Hume, Alexander, High School
H u e , don. Baron David, I. 121,
I66 11.-
Hum;, David. historian, I. 97, 98,
gg, 101, 107, 110, 123, 231, 236,
273, 3 ~ 4 , 11.9. 27. 107, 160, 161,
194 28% 306 330, 111. 92, 2197 19;; hi grave 11. * I&, 161 ;
IIIS nephew, Ii. zq; his biographer,
111. 42
Hume of Marchrnont I. 62
Hume of Polwarth,? Sir PatriFk,
111. 89; his daughter, G m l
Hume 111. 8g,
Hume $ i of E r t o n , Mansion
of I. I19
Hu&ee?s Close 11. a3
Hunter, Dr.. bf the Tmn Church,
Master 11. 289
11. I8 -
Hunter, Dr. William, 287
Hunter, John, treasurer of the
Canongate 11. SI ; lintel of his
house 11. ?21
Hmter?Stephen Provost, 11. 7 8
Huntedan Musekn 11.87
Hunter Square, I.?-+, -5, 282,
Hunter?s Bog, I. 326, 11. 115, 303,
Hunter?s Clox 11. 232
Hunter?s Craii Cramond 111. 315
HFpter?s TaveA, Royal ixchange,
376, 11. 33s
31% 313
11. 3?3
Hunters Tryst, 111. 125, 326
Hunters, Honourable Company of, . . . 11.
Huntcgdon, Lady I. 282
Huntly, Earls of, 1: )o, 83,246,298,
Huntly, Houd of the Marquis of,
11. 4, * 8, * 9.10. 178 ; daughters
of, 11.6 5 ; execution of h i son,
11. I0
Hutcheon, Abduction of Isabel,
111. 42
Hutchison Messrs., and the halfpenny
dinage I. 157
Hutchison thesdulptor II.127~130
Huxley, Professor 11. i61
Hymeneal lectures: 1 1 . ~ 4 2
Hyndford Earls of 1. z74 2 5,
Hyndford?s Close, L ?273.274, ?75,
11. 58, 1% 111- 4, 7, 29, 351 1331
134, 18Z1 2 K 8 298
11. a ; bunt-; of, I. &a, $1.
276, 11. go
Imperial Fire and Life Insurance
ny, 11. 50
In%Xuse 111.338 *340
Inchcape Rbck, 111. &
Inchcolm priory, 111. 13r. ISO
Inchgarvie Castle, 111. 180
Inchkeith, 111. 171, 17a, ~ 7 4 , 175,
160 101 279 286 293-295, 301, p?; hi:tori&l sketch of Incha
t h rsland, 111. agq q ~ ; its
fortifications, 111. 29-94 ;
view of, 111. * q 3 ; the lighthouse
I11 2 5
Inchkei;hC&tL, 11. *45,III. 178,
I n z i c k e r y island, 111: 315
Inchmnny House, 11.60
Incorporated lrades of Edinburgh,
11. 29; of Leith, 111. 180
Incomration of Tdols Hall 01
the; 111.331
India Place, Stockbridge, 11. *m1,
India-rubber factories, 11. 219
Industrial Museum. The Greaf
Hall, Natud History Room, 11.
274, 275, 276, Plate 22; site ot
the I. 378
InddtriousCompany,The, 111.124
Infirmary, The old Royal, 11. *3m,
301 ; site of the, I. 258, 111. 3
hfirmary Street, 11.251, 284-286,
111. 74,75, 76
Ingi%k?%esident, 11. 127
Inglis Sir John 11. 267
Ioglii?of Cramdnd, Si John, 111.
317, 318
Inglis Captain John, 111. 323
Ing&xry, viscount, I. 275
I M ~ , Alexander, I. 50
Innes, Cardinal, 11. 87
Innes Cosme 11. 192, 111.94
Innes?of Stow, Gilbert, the rmllionairc,
I. 97, 251, 11. I o
??Innocent Railway,? *he, I. 384
Insurance Offices, Numerou, 11.
