; lintel of lohn Hunter?s house. 11. *ZI Leith, 111. I 8 PanGurc House, 11. 20, ZI Pantheon Club, The, I. 239 Pantheon The, 11. r79 Paoli?s v i h to Edinburgh, I. a99 ? Pap-in,? an old-fashioned dnnk, Papists Prosecution of I. 215 Pardodie of I. ;z Paris, a&mplice bf Bothwell in Darnley?s murder 111. 4, 6 Park Bum Gilmer&n 111. 351 Park Plac:, 1 1 . ~ ~ 3;6, 358 ;view Parkstde, I 355 Park Vale, Leith, 111. 266 Parliament Clcse, I. 132, 136, 143, 170, 174-182, zoo, 358, 11. 236, 243,271, 347,III.46,76 ; descnption of, 1. 174; view of the, I. *r68 ; proposed statue of Oliver Cromwell 111. 72 1. ?79 of, 1?. *p Parliament ?bun, Leith, 111.227 Parliament Hall, I. 158, 159, Pbtr 6; narrow escape from fut in 1700, I. 161 Parliament House, I. 56, 122, 124, 157-173, 174.178, 181, 187, 190, zrs. 223, 334 336,374.11. v , 7 5 , 13% 24% 246 270 282 293, 339, !11. 113, 186: 2.z: th<old building, I. ?160,+*161; its present condition, 1. 164 ; plan of the, I. * .hn P&i& House, The ancient, Parliament, Riding of the, I. 162 Parliament Square, I. 175,178, 181, Parliament Square Ieith, 111. a47 Parliament stairs, i. 17gr +II. k i t h , 111. Yz4g 182, 19o92s5,I1. 78,10g2 1% 228, 260, 111. 31. -4, I I ?-Q PL&ments held at Holyrood, 11. Parsons, Anthony, the quack, 11. Parson?sGreen,II.318 I 111.165 Passenger stages, EstaLUnent of, Patemn House of Bishop 11. 22 Patersodthe blacksmith, Ih. 345 ; Paterson?s Court, I. 102 Patehn?s House, Bailie fohn, 11. Paterson?s Inn, 11. 267, 268 Paton, Lord Justice-Clerk 11. 153 Paton. Si Noel. the pint& 11.9 ; Paton, the antiquarian, I. rrg Paton, Miss, the actress, I. 350 Patrick Cockburn. governor 01 Edinbumh Castle, 1. 31 Paulitius, Dr. John 11. pa Paul Jones, the p k t e , 111. I*, 4647 260 1. m his sculptured abode, ib. 10, 11, 111.261 his sister, 11. IF 196 197, agZ Paul Street, 11. 337.. Paul?s Work. I. *xii.. -I. w. 11. .- _ ? . 1 6 111. IS Paul?s Work, Leith Wynd, 111.1% Paunch Market, Leith, Ill. a p Paving of the Grassmarket 11. z p Paynq Henry Neville, SAfferings Peat Neuk. The, Leith, 111. 147 Peddie, Rev. Dr., 11. 3a6, 111. 101 Peehles Wynd, I. 192, zd, 219, 245, of, I. 66 374, 382 Peel Tower, The, I. 36,49 Peffer Mill 111. 61.62 Peffermiln.?II. 231 Pennant, the topographer, 11.101 Pennicuik, Alexander, the poet, 111.35 burgh I. 122 56 11. 28 Penny post, The first, in Edin- Pentlad Hill; h.*314. d1. 324: gold found in the, I. 269; k t t l e of the (we Battles) Perth Duke of 1. 326 330 Perth: Earl of,?II. 281: 111. 57 Perth, ImprisonmentoftheDuchess of, I. 69 Pestilence, Edinbur h visited with a, 111.29.35 (scc-%?gu=) ?Peter?s Letters to his Kinsfolk,? 1. 173s 1748 211s 375 11. 14% 175, 18a, 186. 190, 195,111. 110 Pettycur, 111. 211 ?Peveril of the Peak,?? Curious story in, 11. 244 Pewterer, The first, 11. 263 Philiphaugh, Lord, I. 223 ; Lady, 11. 339 Phillip, John, pahter, 111. 84 Philliside, 111. 138 Philosopher?s Stone The 11.~5 Philosophical 1nsti;ution: The, ?I. Phrenological Museum, 11. 275 Physic Gardens, The old, 1. 308, Physicms, College of, I. 278, 11. Pliysicians &U,,The old, 11. q6, 149, 159. ~ t s library 11. 146 Picardie $illage and Gayfielrj House 11. *185 PicardieiTilage, II. 177, 186, III. 342 Picardy Gardens 11. 186 Picardy Place ?11. 85, 185, 1% 111. 63, 158, i61 Pier Place Newhaven 111. q.7 Piers de Lbmbard Sir? I. 24 Piershill barracks?III: 138,qa Piersnill HO~X 1?11. 142 Piershill Tollbai, 11. 319 111. I@ Pilkington the architect,? 11.114 Pilrig, I d . 88, 91. 92, 165; its loul history 111. gr ; the manorhouse 111. $92 163 Pilrig F;ee Churdh, 111. 163, *.I+ Pilrig Model Buildings Asoaation, PiEikZreet 111.163 Pillans, Jaies, the High School Pilton Lord 111. PinkeAon, john, advocate, 111. 5 4 199, 200, 2O21 315 Pinkie Battle of (see Battlesh PinkiiHouse, I. 331 Pinmaker The first 11. 263 Pious (PiAhouse) dub, 111. 124 Pipes, The (watarcservoir), Lath, 152 335, 962, 363, 111. 162 153. !55,,2 8 rector, 1. 379, 11. 194, 294, wr 296 I l l . 213 Piracy in the Scottish waters, 111. 182 Piratical murder of three Spaniards by Scotsmen 111. 184 Pine?s close 1?1. z Pmieiield, I h h , ill. 266 Pitarm, Lady, I. Pitcairn, Dr. h%d, I. *18r, 182, 251, 311, 11. 11~3% 382,111. P,&m, Rev. ?humas, II.133,IW Pitfour, Lord, I. 170, 241 Pitrnilly, Lord 11. 174, 227 pitsottie, ~ & n i c ~ e of I. 15o,r5r, 262, 11. 61, 6&65, d 7 , 285, 111. Pitskgo Lord I. 164,180 Pitt, cl$ntre;?s statue of W i , Pitt Street 11. 19 Plaa of G:!menon Ill. 343, Plague, Edmburgh)infeaed mth a, . 15 4% 54, sa 267 28 59, = 11. q r I. 19% 242, 298, II.6,7.306, 33% 380, II1.65,1* 186,
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