Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


GENERAL INDEX. Abbey Church, I-IoIyod, 11. 28, I; west front of, 11. 53, mass celebrated there, 11. 59; ruins of the Abbey Church, ib. Abbey Close 11. 27,$8 Abbey Cow;-house he, 11. II Abbey Hill, 11. 30,?41.309, 111. 90, Abbey Port, The, 11. *64 Abbey-strand The 11. 2 ?Abbot,? &ne oithe, 11. 35 Abbots of Cambuskenneth Townhouseofthe, I. 118, 119, ;53 Abbots of Holyrood 11. 3, 4649, 6 III. 41,132.29?7 Abbots of Melrose, Town-house of the, I. 253. *256 Abercorn, Duke of IT. 123, 317~ 111.150 ; CounteL of, I. 127 Abercorn Street, 111. 147 Abercrombie Lord 1. l a r 15g,297 Abercrombie: Sir kalph,?II. 199, Abercrombie, the military historian, 11. 234, 111. 199, ZOI Abercrombie, Dr. John, physician, 11. 187 ; curious story of his death ib. Aberndmbie Place, 11. 158, 194 Abercromby, Sir Robert, 111. 158 Aberdeen, Earl of, 11. 157 ; Coun- Aberdour, Lord. 111. ZF Aberlad Bay, I. 154, 111. 292 Abernetxy Bishop 111. 354, 355 Aberneth;family, ?he, Ill. 354 Aberneth of Saltoun, Sir Law- Aberuchill, Lord, I. 116 Aboyne. Earl of, 11.27, rW, 111.735 Academy, The Edinburgh, 111. * 84, 85 ; the first in Edinburgh, 11. 120 Accident at Lord Eldin?s sale, 11. 187 Accountant-General The 11. 281 Acheson Sir Archibald,? 11. 27; Adam, Bishop ofOrkney, 11. 132 Adam. Robert architect, I. 367, Adad, Williak, a;chit;ct, +omb 02 I1 81 Adam, br. Alexander, 11. 168, 292, W. 296 295. (197. 30, 346,111. 135, I 6 his frugalf7are. 111. r35 Adam, b i d Chief Commissioner, I. 375 Adam, Right Hon. William, I T . 174 Adam?s design for St. Fcorge?s $Fyph, Charlotte Square, 11. -45, 148, 54, 58, 69; *7? III. 127, 128, 16 j 339. 111.138 tess of, 11. 21, 335 rence, $1.354 lintel &er his door, * ib. 379 IT.105 iO6 147 172 111. 2 Adaz-Square, I. *377,379,380,11. -4dam Street, 11. 330 Adamson Principal, 111. 27 Adamsonlot Craigcrook, 111. 107 Adelphi Theatre, Leith Walk, I. 51, 11. 1% Advocates? Close, I. 222, 223, * 225, 11. 82 111. 3? Advoca;es, Faculty of, I. 158, 166, 167, 222, 363, 11. 123, 163, 173, 270, 321,348, 3633 111. 91. 103 Advocates? Library, 1. IZ% 123, 371, 11. z+g, 314, 382, 111. 131 rdrnns, I. xa3, 111. 363 274, 311, 111. 39 . 216, a30, 297, 3?10; its lib: Brulapian Club The, 111. 124 Agnew Sir Andiew, 11. 168, 271, Agnew of Lochnaw, Lady, 11. 346 Agricultural improvers, 11. 348 Aikenhead, David, Provost, I. 198 Aikman, the painter, 11. 90; view Aikman?s Close, 11. 242 Ainslie, Sir Philip, 11. 18, 170, 111. 307. Ainslie, the architect, 111. 158 ; h~ plan of the New Town, 11. *189; his plan of Leith 111. *log Ainslie Place, 11.~200, *mI, 205, 206, zp7,III. 70 Aird, William, minister ofSt. Cuth- Airth, Earl of, 11. 