139.168 ; annual revenue of the,
11. 171
Insurrection of 1715, Leith during
the, 111. 91
Intermarriages of the Newhaven
fishers, Ill. q5, 303
I n v e m n (see Battles)
Inverkeithing 111. 279
Inverleith, I.?I~, 11. 234, 111. 71,
Inverleith House, 111. 97, 98
Inverleith Mains, 111. 94
Inverleith Place 111. 97
Inverleith R ~ ~ , ? I . 226, III. 9 5 , ~ ~ ~
98 IOI 102 163, 288
Inve?rleith ~e;ra=, 11.107, III. 95
Irvine. Marder committed al
757 919 94, 1642 3 d
~ Broighton by, 11. 182
Irving David I. 123 11. 348
lrvink Edwah, 1. 249, 11. 184
Irving; Henry comedian, I. 351
Irving Lieut. john III. p
Irwin.?Hieh Schooimaster. 11.
!:la ?Ea; of 11.348, 378 ?
Ivanovitch, Alexander, 111. 40
I$ of M~~?A-,#S I. 230
marriageof, ib.
Izett, Mr. Chalmer~, 11. 17
.- - . .
61, 310 343
James ViIl., I. 67 179 11. 243
j!3 III. 222; pr?ocdution oi
;27 ; death of, 11. 247
James Duke of Albany and York,
I. & , , l I . 75, 306, 111. 57, 269;
accession as James VII., I. 58,
11. 28, 33.58, 59, 74
James Kennedy?sgreatship, 111. xgg
Jameron, the painter, I. q 9 , I I . 73,
g o 8 382
James Street, Portobello, 111. 149
James?s Court, 1. 97, 98, gg, 100,
101 1- 132 24% 33?rII. 93>95r
?J-ie, Daft?(seeBurke and Hare)
Jam!eson, the novelist, 111. 95
Jamieson, Dr. John, 11. 338, 339,
Jamieson, Prof. Robert, 111. 27,
Jam!;sonofPortobello, Mr., 111.146
Jamieson?s Close 11. 235
Jane, Queen, mdther of James II.,
160: 111: 3111
111. 127
149 242
1. 29, 30
246 ; how atoned for, ib.
ean Brown, Story of, 11. 31
Jardine Murder of Archibald, I.
feffrev and Co.. Messrs.. 31. 174
47 111. 68 78, 19, IIO, 323;
ifis?grandfather?s house, I. 240;
sipn-buardofhis father anduncle.
enne?r Sir w i l l i 11.123
errold, Douglas, If. 2m
erviswoode, Lord, 11. 208, log;
Jesuit chdch of the ?Sacred
Jeffrey Street, I. 239, 288, ago,
p 11. 17
his sisters 11. zog
Heart,?? 11. 223
ewe1 House, The, I. 35,36, 45
ewish synagogue, 11. 344
ews? burial-place, The, 11. 107
oanna Baptista, apothecary, I. 246
Joanna. Countess of Stair, 11. 167
Jock?s Lodge, I. 364, 11. 318, 111.
Tohn of daunt. h. ~7
142, 146 * 148 165, 192
john Knois c?hurcx Edinburgh,
1. 213. at Leith, IiI. 227
John Row?s Coffee-house I. 78
John Touris of Inverleith I?. 222
Johnnie Dowie?s Tavern, 1. 119,
John?s Coffee-house, I. 178,179~11.
Jor2-n Dr I. 6, 92, IW, 101,
214 : his ;sit to Edmbureh. I. 99,? ?s.2, 262, 299, 11. 66; i43,
Macaulay?s description of him, 1.
255, 339, 111. ~7~ 291, 352, 355;
Johnston, Sir Archibald. I. 226,227,
11. 14, 111. 99 ; his execution, 1.
