Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


322 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Arthur?s Seat simultaneously halted, and the royal salute given, 1 the hour of need, of the freedom and integrity of caught up by the crowds on the hill, and rolled back fo the plain, again .and again to burst forth with redoubled energy, until it merges into one the silent grandeur of the scene, broken only by the National Anthem, sent a thrill of heart-stirring awe through the assembled multitude. But on a sudden the death-like silence is broken, and the pent-up enthusiasm of the Volunteers breaks forth like the bursting of some vast reservoir. A cheer, such as only Britons have in them to give, goes forth with the full power of 22,000 loyal throatsa cheer such as old Holyrood never heard before, Castle, August 26th, ?the spectacle yesterday presented to her Majesty was an admirable sequel to the great review held recently at the empire.?? On the sameground, in August 1881, and before a vast multitude, Her Majesty reviewed a force of 40,000 Scottish Volunteers. So many men under arms had not been massed together in Scotland since James IV. marched to Flodden. ? Although unhappily marred by continuous rain,? says the Duke of Cambridge?s order, dated Edinburgh est accident occurred, and the slopes of the great hills were bared of their multitudes as if by magic. The great review was over, and in due time came the following order from the Adjutant-General Sir J. Yorke Scarlett :- ?Horse Guards, August Ioth, 1860. ? The Adjutant-General has received the Queen?s commands to convey her thanks .to the several corps of Artillery and Rifle Volunteers assembled at Edinburgh on the 7th instant, and to assure them of the satisfaction and gratification with which Her Majesty beheld the magnificent spectacle presented to her. I? Her Majesty could not see without admiration the soldier-like bearing of the different corps as they passed before her ; and she finds in the high state of efficiency to which they have attained in an incredibly short space of time another proof that she may at all times surely rely on the loyalty and patriotism of her people for the defence, in donald; and perhaps none were more applauded in the march past than the London Scottish, led by Lord Elcho. The bands of the Black Watch and 5th Fusileers were placed beside the saluting post, whereon was hoisted the royal standard, as borne in Scotland, the lion rampant being first and fourth in the quarterings. Undeterred by the incessant deluge of rain, the Queen remained till the last, and so did the rest of the royal party; but even ere the second division had defiled before her the vast slopes of Arthur?s Seat had been greatly denuded of spectators, ? and the great mass of umbrellas slipped down and gathered about the Holyrood gates, egress through which was still denied,? owing to certain instructions adapted evidently to a fair-weather gathering. It was greatly to the credit of theseScottish troops, and a proof of their excellent discipline, that to the , very close of that trying and harassing day, their behaviour was quiet, orderly, and admirable to the last, and not a single accident occurred.
Volume 4 Page 322
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