Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


Heriot?s Hospital.1 WALTER BALCANQU.-II,L. 367 Waucllop Thesauer,? is ordained ? to take down the stonewark of the south-west tower, and to make (it) the same as the north-west and north-east towers ar, and this to be done with all diligence.? In Rothiemay?s view of the Hospital, published in 1647, he shows it enclosed by the crenelated ramparts of the city from the present tower in the Vennel, and including the other three on the west and south. A high wall, with a handsome gateway, bounds it above the Grassmarket, and on the west a long wall separates it from the Greyfriars churchyard, and the entire side of the present Forrest Road. Gordon?s view is still more remarkable for showing a lofty spire above the doorway, and the two southern towers surmounted by cupolas, which they certainly A somewhat similar view (which has been reproduced here,* on p. 368) will be found in Slezer?s ?? Theatrum Scotiz,? under the title of Boghengieght. How this name (which is the name of one of the Duke of Gordon?s seats) came to be applied by the engraver to Heriot?s Hospital is not known. The hospital was filled with the wounded of the English army, brought thither from the battle-field of Dunbar by CromwelL And it was used for sick and wounded soldiers by General Monk, till about 1658, when the governors prevailed upon him to remove them, accommodation being provided for them elsewhere, During this period the governors granted an annual pension of A55 to a near relation of Heriot, but not until they had received two urgent notes from Cromwell. This pension was afterwards resigned. Many improvements and additions were made, and the total expenses amounted then to upwards of ~30,000, when in 1659 it was opened for the reception of boys on the 11th April, when 30 were admitted. In August they numbered forty, In 1660 the number was 52; in 1693 it was 130; and in 1793 140. Fifteen years before the opening of the hospital, the life of Dr. Walter Balcanquall, the trustee whom Maitland curiously calls its architect, had come to a grievous end. The son of the Rev. Walter Balcanquall, a minister of Edinburgh for forty-three years, he had graduated at Oxford as Bachelor of Divinity, and was admitted a Fellow on the 8th September, 1611; in 1618 he represented- whiIe royal chaplain-the Scottish Church at the Synod of Dort, and his letters concerning that convocation, addressed to Sir Dudley Carleton, ? had till about 1692. The Editor is indebted to Mr. D. F. Lowe, M.A.. House-Governor of Heriot?s Hospital, fer assistance very kindly rendered in the matter cfiUu&ations. are preserved in Hale?s ?Golden Remains.? 1: was after he had been successively Dean of Rochester 2nd of Durham that he was one of Heriot?s three trustees. In 1638 he accompanied the Marquis of Hamilton, Royal Commissioner, as chaplain ; and some doubts of his dealings on this ahd subsequent occasions rendered him obnoxious to the Presbyterians of Scotland and the Puritans of England; and in July, 1641, he and five others having been denounced as incendiaries by the Scottish Parliament, after being persecuted, pillaged, and sequestrated by the Puritans, he shared the falling fortunes of Cliarles I. He was thrown into Chirk Castle, Denbighshire, where he died on Christmas Day, 1645, just after the battle of Naseby, and a splendid nionunient to his memory was subsequently erected in the parish churcli of Chirk: by Sir Thomas Myddleton. In the hospital records for 1675 is the following, under date May 3rd :-?There is a necessity that the steeple of the hospital be finished, and a top put thereon. Ro. Miln, Master Mason, to think on a drawing thereof against the next council meeting.,? But nothing appears to have been done by the king?s master mason, for on the Ioth?July, Deacon Sandilands was ordered to put a roof and top on the said steeple in accordance with a design furnished by Sir IVilliam Bruce, the architect of Holyrood Palace. In 1680, about the time that the obnoxious test was made the subject of so much mockery, Fountainhall mentions that ?( the children of Heriot?s Hospitall, finding that the dog which keiped the yards of that hospital1 had a public charge and office, ordained him to take the test, and offered him the paper ; but he, loving a bone rather than it, absolutely refused it. Then they rubbed it over with butter (which they called an Explication of the Test in imitation of Argile), and he licked off the butter and did spit out the paper, for which they held a jurie on him, and in derision of the sentence against Argile, they found the dog guilty of treason, and actually hanged him.? In 1692 the Council Records refer to the abolition of the cupolas, the appearance of which in old views of the hospital have caused some discussion among antiquaries. ?The council having visited the fabric of the hospital, and found that the south-east quarter thereof is not yet finished and completed, and that the south-west quarter is finished and completed by a pavilion turret of lead, an& that the north-east and north-west corners of the said fibnc are covered with a pavilion roof of lead; therefore, and for making the whole fabric of the said
Volume 4 Page 367
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