Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


iv .OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. CHAPTER VIII. HOLYROOD ABBEY (mnrZu&d). PAGE Charter of W X i I.-Trial of the Scottish TemplarsPrendergast?s Reveng-ters by ROM 11. and 111.-The Lord of the Isles --Coronation of Jams IL-Muliaper of Jam- 11. and III.-Church, &c, burned by the English-Plundered by them-Its Restoration by Jam- VII.-The Koyal Vault-Dexription of the Chapel Royal-Plundered at the Revolution-Ruined in r+The West Front-The Belhaven Monument--The Churchyard-Extent of Present Ruin-The Sanctuary-The Abbey Bells . . . . 50 CHAPTER ,IX. HOLYROOD PALACE. First Notice of its History-Marriage of James 1V.-The Scots of the Days of Flodden-A Bnwl in the Palace-James V.?s Tower-The Gudeman of Ballengeich-His MarriageDeath of Queen Magdalene-The Council of November, 192-A Standing h y Proposed- The Muscovite Ambarradon Entermined by the Queen Regent . . - . . . . . , . . . . . . 60 CHAPTER X. HOLYROOD PALACE (continued). . Queen Mary?a Apartments-Her Arrival in Edinburgh-Riot in the Chapel Royal-?The Queen?s Manes?-Interview with Knox- Mary?s Marriage with Darnley-The Podtion of G o - T h e Murder of Rizrio-Burial of Darnley-Marriage of Mary and Bothwell- Mary?s Last Visit to Holyd-Jams VI. and the ? Mad? Earl of BothweU-Baptism of the Queen of Bohemia and Charles I.- Taylor the Water-poet at Holyrood-Charles I.?s Imprisonment-Palace Burned and Re-built-The Palace before 165eThe F?resent Palace-The Quadrangle-The Galluyof the Kings-The Tapestry-The Audiepce-Chamber . . . . . . . . . 66 . CHAPTER XI. HOLYROOD PALACE (comZu&dJ. The King?s Birthday in 166~-Jams Duke of Alhany-The Duchess of Alhany and General Dabell-Funeral of the Duke of Rothes- A Gladiatorial Exhibition-Depamuc of the Scottish Household Troops-The Hunters? Company?s Balls-First and Second Via of the p y a l Family of France-Recent Impropunents-St. h e ? s Yard removed-The Ornamental Fountain built . . , 74 . . . . CHAPTER XII. THE MOUND. The North Loch used for Sousings and DuckinPThe Boats, Swans, Ducks, and Eels-Accidents in the Loch-Last Appearance of the Loch-Formation of the Mound--? Geordie Boyd?s Mud Brif-The Rotunda-Royal Institution-Board of Manufactures-History of the Board-The Equivalent Money-Sii J. Shaw Lefenr?s Report-School of Design-Gallery of Sculpture-Royal Society of Edinburgh-Museum of Antiquities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 CHAPTER XIII. THE MOUND (conduded). The Art Galleries-The National Gallery-The Various Collections-The Royal Scottish Academy-Early Scottish Artists-The Institntion- The First Exhibition in Edinburgh-Foundation of the Academy-Presidents : G. Watson, Si Wdliam Allan, Si J. W. Gordon, Sir Carge Harvey, Si Daniel Macnee-The Spaldmg Fund , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 - CHAPTER XIV. THE HEAD OF THE MOUND. The Bank of Scotland-Its Charter-%dry of the Royal Bank Notes for L5 and for *-The New Bank of Scotland-Its Present Aspect -The Projects of Mr. Trotter and Sir Thomas Dick Lauder-The National Security Savings Bank of Edinburgh-The Fm Church College and Assembly Hall-Their Foundation-Constitution-Library-Museum-B and Theological Societies-The Dining Hall, &.-The West Princes Street Gardens-The Proposed Canal and Seaport-The East F?rince~ Street . Gardens-Railway Terminus-Waverley Bridge and Market . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 93
