Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


364 OLD .AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Heriot?s Hospital. as being in the vicinity of St. Giles?s church. There he acquired an extensive connection as a goldsmith and money-lender, and soon recommended himself to the notice of his sovereign, by whom he was constituted, as Birrel records, on the 17th of July, goldsmith to his consort the gay Queen Anne, which ?was intimat at the crosse, be opin proclamatione and sound of trumpet ; and ane Clic, the Frenchman, dischargit, quha-was the Queen?s Goldsmythe befor.? Anne - was extravagant, fond of jewellery and splendour, thus never had tradesman a better ~ustomer. She ioved ornaments for the decoration of her own person, and as presents to others, and when desirous of procuring money, it was no uncommon .. banker. On the 28th of May, 1588, he ,;as admitted a member of the corporation of Goldsmiths. The first material notice of George Heriot is connected with his marriage, when his father furnished him with the means of starting in business, by ?ye setting up of ane buith to him.? In all he received from his father, and the relations of his wife-Christian, daughter of Sirnon Marjoribanks, burgessof Edinburgh-asum ofabout Az 14 I IS. 8d. sterling, and the buith we have noticed already ~50,000 sterling-an eaornous sxm for those days. Imitating the extravagance of the Court, the nobles vied with each other in their adornment with precious jewels, many of which found theh way back again to ? Jingling Geordie;? and Anne?s want of discretion and foresight is shown in one of her letters found by Dr. Steven, when she lacked money, on the occasion of having to pay a humed visit to her son the Duke of Rothesay and Crown Prince of Scotland, at Stirling :- ?GECJRDG HERIOTT, I ernestlie dissyr youe present tc send me twa hundrethe pundis vithe ail expidition becaus.1 man hest me away presentlie.? When James became king of England, Heriot ANNA R.? thing for her to pledge the most precious of her jewels with Heriot, and James was often at his wits? end to redeem the impledged articles, to enable the queen to appear in public On the 4th of April, 16or, Heriot was appointed jeweller to the king, and it has been computed, says Dr. Steven, that during the ten years which immediately preceded the accession of James to the Crown of Great Britain, Heriot?s bills for Queen Anne?s jewels alone did not amount to less thao
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