Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


382 LennoxTower 111. *333, 334 . Leopdd Place,?IlI. 158; Greenside Church from, Ill. * 161 Leper Hospital, Greenside, 11. 102 Leslie, Sir Alexander, I. 51. 52, 95, 158, 227, 11. 18z,33o,III. 43,113, IIL?IO~ 105 Leslie, PArick, 111. 338 Leslie, the comedian, I. 351 Leslie Place 111. 77 Lestalric, a&ient name of Restalrig, 111. 130 131 132 Letter-& Violation of I. 354 Letters of Marque Leith III. 27 Leven and bIelvillb, David Earl 08 Ceven, Countess of, 11. 166 Leven, Earls of, 1. 63, e, 91, 178, 134, a66, 111. p, 161 186 250? attackedin the HighS;reet,?L 198 Leven Lodge 11. 356,111. p Leven Street? 11. 222 Lqvyntoun, john of, Alderman, 11. 11. 335,s 337 ??P *I? Lewk, Mr. and ME., lessees, I. 346 Lcyden, Dr. John, Scott?s friend, Liberton, Williim or, Provost, 11. 241 278 111. 327 LibeAon, ?Lord, 111. 338 Liberton 111. 58, 314, 326 Phte 35; its? local tustory, d. 327 ; the church, ib. Liberton Tower, 111. 327, ?329 Liberton?s Wynd, 1.3, 11% 124 122, 01% 292,335,II. 228, 234 241,246 Liddell, Sir James, 11. 239 Life Association of Scotland, 11.123 LifeCuards Prince Charles?s I. 327 Lighthouse,?The Leith, Ill. ;79 Lighting the NewTown, I. 11g.120 Limoi,in, Sir Kichard de. I. 26 Lindores Lord 1. 154 Linlithgdw, Eah of 1.378 111. 263 Lindcsay, Sir Alexhder, i. 83, zq Lindesay of the Mount, Sir David, 1. 141, 207, 212, 371,II. 102, 127, 111. 471 49, 5% 130, 217 223 Lindesay of Pitwottie, Hi. 290. zg8 Lindsay Earl of 11. 234,258 Lindsay: Lord, d 158,159, ?6,215, Provost 11.289 Lindsay, $atrick, Lord Provost, 11. 282 Lindsav of Edzell. Sir Walter. I. 111. 359. 11. 70, 71, 116, 315, 374, 111.64; q in. 219 ? h d & y Master of 11. 111.174 Lmdsay) the chronher ill. zzz Lindsaylof Lochill. bekd, 111. ?36. i379 238 . h d s a y David first Protestant minister of Leith 111. 179, I&, 182 zig Lind& Lady Sophia I. 59 Links Pane Leith IIi. 262 Linnell Join the?painter 11. 91 Lintel ?of dkrwav in ?Davnev Douglas?s Tavern-, 1. *236 Linton Road Ill. 47 Lion?s Haunc?h, The, Arthur?s Seat, 11. 3Jq Literature, Attempt to curb the increaseof I. 154 155 Little, ClemLnt, advocate I 1x1, 11. 382, 111. 8; gift ofhklibrary to the University 111. 26, 330 Little, William, Pldvost, I. I I I , I I . 289, 382, 111. 8 26 Little France, Ckiigmillar Castle, Little France, Niddrie 111. 338 Little acFs C I ~ II ?19 Little Ling Street? 11: 178 Little Kirk The h. 133, *135 Little London. kith. 111. 2x8. 270 111. 59 Little Mound?The il. w, <& -_ Little Picard; 11. k j Livingstone, Sir Alexander, I. zg, p Livingstone, Sir James, 11. 