Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


378 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Duddingston. were the Duke of Buccleuch, the Earl of Errol, the Earl of Dalhousie, the Earl of Roden, Lord Elcho, Couqt Piper, Sir John Stuart, Sir William Forbes, Admiral Purves, Sir James Hall, the Countesses of Errol and Dalhousie, Lady Charlotte Campbell (the famous beauty), Lady Elizabeth Rawdon, M y Helen Hall, Lady Stuart, Lady Fettes, Admiral Vashon (who conquered the Jygate pirates), and a great number of naval and military gentlemen, most of the judges, &c. The saloon was brilliantly fitted up with festoons of flowers, and embellished with a naval pillar, on which were the names ol Howe, Duncan,?.% Yincent, and NeZsun. The dancing commenced at ten dclock, and was continued till two in the morning.? In this year the earl also had a residence in Queen Street (where Lady Charlotte Campbell also resided in Argyle House), but whether it was there or at Duddingston that his daughter, the celebrated Lady Flora Hastings, was born, there are now nc means of ascertaining, as no other record of he1 birth seems to remain but its simple announcemeni in the Scots Magazine: ?At Edinburgh, 11th March,. 1806, the Countess of Loudon and Moira of a daughter.? The story of this amiable and unfortunate lady, her poetical talent, and the inhumanity with which she was treated at Court, are toc well known to need more than mention here, On his appointment as Govemor-General? of India, in 1813, the earl, to the regret of all Scotland, bade farewell to it, and, as the song has it, tc ?( Loudon?s bonnie woods and braes,? whither he did not return till the summer of 1823 ; he was then seventy-one years of age, but still erect and soldierly in form, ?The marchioness is forty-six,? says the editor of the Free Press on this occasion, :?and seem: to have suffered little from the scorching climate. She has all the lady in her appearance-modest, dignified, kind, and affectionate. Lady Flora is a young lady of most amiable disposition, miid and attractive manners.? The earl died and was buried at Malta ; but Lady Flora lies beside her mother in the family vault at Loudon, where she was laid in 1839, in her thirty-third year. An edition of he1 poems, seventy in number, many of them full 01 touching pathos and sweetness, was published in 1842 by her sister, who says in her preface thal the profits of the volume would be dedicated ?? tc the service of God in the parish where her mother?s family have so long resided . . . . to aid in the erection of a school in the parish of Loudon, a an evidence of her gratitude to Almighty God and her good will to her fellow creatures.? Prior to the purchase of Sandringham, the estate of Duddingston, it is said, would have been pur. chased by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, but for some legal difficulties that were in the way. At the south-east end of Duddingston Loan, where the road turns off tqwards the Willow Brae and Parson?s Green,. stands, at the point of the eastern slope of Arthur?s Seat, Cauvin?s Hospital, the founder of which, Louis Cauvin (Chauvin or Calvin),was a teacher of French in Edinburgh, whose parents were Louis Cauvin and Margaret Edgar. ? It is not correctly ascertained,? says Kay?s editor, ?? on what account the father was induced to leave his native country and settle in the metropolis of Scotland. According to some accounts, he was forced to expatriate himself, in consequence of the fatal issue of a duel in which he had been implicated. According to others, he was brought over to Edinburgh as a witness in the ?Douglas Cause,? having seived in the capacity of a fcotman in the family of Lady Jane Douglas for a considerable time during her residence in Paris. A portrait of him in his youth, in military garb, is still preserved.? After teaching for a time, he became tenant of a small farm near the hamlet of Jock?s Lodge, where he died in 1778, and was buried in Restalrig. His son Louis, after being educated at the High School and the Universities of Edinburgh and of Paris, became a teacher of French in the former city, where he retired from work in 1818 with a handsome fortune, realised by his own exertions. Imitating his father, for twenty years before relinquishing his scholastic labours he rented a large farm in Duddingston, now named the Woodlands, and during his occupation of it he built, on the opposite side of the Loan, then, as now, wooded and bordered by hedges, the house of Louisfield, which forms the central portion of his hospital. He died in 1824, and was laid beside his father in Restalrig. By a codicil to his will, dated Duddingston Farm, 28th April, 1823, he thus arranges for his sepu1ture:-?My corpse isto bedeposited in Restalrig churchyard, and watched for a proper time. The door of the tomb must be taken off, and the space built up strongly with ashlar stones. The tomb must be shut forever,and never to be opened There is a piece of marble on the tomb door, which I put up in memory of my father ; all I wish is that there may be put below it an inscription mentioning the time of my death. I beg and expect that my trustees will order all that is written above to be put in execution.? The hospital he founded resembles a large and elegant villa, and was opened in 1833, for the maintenance of twenty boys, sons of teachers and
