Douglas, Sir William the Black
Knight ofliddesdal;, II.53,III.
354. 355
Dou&s, Baron, 11. 351
Dough., Lady Jane, Execution of,
Douglas of Grantully, Lady Jane,
1. 208, 158, 384, 11. 9, 1x5, 318,
349-351, 111. 9'
Douglas-Stewart, Lady Jane, Story
1. 83. 84
of 11.344.34
Doiglas, Lady?-z::es, 111. 311
Douglas, Campbell, architect, 111.
11. 1g0 ; his dagghter, ib.
Douglas General, 1. 281
Douglas, the painter, 11. 89, 90
nouglas. the clan, 11. q, 111. 19
" Dou las " the tragedy of, 11, =+,
21 , , . Douglcu, Dr., p&:$G4~I. zg8
Douglas, Francis Brown, Lord Pro-
Dougk Heron &Co. thebanken,
Douglas'Hotel, St. hndrew Square,
Douglas. Abbot William, 11. 48,
Doune, Lord, 11. zoo, 111. 3 4
Doune Tenace. 11. zoo, 111. 74
Dovecots, Superstitious belief in,
Dover, Duke of, 11. 36
Dow Craig, The, 11. 19 IOI, 1.06
Dowie Johnnie, I. rig, 19 * I +
his therm 1. 3 121
"Dowie Coilege:' Club, 1. xi9
Drama, The early Edinburgh, 11.
23, a+, w; denounced by the
Presbytery, II.24,39 ; theCalton
Hill plays 11. IDrawbridge'lhe
Leith 111. I 8
Dreghorn, iord, '11. 156,166, 911.
Dreghorn Castle. 111. 323, *324
Drem Haronyof 11. 233
Dres; Scottish &like of English
Dress 0; the Scottish gentry I
Dromedary A travelling 11. 15
Drum Ha&, 1. 95, 111.'*345, 34<
Drum Sands. near Cramond. 111
17, 151.
vost 11. 284
II. 19: failur; of 11'. 35
I. mz, 11. 174 342
111. 116
111. 319
32 3
in 1;g 11. 280
centuryago, 111. ~ 3 9
brother, 111. 75
hummond of Hawthornden thi
pat and historian, I. IS+, I1
a?, 54.62, 127, 217, =2,zSg, 111
26 28 ,354.35 ; Ben onson'
vi:it, ii?. 354 ; tte cavalier an<
poet,III. 355; hisloves,ib.; hi
death ib.
Drummbnd, Bishop W i l l i Aber
nethy, 1. a6r, a64
Drummond, Colin, physician, 11
Drummond, Dr. John, 11.147
Drummond, Gearge, I. 176, 183
Drummond Hay, Coins of, 11. 87
Drummond, am-, artist and anti
UXkUl, It'. b,'III.84, I W , ~
I)rummond Jean I. ga
Drummond of &mock, The, Ill
Drummoud Place. I. 217. 280. I1
Irawings by, I. *at%, *368
354 .. .
'9'7 1927 I 7 289 Drummond $&e Gardens, 11. 19
Drumniond Street, I. 38, 11. 3 y
335. 338, 111. 3, 7
Drummore Lord I. 251 11. 348
DrumquhGel d i r d of,'I. 259, 26
Drumsheunh 'villane. 11. 211. w
111. 7rr y65; vicw'from, 11i.x-6
Drumsheugh, Forest of, I. 237, 11
%h 14:
Drumsheugh House, 11. 115,
Drumsheugh Park, 111. 70, fl
111. 139
h r y , Sir Willim, I. 48, 49, 116,
)ruds gun-battery, I. fl, 330
111. 238 ; trcachcry Of, 111. 133,
Duchess of Bragarm," Play of
the, I. 343
hddingston, I. 383, 11. 'go, 303,
307, *309, 3x1, 3139 3141 315, 316,
3x7, 318. 347. 111. 86. 131, 134,
146, 165,314 ; origin of the name,
11. 914 ; barony of 11. 316
hddingston Chnrc'h, 11. * 312:
*313,314; gatewayof,II.*314,
famous ministers of, 11. 315, 317
hddingston House 11. 317
3uddineston Loch,'I. 8, 11, 203,
327, 11. 86, 315. *316, 111. 58,
143 ; skating thereon, 11. 315
h f f , the actor, I. 350
Iuffus, Lady, 11. 333
hgdd Stewart's monument, 11.
den, 111. 3567 357
1.9, * I11
Duke of Albany (see Jam= Duke
Duke of Albany's Own Hwh-
Duke oi Hamilton's apartments,
Duke S t m t 11.117 181
Duke's Walk, The,'I. 8, 3la, 11.