31 Livingstone James Lord 1.247 Livingstone: Imprisonmeh of wil- Iiam, l. 246 Zvingstone, Jean, Lady Warriston, , murder of her hus- ~ n ? d ~ ? l p p d , ; her execution ib. Livingstone, Dr,, Statue of, 11. ~p OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. Livingstone?sYard, I. 70,331~II.225 Lmount House, 111. p 5 L m , engraver. 11. go, gx, 111.79 Lloyd, the comedian, I. 351 Loanhead I l l -51,358 Loan of droug?hfon, The, 11. I& Localgovernment of Leith, 111. mg Loch of Carnbie, 11.282 Lochaber*axes of the City Guard, I. 135. 138, 155. 11. 29 Loch End, Ill. 132, *137, r51, 165, Loch End Water of 111. 118 Lochiel, the HighlaAd chieftain, I. Lochinvar, Laird of, I. 153 Lochrin 11. 218, 347 Lochriddistillery, 11. 215 Lockhart, Alexander, Lord Covington, I. 170, Ill. a35; hisdefence of the ?45 prisoners, I. 170 Lockhart, Alexander, of Craig How, 111.42 Lockhart of Carnwath Sir George, I. 64, 97, 116, ?118 ;70, 23g,a48, 272 ; murder of, L?117, 11. 217 Lockhart Sir John Ross 11. 339 Lockhart: John Gibsan, bn-in-law and biographer of Sir W. Scott, 1.14 174, 375,II.26,28, 30,144 141, 162, 1637 194, 200, 2% 3 2 3831 111. 55974 LW%L of Carnwath, George, I. 247 Lockhart of Castlehill, 11. mg Lockhart of Dryden Captain Philip, Ill. 356; exgcution and burial of with others, 111. 356 Lockhart. ;Se Solicitor-General, I. zq 325. 326, 330~ 334. 111.326 65 163. Lochart, Captain, I. IOF Lockhart. William. Logan Sir Robert LogaLof Coatfield.? Provost Rohrt, ii. 101)Z79 ? Logan Rev. George, I. 318 Logan: Rev. John 111. 219 Logans of Restaliig, The, 11. 54, 111. 128, 131, ?3% 133, 134, 135, 164, 166, 167, 168, 170, 215, 216. house at Loch End, 111. * 136 220, 234, 247, 318,327.354; their Logan?s Close. 11. 18 Log?s lodging-house, 11. 226 Logie-Drummond 111. 192 London Hotel, I. L67 Loudon Road 111.1~8 London Stree; 11.184 Longfqrd, Mr.?J, A., 111.55 Longiuddry, Laird of, 111. 150 Lopley Stane l?he 11. 239 Lord Adv-ie, Aileged abuse of his authority 11. 202 203 Lord Borthwicks Close: 11. 241 Lord-Clerk Kegister, Office of, I. Lord Cockhum Street, I. 282, Phtc Lord Cullen?s Close, I. III Lord Durie?s Close, I. 2442 Lord John Drummond?s plot to capture the Castle I. 68 Lord Provost, The ?dignity of, I. 199 ; the title first used, 11. 281 ; his term limited to three years, i6. : the first Englishman elected to the office 11. 2?4 Lord*Semple?; house, Castle Hill, I. Icw Lorimer, Professor, I I I. 26 Lorimer htiss Jean 11. 3-1 Lorne, Lrd, I. 58?; marhge of, Lorne Street, Ill. 16o Lothian, Marquis of, I. 374 372, Lothmn Earlof 1.63,278,11.31,206 Lothian?Hut li. 38, 39, 206 Lothian Roah, I. ag- 11. 125, 153, 136, 138, 215, 216 fits rapid construction, 11. 237 Lothian Street, 11. 326,330 Lothian Vale. 11. 39. 320 Loudon, Earl of, I. 119, 159, 332, Loudon, Lord High Chancellor, I. Loudon and Moira, Countess of, 368, 369 10 11- 14, 33 I1..38, 239, 250 11. 