41 Airth, Laird of, I. 194 Aitchimn, master of the Mint, I. 266 Alan Napier?s land, 111. 235 Albany, The Regent, 11.62, 251 Albany, Dukes of, I. ~7~ 32, 34, 38, 39, 40, 42. *44r 97, 1679 11. 23, 9, 40, 222, 111. 59, 200, 298 Altany, Chapel and arms of the Duke of, in St. Giles?s Cathedral, I. 142 Albany, Darnley Duke of, 11. 68 Albany, Escape from prison of the Duke of, I. 33, 34, 111. 59 Albany Row, 11. 190 Albany Street, 11. 183, 184, 185, Albany Street, North Leith. 111. 111. ;o by, 111. sa bert?s Church, 11. 131, 132 1 9 0 1 191 235 - Albert Dock, Leith, 111. 245, * 285, Albert Institute of the Fine Arts, AIk<?ast public acts of Prince, Albert Memonaf , Charlotte Square, 11. 175 *17 , 284 Albert Piace, III. 74 Albert Street, 111. 159 AlbydClub, The, 11. ?75 Albyn Place, 11. zm,,q ?Albyn?s Anthology 111. 127 Alemore, Lord, 111.?13~ Alesse Alexander 11. 239 AlexaAder Lord df the Isles, 11.54 Alexander) II., I. 258, 11. 285, Alexandir III., I. a3, 78, 11. 47, 111. 164 Alexander Le Grand, 111. I Alexander, Sir William. Earl of Stirling, 11. 27 Alexander, William, Lord Provost, 11. 281 Alexander Hayes? Close, k i t h , 111. 2 0. its Bath stove for medicinaf Grpses, ih. Alison family, The, 11. 126, 194 Alison, Sir Archibald, 11. 194, 19s Alison, Rev. Archibald, 11. 140. Alison Square, 11. 327, 332 Allan, Sir Williarn, I. 1x0, 11. 26, Allan CunniAgham, I. 107 Allan, David, the painter, I. 253, Allan Captain Thomas 11. 159 Allan? Ramsay, I. 82, 63, 86. 154, 286, 287, 288 I. 358, 11. 27 111.58 274,343,362 156.158, 188,190, ?943 247 91,gz. 196 111. 74, 79, 84 11. 30, 111. 68 181, *zoB, 210, 233,238,378,II. 1% 23, 127, 128, 130, 143. 35% 111. 154. Wodrow?s opinion of his literary productions, I. 154 ; vexatious legal hindrances I. 155, 210, 239; hisshopandcuslomers, I. 155. * 209 ; his statue, 11. 128, * r30 ; his son, I. 83: 182, 11. go; his house, 1. * 89 ; his daughter?s fondness for cat*, 11. 18 Allermuir Hill. 111. 124 318 Alston, Dr., the botanist 1. 363 Alston, lony, the actor ?I¶. 23 Alva, Lord, I. 132,237 ;?his daughter and Lord Lovat, I. 237; his stepdaughters, ib. Alvanley, Lord, 111. 46 ilvanley Street, 111. 46 Ambrose?s lavern,? 11. 171, 182 Amory, Captain. 111. 140, 141 Anatomy, First Professor of, 111.15 Anchor Close, I. 235. 282, 283 Anchorfield Burn, 111. 306 Ancient manners, Last trace of, 11. Amrum, Battle of(rec Battles) Ancrum family, The, I. 210, 11. 39 Ancrum, Lord, 11. 120 Anderaon, Andrew, the king?s Andersoii, Dr. James 111. 335-337 Anderson, thearchire&, II.185,35e Andenon the sculptor, 11. 207 Anderson: Wm., theauthor, 11.187 Anderson?s Leith stage-coach, 111: 152 154 And&son?s Pills I. 5 Andrew General, !?ad of Teviot, 111. 26 Andrews, James, the last prisonei hung in the Grassmarket, 11.231 Anedo Tremamondo. or Aneelu. IZO printer, 11. 