Dumfries, &:f, I. go, 11. 166,
of Albany)
landers 11.
H o l p d &lace, I. 326
3'33, 306, 07
111. 12
Square I1 343
Dumbrect's Hotel, St. Andrew
Dunbar kari of 111. 143
Dunba; Sir Jaies 11.2%
Dunbar: william, burns' lines on,
I. 142, 235, 236, 11. 255
Dunbar Battle of (sec Battles)
Dunbar$ Close I. 6, 5511. 3
Duocan, AdmLl, 11.343, 111. 158,
3797 384,II.I54,174 31% 111.39
Duncan, Dr. .Andrev, physician, 1.
Duncan Lady 11.343
Duncan: the p h e r , 11. 93
Duncan's Land, 111. 78
Dundas. Sir Lawrence, I. 217, XI.
nu,'& Sir ?homas, 11. l a
Dundas: Henry, Viscount Melville
Dundas. Lord Chief B a n . 11.210.
86 196, 171 282
(sec Melville)
Dundas, Robcrt Lord Amiston 1.
123,15g,172, 42, 11. 39 II1.;83
Dundas, President, fatie; of Lord
Melville, 1. 242, 346, 11. 210
Dundas, Lord Pradent, I. &,It.
Dundas, Lord Advocate, 11.343
Dundas, Sir David, 1. 366, 11. 287.
111. 105. 264: d o t e of h i
. . bf, rri. 7
111. 86,105
Dnnda. oJAske, Bamn, 11. 171
Dundas of Bsefhwood, Sir Kobert,
Dun&, Lady Emily, 11. xg8
nundas Lady Eleonora, 111. 2 9
D u n 4 Col. Walter, 1. 54
Dundas, Lieut.&. Francis, 11.
Dundas, Mr.. 11. m, 283
Dundas riots, 1791. 11. 343
Dundas Street, 11. 199; its Rsi.
dents, 11. ~gg, 111. 162
Dundee, Viscount, I. 62, 63,65,7t
Dundonald, Earl of, 1. 105,331.11.
Dundrennan Lord 11. 175
Dunglas and Greethaw, Baron, I1
Dunkeld, Bishops of, I. 39,253. I1
54, 251, 287, 111. 13% 307, 314
Dunfernline, Earl of, I. 3r6.11. z&
Ddermline, Lord, 111. p, 32
Dunfermline, H o w of the A&
210, 342
a579 27"
of, I. 212. 25
Dunlop, Dr. Jam, Fkquest to thq
University, 111. 26
Dunmore Earl of 11. 310
Dunn's dote1 II.'Ba 166, 161
Dupplin, Yi'ount, 1: 50
Durie. Lord, I. i68,242,III.31~,33!
Durie, AbborsofMelrose, I.a53,25.
hrie George, Abbot of Dunfermline'
I. 2x2
>yce,'the painter 11.87
Iysart, Lyonell L r l of,' 2I.ip;
Countess of, 11. 167
Jyvours stane, The, I. 152
Fade and Henderson. nurservmen. . I 111. 159
Eagle's Rock, Cramond, Ill. 315
Ear and Eye Dispenw-, I. a86
Earl Gre Street 11. 2x8
Earthen hound, i. gS, 102,106,116,
255, 11. 31. 80, 82. 9% 199. 4 3
bead of the, 11. 93-100; new
from Princes Street, Phtr r7
East and W a t Mayfield Houses,
111. 51
3x6, 349,111. .so
East Cross Causeway, 1. 384. 11.
