Cable?s Wynd, Leith, XI. 226, 227
Caddies,orstreetmesngers, I. 151,
Cadell and Co.. Robert. I. 2x1. 11.
. .
Caer-almon (Cmmond), 111. IQ
?Cage,? The, 11. 348
Caiiketton Craigs, 111. 324
Cairncross, Robert. the simonist,
111. ir6-
Caithness. Earl of. I. 111. 118. 111. . .-_,
4,63, 348, 350
Calcraft the actor I. 350
Calderwlood, Sir &lliam, 111. 359
Calderwocd, the historian, I. 50,
126, 1432 150, 151, 195, 104, 218,
22 19, 11. 131, 225, 330. 341. IIP~ :,, 61,170! 183, 184, 228,231
Caledontan Distillery, 11. 218
Caledonian Horticultural Society,
Caledonlan InsuranceCompany, XI.
Caledonian Railway, 11. 116, 138
Caledonian Theatre 11. 179
Caledonian United? Service Club,
I. 379.
11. 153
Callender, Colonel James, 11. 162
Calton ancientlya burgh, 11. 103
Calton burying-ground, 11. 101,
103, * ?05, * 108, 111. 78
Calton gaol I. 176, 11. 31, ?105,
228, 28- fI. 243
Calton $11, I. 55. 76, 136, 300, 11.
17, 18, raa--rr+ 161, 182, 191,
296, 306, 111. 82, 128, 151 158,
165, zog ; view of, 11. * 105 :view
from, 11. * I q
Calton Stairs, I. z p
Cambridge Street, 11. 214
Cambuskenneth, Abbots of, I. 1r8,
Camden Lord I. 272
Camera?John he Provost, 11.278
Cameroh, Sir Dincan, 11. 163
Cameron, Bishop Alexander, 11: 179
Camemn Bridge, 111. 58
Cameron, Charter of Thomas, 11.
Camemn clansmen, The, I. 326,330
Cameronbns, The, I. 63, 67, 111. ,? 30, 195-
Camp Meg,? and her story, 111.
159. 253
Campbell, Lord, the judge, XI. 195
Campbell, Lord Niel, I. a03
Campbell Lord Frederick, 11. 143
Campbell: Sir James, I. 282
Campbell, Lady, 11. 128
Campbell, Lady Charlotte, XI. 192,
Campbell, Lady Eleanor, I. 103,
104 : her m a k a e to Lord Stair. .. -
I. 103
Black Warch, I. 274
Campbell, Lieut.-Col. John, of the
Campbell of Aberuchill, Sir James,
Campbell of Ardkinglass, Si James,
Campbeli of Baicaldine 111. 162
Campbellof Elythswood, Col. John,
111. 135
1. 239 * Lady 162
III. a7.
Campbell of Bcquhan General
Campbell of Bumbank, I. 67
Campbell of Glenorchy, Duncan,
Campbell of Kevenknock 11. 183
Campbellof Loudon, He;, 111.334
Campbell of Shawfield, House of,
Campbell of Skipness, Archibald, 1.
Campbellof Succoth, Si Archibald,
I1 ?4 > 1873 344
Cam&il of Succoth, Sir Islay, I.
98, 11. 143, 270, 344; house of,
Campbell, Duncan, the lithotomist,
I. 320
Campbell, Mungo, I. 320 ; Earl of
Eglinton murdered by, I. 132,
=34. I[. 307
Campbell, john Hwke, I. 372
Campbell, Precentor, I. 107
Campbell of Mamore, Primrose,
widow of Lord Low, 1. 255.
(Fletcher of Saltoun), iII. go
111. 35
11. 168
hmpbell, Thomas, the poet, I. I-
:amp)beli, ;he opponent of Hume,
3amphell the tailor, 11. 271
Jampbell: the historian of Leith,
111. 238 246 258
3ampbe11?5 Niw Buildings, XI. a71
lamus Stone, The, 111. -326
lanaan Lane, 111. 40
Janaan Lodge, 111. 39
:anal Basin, The, 11. 215
Sanal Street 11.
lanch, Majdr, IIP63
Sandlemaker Row, I. 292, 11. 121,
168, 230, 239, 244 242, 259, 260,
~ 6 7 ~ 268, 271, 374, 375, 3% 381,
bndlish, Rev. Dr,, I. 87, 11. 138,
210, 111. 75
Cannon-ball in wall of house in
Castle Hill, I. 88, *rp
Cannye, Sir Thomas, 11. 102
Canongate Church, 11. 28, *29.
111. 91, 158; Ferguswn?s grave,
XI. 34 Dugald Stewart?s grave,
11. 206
79, 90s 97s 1053 I34 ?557 191, 1%
19% 217, 219, 2797 2987 3341 11. 1
-411 1738 23 7 241, 250, 288, 3307
161, 165, 188, 191 ; emnent rwdents
in, I. 282; origin of the
name 11. I ; songsconcerning it,
X I . 2 : records, 11. 2 3; burgh
sealofthe, 11. * 3 ; pahngofthe,
11. 3; burghal seals, 11. za ; becomes
subordinate to Edinburgh,
11. 3; cleansing of the, 11. 15 ;
plans of the 11. ? 5 16, *36 ; its
fashionable? residehts, 11. 17 ;
views of, 11. *37 : anciently a
burgh, 11. ?03; its guard, 11.183
Canongate Cross 111.