258 103 11. 317. 318 Ldughborough Lord, I. 271 272 Lounger Club,?The, I. rz+h. 187 Louping-on-stone, The, at Duddingston Church, 11. * 314 Lovat, Lord, I. 137, 248, 351, 11. 163, 243; cruel treatment of his widow I. 255 256,257; her dress, I. 257: his biographer, 111. 43 Lovat?s regiment MasterofJII. 195 Love, the comedian, 11.24 Lovers? Loan The 111. 50, 159; Low Calton The iI. 178 111. 165 Lower Amlhunitlon Hodse, The, Lower Baxter?s Close I. 107 Lower Quarrie Holes? 111. 160 Lowrie John Old ho& of, 11.223 LowsielLow ?The 111. zg Luckenbooths, Tie, I. IZP, 124.15~~ Luckmore, John,? Sir W. Scott?s schoolmaster, 11. 326 Lucky Dunbar?s, I. iar Lucky Fyvie?s tavern, 11. 333 Lucky Middlemass?stavern,lII. 126 Lucky Spence 11. 12 Luke, Georgekankine, 111. 81, 8a Lunardi?s balloon ascent, 11. 371 Lutton Plac 111. 51 Lyle, Viscou:t, II. 31 Lyndsay Si Jerome, I. 371 Lynedoch Lord, 11. 89, log, 283 Lynedoch?Place, 11. zog Lyon Close 111. 138 Lyon Kin$of-Arms, The ofice of, Lytton, ?Sir ~ J w a r c ~ B~IW-, II. 158 the Board dchool? 111. * 161 I. 36 153, r54, 156, IgI, 210, 221, 222, 317, 331, 11. 281 282 1.370 37? 72 M Macadam Dr. Stevenson, 111. 75 Ivlacaulay: Catharine, authoress, 11. 242 Macaulay, Lord, 1. 5% 285, 339, 369 111.43 191 Macdeth of Liberton, 111. 326, 327 Macbeth, Norman, the painter, 111.82 .... __ Macbeth Robert, painter 111. 81 McCrie, br. Thomas, 11.?337, 383, McCrie Free Church, The, 11. 337 McCrie J. 11. 140 Macculioc;, Horatio, painter, 11. McCulloch of Ardwell 111. 163; his intimacy with F d t e i6. McCulloch Mr. J. R I.?284 Maccullcxd of Pilton?; Sir Hugh, Macdonald, Duncan Lord, 11. 310 Macdonald Lord 11. I*, 173 Macdonald? Sir Jbhn I IIO Macdonald? Colonel ?IiI. 88 Macdonald?of Barriskale I. 70 Macdonald of Clauronal6, Ronald, hfacdonald of Kinlochmoidart, I. 132 MacDonald of Slate, Lord, 11. 87 McDonald ofstaff?, Ronald, 11.162 Macdonald of ?lemdreich, Major Donald, I. 333; his daughter, Macdonald Gen Alastair, 11. 322 Macdonald: Alekander, author of Macdonald, Flora, I. IIO Macdonald, hliss Penelope, 11. 139 Macdonnel Colonel 111. 146 Macdonneiof Glen&rry, 11. 86 McDoueaI. Helen (see Burke and 111. 51, 179 8% 111.79, IOZ, 307 I l l . 307 Ill. 30 1. 334 ?Vimonda,? I l l . 159, 160 HareT . Macduwal of Castlesemple, 111.270 Macdowal of Logan, Andrew I. IOZ Macdougallof Mackerston, ill. 136 hlacdowal Street, 11. 17 hlacEwan James, succesSor of Allan RAmsay, I. 155, 287, 288 Macfarlane, Mrs., Trag.c story of, 11. 243 ; curious story related by Sir W. Scott?s aunt, 11. 244 Macfarlane, Miss, 11. I Macgill of Rankeillor I? 259 hl?Gi11, John, physician, 11. 298 3lacgregor Sir Evan, I l l . 