Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


72 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. IHo~yrOam Commendator of Coldingham. He was created, in right of his mother (who was the only sister of the notorious peer), Earl of Bothwell and Lord High Admiral of Scotland in 1587. He became an avowed enemy of the king, and Holyrood was the scene of more than one frantic attempt made by him upon the life of James. One of these, in 1591, reads like a daring frolic, as related by Sir James Melville, when the earl attacked at the Girth Cross. On the 24th July, 1593, Bothwell, who had been outlawed, again burst into the palace with his retainers, and reached the royal apartments. Then the king, incapable of resisting him, desired Bothwell, to ?consummate his treasons by piercing his sovereign?s heart ; I? but Bothwell fell on his knees and implored pardon, which the good-natured king at once granted, though a minute before. he had, as Birrel records, been seeking flight the palace at the head of his followers. I was I by the back stair, ?with his breeks in his hand.? HOLYROOD PALACE AS IT WAS BEFORE THE FIRE OF 1650. (Facrimiie, af#w Cmdon OfRotkicma~.) at supper with my Lord Duke of Lennox, who took his sword and pressed forth; but he had no company and the place was full ofenemies. We were compelled to fortify the doors and stairs with tables, forms, and stools, and be spectators of that strange hurlyburly for the space of an hour, beholding With torchlight, forth of the duke?s gallery, their reeling and rumbling with halberts, the clacking of the culverins and pistols, the dunting of mells and hammers, and crying for justice.? The earl and his followers ultimately drew off, but left the master stabler and another lying dead, and the king was compelled to go into the city; but eight of Bothwell?s accomplices were taken and hanged In 1596 the future Queen of Bohemia was baptised in Holyrood, held in the arms of the English ambassador, while the Lyon King proclaimed her from the windows as ?the Lady Elizabeth, first daughter of Scotland;? and on the 23rd December, 1600, the palace was the scene of the baptism of her brother, the future Charles I., with unusual splendour in the chapel royal, in presence of the nobles, heralds, and officers of state. ?? The bairn was borne by the Marquis de Rohan, and the Lord Lyon proclaimed him out of the west window of the chapel as ?Lord Charles of Scotland, Duke of Albany, Marquis of Ormond, Ex1 of ROSS, and Lord Ardmannoch. Largesse ! Largesse 1 Lar
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THE PALACE BURNED AND REPAIRED. 73 ~ gesse !?? Then the castle fired a salute, while silver was scattered to the multitude. Three years afterwards the king and court had departed, and Holyrood was consigned to silence and gloom. On James VI. re-visiting Scotland in 1617, the palace was fitted up for him with considerable splendour, but his project of putting up statues of the apostles in the chapel caused great excitement in the city. Taylor, the Water-poet, who was at Holyrood in the following year, states that he ~~ the gardens known as Queen Mary?s sundial, although the cyphers of Charles, his queen, and eldest son appear upon it. Cromwell quartered a body of his infantry in the palace, and by accident they set it on fire, on the 13th November, 1650, when it wzs destroyed, all save the Tower of James V., with its furniture and decorations. Of this palace a drawing by Gordon of Rothiemay has been preserved, which shows the main entrance to have been where we find it HOLYROOD PALACE AKD ABBEY CHURCH, FROM THE SOUTH-EAST. saw this legend over the royal arms at the gate : CC4Nobis hec invicta misanf 106 proovi.? I inquired what the English of it was. It was told me as followeth, which I thought worthy to be recorded : -6 106 foreJ&%ws h i e I& this to ux unconpumed..? ? When Charles I. visited Edinburgh, in 1633, the magistrates employed the famous Jameson to paint portraits of the Scottish monarchs, and, imitative of his master Rubens, he wore his hat when Charles I. sat to him ; but it is probable that after the latter?s last visit, in 1641, the palace must have become somewhat dilapidated, otherwise Cromwell would have taken up his residence there. The improvements effected by Charles were considerable, and among other memorials of his residence still remaining, is the beautiful dial in 68 now. Round embattled towers flank it, with bow windows in them, and above the grand gate are the royal arms of Scotland. On either side is a large range of buildings having great windows ; and the now empty panels in the Tower of James V. appear to have been filled in with armorial bearings, doubtless destroyed by Cromwell. In his map of 1657 the same artist shows a louyingdn-stone in the centre of the palace yard. The palace was rebuilt to a certain extent, by order of Cromwell, in 1658, but the whole of his work, at the Restoration, was pulled down by royal warrant two years after, as the work ? built by the usurper, and doth darken the court? Engrafted on the part that survived the conflagration, and designed, it is said, after the noble
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