Canongate-head ?The ? 375
Canongate The&, ?The, I. 341,
342, 343 11. 2 258, 310; disturbance?
s at tte, XI. 23, 24;
closing of the, 11. 25
Canongate Tolbooth, The, 11. *I,
stocks from the old
Y;d2t?i1. * 31
Canonmills,? II. 47, 115, 181, 184,
191, 278, 111. 70, 71, 78, 83, 86,
87 101, 124
Can&mills and Inverleith, 111.
Canonmills House, 111. ?93
Canonmills Loch, 111. 86,306
Canonmills Loch and House, 111.
Canonmills Park, 111. 84
Cant Adam 11. 241
Cant: Alexander, 11. 241
Cant, Andrew, Principal of the
University, 111. IT
Cant?sClose, I. 115 253,264,II. 241
Cant?s hostelry, Lehh, 111. 180
Cantore?s Close, Luckenbooths, 11.
Cap-and-Feather Close, I. 238, 337
Cap-and-Feather Club, 111. 123
Cape Club, The, I. 230, 111.125 ;
knights of the, I. 230
Capelaw HiU, 111. 324
Capella John de, Lord of Craigmillat!,
111. 58, 59, 61
Capillaire Club The 111. 124
Carberry, Surrinder Gf Queen Mary
at, 11. 71, 280
Cardonel Commissioner, 11. 26
Cardrod, Laird of, 1. 230
Cargilfield, 111.
Care ill, Donald, t%:r&cher, I I. 231
Caribris, William of, 11. 241
Carlisle Road 11. 346
Carlton Stree;, Stockbridge,II. rgg,
Carlung Place 111. 46
Carlyle of Inviresk, Dr., I. 322,323,
324 11. a6 a7, 111. 31 241. 366
Carlhe, Thdmas 11. &, 337, Ill.
24 79, 323; ;is bequest to the
Uhiversity, 111. 26
Carmelite monastery, Greenside,
XI. I01 102
Carmichael, Sir John, 1. 275
Carnegie, Lady Mary, I. 282
C;mlinePark,II. 11~,11I.302.308, m, 311 ; entrance to, 111. *31a
344 11 -32
I. 156
111. 115
Canongate, The. I. 43. 54, 5s. 78,
346, 354, 117. 6, 12, 59. 86, 13+
= 85
111. 71, 79. 83
Cam, Robin,EarlofSomerset,II.366
Carriages, Nuntberof,in 1783~11.282
Carrick. Earls of, 111. 32, 221, 222
Carmbber?s Close, I. 83, 238, 239,
I. 240; gen+lity In 16.
Cam the painter d.
Camoh, Dr. AglioAb Ess, Rector
of the High Sch0oT:II. III, 296
Carruthers, Bishop Andrew 11.179
Carstares or Carstairs, pllincipal,
I. %, 371, 11. 378, HI. 16; tomb,
Carthne?s Wynd, I. IZI
Cassillis, Earls of, I. 91, 111. 4,298
? Castell of Maydens,? The, 1. 15
Castle, The (reeEdinburgh Castle)
Castle, The, from Princes Street,
G t l e Barns, 11. 215
Castlecom y lhe, I. 78
Castle E s p c d e , 11. 230
Castle farm, The, I. 78
Castle Hill, The, I. XI, 7 9 9 4 , 1 5 4
187, 18% 313, 3 4 3?97 33% 33Ir
338. 11. 157, 2m 2317 ?35 2397
111. 12, 99 181 194 195?view
of the I. * k.8 ; h a c , of Mary of
Guise? I. *
Castle doad %e I. *328
Castle rock,? I. ;94, 295, 11. 131,
215, 224, 267, 111. 108
Castle Street, 11. 99, 118, 119, 162,
11. 136, 241.,.242, 3x0; in,
11. 381
PZate 17
163-165 230 270
Castle Te&ace,?I. 295, 11. 214
Casde Wynd. I. 47. 11. 235, 256
Castlehill; Lord, l l r 1 7
Castrum Puellarum I. 15
Casualty Hospital h t h 111. 248
Cat Nick, The I.?rp, li. 306, 307
Catchpel, The &me of, 11. 39
Cathcart Lord I1 348
Catholic? and ?Apostolic Church
Theold 11.184. the new 11 18;
Catholicdhurch ofour Lad;,L;ith,
Catholic Institute The, I. 300;
Causeway-end, The 11. 132
Causeway-side, Th;, I. 326, 111:
doorhead in the,?&
47, 50
Cauvin Louis 11.318 III.131,142
Cauvin?s Hoipital, iI. 318, 111.
131, ?43
The first, Ill. 191
Cayley, Capt., Tragic story of, 11.
Celeste Madame I. 351 ?
