Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


GENERAL INDEX. 371 118-121 ; tomb of, Corstorphine Church, 111. 121 Forrester?s Wynd, I. 121. 122, 148, 219, 11. 105 239 111. 118 124 Forster Geheh i11. I I &Z Forth And Bredtford. k r l of. I. 54 The, 111. 292-294 brother, ib. the, 11. 346, 363 111. 90, 124 11. 176, 111. go 111. 311 288 111. 318, 323 111. 106, 323 Forth Street, 11. I, 185 ?go Fortifications of fnchkeith Island, Fortune, Matthew, 111. go; hk ?I Fortunes of Nigel,? Allusions tc Fortune?s I?avern, I. 231, 234, 267> Fortune?s Tontine, Princes Street, Fothergll, Dr., physician, 11. 3oa, Foulis of Colinton, Sir James, 11. Fouli of Ravelston, Family of, Foulis of Ravelston, Sir James, Foulis of Woodhall, Sir Jurres, the Foulis &ily, ??he, 111. 323 Foulis?s Close 11. 159 Fountain bedre Holyrood Palace, Fountakbridge, 11. 132, 215, 218, Fountain Close, I. 276, 277, 11. 147 Fountain Well, The, I. 144, ZIO Fountainhall, Lord, I. 58, 60, 97, 146, 160, 169, 170, 202, 238, 251, 270, 11. 28, 34, 35. 44 59, 75, 81, 2x7, 223, 225, aa6, Sa1, 315, 111. 267 painter 111. 5 11. 79 *81 2x9, 221, 222 346, 367, 111. 13, 42, 46, 1201 150s ?55,330 Fawkes, Brigadier, I. 32% 111. Fowler, W i l l i , House of, I. 102 236 . Fowler?s Close, 1. 276 Fox?s Holes, The, 11. 313 Franc& Bell?s Close, 11. 241 Frank, Capture of Edinburgh Castle by William, I..z+ Franklin?s, Benjamin, visit to Edinburgh 11. 282 Fraser, hexander, Lord Strichen, Fraser, Alexander (see Gilles ie) Fraser, Luke, of the High &hool, Fraser Major Andrew 11. 139 ~t) Fraser? Tytler, Lard Woodhduse- F&r Simon 111. 351 Frase;of Beahrt, I. 66 Fraser of Strichen Mrs 11, 163 Fraser the music& I.?;~o Frederkk Street 11. 151, 162; famous reside&, 11. 162 Free Assembly Hall 11. 97 Free Church Colleg;?, I. 86, 11. 95 s6, 97, IF Phte 18 ; library oi the, 11. 97, 9; its donors, 11. 1.054 11. 2 9 4 7 295, 327 lee U. 110 98 Free Church of Scotland, Offices of FreeChurcR, Founding of the, I I. 144 Free Church of St. John 1. 310 Free Gardeners of bmughton Free General Assembly 11. I FIK St. Cuthbert?sChirch, 41. 215 Fw Tron Church, 11. 275 French ambassador?s chapel, Cowgate, 11. 258 *z60 French influe;= in the Scottish court, 1. 44 French prisoners, The Castle a receptacle for 1. 71,78; attempted escape oc II.?248 Friars? Wynd, I. 219 Friends of the People, Treasonable practices of the, 11. 236,237, 343, 111. 67, 278. Friends? meeting-house I. 381 Fullertan, Mansion oi Adam, I. Fynd Marison on the manners of Fynie, Agnes, the supped witch, Fyvie, Alexander Lord, I. 167; the, 11. 5 barony, 11. 183 277 278 I1.330,331 Provost, 11. a80 the Edinburgh people, I. 198 G Gabriel?r Road 11. 114, 115, 117, Gace,?M.de, and Edinburgh Castle, Gaelic church, The, 11. 184, 235 171 182, I I I . ? ~ ~ I. 67 25+ 274 Gaelic Free Church 11. 214 Gainsborough, the hinter, 11. 89 Gairdner Dr. 11. 335 Gairns o/Gre&hill Adam 111. 47 Galachlaw Hill, Liberton, h I , 33c Gallery of the kings, Holyrood Galloway, Alexander Oar1 of, 11. 257; his wife?s ostentatious dis. play, ib. Galloway House, 11. 257 Callowlee, The, 1-117,118, 11. 115, 111. 151, 154, 1551 15% 157 Gallows The 11. *z 3 Galt, tie ndvelist, 41. 142, 2o0, 111. 74 ?Garb of Old Caul,? the air, 11. Gardenstone, Lord, I. 171.172 11. rza, III. 75 ; his passion foriigs, Palace, 11. 74, 76, 77. 79 244, 111. 26 1. 172 Gardiner, Colonel I. 324 Gardiner?s CresceAt 11. 215 Gamock the CoLenanter and others? I. 160 161, 298, IIi. 156 Garrick?David?II. 23 III.z4o,z41 Gas, F k t ?use?of, in? Edinburgh, I. 203 GateTower I. g Gavin Do&, %ishopofDunkid, I. 39 263, 11. 