Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


374 *316,317; view below Cramond Brig, 111. '317 Cramond Bridge, 11. 63, 111. 1x1 CramondChurch 111. 316 '320 Cramond harbou; 111. 31; Cramond House i11.317,318, *3a2 Cramond Island: 111.315 Cramond Regis, 111. 107, 316 Cramond, Baroness, 111. 315 Cranston, Mn., 111. 161 Cranston Street 11. 17 Cranstoun, Hdn. George, Lord Corehouse, 11. 6, m7; his sister 11. .106 111. IOI Cranstdun, Thd- of, Provost, 11. 278 Cranstoun Geordie thedwarf 11.19 Crawford,'Earls of: I. 62, 68, mg, Crawford of Jordanhill, Sir Hew, Crawford'Sir Gregan I.'za Crawford'of D ~ m s o i 11.181, 111. 11. 354,'III. 194, 222 111. 90- his daughters i6. zg. 61, IS$ 34 Crawford S l r f V i l l h , 11. 47 Crawford' Captain, and Major Crawford, S:r John, 111,. 51, 52, 5 Crawford, Thomas, High S c h d Crawfoid of Jordanhill. Capt.. 111. somuvhe I. 95 rector II. qa . _ . 1 9 Crawfurd of Crad.udland, Howie- CrZC;; j k e s , Provost, 11. a78 Creichtoun of Felde, Deputy Pm Creighton, Willivn of 11. 47 ~ r e e ~ h , william, bo~ise~~er, I. ' 5 5 139 ; portrait of, I. 156 ; Burns' poem on, i. 156 Crceclr, Lord Provost, and Mh Burns 11. 158 159 C-h': Land, i. 153. 156 191 "Creech's Levee," I. 156 Crichton, Lord Chancellor, 11. 54 Crichton, Bamn, I. zg, 30, 053 Crichton Castle, 111. 61 Crichton of Lugton, David, 11. 39 Crichton, h. Andrew, 111. 79 Crichtonb Dr. Archbald, 11. 123, 111. 162 Crichton, George, Bishop of Dun. keld 1. 149 204 11. rj, 47, 48 Crichrbo, Rdhard: architect, 11.94 Crichton of Elliock, Robert, I. 126 Crichton, Lieut.-Col. Patrick, Ill. 161 ; duelhy, 111.16~ ; hisson, d. Crichton Street, 11. 329, 334 333, Cr%c%of Brunstane,The,III.xp Cringletie, Lord, 11. 174 Crisp, Henry, 1. 343 Crispm, Feasts of St., 11. 104 Cruchalh Club, 1. 235, 239, 11. Cmckat Lieut -General 111 95 Croft-ad-Righ,'m the Gield'of $ cromarty, Earls of, I. 1x1, 11, zg8, Crombie's Close, 11. 239, 2~ Cromwell, Oher, I. 4, 54, 55. 56, 353. 367, 371. 11. 31, 73. rgz,2~8, 286, 290. 327,367, 375, 383, 111. 186,187, 193, 21% 222, 230, 2s 318,329,33073431 347 ; p r o p 3 statue of 111.72 ter, 1. 34 vost, 11.279 -157, 166, 176, 212, 229, 11. Im 157, 187, 111. IZZ King, 11. 41, *# 215, 3x0 299. 3532 356 111- 30. I16 2 x 6 741 75, 159, -# %'B 218,227. 298, 439 99, 103, 1x3, 14% 143. 151, Cromwelrs'tarracks III. 257 '' Crookbacked Dici" of Glouces Crookshank the historian, I. 101 Crosby, Andrew, advocate, I. 192, C-4 the City, I. 50, 60, 98, 1x6, 334 11. 2 62.75, 131,111.1~ 72, 146: 755 191. cruel punishments ihct&l th&e, 1. 150, 151 ; k q u e t s at the, I. zm; exccuuons there, 11.14, III.187,268 zm 231.11. IF 122, 146, 152, 195, +03,227, 298, C T GusewaY, 11. 334, 341, 3451 346 Cross Ke s Tavern I. 251 Cross of &. John iI. z Cm~~rig, Lord 1.'161, 162, 11. 246 Crown Hotel, h. 118 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. Crown-mom, Edinburgh Castle, I. Cullayne, Capt. James, I. z6a Cullen, Lord Robert I. 27, 11. 171 Cullen, Dr., I. 156,'171, 271, 11. Culloden Battle if &te Battles) Cumberl;nd, Duke of, I. 332. 334, * 69 146, 302, 111. 23 35 I. 203 11. 281 111. 15 Cunninglham, si will- 11.153, Cunnineham of Baberton. House 111. 57 of 11; 162 Curkingham Rev.Dr. 1.87 111.51 Cunninghamk, Dr. deorgk, the Cunzie House. The, Candlemaker phycian, 11. 298 . . Row 11 *= . CunzidNkk, ?he, 11. 267 Curious dream sto 111. rgz 193 currie, III. 321, ?36; its 1-1 history, 111. 39-333; its ancient military remaim, 111. 