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Arthur?s Seat.1 ST. ANTHONY?S CHAPEL. 319 farmers, who are maintained in it for six years; ?whom failing, the sons of respectable master pnnters or booksellers, and the sons of respectable servants in the agricultural line,? and who, when admitted, must be of the age of six, and not more than eight, years. They are taught the ordinary branches of education, and Latin, Greek, French, German, and mathematics. The management of this institution is in the survivor of certain individuals nominated by the founder, and in certain e.T-o@cib trustees, viz., the Lord Provost, the Principal of the University, the Rector of the High School, the Ministers of Duddingston, Liberton, Newton, the Laird of Niddrie, and the factor of the Duke of Abercorn. On the north-east side of Arthur?s Seat, overhoked by those portions of it known as the Whinny Hill and Sampson?s Grave, is the Mansion House of Parson?s Green, which was terribly shaken by three distinct shocks of an earthquake on the 30th September, 1789, that caused a dinner party there to fly from the table, while the servants also fled frm the kitchen. Here the hand of change has been at work, and though the mansion house and much of its surrounding timber have been retained, streets have been run along the slope and close to Piershill Tollbar, and westward of these was the great dairy, long known as the Cow palace, and the temporary railway station for the use of the royal family. Above the curious little knoll, named the Fairies? or Haggis Knowe, on a plateau of rock overlooking St. Margaret?s artificial loch, on the northern slope of Arthur?s Seat, we find the ruined chapel and hermitage of St. Anthony-a familiar feature in the landscape. The former, which terminated in a square tower, with two gables at its summit-as shown in the view of the city in 15444s 36 feet long by 12 inside the walls, and was roofed by three sets of groined arches that sprang from corbels. It had two entrance doors, one on the south and one on the north, where the hole yet remains for the bar that secured it. Near it was the elegantly-sculptured font A press, grooved for shelves, yet remains in the north-east corner; and a stair ascended to the tower, which rose on groins about forty feet high. Nine yards south-east is the ruin of the hermitage, partly formed of the rock, irregular in shape, but about I 7 feet by I z in measurement. The hermit who abode here must, in the days when it was built, have ied a lonely life indeed, though beneath him lay a wealthy abbey and a royal palace, from whence a busy city,gkt by embattled walls, coveredall theslope to the castled rock. More distant, he could see on one side the cheerful fields and woods that spread away towards the Firth of Forth, but elsewhere only the black basaltic rocks ; and, as a writer has excellentlyexpressedit, he had butto step a few pacesfrom the brow of the rock on which his cell and chapel stood to immure himself in such a grim mountain solitude as Salvator Rosa might have thought an appropriate scene forthe temptationsof that saint of the desert to whom the chapel was dedicated. Kincaid says that a handsome stone seat projected from the outside of the wall at the east end, and the whole appeared to have been enclosed by a stone wall. So simple is the architecture of the edifice that it is difficult to assign any precise date for it. There remains not a single vestige of record to say when, or by whom, it was erected or endowed, though it stands in the centre of a tract that for ages has been a royai park. No reference to it occurs in the muniments of the Abbey of Holyrood, nor is there any evidence-though it has often been asserted-that it was a chaplaincy or pendicle of the Knights Hospitallers of St. Anthony in Leith. Yet it is extremely probable that it was in some wzy connected with them. Tradition says it was merely founded for the guardianship of the holy well in its vicinity, and that it was a spot for watching vessels, the impost on which formed part of the revenues of the adjacent abbey, and also that a light was hung in the tower to guide mariners in the Birth at night, that, as Grose says in his ?Antiquities,? they might be induced to make vows to its titular saint. At the foot of the rock there still bubbles up the little spring named St. Anthony?s Well, which flows pleasantly down through the rich grass of the valley. Originally the spring flowed from under the little stone arch, but about the year 1674 it dried up, and after a time broke out lower down, where we now find it. The well is referred to in the old song which begins ? 0 waly, waly !? the Scottish exclamatior, for ? Alas ! ? In Robert Chambers?s ?Scottish Songs? there is anote upon it, from which we may give the following passage :- ?This beautiful old song has hitherto been sup posed to refer to some circumstance in the life of Queen Mary, or at least to some unfortuna:e love affair which happened at her Court. It is now discovered, from a copy which has been found as forming part of a ballad in the Pepysian Library at Cambridge (published in Motherwell?s ? Minstrelsy,? 1827, under the title of ?Lord Jamie Douglas?), to have been occasioned by the affecting tale of Lady Barbara Erskine, daughter of John (sixteenth Lord Erskine), ninth Earl of Mar, and wife of James II.,
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