256 Ann Streei I. 33b Annabella ?Drummond, queen 01 Robert III., I. 27,II. So, 111. 354 Annand, Sir David I 24 25. ?97 Annandale, Earl o( 1: 66? Anne of Denmark, I. 175, 193, 266, 11.222. 280. 16r. III. , .. Anne, Queen,-Iy. 352. 353 ; pm Anne Street, 11. 92, 155, 156, 199, clamation of, I. 203, 11. 281 111. 719 7% 73. 74 Anstruther, John, advocate, 11. 27c Anstruther, Lady Betty, 11. 18 Anstruther of Anstrutherfield, Su Antemarkm Club The, 111.125 Anti-burghermee;ing-house, II.33t Antiquarian Museum, I. azg, 23q Antiquarik room, Register H o e , Philip 11. 270 !az, II. 83, zra, 241,282, 347; 11. 217 258 I. *.fiR ? Antiiiary ? The, 11. 35 Antiquaries,? Society of, I. 119, I1 86, 1039 ?54. 1% 162, 1952 239 2%; contents of, 11. 87 ?Apprentice?s Pillar,? The, Roslir cbd, 111. 3508 *353 trbuthnot, Sir William, Lord Pro. v a t I. 380, 11. 126 283 Zrbuthnot, John Viscbunt, 11.166 kbuthnot, Lord, 11. 31 krbuthnot of Haddo 11. 284 krbuthnot, Robert h a u n t , 111. go; his foster-brother, ib. hcades, The first, in Edinburgh, 11. 12; ?Archeeologia Scotica,? I. 56, 79 trchbishop of St. Andrews, 1. 253, 11. Z t i A Sr~hb~<oop?s Palace, The, I. 262, 263, 264 ; eminent residents in the, 11. 246, 251 kchers? Hall, 11. q z , 349, 2352, 354. dininghall of the 11. 353 4rche;s, Royal Companybf, 11.348, bckers oithe Guaid, 111. 6, 7 krchibald Bell-the-Cat 11. 279 Brchibald, Duke of A&yle, 11. 34, krchibald Duke of Douglas, I. IOI Archibald: Earl of Angus, I. *37, 4rchibald Place, 11. 363 4rdmi lan Lord 11. 174. 111. 3?. 4rdmitlan?Terra;e, 11. zrg 4rdshie1, the chieftan, I. 325 4rgyle Battery 1. 331 Argyle Bishop?of 111. 4 Argyle: Countess?o!, I. 49, 59, II. Argyle, Duke of, 11.75.86, r39.192, 316, 111. 63, 1x1, 124, 146, 191, 353. 354 111. 208 2 9 111.150 126, 11. 8, 251, 279 58, 70 i92, 311 Argyle, Earl of, I. 50, 5 6 58.6~~97, 126, 168, 170 256, 300, 11. 5, 13, 14, 101, III.?~, 4, 174, 189, 297; escape of, I. 58, 270; execution of, I. 59, 1r6, 151, 11. 15, 87, 262 Argyle and Greenwich, John Dde of I. 270 11. 271 111.311 ArGle, M&quis o t I. 56, 91, 227, Argyle House, Queen Street, 11.318 Argyle Square, 11.271,272,274, 362 Ariitocracy, Manners and customs Armadale, Lord, I. 259, 11. 253 Brmed men in law courts, I. 168 ArmsoftheCityof Edinburgh,I.* 16 Arnauld Lammius, Seal of, I. 182 &miston, Lord (sec Dundas, Robert) knot, Hugo, the historian, I. la, 192, 236, 238, 247. 251, 256, 262. 11. 31, 27a, 111. 62 of the, in 1730. I. 254 122, 135. 148, 14% 162,183, 184. 30% 3071 3% 3x8, 3387 34% 359, 364 363, 3% 371,376, 3% 11. 173 291 38, 397 5 4 59183. 94, 119, 159, ?64 2337 247, 252, 28% 298, 3% 3O6 3% 330, 334, 3% 375. 380, 382,111. IO,II, 12,13,16 47, 541 126, 152. 