Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


78 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [ Holyrood. The Edinburgh HeraZd of April, 1797, mentions the departure froni Holyrood of the Duc d?Angoul&me for Hamburg, to join the army of the Prince of Condd, and remarks, (( We wish His Highness aprosperous voyage, and we may add (the valediction of his ancestor, Louis XIV., to the unfortunate James VII.), may we never see his face again on the same errand ! ? The Comte d?Artois visited Sweden in 1804, but was in Britain again in 1806. His levees and balls ?tended in some degree to excite in the minds of the inhabitants a faint idea of the days of other years, when the presence of its monarchs communicated splendour and animation to this ancient metropolis, inspiring it with a proud consciousness of the remote antiquity and hereditary independence of the Scottish throne.? His farewell address to the magistrates and people, dated from the palace 5th August, 1799, is preserved among the records of the city. Among those who pressed forward to meet him was a Newhaven fishwife, who seized his hand as he was about to enter his carriage, and shook it heartily, exclaiming, ?( My name?s Kirsty Ramsay, sir. I am happy to see you again among decent folk ! ? - When the events of the Three Days compelled Charles X to abdicate the throne of France, he waived his rights in favour of his nephew, the young puc de Bordeaux, and quitting his throne, contemplated at once returning to Holyrood, where he had experienced some years of comparative happiness, and still remembered with gratitude the kindness of the citizens. This he evinced by his peculiar favour to all Scotsmen, and his munificence to the sufferers by the great fire in the Parliament Square. He and his suiteconsisting of IOO exiles, including the ~ U C de Bordeaux, Duc de Polignac, Duchesse de Berri, Baron de Damas, Marquis de Brabancois, and the Abbe? de Moligny-landed at Newhaven on the 20th October, 1830, amid an enthusiastic crowd, which pressed forward on all sides with outstretched hands, welcoming him back to Scotland, and escorted him to Holyrood. Next morning many gentlemen dined in Johnston?s tavern at the abbey in honour of the event, sang ?Auld lang syne? under his windows, and gave three ringing cheers ?( for the King of France? ? The Duc and Duchesse d?Angoul&me, after residing during \se winter at 2 I, Regent Terrace, joined the king% Holyrood when their apartments were ready. To the poor of the Canongate and the city generally, the exiled family were royally liberal, and also to the poor Irish, and their whole bearing was unobtrusive, religious, and exemplary. Charles was always thoughtful and melancholy. (? He walked frequently in Queen. Mary?s garden, being probably pleased by its seclusion and proximity to the palace. Here, book in hand, he used to pass whole hours in retirement, sometimes engaged in the perusal of the volume, and anon stopping short, apparently absorbed in deep reflection. Charles sometimes indulged in a walk through the city, but the crowds that usually followed him, anxious to gratify their curiosity, in some measure detracted from the pleasure of these perambulations. . . . . . Arthur?s Seat and the King?s Park afforded many a solitary walk to the exiled party, and they seemed much delighted with their residence. It was evident from the first that Charles, when he sought the shores of Scotland, intended to make Holyrood his. home; and it may be imagined how keenly he felt, when, after a residence of nearly two years, he was under the necessity of removing to another country. Full of the recollection of former days, which time had not effaced from his memory, he said he had anticipated spending the remainder of his life in the Scottish capital, and laying his bones among the dust of our ancient kings in the chapel of Holyrood.? (Kay, vol. ii.) In consequence of a remonstrance from Louis Philippe, a polite but imperative order compelled the royal family to prepare to quit Holyrood, and the most repulsive reception given to the Duc de Blacas in London, was deemed the forerunner Df harsher measures if Charles hesitated to comply ; but when it became known that he was to depart, a profound sensation of regret was manifested in ? Edinburgh. The 18th September, 1832, was named as the day of embarkation. Early on that morning a deputation, consisting of the Lord Provost Learmonth of Dean, Colonel G. Macdonell, Menzies of Pitfoddels (the last of an ancient line), Sir Charles Gordon of Drimnin, James Browne, LL.D., Advocate, the historian of the Highlands, and other gentlemen, bearers of arm address drawn up by, and to be read by the lastnamed, appeared before the king at Holyrood. One part of this address contained an allusion to the little Duc de Bordeaux so touching that the poor king was overwhelmed With emotion, and clasped the document to his heart. ?( I am unable to express myself,? he exclaimed, ?( but this I will conserve among the most precious possessions of my family.? After service in the private chapel, many gentlemen and ladies appeared before Charles, the Duc d?AngoulCme, and Duc de Bordeaux, when they
