?a broadsword, a real Andrea Femara blade, hung
by his bed-side, and over the clock (a very old
French one), on the chimneypiece, were attached a
broken pipe and withered rose.? The pipe was
the gift of a comrade, and a secret story attached
to the withered rose ; but, the writer adds, when
he handed me his snuff-box, the rniniufum on the
lid told everythkg-a blue bonnet, a white rose in
it, the graceful flowing tartan, and the sfar upon the
breast? He was the son of a Jacobite exile, whom
having perished by fire about the beginning of the
eighteenth century, little is known of its constitution
prior to the time of Queen Anne. A society
for the encouragement of archery was first formed
in the reign of Charles II., by order of the Secret
Council, in 1676, though with what military utility
at that time is not very apparent; its seal bore
Cupid and Mars, with the motto, IN PEACE AND
WARR. They were ordered to ? be modelled and
drawn up in a formal company, with drums and
none knew ; but when he died, he had nothing to
bequeath to his friend but his foreign cross, the
snufi?box, the claymore, and the pipe, and his
story, whatever it was, died with him
The Archers? Hall, in this district, is famous as
being the head-quarters of the Royal Company of
Archers, or King?s Body Guard for Scotland.
This remarkable corps, which takes precedence
of all royal guards and troops of the line, is composed
entirely of nobles and gentlemen cf good
position, under a captain-general, who is always a
peer of the highest rank, with four lieutenantsgeneral,
four majors-general, four ensigns-general,
sixteen brigadiers, an adjutant, and surgeon.
The ancient records of the Royal Company
colours, whereof the officers are to be chosen by
the said Counsill, and which company, so formed,
shall meet on the Links of Leith,? or elsewhere ;
each archer, ?? with sufficient shuting graith, carrying
the Company?s. seal and arms in their hatts or
bonnets as their proper cognisance.?
The Marquis of Athole, with the Earl of Kinghorn
andLordElphmstone, commanded, and the Scottish
Treasury gave a prize worth Azo sterling to be
shot for. This corps, sometimes called the King?s
Compapy of Archers, frequently met during the
reigns of Charles 11. and James VII., but little can
be traced of it after the Revolution.
Upon the accession of Queen Anne and the
death of the Marquis of Athole, they elected 3s