Eat end of High Street, Nethei
Bow, and west end of Camngate,
T 1 ~ E
Eastbaik. Lord, 11. 10
Fst Gardens, 11.127
East Hermitage Place, Leith, 111
East India Club, 111. 125
E& London Street 11. 185
East Maitland Strc;t, 11. aoq
East Morningside H o w , 111. 47
East Pilton, 111. '309
East Princes Street Gardens. I1
100 a14
East b e e n Street Gardens, 11. XI;
East Register Street, 11. 176
East Richmond Street, 11. 337
East Warriston House, 111. IM
Easter, The district, 11. 221
Easter and Wester Pilton, 111. p
Easter Coates. Mansionof, 11. III
Easter Hill, 11. 199
Easterlings, 111.94
Easter Road, 11. 309, III.128,13i
Easter Wemy4 I. 3ag
Eastern and Wekern Duddiingston
133, 15% 158 160
11. 3r4
Echo Bank, 111. 5 4 57; old how
Echbing Rmz, The, 11. 313
Edgar, Rear-Admiral, 111. 142
Edgar's map of Edinbur h, 1. 3"
338, 34% 3% 3731 38551. 17, 81
Edgefield's (Lord), House, I. 241
Edge-tool maker, The first. 11. a6
Edinburgh Academy 111. 81
E$nburgh, Arms of ;he City of, 1
Edinburgh Castle, I. *I, z, 14-79
Stawand Camden'saccannts 15
the lecend of the White fiar,
21; Holyrood Abbey, oa; th
monks of the Castrum Puelb
rum, ib. ; capture of the Castle b
the English, ib.; it becomes
royal.residence,,a3; wars of th
Scottlsh succession, ib . "Wa
lace's Cradle," 24, *z;f the foi
tress dismantled, a+ ;again in th
hands of the En lah, 25' Bu
locks suacagem t r its reAveq
gress of the City, ib. : Henry I\
mvades the City, 27; the Englii
baffled, ib. : Al+y's pr0phe.q
ab.; lamre rding the buMm
of houses. ir; sumptuary law
28 ; murder of James I., 29 ; c1
ronation of James 11.. ib. ; Caul
intrigues, 29,30 ; Lord Chancellc
Crichton, 30; arrogance of t h
Earl of Douglas ib. : the I' blac
dinner " ib . th; Castle besiegec
31 . th; &;'fortified i6. ; +m<
IIi. and his haugdiy no ill@
32 ; plots of the Duke of Alban
and Earl of Mar, ib. ; mysterioi
death of Mar, ib.; apture an
escape of the Duke ofAlbany, 3 .E.; ciptitity of James HI., y
ichard of Gloumter at Edii
burgh,+.; the"C;ol$m Chartei
of the city, ib. ; the Blue RL)
ket," 34, * 36 ; accession of Jam
at 111. 5
2- 246,267. VI, 330,334
IV 35 : tournaments, ib. : " thc
se& sisters ot' Borthwick." v.5.'-
36.; the " Ylodden Wall," 38, +o ;
reign of Jam- V 38-42 ; Edmburgh
underthe f&tionsofnobles,
38-40 ; the castle attacked by
the Earl of Hertford, 43,111.16g;
death of Queen Mary of Guise,
I. 44, 45; accession of Mary
Stuart, 45h; birth of Jam- VI
46 *48: t esregeof1~73,47, I I f ?$ ; the a t y bombarded from the
astle, I. 47 ; Elkabeth'sspy, 48;
Sir W. Drury's dispositions for
the &Fe, 48,49 : execuaon of Sir
W: h.rkaldy, 50.: repairof the
ruins, ab. : execution of the Earl
of Morton, ib.; visit of Charles
I p, 51; procession to Holyr&,
Si : coronation of Charles
I., ib. : the struggle against episcopacy,
g1,52; siege of 1644 52 -
the spectre drummer 54; th;
castle baieged by CroLwell ib. ;
ten years' peace in Edinbkh
55 ; the Restoration, ib. ; th;
Argylcs, 56-58 ; the accession of
ames VII., 58 ; sentence of the
rl of Argyle, 58,59 ; h~ clever
59 ; the last sleep of Ar-
?e?.; hisdeath, ib. ; tortureof
the covenanters, 59,150; proclamation
of Williarn and Mary, pII;
the siege ,of 1689 6 internew
between the Duk;p?&rdon and
Viscount Dundee, ib. ; brilliant
defence of the &de, 63,64 ; Qpitulation
of the Duke of Gordm,
65 ; inner gateway of the Castle * 65 ; the spectre of Clawhaw:
66 ; torture of Neville Payne, id. ;
Jacobite plots, ib.: entombing of
thc regalia 66, 67; project for
surprismg ;he fortnss, SI ; right
of sanctuary abolished. ib. ; Lord
Drummonfla plot, 68 : Dome acv.