331; the bridge, III.33?,333; the church, 111. 332; heritors roll of the parish. 111. 334 : longevity of its inhabitants, 111. 337 Cnrrie's Close, 11. 236 Currie's Tavern, I. 179 Curriehill. Lord. 11. qm Curriehil~castle, 111: 334 Currichill How, 11. 01 '' Curses," the Union Bong, I. 164 Custom House, Granton, 111. 14 Custom House, The, Leith, 311. 171. I I, 192, 228, 259, *264, z& CustomhouxQua ,Lath, 111.273 Cuthbert's Lane, 11: 1.38 D DArcy, Lady Camlime, 11. ~9 ?+r Lord I 274 D+y Rmirw The I. 288 2@ Dalelcish. Bot'hwelis accokdia in Dak Bailie Duff," 11. 255 Dm-le3smurder 1.263 f11. 6 6 Dalgleish, Nicol kinis& of St. Cuthbert's Chukh, 11.131 Dalgleish'sClose I. z q 252 Dalhousie, Earl bf, I. :s+, 11. 26, 98, 166, 318, 111. 342 ; Countess of 11. 318 DalLouie Marquis of 111. 88 Dalkeith, hlsof.11. &, 111. d g . 282,.311 Dalkeith, 11.236, 283, zg1,327, 111. Dalieith House 111. 146 Dalkeith railwa;, I. 384 Dalkeith Road, 11. 346, 355, 111. Dalmeny Park, 111. III Dalry burn, 11. 347 Dalry, Uistrict of, 11.213, 216,217, Dalry manor-house, II.*217,III. 78 Dalry Road 11. 214 216 217 218 Dalrynple, bavid, iard'Wdthall, Dalrymple, Hugh,LadDNmmore, Dalrymple, Sir David, I. 17ir 172, Dalrymple Sir Hew, 111. 262, 340 Dalrympld Sir James, 11. 327 Dalrymple: Sir John, 11. 26, 86, Dalrymple Sir Robert, 11. 143 DalrympldofCastleton, Sir Robert, Dalrymple of Cousland, 11. 348 Dalrymple, William, 11. 293 Dalrymple, Ca t Hugh, 11. 231 WIrymple, JoRn of, Provost, II. Dalymple, John, Provost, 11. 282, DalrympL of Stair I. 62 111. 323 Dalrymple, Lady, iI. 342 Ilaliymple's Yard I. 219 Dalyell Sir John braham 11. r6a Dalyell((or Dalrell), Sir Tiomas, I. 12,334; town mansion of, 11. 19 Dancing girl, Sale of a, I. 201 6r 134, 364 51, 57 111. 27, 35, 9a I. 222 I. 251 11. 243s 366 272, 335 I. 276 278 I1 . 36 a4 161, m, 378, 11: 75, 354, 111. Dancing school, The first, m Leith, Danube Street, 111. 72, 79 Darien Company, 111. 190 ; office Darien &edition, The, 111. 190 Darien House, 11. 323, 324, *325, Dark ageofEdinburgh, I. 187,111. Dark Pit The I. 6g 111. 231 of the 11. 322 326 126 116, 168, m.( 107, 276, 11. 18, 27, Queen Mary and, I. 46 ; murder of lI.jw,71 III.~--;r,m,23;emd l m i n g o f i i s w y , 11.71, 111.7 Dasses The 11. 313 David k., 1. ;r, ~ 2 ~ 7 8 . 148,14g, 186: II.&,III. 86, 26 339, 346, legendof the d ? ? Z H k , 11.21, 22, 2% 42, 111. 19; charter of H o l y r d Abbey, 11. 42, 43, 80, David II., I. &, zk, 11. 3, 47, 53, 9+ '3% 3=5.3=7, 33'. 338, 354 Dand's miraculous cross, King, 11. # David's Tower, Edinburgh Castle, 1. 26, 33 34, 36,*2# 44? 4% 48,49r 77 a ~i SS Daad.& 2 Muirhouse 111. 316 Davidson's Close. 11. zi D-b,'Lord' 1. 45.46. 47, 50, 78, 35, ~ 8 ~ 6 % 67,G% 74,286,III. 59 ; 180 111. 1x5 166 247 . 5 6 58, 278, 3% 111- 35, 41. 421 Davidson's Hook, Ca-tle Hill, I. 55 Davidson's Mains, 111. IIO Davit: IJeans' Cottage, 1. 383, 384, 11. 310 Dawick, Laud of, I. 1% Dawney Douglas's Tavern, I. 235 ; the"CrownRwm,"ib.; lintelof dqorway is, two views, 1. 235, 236 Dawson the comedian 11.24. ~ean damnia~ family 'of, II. 134 Dean: or Dene, Village of, I. 183, 3591 111- 62,633 642 66, 67, I* Dean Bank 111.75- theeducaUonaI institution III. 6 Dean Bridg;, I. 10, 111. 6 3 , y 70, 71, Pkte ZJ ; Roman urn onnd near, 1,. xo Dean Bndge Rcad, 111. 82 Dean cemetery, I. 218, IL am, -1 111. 63, 66, 68, '6g Dean Church 111.67 Dean Farm iII. 67 Dean Haugh I. 366 II.28qIII. 65 Dean manoAhouse: 111. *65, 68; h a n Orphan H q i t a l , HI. SI Dean Path 111. 