162, 186, 191, 194, 215, 235, 2 6 238, 243, 263, 276, 97, 326.; k d Kames and, 11. 161; views from his ? History of Edinburgh,? I. 85,161,1g3.11. 376, 111. 48 Arran, Earls of, I. *37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 195, 298, 340, 11. 64. 65. IOI, 192. a s , 279. IlJ. 2, 1%. . . .-. . . 203.204 Arson, Severe punishment or, I. 122 Art Galleries, The, 11. gz Arthur?s Seat, I. * I, a, 7, 11, 191, 11. 64 161, 303-?22, 111. 31, 56, ~ p , 143, 216 ; wew of, I. 13 ; 143
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370 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. pilgrimage to on May Day, I. 379 geology of the hill 11. 303, 304 origin of the name: 11.304, 305 plan of, I I. * 304 Articles of Union, The, I. 163 Artillery Park, The, 11. 41 Artois, Count d', I. 162,11.76,78,75 Ashbrook House 111.307 Assay Office and'(;oldmths' Hall I* 376 dral, 1. IM Assembly aisle, St. Giles's Cathe Assemblv Close. The old. I. I@U I . 242, II. 254 ' Assembly Hall, I, go, g6, 337, I1 Assembly House The I. a43 Assembly of Birds Club, 111. 123 Assemblyof the Freechurch, Firs1 meeting of the, 111. 87 k m b l y of the Kirk of Scotland Plate 13 Assembly Rooms, The, 11.148,150 111. 271 283; rules of, 11. 149 Assemblykooms Leith 111. 1y8 Aaociation of dorters,' Tablet o the, Tolbmth Wynd, Lith, 111 AstroLomicaI Institution, 11.106 Athens, Edinburgh the modern, I Athol, Earls of, I. ag, 3, 54 143 111.180, 3a3 ; Countess of, I. 46 Athole, Duke of, 11. log, 151.111 95. '99, 111. 123 228 'aa9 2,111.324 W5 Athole, Marquis OK 11.352 Athole Crescent, 11. z q , 210, 213 Athole Street, 111. 75 Auchindicny, 111. 359 Auchiuleck. Lord, 1. gg, 181, z g Auchtyfardel, Kennedy of, I. 1y6 Audience Chamber, Hol- Audley, ' h d , 11. 283 Augustine Canons of St., 11. 47 '' Auld 'Camcranian Meeung Auld Kirk Style 1. '53 "Auld Reekie "'111. 122 Austin, Dr. A&m I. 91 11. p a Avenue, The, B r k d l d L i k s Avonmore Lord 111.307 Aytoun, h e & r I. 88 11. 140, 158, m , *d, IiI. 68, 'as, 95 Aytoun, lady, 1 1 . p Aytounsof Inchdaunie, The. 1. d 11. I66 Palace 11. 74 house," 1. 259 111. * 33 B U, Worship of, 11.311 Baberton 111.31 334 Back Ro;, The, PI. 338, 111. 54 Back Stairs, The. 11. 247. a 4 ~ 246, . . . -. . -. . . 274 274 Baddeley, Mrs., the actress, I. 34C Bagimont, Cardinal, 11. 285; hh roll ib. Baije; Hole The I. 175 Bailie Fyie';Cl& I. 240 243 262 II. 173 ; fall ot i stone'tene'mei in, I. 240, *a41 Bailie Grants Close, I. y r Bailie Kyd, 11. IZI Bailie's Court, 11. 242 Baillie, Charles, Lord Jerviswde, Baillie Colonel Alexander, 11. 172 Baillie: Sir William, I. 186 Baillie, Murder of Lady, 111. 