biteprixmen, 6g; "rebeldies"
70 ; iunes Macgregor, ib. ; de
at escape, 71 : tears as to the
destruction of the crown, sword,
and m p ~ e , ib.; crown-room
opened in 1794 and in 1817 id. ;
Mons Mag, 74 ; general d&p
tion of the Castle, 7 5 7 9
Edinburgh Castle and nty Ancient
and modern vieis of. 1. q. 17.
Cast / e vaults, 70 71 ; attempts
from various points, 11.193) 216,
111. 117
Edinburgh in 1745 1. 331-334;
Charles Stuart in \he mty, I. 323
Edinburgh Origin of the name, I.
12 ; the infant city, I. 26 ; first
enclosed by walls, 1. 31
Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway,
11. 19 113
Edinburgh and Leith Seamen's
Friendly Society, 111. q
Ediabzdrqh Aa'vmtkr, The, 1.318,
339, 11. 'VV 11% '7% 3a4 35'.
III.63r703 73 752 7% 85, 11% 123,
Edinburgh Assembly Rooms, 1.314,
inburgh Assoclation for Impmving
the Condition of the Poor, 11.
Edinburgh Arscdation of Science
and Arts, 11. 143
Edinburgh Bishop of 111.147
Edinburgh' Blind Asyhm, 111. a54
Edinburgh Bamic W e n , Leith
Walk 111. 98. its coratm ib.
Edinb&h &teryCom&y, 11.
Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
and Manufactures, I. 379, 111.
Edinburgh Che5 Club, 11.152
Edinburgh Club, The old, 111.
Ed:s7 * 3 4 3x7

Xrskine, Lady Elizabeth, 11. 115
3rskine. Mrs. Mary, 11. 272, 362
Erskine Club, 11. 27
2scape of risoners from Edinburgh
Ssk, The river, 111. 318, 346, 353,
3% 361, 364;
Sskgrove, Lord,\I.d, 120,111.367
Ssplanade, The, I. 79, 83, 86
Esten, Mrs., the actress, I. 346,
Castle, &tempted, I. 71
3557 357, 358, 35
the coal seams 171. 358, 359
11. 778
Edinburgh Dock, Leith, 111. 284,
Edinburgh Duke of 111. 288
Edinburgh' Dukedok of 111. 126
Edinburghkducational Ihstitution,
Edinburgh Hospital for Incurables,
Edinburgh IndustrialSchool, I. 264,
Edinburgh Institution for Educa-
286, 287
11. 158
111. 55
* 265
Educafion 11. 344
Edinburgh ~teruyInstitute,III.g~
Edinburgh Mechanics' Subscription
tion If. 200
Edindlrrgh Kruinv, The, I. 339,
11. 143 191 203 47 111. 43
Edinburih difle b k n t e e r Hall,
11. 326
Edinburgh School of Art, I. 379,380
Edinbureh Theatrical Fund Asso-
Gr; ~ ~ a t e ' 2 9
,gh kolunteer Artillery, I.
286, 323
Edinburgh Volunteers, 11. 76, 82,
188, 219, 371, 372, 373. 374>'"377r
Edidurgk We&& jrrumal, 111.
799 82, 89, 143, 754
Edzn6argh WreRly IWagozitre, I.