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CONTENTS. V CHAPTER XV. T H E CALTON H I L L . e . ?AGS Origin of the Name-Ghbet and Battery them-The Quarry Holes-The Monastery of Greenside Built-The Leper Hospita-The Tournament Ground and Playfield-Church of Greenside-Burgh of Calton-Rev. Rowlaod Hill-Regent Bridge Built-Obscmtorp and Asmnomical Insiituticu-Bridewell Built-Hume's TombThe Political Martyrs' Monument-The Jews' Pka of Burial- Monument of Nelson-National Monument, and those of Stewart. Playfair, and Bums-Thc High School-Foundarion hid- . Architeke and Extent-The 0pening-lnstruct;on-Rec~n of the New SchooCLintel of the Old School-Lard Brougham's Opinion of the Institution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I M CHAPTER XVI. THE NEW TOWN. The Site before the Streets-The Lang Dykes-Wood's Farm-Dmmsheugh House-Bearfd's ParkgTbe Honsg of Easter and Wester Coates--Gabriel's Road4hig.s Plan of the New Town-John Young builds the Fint House Therein-Extensionof the Town Weatward I I4 CHAPTER XVII. P R I N C E S STREET, A Glance at Society-Change of Manners, &c-The Irish Giants-Poole's Coffee-house-Shop of Constable & Co.-Weir's Museum, 1%- The Grand Duke Nicholas-North British Insurance Life Association-Old Tar Office and New Club-Craig of Riccarton-" The White Rose of Scotland "-St. John's Chapd-Its Tower and Vaults, &,.-The Smtt Monument and its Muscum-The Statues OP Professor Wilrion, Allan Ramsay, Adam Bkk, Sir Jam- Sipson, and Dr. Livingstone-The General Improvements in Princes Street C 19 CHAPTER XVIII. THE CHURCH OF ST. CUTHBERT, History and Antiquity-Old Views of it Described-First Protestant Incumbents-The Old Manse-Old Communion Cups-Pillaged by Cmmwell-Ruined by the Siege of 1689, and again in 17qs-Deaths of Messls McVicar and Pitcairn-Early Bdy-suatcheni-Demolition of the Old Church-Erection of the New- of Heart-burial4ld Tombs and Vaults-The Nisbets of Dean-The Old Poor House-Kirkbraehead Road--Lothian Road-Dr. Candish's Church-Military Academy-New Caledonian Railway Station. . . 13r CHAPTER XIX. GEORGE, S T R E E T . Major Andrew Fraser-The Father of Miss F e r r i a 4 r a n t of Kilgraston-William Blackwad a d hh Magazine-The Mcdher ol 6 i Walter Scott-Sir John Hay, Banker-Colquhoun of Killermont-Mn. Mumy of Henderland-The Houw of Sir J. W. Gardon. Sir James Hall. and Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster-St. Andrew's Church-Scene of the Disruption-Physicians' HalLGlaoce at the History of the College of Physicians--Sold and Removed-The Commercial Bank-Its Constitution-Assemhly Rooms-Rules of 17+Banquet to Black Watch-"The Author of ' Waverley"'-The Music Hall-"he New Union Bank-Its Formation, &c.-The Masonic Hall-Watson's Picture of B-Statues of George IV., Pith and C6almer$ . . . . . . . . . . J39 CHAPTER XX. QUEEN STREET. The Philosophical Institution-House of Baron &de-New Physickd Hall-Sir James Y. Simpsoo, M.D.-'l%e ITomse of Profcsor Wilsn-Si John Leslie--Lord Rockville-Si James Grant of Gm-The Hopetoun Roo~m-Edinburgh Educational Inrticucim forLadies. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I51 CHAPTER XXI. THE STREETS CROSSING GEORGE STREET, AND THOSE PARALLEL WITH IT. Row Street-Miss Bums and Bailie Creech-Sir Egerton high-Robert Pollok-Thiitle Street-The Dispmsav-Hd Street--Coont d'Alhy-St Andrew Street-Hugo Amot-David, Earl of Buchan-St. David Street-Dad Hume-Sii Waltcr Scott and Basil Hall-Hanover Street-Sir J. Gnham Dalyell-Offics of Associatim for the Impmmmt of the Poor--FrsdeticL Street--Gnnt d Corrimony-Castle Street-A Dinner with Si Walter h a - S h o e of Rubiw-Mwey Napier4h.de Street and Charlotte Street . 158
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