Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


Granton.] CAROLINE PARK. 311 and most gifted men of his time,? and had his town residence in one of the flats in James?s Court, where it is supposed that his eccentric daughter, who became Lady Dick of Prestonfield, was born. In 1743, John, the celebrated Duke of Argyle, entailed his ?? lands of Roystoun and Grantoun, called Caroline Park ? (? Shaw?s Reg.?), doubtless so called after his eldest daughter Caroline, who, in the preceding year, had been married to Francis, Earl of Dalkeith, and whose mother had been a maid of honour to Queen Caroline. The estates of Royston and Granton were her$ and through her, went eventually to the house of Buccleuch. The Earl of Dalkeith, her husband, died in the lifetime of his father, in 1750, in his thirtieth year, leaving two children, afterwards Henry, Duke of Buccleuch, and Lady Frances, afterwards wife of Lord Douglas. . Lady Caroline Campbell, who was created a Reeress of Great Britain, by the title of Lady Greenwich, in 1767, had, some years before that, married, a second time, the Right Hon. Charle: Townshend, Chancellor of the Exchequer. He1 barony of Greenwich being limited to the issut male of her second marriage, became extinct or her death at Sudbrooke, in her seventy-seventl year, one of her two sons, who was a captain ir the 45th Foot, having died unmarried; and thc other, who was a captain in the 59th, having corn mitted suicide ; thus, in 1794, the bulk of her rea and personal property in Scotland and England but more particularly the baronies of Granton anc Royston, devolved upon Henry, third Duke o Buccleuch, K.G. and KT:, in succession, to thc Duke of Argyle, who appears as ? Lord Royston,? in the old valuation roll. Old Granton House, sometimes called ROYS~OI Castle, which is founded upon an abutting rock was entered from the north-west by an archway 11 a crenelated barbican wall, and has three crow stepped gables, each with a large chimney, and iI the angle a circular tower with a staircase. Thc external gate, opening to the shore, was in thii quarter, and was surmounted by two most ornatc vases of great size j but these had disappeared b; 1854. The whole edifice is an open and roofles ruin. On the east are the remains of a magnificen camage entrance with two side gates, and twc massive pillars of thirteen courses of stone work gigantic beads and panels alternately, each havinj on its summit four inverted trusses, capped b1 vases and ducal coronets, overhanging what wa latterly an abandoned quany. The Hopes had long a patrimonial interest ii ;ranton. Sir Thomas Hope, of Craighall, King?s Pdvocate to Charles I., left four sons, three of vhom were Lords of Session at one time, who all narried and left descendants-namely, Sir John Hope of Craighall, Sir Thomas Hope of Kerse, sir Alexander Hope of Granton, ahd Sir James Hope of Hopetown. Sir Alexander of Granton had the post at court )f ?? Royal Carver Extraordinary, and he was much ibout the person of his Majesty.? The best known of this family in modem times, was the Right Hon. Charles Hope of Granton, Lord Advocate of Scotland in 1801, afterwards Lord President of the Court of Session, to whom we have already referred amply, elsewhere. The more modem Granton House, in this quarter, was for some time the residence of Sir John McNeill, G.C.B., third son of the late McNeill of Colonsay, and brother of the peer of that title, well known as envoy at the court of Persia, and in many other public important capacities, LLD. of Edinburgh, and D.C.L: of Oxford. George Cleghorn, an eminent physician in Dublin, and his nephew, William Cleghorn, who was associated with him as Professor of Anatomy in Trinity College, Dublin, were both natives of Granton. George, the first man who established, what might with any propriety, be called an anatomical school in Ireland, was born in 1716 of poor but reputable and industrious parents, on a small farm at Granton, where his father died in I 7 19, leaving a widow and five children. He received the elements of his education in the parish school of? Cramond village, and in 1728 he was sent to Edinburgh to be further instructed in Latin, Greek, and French, and, to a great knowledge of these languages, he added that of mathematics. Three years after he commenced the study of physics and surgery under the illustrious Alexander Monro, with whom he remained five years, and while yet a student, he and some others, among whom was the celebrated Dr. Fothergill, established the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh. In 1736 he was appointed surgeon of Moyle?s Regiment, afterwards the zznd Foot (in which, sbme years before, the father of Laurence Sterne had been a captain) then stationed in Minorca, where he remained with it thirteen years, and accompanied it in 1749 to Ireland, and in the following year published, in London, his work on ? The Diseases of Minorca.? Settling in Dublin in 175 I, in imitation of Monro and Hunter he began to give yearly lectures on anatomy. A few years afterwards he was admitted into the University as an anatomical
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3?2 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Granton. lecturer, and was soon made professor. ? It is to him,? says the Edindurgh Magazine for 1790, ?? we are indebted for the use of acescent vegetsbles in low, remittent, and putrid fever, and the early and copious exhibition of bark, which has been of the College of Physicians in Dublin, in 1784. He died in 1789. The principal feature at Granton is in its wellplanned, extensive, massively built, and in every re spect magnificent pier, constructed at the expense ot interdicted from mistaken facts deduced from false theories.? In 1774, on the death of his only brother in Scotland, he brought over this brother?s widow, with her nine children, and settled them all in Ireland. His eldest son, William, who had graduated in physic at Edinburgh in 1779, he took as an assis tant, but he died soon after, in his twenty-eighth year. When the Royal Medical Society was e s tablished at Paris he was named a fellow of it, and OLD ENTRANCE TO ROYSTON (NOW CAROLINA PARK), 1851. (Affwa Drawing& Willam Chunw?ng.) the Duke of Buccleuch, and forming decidedly the noblest harbour in the Firth of Forth. It was commenced in the November of 1835, and partially opened on the Queen?s coronation day, 28th of June,?1838, by the duke?s brother, Lord John Scott, in presence of an immense crowd of spectators, and in commemoration of the day, one portion of it is called the Victoria Jetty. The pier can be approached by vessels of the largest class. A commodious and handsome hotel
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