3331 11. 3 53 111.83, 1:4~ IS?, 744
Edinburgh toung Mens Chnstran
Association I. 379
Edmonston 6dge, 1. 43, 111. 338
Edmonstone, Lord, 111. 339
Edmonstone, Colonel, 11. 161
Edmouctone 111. 339
EAmonstone'House, 111. 338, '31;
its owners, 111. 338, 33
Edmonstone of Duntreat;, 11. 139,
111. 338
Edmonstones The 111. 338, 339
Edward I., 1.'23, i1. 46,111.41~43,
351 ; captures Edinburgh Castle,
Elcho, Lord, I. 326,327.11.31~318,
Elder. Lord Provost. 11. IW. 176.
322, 111. 198, zzz, 366
, -.. . .
17?.'282. 111. 21
Eldii, Li&t.-Col&el, 11. 371
Elder Street, 11. 176
Eldin, Lord, II., 186, 187, 111. 167,
260; hisfondnessforuts, 11. 186'
;cadent at the sale ofhis effects.
Eldin:%hn Clerk of, 11. 186, 191
Eldin douse, 111. 359
Electric time-ball, The, 11. 108
Elgin Earl of I. 107, 336
Elibak, PatAck Lord, I. 83, 101,
Elizabeth Countess of Ross, I. 246
Elizabeth: Queen, I. 47. 49, 111.
174, 175, 178 : her death, I. zoz
Elllock, Lord, 111. 142
Elliot, Sir George, I. 210
11. 27, 166, 351
Elliot Sir Gilbert, 11. 273
Ellio; Sir ohn 111. 340
Elliot: Archaid architect, 11. 188
Klliot of Minto, sir Gilbert, 11. 161
Elliot of Minto, Miss Jeannie,
Elliot thepublisher I. 181 111.154
Elm Place Leith, iII. 268
Elm Row Leith Walk, II1.154,158
Elphinstdne, Lord, 11. 103, 352
Elphinstone, James, Lord Balme-
Elphidstone, Charles Lord, 11.174 ;
Elphinstone, 3owager Lady, 11.
authoress, 11. a71
rino 111. 135
his sons, i6.
11. 274
Elphinstone, Admiral Sir Charles,
Elphinstone, Lieut.-Gen. Lord, 11.
Elphmstone, Sir Howard, 11. a83
Elphinstone, Sir James, I. 271, 11.
Elphinstone Sir ohn 111. 42
Elphinstone' Sir fohnitone, 111. 91
Elphinstone: Hon. Alexander, 111.
262, 263
Elphinstone Court, I. 271--274,
*27z ; distinguished residents in,
203. 111.128
I. 271-274
Elphinstone of Barnton, Lord Bal-
Elphinstone, The Master of, 111.
merino, 111. 317
Elphinstone family, The, 111. azz
Elphinstone, Mistress of, I. 257
Elphinetones of Lopie, The, 111. 91
Emery, the actor, I. 348
" Encyclopredia Britannica." The,
I. ZII, 223, 339,Il. 126,165, 111.
En myhe's Well, 1. 276, 277
English Episcopal Chapel, I. 262
English in Scotland, The, I. 23, 24,
II!. 3+, 35: ; driven out, I. 25
English invasion expected, 11. 330
Englishmen captured by Scotsmen,
7$ 247
1. 3'
Entablature above the Gateway,
Edinburgh Castle I. 51
Environs of Edinbdrgh, The, 111.
314-368 : map of, 111. * 325
EpimplChapel Cowgate 11.247
*q9, 111. 63 ;'its bell, iI. 247 i
its ministers, i6.
Episcopal ?hapel, Leith, Theearly,
111. 230
Episcopacy in Edinburgh, Attempt
to enforce,.I. 51 144 208, 11. 131,
a46, 375 ; its sekcei at one time
@armed by stealth, 111. 231
Euiscoualian Church. Portobello.
-111. i '53
Errol, Earl of, I. 147, 11. 159, 318,
111. 323 ; Countess of, II.59,166,
Erskine. Tohn. Earl of Mar. I. *37. . ...
44 335- .
Ersdine, Lord Chancellor, 11. 111,
Erskine, John Lord, 11. zrg, 111.
z87, 111. 271
111. 318
Erskme, Sir Alexander, I. 220,371,
Erskine of Cynbq Sir Charles, I.