251 255 285 Gavin kamilton, Aibot bf Kilwinning, I. 298 Gavinloch?s Land, I. 327 Gawin Dunbar I. 42 15 Gay, the wt?I I& J? , 38; house wRere?h; lived k $\7 Gayfie? House, II.136,161, 185, 111. 165 Gaytield Place 111. 161 162 Gaytield Squak 11. 284, 111. SI, Ged, ;he inventor of stereotyping, Geddes, Alexander, artist, I. 366, 11. ?87 Geddes, MurderofJames, I. xg4,1gs Geddes Jenny I. 51 744 111.184; riots ?on acciunt df, I.? 122 ; her stool I. *146 11. 87 Gedde;, Robe;, Laird of Scotstoun, I. 253 Geddes? Close I. 2 6 Geikie ,F?rof&r ?II. 27 General Assemhl;, The, I. go, asg, 2611 11. 39,& 797 133 135 144, 233, m%,zg8,335; meebngdf the, Plate 13 General Assembly of the Free Church 11. 146 General Asemblv Hall. I. 210, 11. 161 162 11. 335, 382 - , - - 230 Gyeral Post Ofice, Edinburgh, I. General?s Entry, The, 11.327, *332, Generals Watch Currie, 111. 331 Gentle, Bailie, I.? 107 Gentlemen Pensioners, I. 51 Geordie Boyd?s Mud Brig, 11. 82 Geordie More, the dwarf, 111. 23 George Inn The old 11. 326,379 George Maiter of d g u s , 11. 279 George 11. Statue of I1 298 George IYI., Sub&ion of the Jacobites to It. 247; proposed statue to, If. 194, 270; and the volunteers 11. 188 George IV. bridge, I. x m , 123, 217, 291,292, *293,294,378, Plate 11, 11. 238, 242, 258, asg, 262, 271, 274, 326 Georee IV.?s visit to Edinbnrrh. 357 * 333, ,345 11-108, 13, 124, 165, 287, $1; 354, 111. 74, 77. 86, 146; ~ P U - larity of, 1. 350, 11. 5 8 ; prqlamation of, 111. 107 ; his landing at Leith, III. d; Chantrey?s statue of, 11.151 George Square, I. n74,II. 95, 255, 269, 2831 333. 33-344, 345, 347, 358, 111. 142 ; view of, 11. * 341 George Street, 11. 86, 91~92, 118, ?3P-15?~ 153 164 165 172 173 175. III. 76; hew of, b d rg German Church, The, 111. 88 ?Giant?s Causeway,? The, 11. 144 Giants The Irish 11. IZI Gmnt?; Brae Leilh Links 111. a& Gibbet and h t e r y o n &ton Hill, Gibbet Toll The 111. 211 Gibbet 11.646 Gibbet Stree;. 11. 346 11. I01 Gibbet Toll, 11. 34%; 355 Gibbs? Close, Canongate, 11.23,227 Gibson, Sir Alexander, Abduction of, I. 168 Gibson of Pentland, Sir Aiexander, Gibson-Craig, Sir James, 11. ~23, 1% 111.322 Gibson-Craig, Sir W i l l i , I. 226, 111. 322 Gibson - Maitland, Sir Alexandei Charles 11. 125 Gibson oiDurie, Thomas, I. I&) Gibson the painter 11. go GifforbPark 11. 3;9 Gilbert Grah?am, painter, 11.88 Gilbertoun 111. 149, rgo Gilchrist, hr. John Borthwick, 11. ilderwy Execution of, I. 151 Gillespie: the Brothers, III. 3 Gikspie?s Hospital, 111. 31, H, 37,41,@ ; Black Tom?s ghost, Gillespie?s School, 111. 33 Gillies Lord 1. 135 CilIilAd, th; goldsmith, 111. 76 Gillis Bishop, 111.45 GilloLs Close, XI. 23 Gilmerton, I. 95,155 111.158~343, 344, 346, 351 ; i& local history 111. 343 ; the manor-house of thi Kinlochs ib Gilmerton&&e, III. 344,345351 Gilmore Park, 11. 219 Gilmore Place United Presbyterian Church 111. 30 GilmoursbCraigmillar,The I. 169, 111. 57, 58, 5% 338; t d i r successors. 111.61, 62 Girls? House of Refuge 11.218 Girnel Craig, The, 11. ;13 Girthcross The 11.~,41,72,111.~ Giuglini Signor: I.. 351 Gladiatdrial exhibition at Holy. Glcdstbne, Su John, 111.250, *qz, Gladstone, Sir Thomas, 111.~51 Gladstnne, Right Hon. W. E., 111. Gladstone family, The, 111. 25 Gladstone, Thomas, I. IM Gladstone Place, Leiih, 111. 251 Gladstone?s Land, I. 19 Glammis, John Lord, 1. 83, Q Glammis, Master of, I. zog, 210 Glasgow, Archbishops of, I. 38, ag, ?Glasgow Arms,? The, I. 178 Glasgow, Earls of I. 16 11. 