227, 111. $q
ohnston SirJames I 154 111.54
fohnston: Sir W i l l i i , d r d Provost,
11. 284
Johnston Si W. Pulteney I. 231
Johnsto; Messrs. W. and A. K.,
11. 167, 168; their priming estab.
lishment, 111. 128
Johnston Dr. Robert 111. 27
Johnston;? of Westerhall, Quarrel
with, I. 315, 316
Johnstone of Westerhall, Sir James
Johnstone, H. E., the Scottish
Roscius, I. 347, 348, 11. 179
Johnstone, Chevalier, 11. 115
Johnstone Dr. David, the philanthropic
hnister of North Leith,
11. a36 111. 254,3m 306
Johnstode Rev. Mr., fI. 338
Joh!:tCn< the antiquary and artist,
111. 195
111. 84
Johnstone Mrs. authoress 111.79
Johnstoni Terrace, I. 88, i ~ , 295,
ohnston?s Tavern 11. 78
Johnstoun of the dciennes, Samuei,
Joint-stockunion Bank of Scotland,
11. 143
Jonen, Dr. T. S.,
lonea. the actor. I. qqo ? - I. 161. q61
132 ; at C h e Church 111. 332 ;
at other daces. ib.
Jordan, Mk, thiactress, 1,343,348
Jordan The 111. 39
Jorda<Hill?III. 151
Junction R A , Leith. 111. 24q
Iuniper Green.111 3; ?-
Jury :ourt, Tde Scotti& 11. :74
Justicmy, Court of, I. ?167, 172,
317, ~ Z Z , 11. ~91, 227, 268, 111.
179, 2x5, 2439 263, 3% 338
KaiiHead I 8
Kaimes, Tie,: !It. 330; ancient
camp near, d.
Kames, Lord, I. 101, 156, 166, 170,
VI, 236, 11. 18, 27, 86, 282,367 ;
?two shadows in conversation,?
11. *161
Kantore, The, Leith, 111. 224, 225,
Kapple?s (or Cable?s) Wynd, Leith,
111. 226
Katharine Street I. 366
Kay, John, caridturist, I. g, 113,
119, 131, 154, 181, I 1, 255, 3431
345, 346, 347, 363. 17. 19, 31, 76,
78, 792 115,121, 12% 123, 136. 144,
159, 166,170, 188, ?94, 102, 217,
242, 255, 3071 3187 3Z8t 3357 111.
31, YI, 39, 471 go, !397 1469 1595
162, 342,362,366 ; his monument,
Kean Charles actor I. 351
Kead Edmnnd actdr 1. 343, 349
Keepgr of the Seal, 1.? 72
Keeper of the Signet, 2. 167
Keith, Lord, 11. 255
Keith, Si Alexander, 11. 255, 111.
Ke% Sir James, 111. 51
Keith: Sir William, I. 123
Keith, Marshal, 111.91
Keith, Bishop, 11. 22, 314, 111. p
Keith kmily The 111. 106
Keith of Ra;elstoA. Alexander, 11.
K:?t% of Ravelston, Mrs., 111. 106
Keith Fund, The, 11. 302
Keith Kirk
11. I
Kelloe, -ltev. xohn, the murderer,
111. 155
Kelstain The 111. * 326
Kemble ?John? I. 108, 348, 349
Kemble: Stepken 1. 646, 11: 178
Kemble, Mr.andhrs. harIe?,l.349
Kemble Miss 111. 158
Kemp, %. MI, architect, 11. 126,
Kemp?s Close, Leith, 111. 226
Kennedy ohn Lord, 111. I
Kepnedy-: LAndrew, I. 91
Kennedy, Sir Archibald 1.131
Kennedy of Kirkhill, Sir 1 homas,
127, 111. 79
Kennedy, Silver mace found in the
Kennedy, BihopbfDunkeld, I. 240,
Kennedy, Walter, the poet, 11. 305
Kennedy, Janet, Lady Bothwell,
Kennedy?s Close, I. 91, 245
Kennet Lord 11. 242,3 9
Kenny kate (Canongate2 I. 199
Kerr, Sir Andrew, I. 214,II. 286
Kerr Sir Archibald 11, a98
Kerr? Sir Walter I.?223
Kerr?of Kernland, Memoirs of, I. 67
Kerr, Lady Mary, 11. 350
Keysofthe cityofEdinburgh,I.*k.
Kilbirnie, 111. 151
Kilgraston Road, 111. 50
Kilkerran, Lord, 111. 367
Killigrew, Henry, I. 7, 48
Kilrnamock. Earl of. 111. 222
tomb of Bishop 111. 23
241, 11- 54
111. I, 2
Killrig, II1.?351 ?