67 Dean Side,'III. 67 Dean Street, 111. 77 Dean Street Church: fh. 75 Dean T e n a a 111. 72,7 Deanhaugh Sireet, Stak%ridge, 11. Deemster '$he (executioner), 1. ?42 Defencelhss state of the Fifeshire -3t aftertheunion, III.194,197 DefenceJ of Leith,The, 111. zgc-zg5 De Foe, Daniel I. 216 zp, 11. 79 Degraver, Dr. Pierre, 1. 1x5 Deidchack The I. I 6 Denham, S'u J&es gtewart, 111. its owners, III.66,67 Ij8, II1. 5, 79 146, 342 Denham, the actor, I. 350 Denham's Land, 11. 324, 325 Dental Hospitaland School, 11. 276 Derby, Countess of, mistress of Charles II., 11. zr Desmond Earls of I. 104 Destitute' Childred, Home for, 11. 26 Devil Legend of raising the, 11. 3 nevits Elbow The I. 7' pwar's Close: 11. 6 Diamond Beetle &se: The j r r Sesprit of 11. 207 Dick, Sir A l h d e r , 11. 86, 111.57, 1x4 Dick, Sir James, Lord Provost, I. Dick of Grange, The family of, Dick fa%,, The, 111. 114 Dick, Lady Anne, Strange habits 111. of I 254, 111. 114 (rct Royston, Lbrd) Dick-Cunningham family 111. 56 Dickens, Charles, in Edinburgh, 11. Dickison of Winkston. House of '50 Digges, 3'0 the Zomeddian, I. 34% 343, 11. 23, z4, 111. 241 Dilettanti Socie The I. 108 Dingwall, Lord,?? z62,'III. 62 Dingwall Sir John I. 340 Dingwalis Castle, f. 340, 353 Dirleton Lord, 111. 318, 348 Dirom Colonel 11. 120, 174 Dirtyklub Th; 111. 12 Disruption'of d e Scottist Church, 11. 95, 96, 138, 1441 '45, m.5, 111- Di%nterr Various sectsof, 111. p Distress oi the Edinburgh poor UI Dobdl Sydney 111. 148 Dock gtreet d i t h 111. 255 Dock Place,'Leith,'lII. 259 Doctors of Faculty Club, 111. 123 Dominicanmanasre lI.z50,~8+' Darnley's body k n d in th; gardensof 11. 286 288 Don, Sir Aixander,' 11. 159, 111. 1795 11. 283 339 Don, Si William, the actor, I. 351 Don, Lad I1 343, 111. 95 Donacha ha; 1.136 Donaldson'a dospital, I. 318, 11. Do~ldson's Close. I. 318 Donalds~n, Dr. James, 11. 112, 126 Donaldson, the bookseller, 1. 3x8; Donaldson. the theatrical author. 1. 214 PMC 10 hw son Jams, 1. 18, 11.214 DOMldSOll, Capt., d. 153 343,. y 5 ' DonnibnstleCastle, I. 246,III.11~ 302 Eoo Park, 111. 37 Doubling the Cap," 111. 125 Douglas, Duke of I. 105, 14a, 11. 331, 354 351; buchess of, 11. 351, 111. 124 Douglas, Marquis of, 11. 3x7 Douglas, Earls Of, 2% 30. 31r34r 3% old mansion ofthr. 11. 257 38. 39. 4 3 43. 258, 111. 133, 338 ; Douglag Archibald, 'Earl d-Angus, Douglas,.&hiba?d, Marquis, I I. 350 IJou~Is, Archbald Earl uf, 11. Provost 11. 27 331,111. 3.2 Douglas, James Marquis of 11. 351 Douglas, James, Earl of harton, DougL, Sir Archibald, I. 196 Douglas, Sir Archubald and Si Dounlas. Sir Georee. I. 106 I1 80 Robert, 11. 59 Douglas' Sir am& '11. 283 Douglas' Sir keil, iI. 153 Douglas: Sir Rotprt, the historian. I. I28,II. 35,37,1I1.11gr 318,348, 301 Douglac of Brackhouse, The family ~odg~as ofcave- I. 271 Douglas ofGlenbervie, Sir Willii, Douglas of Hawthornden 111. 27 Douglas oCHawthornden,'Sir JoL, Douglas of Hyvelie William, 111.34 Douglas of Kilspiddie Archibald, Provost, 11. a79, do; begs the royal intercession, 11. 280 Douglas of Parkhead, Sir James, 1. 54 I95 Douglas of Parkhead. George, the murderer of Rizzio, I. 9, 11. 74 235; Provost, 11. 280 Douglas Ladylsabell I 97 Douglas'pcerage, The,?. 98,349-- Douglascs and Hamiltons, Feuds Dough? of Spott 111. 330 DouglaqofWhitt:nghame, William, of 111. 193, 315 11. 279, 111. 53 111. 354 35' between the, 11. 63, 279, 285 1. 259,161
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