146 Macgregor: James Mhor, I. 70; escape and execution of, ib. MacCregor, Rev. J. Robertson, 11. Macinryre, Duncan, I. 136 Maclntyre, Duncan Ban, Grave MaiIntosh (or Mackintosh), Si Mackay, Charles, actor, I. 354 366 Mackay, Gen. Hugh, I. 63 Mackav. Major-Gen. Alexander, 235, Ill. 264 of 11. 383 James, 11. 163, 195 11.160 - Mackay, Dr. Charles, I. 325 Mackay John, gardener 111. 162 Mackay?s account of ;he High McKellar, hdrew, the golfer, 111. Mackenzie, George, Earl of Cm M?Kenzie Lord 11. 227 Mackenzi;, Sir Alexander, 11. IZO Mackenzie of Kosehaugh, Sir George, I. 62, 116, 123, 134, 164 I 2 254. 11. 40,256,353.11I. 12 ; I7biuidy hlackenzie 1. 254 ; eccentricities of his granddaughter, I. 111, 154, 111. 114 311; histomb, Greyfriars Church! yard, 11. *+. 382 (see Tarbat). School, 11. 295 3? marty, 11. 298 Mackenzie, Sir George, 11. 106 Mackenzie, Sir James, I. 66.310 Mackenzie, Sir John 1. III Mackenzie, Sir Rodekck, I. 111,166 Mackenzie, Hon. W. F., ItI. IOI Mackenzie, Henry (?the Man of Feeling?), I. 105, 120, 121 156, ?3, 140, 194 21% 242 270 zgr 111. 127,? 159, 240 I ha kigd c 001 experiences, 11.2 I Mackenzie, Kincaid, Lord %rovost, Mackenzie, Thomas, 11.197 Mackenzie of Delvin. 111. 68 236, 294, 339, 348, 11. 1151 124 11. 284, 111. 162 Mackenzie of Linessie, Lieutenant Mackenzie of Redcastle, Capt., 11. Roderick, 11. 382 ~. 307 Mackenzie, Dr., 11. 35 Mackenzie Place, 111.71, 76 Mackintosh, Sir James, 111. 215 Mackintosh of Borlum, Brigadier, Maciouy, ;he :hiet 11. 178 Maclaren, Charle;, editor of the Scotsman, 1. 283-285, 111. 79 hlclaren, Duncan, 111. *53, 56, 57 Maclaren, John,Wouderful memory JNa&ren, Provost ofleith, III.ar9 Maclaurin, Coh, the mathematician, 11. 105, 382 M?Lean, Capt., 1. 68 Macleay, the painter, 111. 79 McLehose Mn. Agnes 11,187,327 MacLellai. Sir Samuel.Provost. 11. 111 I I 192 229 of 11.337 281 MacLellan, Sir Thomas, I. 153 M?Lellan of Bombie, I. 42 MacLellan?s Land, 11. 168, 242 blacleod, Colonel Norman, 11. 343 Macleod Flora 11. 346 MacLeo6 of MkLeod, III.4gS,146 hlaclure. Andrew. the writinemaste;, I. 122 ? Macmorran Bailie John, Tragic death of, i. 110, iir,zpz, 11.289; - house of, 1. * 113, * 114 M?Nabs, The, botanists, 111. 98 hlacnee, Sir Daniel, the painter, I. M%i$&ncan (Lord Colonsay), McNeill of 8olonsay, Si John, 111. 3? McNeill?s Craigs 11. IOI Maconochie, Allin, Lord hfeadowbank, 11.162, 19 2 3 lfacraas The WiI% I?. 307-310 Macraq?Capt. James 111. 138- 142; private theathcals at his house, 111. 139; consequences of a duel, 11. 13p-141 Macrae of Holemains 111. 138 McVicar Rev. Neil, \I. 133 1% Madeira?Street Leith 111. MagdalenAsyium ?de 11. I 218 Magdalene Bridd, Lei6,11!.?143, 2 111.79 11. Igj, 1 7 - . . 145 149 259 Magdalen;, Marriage of Princes* 11. 61
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