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H o l y d . ] MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. 79 bade them farewell in the Gallery of the Kings, while a vast concourse assembled outside, all wearing the white cockade. Another: multitude was collected at Newhaven, where the Fishermen's Society formed a kind of body-guard to cover the embarkation. '' A few gentlemen," says the editor of " Kay's Portraits," " among whom were Colonel Macdonel, the Rev. Mr. (afterwards Bishop) Gillis, John Robinson, Esq., and Dr. Browne, accompanied His Majesty on board the steamer, which they did not leave till she was under weigh. The distress of the king, and particularly of the dauphin, at being obliged to quit a country to which they were so warmly attached was in the highest degree affecting. The Duc de Bordeaux wept bitterly, and the Duc d'AngouEme, embracing Mr. Gillis d la 3ranfaise, gave unrestrained scope to his emotion. The act of parting with one so beloved, whom he had known and distinguished in the salons of the Tuileries and St. Cloud, long before his family had sought an asylum in the tenantless halls of Holyrood, quite overcame his fortitude, and excited feelings too powerful to be repressed. When this ill-fated family bade adieu to our shores they carried with them the grateful benedictions of the poor, and the respect of all men of all parties who honour misfortune when ennobled by virtue." In Edinburgh it is well known that had H.K.H. the late Prince Consort-whose love of the picturesque and historic led him to appreciate its natural beauties-survived a few years longer, many improvements would have taken place at Holyrood ; and to him it is said those are owing which have already been effected. Southward of the palace, the unsightly old tenements and enclosed gardens at St. Anne's Yard were swept away, including a quaint-looking dairy belonging to the Duke of Hamilton, and by 1857-8-9 the royal garden was extended south some 500 feet from the wall of the south wing, and a new approach was made from the Abbey Hill, a handsome new guard-house was built, and the carved door of the old garden replaced in the wall between it and the fragment of the old abbey porch ; and it was during the residence of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales at Holyrood that the beautiful fountain in the Palace Yard was completed, on the model of the ancient one that stands in ruin nowy in the quadrangle of Linlithgow, and which is referred to by Defoe in his "Tour in Great Britain." The fountain rises from a basin twenty-four feet in diameter to the height of twenty-eight feet, divided into threestages, andby flying buttresses has theeffect of a triple crown. From the upper of these the water flows through twenty ornate gurgoils into three successive basins. The basement is of a massive character, divided by buttresses into eight spaces, each containing a lion's head gurgoil. This is surmounted by eight panels having rich cusping, and between these rise pedestals and pinnacles. The former support heraldic figures with shields. These consist of the unicorn bearing the Scottish shield, a lion bearing a shield charged with the arm of James IV. and his queen, Margaret of England; a deer supports two shields, with the arms of the queens of James V., Magdalene of France, and Mary of Guise ; and the griffin holds the shields of James IV. and his queen, Margaret of Denmark. The pinnacles are highly floriated, and ,enriched with flowers and medallions It is in every way a marvellous piece of stone carving. The flying buttresses connecting the stages are deeply cusped. On the second stage are eight figures typical of the sixteenth century, representing soldiers, courtiers, musicians,' and a lady-falconer, each two feet six inches in height. On the upper stage are four archers of the Scottish Guard, supporting the imperial crown. It occupies the site whereon for some years stood a statue of Queen Victoria, which has now disappeared. Still, as of old, since the union of the cron-ns: for a fortnight in each year the Lord High Conimissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland holds semi-royal state in Holyrood, gives banquets in its halls, and holds his ledes in the Gallery of the Kings.
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