339, 111.26 . Conntekof, I? 144, 239 Glasgowkcad 11.214 Glasgow Uniod Bank Company, 11. Glass House Company, The Leith, Glass Works, The Leith, 111. 1% Glencairn. Earl of I. qq. 106.11. 111. 319 G335 111. 34 r o d 11. 75 314 24, 250 15% 258, 265 263 ?5? 111.280 23% ?73 17 58, 73.101, 123, 1%174. 334 11 Gledcoe, Massacre of, I. 170 Glengay: the Highland chief, I. Glenble Terrace, 111. 30 Glenlee Lord 11. a70 Glenorihy, Vi&onnt, I. 238 111.317 Glenorchy, Lady, I. 238-1247, 359 -362: 11. 338: its ministers, I. 360, 361 ; Free Church, 111.158; the school I. 361 Glimpses of hdinbnrgh in 1783.11. 1x9 Gloucester Place. II.qg, zoo, 111.74 Glover Edmnnd, the actor I. 343 Ccdolihin, Earl of 11. 3 .I36 Godscroft thechronicler,!. 35 11.8 Gogar,II1.318;itslocalhrsfo;l,ib. Gogar Bmk, 111. 319 -361 111. 317: Chapel Of, I. 360 Gogm Green, 111. 37 Gogm Stone village, PII. 318 Gold mines on Cravford Muir,I.& v d e n Acre, 111.,?5 Golden Charter The, I,34,II.278 Goldie Principal? 11. 278 Goldsrhh Olivgr, 11. 2% ; an old tailor?s &I1 ab. Goldsmiths &all I 274 Goldsmiths, The kdinburgh, I. 174 Golf, Nativecountry of, 11. II :.the game of, 111. 30, 31; vanous golf clubs, 111. 30; golf balls, 111. I1 376 Golf HGuse, III. 262, 265 Golf Tavern 111.30 Golfers, Ednburgh Compaoy oC 111. 31 260-262 Golfers? Land 11. 10, II Golfing on thd Linka of h i $ 111. G d u Prof John 111.27 68 GoodsGed o<ScienAes, 111.?~ %dtrees, 111.340,3+2 ;its owners, G& Dub The I1 346 Gordon. DAkeof, L?b, 62, 75, 78, 8% 91, 11- 1% 1331 367, 111. 14% 258, 338,365 ; house of, 1.93 Gordon, Uuches of, I. 88, r q , 275, 367, 11. 16, SI, 27, 165, 339, 111. 1% 1549 163 Gordon, Lord Adam, 11. 311, 342, 111. 104 Gordon Lord 111. 182 C;ordoi Sir kdam 11. 76 Gordon: Sir John,?II. 159 Gordon of Cluny Colonel John, 11. 167 ; his ,Lie, 11. 218 ; the family of, 111. 41, 42. Gordon of Earlston, Su John, 111. I? ?Y Gordon of Ellon James, Murder of children of, Ii. 182 Gordon of Haddo, Sir John, I. 146, 11. 87. Sir George 111. 57 Cordon if Kindroch?I11. 182 Gordon of Lesmoir, &U Alexander, 111.161 ; his widow, 11.123~111. 16r GordondLetterfonrie, III.zo3,w Gordan of Newhalt I. 121 Gardon of Pitluri Si William, Gordon Patrick I. 55 I;ordodof Rotdemay, I. 95, 187, 364r I1. 2~ 39. 731 1 0 1 2 103, 131, 133, 225, 234, 246 a68 286 302 323, 367, 37 IIi. 7 ;?his dLds?I eye new ofhinburgh 11. 280, 281 Lis maps, sic Its# of illustmtimrr .) 111. 182 192, 21% 298, P, 316, 34% 362, Gordan, the goldsmith 111 42 Gordon, Hon. Alexander, i. 282 Gordon LadyJean I 282 Gordon? Lady Katl$ine 111. 135 Gordo; Mn., danghte; of Prof. Wikm 1I.1~0,156,1g5,1II.7+,75 h e , Th; river, 111. 318 ksford House, I. 1% >orford?s Clau, I. 118, 1x9, 11. 82, 111. 66 hurlay Robert, House of I. 116, * izo, ;z3 ; his son John, ?I. 116 hwrie, Fad of, I. 175, p5, 316, 111: 134. 135 kwrie conspiracy, 111. i34, 135 3raceMount Liberton Ill. 30 >raham, Dr. lames, th; quad, 11. 242, 310; hu lectures, 11. 342 ;rah.am, General, husband of Miss Femer 11. ?3 :darn, j a m s eilles ie architect, 11- I79 200, 370. 11% ;5, 327 >raham, patrick, Archbishopof%. ?rabam the painter 11. go JAG Portrait ofhrx.. II. ss ; A m of Halyards, I. 195 >raham of Netherby, Sir Jamhham. Miss Clementina Stirling, Andrews, 11. 55 11. 162 11. zq;herpwerofpersonatioG, 11. aoB >rammar or High School of Leith, 111. *265 >rammar School of Edinburgh, 11, 287,301 >raumont, Countess of, 11.58 ~ 144
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