156 Baillie Robert 111. Sg Bainfiild, 11. dxg ; its mdia-rubber manufactories, ib. Bain Whyt, Songs in memory of, 11.219 Baud, Sir David I. Sg b i r d of Saughtdn, Su Robert, I. 88, 226 Baird Principal 11. 206, 238 Bairds of Newbyth, The, I. go, III.122 Bairdsof Sanghton, The, 111. 319 Baird's Close, I. 98, gg Bakehouse Close, 11. 9,27 Balc?nquall. Dr.. Heriot'sexecutor. 11. d, log II.3&,367 - Balcamq, Earl of, I. 66, 11. 143 ; Countess of, 11. 143 Balcarres James Earl of, I. 275, 276 ; wke of I. 276 Bale-fires, EAction of, I. 31, 78, Ralerno villaee, 111. 162 Balfour, Jamie, 1. 179 Bdfour Sir Andrew I 11. "5 62, 363; the Eknburgh bo&i$ garden, I. 362 Balfour, Sir James, I. 47, 51, 55, 1232 '958 2 0 9 q. '220 270, 3718 11. 222, 233, 285, 111. j, 7, 29, 56, 58, 59, 99, 178, 183, zaz, 263, 272, 2757 2Yt 291, 3351 351 Balfour, Dr., the botanist, 111. 98 Halfour, ohn, 111. 92 Balfour iobert, 111. 3, 7 Balfouiof Pilrig, James, 111. 91 Balfour Street 111. 163 Balgonie, LA, III. 250 BaIgmy, Lord. 11. 343 Ballantine, James, the glassstainer, Ballnnt$e Atbot 11. II his 172, Ballantyne, the printer, 11. 26, 30, Ballahyne's Close, Gnssmarket, Balloon ascents 111. 135 Balls, Old S c o t h , 1. 243 Balmuto, Lord, I. 175 173 Balmerino, Lord, 1. 5 5 z q , 2r3, 327, 11. 101, 103, 191. 111. 128, 131. 135. 186 186, 222,317 ; his brother 111. z6a Balmerinb House, 111. * 221 Baltic Street, Leith, 111. 239 Banff, Lord, I. 165 Hangholm Bower, 111. Bankclose, I. ~oa, 116, F;617r, 186, 111.99 Bank of Leith, 111. I 52. * a36 239 Bank of Scotland, I. 176, 4, 11. 1 3 , ~ s . * y6, P+r 12 ; i u charter, I. 93, 91; view from Princes Street, Plate '7 Bank Street, I. 101, 107, 219, 292, 11. 82, 93 95 139 111. 78 Bankton, Lrd: 1. Bannatyne, Sir Robert, I. IW Bannatyne, Sir William Macleod, II 348 111. 8 bridge a; Leith, iII. 161, '51,273 122 111.74 11. *azg 11.35 111. '87 Bannatyne, Lad, I. 1~1.111. 127 Bannatyne Club, The, I. 260, 375, Banner Place, 111. a8 Bannockburn (see Battles) Banquets at the Croy I. 1 ~ ) Barber, A contumacious, 11. 331 Barben. The 11.267 Barber-surge&, The, 11. 266 Barcaple, Lord, 11. z q Barclay, t m e s teacher of the High Sc 001 il. 191 Barclay, Rev.' Dr. Thomas, 111. 337 239 Buchy, John, and the Bereans, 1. Barclay Free Church, The, 111. B a r e s The 11. 225 Barganie,L.o;d,III.4); hoaseof, ib. Harker's panorama, 111. xr) Barnard, Sk Andrew, I. 276 ; Lady Anne, wife of, author of "Add Barnes Nook, Leith Harbour. 111. 34 *32 Robin Gray," ib. 210 Barnton, Sir Robert, 111. 3r7 Barnton House, III.316,317,~3~0; its suoCe5sive ownem 111. 317 ISaron-tFlilie, Office of,'II. IB~, 183 Baron Grant's Close, I. y x ; his h o w , ib. Baron Made's Close, I. 082 Baron Norton(wcNorton, Fktcher) Baron of Spittalfield, Provost bir Barony Street, 11. 181, 183 Barracks for the troops, I. 78 Barrier-gateway,Edinburgh Castle, Patrick, 11. 