Census)of Edindurgh and Leith,
Centenarians, Two, 11. 221
Chain pier Newhaven 111. 303
I? Chaldee ?Manuscript:? The, 11.
Chalmers,? Sir &&e, I. 106, 11.
Chalmers, Dr., 11. 96, 97, 126, 144,
145, 146, 155 204 *. 205,295, Ill.
50, 323; d u e df, 11. 151; his
death 111. 38 148
Chalrneis, theaitiquarian, I. I Z , I ~ ,
111. 113, 164, 215, 218, 230, 357,
Chalmers? Close, I. 240, 261, zrp
Chalmers? Entry 11. 33
Chalmers? HosAtal, I?. 363 ; its
Chalmen ?Memorial Free Church,
Chalmers Territorial Free Church,
140, 156 111. 87 149
founder i6.
XI. 224
Chamher of Commerce and Manu.
facture- I. 123
Chamberlhn Road 111.38
Chambers, Sir W i l i i , the archi-
Zha1116ers?s Edidrwgh Joimral, I.
lhambers Street, I. 381, 11. 256,
2572 2% 2717 272, 274, 2751 276,
Chancery Office, I. 372
Change, The 1. 151 176
Ehantrev. FAncis. i. 15a : statues
* q 7 , 284, 111. 23
by I.-& 11. 151 -..
Chakl Lane, Leith, 111. 231, 235
Chapel of Our Lady 11. zz5
Chapel Royal, Ho&rood House
XI. *49;groundplan of,II.*5zf
bell from, 11. 247
chapel of ease, 11. 346
Chapel Wynd 11. 224
Chapman (or? Chepman) Walter,
the printer, I. 142, Id. 214(ree
Chanty Workhouse, The, 11. 19,
r d , 323, *324
Charles I., I. 50-54, 123, 11.2, 127
181, IEz, 14. 219. 211, 60, 301 f
his -sit to Edinburgh, 1. 50, 51,
11. z,p. zzz, 227, ~ $ 3 , 290, 111.
135, aog; proclamation of, 111.
184 : coronation, I. 51, 72,208, XI.
5% 73
Charles 11, 1. 54, 55, 59, 114 166,
227, 11. 74 I11.151,186 208 222,
352 ; birth? of, I. 200 ; &pukric,
of, 11. 74 ; statue or, I. 176, 182,
111. 72
Charles Edward Prince I. 6 234,
PI 953 1% 138, 196 222, 240, 326,
341, 355; popuhrlty of I. 22
326, 327. 11. a3 ; his &rival i;
Edinburgh, I. 322, 11. 133 ; portraits
of, I. 329,,* 333 ; his w.uetary
I. 351. his farewell ring,
11. 87 ; relics?of, 11. 124; alle ed
marriage of his son, 11. 159 ;%is
death 11. 247, 111. 231- Court of, 11: 22 ; statues of, I. I?84, 186,
Chapel Street, 11. 333, 339, 345;
261, 318, 321i334, ii. 74,? 111.
11. 127
Charles X. of France at Holyrocd,
11. 76, 78
Charles Street, I I . 3 3 3 , ~ ~ 344,345,
Charles?s Field, 11. 333, 334
Charlotte Lane, Leith, 111. 220
Charlotte Square, II.118,172-1 5,
111. 82; mew of the square, 11.
*173 ; the Albert memorial, 11.
?75 *I7 284
Chariotte &reet 11. 165
CharlotteStreet,?Leith. III.221,243
Charteris, Hon. Francis, I. 178
Charteris, Lady Betty, 11. 27
Charteris, Henry, the patient bookseller
11. 102
Charte;is ofAmisfield, Hon. Francis,
11. 168, 111. 270
Charteris Col. Francis 111. 365,
366 ; his love of gambling, i6.
Charters Mrs. the actress, I. 347
Chartergof Edinburgh, I. 34. 35
Chatelherault, Duke of, I. 47, 277,
305 11. 65 111. 2 3 116 178
Chepkn of EwirLnh, W?alter, I.
Chessel s Buildings, 11. * 25
Chess& Court, I. 113, 2 1 7 , h . 23
Chesterhall, Lord, I. 271, 273
Chevalier dq,la BeautB, The, 1. +z
?Chevalier The 11.351 352
Chief magktrate) of Ednburgh,
Titles of 11. 277
Chiesley, dapt., and Lieut. Moodie,
Qua!rel between, 111. 30
Chieslie Major 11.217
Chieslie: Rachd, Lady Grange, 11.
ChiedyofDalry I. 117,248,11.216,
217, 2~3:.tom6of, If. *381; murder
of Sir George Lockhart by,
255, 256
I. 117, 11. I,
Chirurgeons? &:I, 382
Choral Societ 1. a86
Christ Churcl: Morningside. 111.
38, ?41
Christ Church, Trinity, 111. 307
Christie, Sir Robert, ProvostJI. 323
Christison, Sir Robert, the toxicolo-
Christison, ikxander, Professor of
?Christopher North,? I. 7, I?, I1
gist, 11. I 5, 272, 358
Humanity, 11. 295, q4
127,193, z q , 111. 148
