Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


below the strata of coal that abound in the fields, it communicates through the coal-rooms that are wrought with other shafts, which occasions a rumbling noise, that does not precede, but accompanies, a high wind.? According to the old Valuation Roll, Monkton was the property of Patrick Falconer between I 726 and 1738. Stonyhill and Monkton, according to Inquisitiones A)kciaZes, both belonged to John, Earl of Lauder- NEW HAILES HOUSE. of fit accompaniments of a very ancient and stately house. Colonel Francis Charteris was a cadet of an? ancient and honourable Dumfriesshire family, the Charteris of Amisfield, whose tall, old, stubborn-looking fortalice stands between the two head streams of the Lochar. After serving in the wars of Marlborough, the year 1704 saw him figuring in E h - burgh as a member of the beau msde, with rather an awkward reputation of being a highly successful dale, at one time. The gardens of both appear to have been among the earliest in Britain; and entries in the household books of Dalkeith Palace show that fruit and vegetables (which, however, could scarcely have been so excellent then as now), came therefrom two centuries ago. Stonyhill House, near New Hailes, the property of the Earl of Wemyss, seeming, in its present form, to be only the offices of an ancient mansion, was the residence, firstly, of Sir William Sharp, son of the ill-fated Archbishop Sharp, and his wife, Helen Moncrieff, daughter of the Laird of Randerston ; and secondly, of the inglorious, or ? wicked Colonel Charteris?; and it has remnants in its vicinity, especially a huge buttressed garden wall, gambler. There is a story told of him that, being at the Duke of Queensbeny?s house in the Canongate one evening, and playing,with the duchess, he was enabled, by means of a mirror, or, more probably, a couple of mirrors that chanced to be placed opposite each other, to see what cards were in the hands of Her Grace-Mary Boyle, daughter of Lord Clifford-through which means he won from her no less a sum than three thousand pounds sterling-a very great one at that time. (? Domestic Annals of Scotland.?) It is added that the duke was so provoked by this incident, that he got a Bill passed by the Parliament over which he presided as Lord High Commissioner, to prohibit all gambling beyond a
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364 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH, [Newton. gift ratified by Bishop Richard and Pope Gregory. There are many places in Scotland of the name of Newton. In 1612 a Sir William Oliphant of Newton (but which is not very apparent) was appointed King?s Advocate, and held the office till 1626. ? He conquered the lands of Newton, the barony of Strabroke, and the Murrows, near Edinburgh,? says Scott of Scotstarvit ; ?? but was unfortunate in his children as any of the rest. For his eldest son, Sir James, populous villages, consisting of long rows of red-tiled cottages that border the wayside, which are chiefly inhabited by colliers, and are known by the classical names of Red Raw, Adam?s Raw, Cauld Cots, and Cuckold?s Raw. The present parish comprehends the ancient parishes of Newton, on the south-east, and Wymet -now corrupted, as we have said, into Woolmetwhich also belonged to the abbey of Dunfermline, and were incorporated with the lordship and was expelled therefrom for having shot his own gardener dead with 3 hackbut. His eldest sonnamely, Sir James, by Inchbraikie?s daughter-in his drunken humours stabbed his mother with a sword in her own house, and for that fled to Ireland. He disposed and sold the whole lands, and died in @eat penury. The second brother, Mr. William, lay many years in prison, and disposed that barony of Strabroke and Kirkhill to Sir Lewis Stewart, who at this day (about 1650) enjoys the same.? Newton parish is finely cultivated, and forms part of the beautiful and fertile district between Edinburgh and the town of Dalkeith. It abounds with coal, and there are numerous wch James the Sith?s princely grant to Lord Thirlstane. Three-quarters of a mile north of Newton Church is Monkton House, belonging to the Hopes of Pinkie, a modem edifice near the Esk, but having attached to it as farm offices an ancient structure, stated to have been the erection and the favourite residence of General Monk. Here is a spring known as the Routing WeZZ, which is said, by the peculiar sound it makes at times, to predict a coming storm. ?The case is,? according to the ?Old Statistical Account? (Vol. XVI.), ? that this well being dug many fathoms deep through a rock in order to get
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