Kilwinning, Lord, 111. 29
Kilwinning Lodge,The Canongate,

Hume, Alexander, High School
H u e , don. Baron David, I. 121,
I66 11.-
Hum;, David. historian, I. 97, 98,
gg, 101, 107, 110, 123, 231, 236,
273, 3 ~ 4 , 11.9. 27. 107, 160, 161,
194 28% 306 330, 111. 92, 2197 19;; hi grave 11. * I&, 161 ;
IIIS nephew, Ii. zq; his biographer,
111. 42
Hume of Marchrnont I. 62
Hume of Polwarth,? Sir PatriFk,
111. 89; his daughter, G m l
Hume 111. 8g,
Hume $ i of E r t o n , Mansion
of I. I19
Hu&ee?s Close 11. a3
Hunter, Dr.. bf the Tmn Church,
Master 11. 289
11. I8 -
Hunter, Dr. William, 287
Hunter, John, treasurer of the
Canongate 11. SI ; lintel of his
house 11. ?21
Hmter?Stephen Provost, 11. 7 8
Huntedan Musekn 11.87
Hunter Square, I.?-+, -5, 282,
Hunter?s Bog, I. 326, 11. 115, 303,
Hunter?s Clox 11. 232
Hunter?s Craii Cramond 111. 315
HFpter?s TaveA, Royal ixchange,
376, 11. 33s
31% 313
11. 3?3
Hunters Tryst, 111. 125, 326
Hunters, Honourable Company of, . . . 11.
Huntcgdon, Lady I. 282
Huntly, Earls of, 1: )o, 83,246,298,
Huntly, Houd of the Marquis of,
11. 4, * 8, * 9.10. 178 ; daughters
of, 11.6 5 ; execution of h i son,
11. I0
Hutcheon, Abduction of Isabel,
111. 42
Hutchison Messrs., and the halfpenny
dinage I. 157
Hutchison thesdulptor II.127~130
Huxley, Professor 11. i61
Hymeneal lectures: 1 1 . ~ 4 2
Hyndford Earls of 1. z74 2 5,
Hyndford?s Close, L ?273.274, ?75,
11. 58, 1% 111- 4, 7, 29, 351 1331
134, 18Z1 2 K 8 298
11. a ; bunt-; of, I. &a, $1.
276, 11. go
Imperial Fire and Life Insurance
ny, 11. 50
In%Xuse 111.338 *340
Inchcape Rbck, 111. &
Inchcolm priory, 111. 13r. ISO
Inchgarvie Castle, 111. 180
Inchkeith, 111. 171, 17a, ~ 7 4 , 175,
160 101 279 286 293-295, 301, p?; hi:tori&l sketch of Incha
t h rsland, 111. agq q ~ ; its
fortifications, 111. 29-94 ;
view of, 111. * q 3 ; the lighthouse
I11 2 5
Inchkei;hC&tL, 11. *45,III. 178,
I n z i c k e r y island, 111: 315
Inchmnny House, 11.60
Incorporated lrades of Edinburgh,
11. 29; of Leith, 111. 180
Incomration of Tdols Hall 01
the; 111.331
India Place, Stockbridge, 11. *m1,
India-rubber factories, 11. 219
Industrial Museum. The Greaf
Hall, Natud History Room, 11.
274, 275, 276, Plate 22; site ot
the I. 378
InddtriousCompany,The, 111.124
Infirmary, The old Royal, 11. *3m,
301 ; site of the, I. 258, 111. 3
hfirmary Street, 11.251, 284-286,
111. 74,75, 76
Ingi%k?%esident, 11. 127
Inglis Sir John 11. 267
Ioglii?of Cramdnd, Si John, 111.
317, 318
Inglis Captain John, 111. 323
Ing&xry, viscount, I. 275
I M ~ , Alexander, I. 50
Innes, Cardinal, 11. 87
Innes Cosme 11. 192, 111.94
Innes?of Stow, Gilbert, the rmllionairc,
I. 97, 251, 11. I o
??Innocent Railway,? *he, I. 384
Insurance Offices, Numerou, 11.