263, 278 I. *A6 gy 'the actor I. 343 Bartons The, merchants of Leith, am imming, Lkd, 111. 67 111.199, 204 =t m3, w =4 2'4 Rass the comedian, 11. 179 Baskdyne, Thomas, the typm grapher, I. q, 111, 213, 2x5, 277 ; his Bible I. q. 11. 131 Bassandyne's Clbse I. 213, 359 Bathheld Leith IiI. 19 Bathgate: Portdhello, 111. 147 UathStreet Portobello 111. r ~ ! 4 8 Bathing-michines, d o f , in irh, 11. 1x9, 111. 166 Battle or Camus Stone, The, 111. 326 Battles :- Antrum, 111. 170 Bannockburn, II.@, 92,197,111. Burghmuir, I. 297.111. 33 Corrichie, 11. 58 Culloden, I. 69, 11. 23, 27. 34, Drumclog 11. 231 Dunbar, i. 2% 55, 159, 11. 182, 32k 367,3837 111- 4% 1877 338 Dun lane 1.40 Durham i. 26 11.47 Falkirk,'I. 13&, 11. 298, 3 8 ~ 1 1 1 , 222 a 6 111. 107, 310 Flodden, I. 36, 38, 142, 1% 151, 191, 382,II. 155, 178, 279, 111. enlivat I. a46 Halidon kill 11. 216 Homildon Hill, 111. xIg Invercarron 11. 13 Linliihgow bridge, I. 42, 111. mz Melrose I. I Nisbetduir, #I. 91 Otterbourne, 111. 338 Pentland, I. %I, 11. 131 Pinkie, I. 43, 310, 11. 57, 65, 66, 244 2781 111. 35, 107, '74 218, 339 Preston ans, I. 327, 11. 281 Sark, I. 31, Ill. 346 Sauchiebum, I. 35, 111. px) Bavelaw Burn 111. '64 Baxter's close: I. 106,366 Baxter's House, I. 107 Baxter's Lands 111. 9( Baxters, The, dr bakers, 11. 266 hyll's, or Bayle's, Tavern, John, Beach and sands of North Leith, Bcaca newspaper The 11. 242 Beacons, Ligbtmgbf th: 11.371374 Bearford's Parks 11. 1;5 rr6,idz Beaton, Cardinai, I. 4?, 11. 64 III. 1% 1% ; armor!al bwingl of 1. *z6r 263' his house I. a?\, *At; kurdirof, I. 263, h I . 150 ; portrait of, 111. 45 Beaton, James, Archbishop of Gla4 gow, 11. 285, 287 hattie Dr., 1. 101, IZX, 156, 236, Beattre's Close, 11. 235 Bedford, Paul, the actor, I. 351 Bedford Street, 111. 7p Beechwood 111. 1% 105 Hegbk lviysterious murder 01 Beggars' aenison, Order of the, " Beggar's Opcra," The, 11. 38 Lkggar's Row I. 340 Heggaq Rulks for the riddance 06 Beith'r Wynd, I. I Z I , I ~ Z , 123 Belgrave Crescent 111.67 Belhaven Lord Ii.139; hiswife,ib. Llelhaven: Rodrt Viscount, 11.59; monument to IL 6u Belhawn. the 'Earl Marischal, I. 354 115. 1637 279, 354, 111. 243 G~ 29, 35, 51, 56, 317, 346 Ro&, PII. 351,352 IJJ. 125, 140 111.258, 159 11. ,a;, wiilikm, I. 280 111. 123 11. 241 67, 163. 271 ?haven, Lady Penelope, 111. p Belhaven's Vision," 1. 178 Bell, Andrew engraver originator of the 'I dncyclopdia Hritan. nica," I. 223, 11. IZI Bell, Dr. Benjamin. 111. 140 Bell. Dr. John, anatomist, 11.303 Bell, Prof. George Joseph, I. 15% Bell, Henry Glassford, 11. rm Bell and Bradfute, Messrs., 11. 139 Bell, the antiquary, 111.2, 3 Bell Close, 1. 91, 11. 23 Bell-house The I. 119 Bell Rock'lightLoux, 111. 