Erskine, Sir Harry, 11. 344
Erskine, SirThomas 111. 318
Erskme, Gen. Sir Wham, 11.307
Erskine Sir William I. 63 111.258
Erskingof Alva, Chgles h r d Justice-
clerk I. 236 237
Erskineof &a, SiiCharles, 11.243
Erskine of Cardross, I. 282
Erskine of Carnock 11.379
Erskine of Dun II.'67, 68
Enkine of Foikst, Capt. James
Erskine of Mar, John Francis, 11.
Erskme of Scotscraig, Sir Arthur,
Erskine of Torrie, Sir James, 11.89
Enkine, Hon. Andrew. 11.115
Erskine. Hon. Henrv. 1. 115, 15%
Francis, 11. 282
11. 70
166, G5, II.26,122; 143, 163, rig;
Enkme, Hon. James, I. 247 (sec
Grange, Erskine, Lord)
Erskine, Dr. John, 11. 37
Erskine, Lady Barbara, I?. 319,320
248, 339, 111. 34, 362
Eton Tekace, 111. 74
Ettrick Shepherd, The (see Hogg,
Etty, the painter, 11. 89, 91
Evers Lord I. 43
Ewbank, John, the painter, 11. 19,
Ewing, Greville, I. 361, 362
Exchange, The I. 176 178
Exchange Buiidings, 'Leith, 111.
1713 244, "245
Exchequer, The, I. 178
Excise Office, The, 1. IIZ, 113, 217,
*zm, 11. 23, 110, 191. 259, 260;
robberies at the, I. n2--114
Excise Office, Drummond Place, 11. * rgz, 111. '24
Execution of English pirates at
Leith, 111. 190, 191
Executions for various offences, I.
83. 84. 867 115, 117, 122, 1 6 2347
281, 332, 11. 228, 230,231, 238
(set &sa Grassmarket)
111. 79
Faed, the painter, 11. 89, 111. 82
Fairbairn, Rev. Dr., 111. 303, *304;
Fairfax Admiral d r W. G., 11. 198
Fairho<me Adam 111. 47
Fairholm: Bailie' 111. 47
Fairholme: Jam,;, 111. 46, 47
Fairholme, George, 111. 47
Fairholme Thomas, 111. 47
Fairies' or Ha gis Knowe, 11. 319
Fair Maid of 8alloway, The, I. 31
Fairnielee, Alan of, Provost, 11. 278
Fairy Boy, The, 11. 101
Fairy Halec Newhaven 111. 299
Falcon Had, 111. 39 ; 'its owner,
Falconer, hliss, 111. 38
Falconer of Borrowstounnes. Sir
his philanthropy 111. 303
111. 38
David, Lord President, II.'379,
Falconer Patrick 111. 365
Falconer' Will& author of the
Falconer ofHalkertoun.Lord.II.97~
111. 199, 202, 206
"Shipkreck," I.'216
Falkirk, Battle of (see battl&] "-_
Falkirk Road, 11. 215
False news, Easy circulation of,
I. 60
11. &A. *&F. 111. 67
Falshaw, Sir James, Lord Provost,
FalshawStreG; 111.
Fast Castle, 111. 37, 134, 135
Faucit, Mis Helen, actress, I. 351
Fenton, Viscount, 111. 318
Fentonbams, Lord, I. 207
Fenwick, the ainter, 11. 1%
Fergusson Large (Lord Her.
mand) i. 170 173 11. 207; hir
defenh of the '45pr?lsoners, I. 17c
Fergussan, Sir C. Dalrymple, 111.
Fergusson, Robert, poet, I. I q ,
119, 230, 238, 348, 11. 127. 194,
310, 324, 38, 111. 125, 295, 269
tomb of If. * 30
Fergusso;, Robert, I' the plotter,'
I. 66
Fergusson of Pitfour Jams I. 202
Fergusson, Dr. A&, histokm, I.
Fergussoii, Dr., the friend of H u e ,
1. 99
Fergusson, Dr., 11. 153
Ferrier, James, Clerk of Session,
11. 139
Ferrier, Miss Susan, novelist, I.
106, 11. 139, 194; her husband,
Ferries of Leith, The ancient, 111.
