Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


3?2 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Granton. lecturer, and was soon made professor. ? It is to him,? says the Edindurgh Magazine for 1790, ?? we are indebted for the use of acescent vegetsbles in low, remittent, and putrid fever, and the early and copious exhibition of bark, which has been of the College of Physicians in Dublin, in 1784. He died in 1789. The principal feature at Granton is in its wellplanned, extensive, massively built, and in every re spect magnificent pier, constructed at the expense ot interdicted from mistaken facts deduced from false theories.? In 1774, on the death of his only brother in Scotland, he brought over this brother?s widow, with her nine children, and settled them all in Ireland. His eldest son, William, who had graduated in physic at Edinburgh in 1779, he took as an assis tant, but he died soon after, in his twenty-eighth year. When the Royal Medical Society was e s tablished at Paris he was named a fellow of it, and OLD ENTRANCE TO ROYSTON (NOW CAROLINA PARK), 1851. (Affwa Drawing& Willam Chunw?ng.) the Duke of Buccleuch, and forming decidedly the noblest harbour in the Firth of Forth. It was commenced in the November of 1835, and partially opened on the Queen?s coronation day, 28th of June,?1838, by the duke?s brother, Lord John Scott, in presence of an immense crowd of spectators, and in commemoration of the day, one portion of it is called the Victoria Jetty. The pier can be approached by vessels of the largest class. A commodious and handsome hotel
Volume 6 Page 312
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