224 Bell, The ten o'clock, I. I* Bell's Brewery, 1. 382 11. 157, 218 Bell's Mills, I, 324, 11. 115,111.63; the bridge. 111. 63. *64 Bell's Mills Loan, 11. 214 Bell's Wynd I. 149 240 i 5 Bellamy, th:actor, i. 34; ; ?us wife, Bellenden Lord 11. IT Hellenden: Lord' Justice-Clerk, 11. 11. 23, 24, 25 71 111. 7 Bellinden, Sir Lewis, 11. 3, 181 Hellenden, Sir William, 11. 181 Bellevue 11. 191, a6g Bellevud Crescevt, 11. 191, III. RR Biievue Gardens 11. 191 Bellevue H O ~ Z f. 217. III. 12) Bellevue Street'III. 88 Bells and clock), St. Giles's Cathedral, I. 146 Bcnf-syylvrr, or rushes, 11. zyo Bequests to Edinburgh University, 111. 26 BernardStrect, Leith, III.171,208. 234. 235, 936 * ~ 3 7 ~ 238, 23% 144 Bernards NooL Leith 111.238,17r Berri, Duc de h Hol;rood 11. 76 Bertraham, Piovort, I. - 7 , ' ~ . 278 Bess Wynd, 1, 48 Beth's Wynd, 1, 175 kkthune James Archbiihop of Ghgdw, 1. 26; Bible Society, Room where it was inaugurated 11. 161 Bider, or st&t disturbances. 11. Binnie Craigi 1. 86- Binnie's C I ~ , St. Gies's street, Binning, Su William I. 378 Binny, Sir William, Aovost, I. p, Leith, 111. 226 11 "Rw --. -"- Birrel, the historian, I. 246,383,II. Bishdp's Land I. 208 11. 38 Hisset Wi11iA I I I . ; ~ Black,' Adam, iond Provost, I. a85> Black, hr., 1.136,271, 274,II. 120, 168, '54s 2558 298, 30% 334 383 ; his house, 11. *340 Black John of Ormiston 1 . 7 Black, John, the Do&- friar, Black Acts, The 11. I I Blackadder Sir batri& 1. 36 Blackadder: Rev. John,' the Cow. nanter, 11. 19, 111. 18g !lackadder Castle 1.40 Black Bull" inn' 11.177 Black dinner," The 1. 30 Bkckford, Hills of, IiI. I, 36,38,41, Blackfrars Church 111. 223 Blackfriars Garden& 1. IIO Blackfriars Kirkyard 11.379 Blackfriam Monasteh, I. 266, 11. 284, 285, 286, 288, 302, 327; destruction of the 11. 286 Blackfriars Stree: I. 264 Blackfriars Wynd, I. 3, 38, 39, 75, 19% -8 4 119, 4 2537 255 *257, "258, 2;g1261,262,263 264: 3741 11: 24% 1.r9, 287,. 2931 lil. 4, la ; aristocratic farmlies formerly resident therein, I. 258, 11. 118; Catholic chapels in 1. 261 Black Friary 1.258 '11. 234 Blackie, Pro;, 11. z;8, 111. p ' Black Knight of Liddesdale. 111. 7 5 7% 034, 364, 374. 111. '34, 182 275 2942 ',339,*346 1I.128,194,284 11. 186 ;lack craig, lhe,'II. 103 499 32.6 354, 355 Blacklock. Dr. Thomas. the blind poet, I.'106 11. 330, 356, 346 Blacklock's dose I1 242 Black Murdoch oi Khtail, 11. Black rappee. I n d u c t i o n of, E. ~ -. . '91 Black Rocks, Leith Harbour, 111. '7 I m, 01 Blaci & d o f Scotland, 1. a3 " Black Saturday," The, 111. 133 BlackTom and theghost 111. 34 Black Turnpike The I. 136, m+, bitter reception of Queen Mary at, I. 204 206, 11. 71. ;Is, ;&, 111. 62;
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