139.168 ; annual revenue of the,
11. 171
Insurrection of 1715, Leith during
the, 111. 91
Intermarriages of the Newhaven
fishers, Ill. q5, 303
I n v e m n (see Battles)
Inverkeithing 111. 279
Inverleith, I.?I~, 11. 234, 111. 71,
Inverleith House, 111. 97, 98
Inverleith Mains, 111. 94
Inverleith Place 111. 97
Inverleith R ~ ~ , ? I . 226, III. 9 5 , ~ ~ ~
98 IOI 102 163, 288
Inve?rleith ~e;ra=, 11.107, III. 95
Irvine. Marder committed al
757 919 94, 1642 3 d
~ Broighton by, 11. 182
Irving David I. 123 11. 348
lrvink Edwah, 1. 249, 11. 184
Irving; Henry comedian, I. 351
Irving Lieut. john III. p
Irwin.?Hieh Schooimaster. 11.
!:la ?Ea; of 11.348, 378 ?
Ivanovitch, Alexander, 111. 40
I$ of M~~?A-,#S I. 230
marriageof, ib.
Izett, Mr. Chalmer~, 11. 17
.- - . .
61, 310 343
James ViIl., I. 67 179 11. 243
j!3 III. 222; pr?ocdution oi
;27 ; death of, 11. 247
James Duke of Albany and York,
I. & , , l I . 75, 306, 111. 57, 269;
accession as James VII., I. 58,
11. 28, 33.58, 59, 74
James Kennedy?sgreatship, 111. xgg
Jameron, the painter, I. q 9 , I I . 73,
g o 8 382
James Street, Portobello, 111. 149
James?s Court, 1. 97, 98, gg, 100,
101 1- 132 24% 33?rII. 93>95r
?J-ie, Daft?(seeBurke and Hare)
Jam!eson, the novelist, 111. 95
Jamieson, Dr. John, 11. 338, 339,
Jamieson, Prof. Robert, 111. 27,
Jam!;sonofPortobello, Mr., 111.146
Jamieson?s Close 11. 235
Jane, Queen, mdther of James II.,
160: 111: 3111
111. 127
149 242
1. 29, 30
246 ; how atoned for, ib.
ean Brown, Story of, 11. 31
Jardine Murder of Archibald, I.
feffrev and Co.. Messrs.. 31. 174
47 111. 68 78, 19, IIO, 323;
ifis?grandfather?s house, I. 240;
sipn-buardofhis father anduncle.
enne?r Sir w i l l i 11.123
errold, Douglas, If. 2m
erviswoode, Lord, 11. 208, log;
Jesuit chdch of the ?Sacred
Jeffrey Street, I. 239, 288, ago,
p 11. 17
his sisters 11. zog
Heart,?? 11. 223
ewe1 House, The, I. 35,36, 45
ewish synagogue, 11. 344
ews? burial-place, The, 11. 107
oanna Baptista, apothecary, I. 246
Joanna. Countess of Stair, 11. 167
Jock?s Lodge, I. 364, 11. 318, 111.
Tohn of daunt. h. ~7
142, 146 * 148 165, 192
john Knois c?hurcx Edinburgh,
1. 213. at Leith, IiI. 227
John Row?s Coffee-house I. 78
John Touris of Inverleith I?. 222
Johnnie Dowie?s Tavern, 1. 119,
John?s Coffee-house, I. 178,179~11.
Jor2-n Dr I. 6, 92, IW, 101,
214 : his ;sit to Edmbureh. I. 99,? ?s.2, 262, 299, 11. 66; i43,
Macaulay?s description of him, 1.
255, 339, 111. ~7~ 291, 352, 355;
Johnston, Sir Archibald. I. 226,227,
11. 14, 111. 99 ; his execution, 1.
