Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


322 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Arthur?s Seat simultaneously halted, and the royal salute given, 1 the hour of need, of the freedom and integrity of caught up by the crowds on the hill, and rolled back fo the plain, again .and again to burst forth with redoubled energy, until it merges into one the silent grandeur of the scene, broken only by the National Anthem, sent a thrill of heart-stirring awe through the assembled multitude. But on a sudden the death-like silence is broken, and the pent-up enthusiasm of the Volunteers breaks forth like the bursting of some vast reservoir. A cheer, such as only Britons have in them to give, goes forth with the full power of 22,000 loyal throatsa cheer such as old Holyrood never heard before, Castle, August 26th, ?the spectacle yesterday presented to her Majesty was an admirable sequel to the great review held recently at the empire.?? On the sameground, in August 1881, and before a vast multitude, Her Majesty reviewed a force of 40,000 Scottish Volunteers. So many men under arms had not been massed together in Scotland since James IV. marched to Flodden. ? Although unhappily marred by continuous rain,? says the Duke of Cambridge?s order, dated Edinburgh est accident occurred, and the slopes of the great hills were bared of their multitudes as if by magic. The great review was over, and in due time came the following order from the Adjutant-General Sir J. Yorke Scarlett :- ?Horse Guards, August Ioth, 1860. ? The Adjutant-General has received the Queen?s commands to convey her thanks .to the several corps of Artillery and Rifle Volunteers assembled at Edinburgh on the 7th instant, and to assure them of the satisfaction and gratification with which Her Majesty beheld the magnificent spectacle presented to her. I? Her Majesty could not see without admiration the soldier-like bearing of the different corps as they passed before her ; and she finds in the high state of efficiency to which they have attained in an incredibly short space of time another proof that she may at all times surely rely on the loyalty and patriotism of her people for the defence, in donald; and perhaps none were more applauded in the march past than the London Scottish, led by Lord Elcho. The bands of the Black Watch and 5th Fusileers were placed beside the saluting post, whereon was hoisted the royal standard, as borne in Scotland, the lion rampant being first and fourth in the quarterings. Undeterred by the incessant deluge of rain, the Queen remained till the last, and so did the rest of the royal party; but even ere the second division had defiled before her the vast slopes of Arthur?s Seat had been greatly denuded of spectators, ? and the great mass of umbrellas slipped down and gathered about the Holyrood gates, egress through which was still denied,? owing to certain instructions adapted evidently to a fair-weather gathering. It was greatly to the credit of theseScottish troops, and a proof of their excellent discipline, that to the , very close of that trying and harassing day, their behaviour was quiet, orderly, and admirable to the last, and not a single accident occurred.
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Bristo Streei.1 THE DARIEN SCHEME. 323 C H A P T E R XXXVIIP. BRISTO AND THE POTTERROW. Bristo Street-The Darien House-The Earl of Roaebery-Old Charity Workhouse-A Strike in 176441d GeorgeInn-U. P. Church- Dr. Peddie -Sir Walter Scott?s First School-The General?s Entry and the Dalrymplcs of Stair-Burns and Clarinda-Crichton Street- Alison Rutherford of Famielee-The Eastern Portsburgh-The Dukeof Lennox Men-The Plague-The Covenanters? GunFoundry- A Witch-A Contumacious Barber-Tailors? Hall-Story of Jean Brown-Duke of Douglas?s How-Thomas Cpmpbcll the Poet -Earl of Murray?s House-Charles Street and Field. THOSE who see Forrest Road now-a broad and handsome thoroughfare-can form no conception of the features of its locality for more than a hundred years before 1850. A great archway, in a modern addition to the city wall, led from the Bristo Port by a winding pathway, a hundred yards long, and bordered by trees to a wicket, or klinket.gate, in the city wall, opposite the centre walk of the meadows. On its west side rose the enormous mass of the dd Charity Workhouse, with a strong box at its gate, inscribed, 44 He that giveth unto the poor lendeth unto the Lord,? and having an orifice, wherein the charitable passer might drop a coin. On its east side were the ancient offices of the Darien Company, the Correction House, and Bedlam, to which another pathway diverged south-eastward from before the Workhouse gate. On the east and south rose the mass of the embattled city wall, black with smoke and years, and tufted with grass. A group of mansions of vast antiquity, their dark chimneys studded by glistening oyster-shells, were on the west side of the Bristo Port, the name ofwhich is still retained by two or three houses of modern construction. In 1647 the whole of the area referred to here was an open grass park of oblong form, about 250 paces long by 200 broad, according to Gordon?s map. Till lately the west side of Bristo Street, from the Port to Teviot Row, was entirely composed of the dead angle of the city wall, Immediately within this, facing the south, stood the office of the Darien Company, a two-storeyed and substantial edifice, built of polished freestone, with the high-pitched roof that came into fashion with William of Orange ; but till the last it was a melancholy and desolate memorial of that unfortunate enterprise.? A row of eight arched niches were along its upper storey, but never held busts in them, though intended for such. This edifice was built in 1698, as an ornamental tablet above the main entrance bore, together with a sundial, and within, a broad flight of handsome stairs, guarded by balustrades, led to the first floor. Here, then, was transacted the business of that grand national project, the Darien Expedition, formed for establishing a settlement on the isthmus of that name, and fitting out?ships to trade with Africa and the Indies. By this the highest an. ticipations were raised; the then large sum of ~400,000 was subscribed, and an armed expedition sailed from Scotland for the new settlement. Apart from people of all ranks who were subscribers to this scheme, we may mention that the Faculty of Advocates, the Merchant Company of Edinburgh, with Sir Robert Christie the Provost, the Cities of Edinburgh and Perth, joined it as communities ; but meanwhile, the furious denunciations of the English Parliament proved a thorough discouragement to the project in London, and nearly the whole of the stockholders there silently withdrew from it. Under the same influence the merchants of Hamburg were induced to withdraw their support and co-operation, leaving Scotland to work out her own plans by, herself. She proceeded to do so with a courage to be admired.? (? Dom. Ann.,? Vol. 111.) The house described was built, and schemes for trade With Greenland, Archangel, and the Gold Coast, were considered, and, under the glow of a new and great national object, all the old feuds and antipathies of Covenanter and Cavalier were forgotten, till pressure from without crushed the whole enterprise. When intelligence reached Edinburgh that the company had planted the Scottish flag on Darien, formed Fort St. Andred and successfully repulsed the Spaniards, who were urged to the attack by William of Orange, thanksgivings were offered up in St. Giles?s and all the other churches; the city was illuminated ; but the mob further testified their joy by seizing all the ports, setting fire to the Tolbooth door, and liberating all the prisoners incarcerated there for issuing seditious prints against the king and the English Court No less vehement was the fury of the populace on the destruction of this national enterprise, than their joy at its first brief success. The Tolbooth was again forced, the windows of all adherents of King Williiam were broken, and such rage was exhibited, that his commissioner and the officers
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