Ferry Rcad, 11.82, I I ~ , 116,111.64
11. 139
Fettes, Lord Provost Sir William,
11.31. 173,283.111.82, 97 ; Lady,
11. 318
Fettes College, 111. *Eo, 82, 97, 288
Fettes, the painter, 11. 89
Fettes Row, I. 135, 11. 185
Feuds of the Newhaven and her.
toil ns fishermen 111. 300 01
Fife, Earl of, I. 350,'II. 86, &86,
146 ; Lady, 111. 265
Figgate Burn. 111. 143, 144, 146,
259, 263
Figgate hluir, 111 142, 143
Figgate Whins 111. 144, 236
Filby, Goldsmih's tailor, 11. a51
Fincaytle Lord 11. 120
Fingzie Glace, Leith, 111. 266
Finlay, Wilson's friend, 11. 199
Fire of 1824, Ruins of the, I. ' 185
Fire, SirW. Scott'ssto ofa, 11.5 6
First Parliament of Tames VIi.
Cavalcadeat theopening of, I.%;
FirthofForth,The, 11.151.319,III.
164, 165, 166, 169, 180, 181, 188,
191, 192, 1931 198, 201, 202, 209,
2x2, 228, 270. 274, 282, 287, 312,
Fishermen, Rigits of the Newhaven,
111. 301
Fisher's Close, I. I I I . 11. 242
Fish-hwks, First mmufacturer of.
314, 3227 326, 66
11. 263
" Fishwives' Causeway," I. 10, 12,
Fishwomen ot Musselburgh, 11. 22
F.( sec . also Newhaven)
itzsimmons, Rev. Mr., 11. 248
Flaxman the sculptor, 11. 135
Fleming,'Lurd, I. 40, 262, 111.~98,
349; marriage of 11. 306
Flemihg, Sir lame;, I. 196
Fleshers The 11. 265
Flesh Mkket,'The,I. 1gz,21g,II.17
Fleshmarket Close, 1.113, 1~1,138,
*232, 236, 338, 11. 77 ; formerly
the Provost's office 11. 227
Fletcher Laurence cbmedian, 11.40
Fletche;ofSaltoui, 11.34, 111. go,
Flockhart's tavern 11. 333
Flodden Field Ba;Lle of(reeBatt1es)
Flodden Wall: The, I. 38, + 40,183,
278, 381, 11. 221, 239, 339 a
Flora Macdonald, 11. 87, ~ 1 4 ~ 124
Faod riots 111. 87
Football, k'rohibition of, 111. p
Foote, the comedian, I. 342, 343,
Fwte, Maria, actresq, I. 350
Forks Lord 11. 194
Forbeid Cuioden, Lord President
Duncan 1. 159,161, 166, 330, 11.
83,382;'his fondness for golf, 111.
31, 262 ; his biographer, 111. 43
Forbes Sir John Stuart 11. 151
~ o r h ' of Pitsligo, sir killiam, I.
142, 143, 188, ?93, 318,'11I. 47:
244, 323 ; his wife, 11. 383
Forks, Prof. Edward, t he naturalist,
111. 68 242, 307
Forbes df Tolquhoun, Sir Alexander,
I. 236
Forks-Drummond, Sir JohnJI. 270
Forks The Master of 1. 8
F o r k : Rev. Rokrt: Bisiop of
Fordun, John de, I. 297, 11. 53,
Fordyce of Aytoun, I. 275
Foreign clothiers. Introduction of,
111. 144, 165
111. 163
158, 176, 179-181, 239 11. 120
Caithness, 111. 231
111. 27
Forglen, Lord, I. 235, 236
Forglen's Park, 11. 325
Forres Street 11.
Forrest of domiston, Sir James,
Lord Provost, 11. 284, 111. 326
Forrest Road, 11. 103, ~ 6 7 ~ 323.326,
Forrest's Coffee-house, Edinburgh,
Forrester Lord 111. 119
Forrester: Sir kdam, I. 122, 278,
Forrester Sir Andrew, 11. 24
Forrester: Sir John, I, 31, Ill. 115,
111. 210 .
111. 115, 118, 327
11% 318
Forreater Lords, 111. 119-121
Forreste; family, The, 111. 116,