227, 111. $q
ohnston SirJames I 154 111.54
fohnston: Sir W i l l i i , d r d Provost,
11. 284
Johnston Si W. Pulteney I. 231
Johnsto; Messrs. W. and A. K.,
11. 167, 168; their priming estab.
lishment, 111. 128
Johnston Dr. Robert 111. 27
Johnston;? of Westerhall, Quarrel
with, I. 315, 316
Johnstone of Westerhall, Sir James
Johnstone, H. E., the Scottish
Roscius, I. 347, 348, 11. 179
Johnstone, Chevalier, 11. 115
Johnstone Dr. David, the philanthropic
hnister of North Leith,
11. a36 111. 254,3m 306
Johnstode Rev. Mr., fI. 338
Joh!:tCn< the antiquary and artist,
111. 195
111. 84
Johnstone Mrs. authoress 111.79
Johnstoni Terrace, I. 88, i ~ , 295,
ohnston?s Tavern 11. 78
Johnstoun of the dciennes, Samuei,
Joint-stockunion Bank of Scotland,
11. 143
Jonen, Dr. T. S.,
lonea. the actor. I. qqo ? - I. 161. q61
132 ; at C h e Church 111. 332 ;
at other daces. ib.
Jordan, Mk, thiactress, 1,343,348
Jordan The 111. 39
Jorda<Hill?III. 151
Junction R A , Leith. 111. 24q
Iuniper Green.111 3; ?-
Jury :ourt, Tde Scotti& 11. :74
Justicmy, Court of, I. ?167, 172,
317, ~ Z Z , 11. ~91, 227, 268, 111.
179, 2x5, 2439 263, 3% 338
KaiiHead I 8
Kaimes, Tie,: !It. 330; ancient
camp near, d.
Kames, Lord, I. 101, 156, 166, 170,
VI, 236, 11. 18, 27, 86, 282,367 ;
?two shadows in conversation,?
11. *161
Kantore, The, Leith, 111. 224, 225,
Kapple?s (or Cable?s) Wynd, Leith,
111. 226
Katharine Street I. 366
Kay, John, caridturist, I. g, 113,
119, 131, 154, 181, I 1, 255, 3431
345, 346, 347, 363. 17. 19, 31, 76,
78, 792 115,121, 12% 123, 136. 144,
159, 166,170, 188, ?94, 102, 217,
242, 255, 3071 3187 3Z8t 3357 111.
31, YI, 39, 471 go, !397 1469 1595
162, 342,362,366 ; his monument,
Kean Charles actor I. 351
Kead Edmnnd actdr 1. 343, 349
Keepgr of the Seal, 1.? 72
Keeper of the Signet, 2. 167
Keith, Lord, 11. 255
Keith, Si Alexander, 11. 255, 111.
Ke% Sir James, 111. 51
Keith: Sir William, I. 123
Keith, Marshal, 111.91
Keith, Bishop, 11. 22, 314, 111. p
Keith kmily The 111. 106
Keith of Ra;elstoA. Alexander, 11.
K:?t% of Ravelston, Mrs., 111. 106
Keith Fund, The, 11. 302
Keith Kirk
11. I
Kelloe, -ltev. xohn, the murderer,
111. 155
Kelstain The 111. * 326
Kemble ?John? I. 108, 348, 349
Kemble: Stepken 1. 646, 11: 178
Kemble, Mr.andhrs. harIe?,l.349
Kemble Miss 111. 158
Kemp, %. MI, architect, 11. 126,
Kemp?s Close, Leith, 111. 226
Kennedy ohn Lord, 111. I
Kepnedy-: LAndrew, I. 91
Kennedy, Sir Archibald 1.131
Kennedy of Kirkhill, Sir 1 homas,
127, 111. 79
Kennedy, Silver mace found in the
Kennedy, BihopbfDunkeld, I. 240,
Kennedy, Walter, the poet, 11. 305
Kennedy, Janet, Lady Bothwell,
Kennedy?s Close, I. 91, 245
Kennet Lord 11. 242,3 9
Kenny kate (Canongate2 I. 199
Kerr, Sir Andrew, I. 214,II. 286
Kerr Sir Archibald 11, a98
Kerr? Sir Walter I.?223
Kerr?of Kernland, Memoirs of, I. 67
Kerr, Lady Mary, 11. 350
Keysofthe cityofEdinburgh,I.*k.
Kilbirnie, 111. 151
Kilgraston Road, 111. 50
Kilkerran, Lord, 111. 367
Killigrew, Henry, I. 7, 48
Kilrnamock. Earl of. 111. 222
tomb of Bishop 111. 23
241, 11- 54
111. I, 2
Killrig, II1.?351 ?
Kilwinning, Lord, 111. 29
Kilwinning Lodge,The Canongate,
