Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


Land, according to P. Williamson?s Directory for 1784. Amid the tumultuom excitement of the Highlanders entering the city with their trophies, they repeatedly fired their muskets in the air. One being loaded with ball, the latter grazed the forehead of Miss Nairne, a young Jacobite lady, who was waving her handkerchief from a balcony in the High Street. ?Thank God!? exclaimed the THE CASTLE ROAD. (From n Drawing by ranm Drummona, R.S.A.) the Weigh-house, where the Highland pcket-at whom was fired the 32 lb. cannon ball still shown, and referred to in an early chapter-occupied the residence of a fugitive, the Rev. George Logan, a popular preacher, famous controversialist, and author of several learned treatises. The noise made by the Highlanders in the city, the din of so many pipes in the lofty streets, and the acclamations of the Jacobites, had such an 1 ?that this accident has happened to me, whose true principles are known. Had it befallen a Whig, they would have said it was done on purpose.? * This victory annihilated the only regular army in the kingdom, and made Charles master of it all, with the exception of the castles of Edinburgh and Stirling, and a few petty Higliland forts. It caused the greatest panic in London, and a serious run upon the Bank of England. The fugitives who reached the Castle numbered 105. To close it up, guards were now placed at all the avenues. The strongest of these was near * Note to chap LI., ? Waverley.? that he called a council of war, at which he urged upon the officers, ?that as the fortress was indefensible, with a garrison so weak, terms for capitulating to the Scottish prince should at once be entered into.? To this proposal every officer present assented, and it would have been adopted, had not General Preston, the man whom the authorities had just superseded, demanded to be heard. Stern, grim, and tottering under wounds won in King William?s wars, and inspired by genuine hatred of the House of Stuart, he declared that if such a measure was adopted he would resign his cornmission as a disgrace to him. On this, Guest handed over to him the command of the fortress,
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1745.1 GENERAL- PRESTON, 329 the operations subsequent to his council of war, though the inscription on his tomb in Westminster CHARLES EDWARD IN HIS YOUTH, (Frm t@ Portrait 6y Torque.) when " besieged by the rebels." The officers of state had now fled from Edinburgh to defend which he instantly adopted the most vigorous measures. He wrote to the Secretary of State, acquainting him that if not soon relieved he would be compelled to surrender, as his stock of provisions was so small. This letter fell into the hands of the Prince, by whom the Castle was never formally summoned. Preston had now been seventy years in the service. He was in his eighty, seventh year, and was so enfeebled by time and wounds as to be unable to walk j yet so constant was his vigilance, that every two hours he was wheeled round the posts to see that his sentinels were on the alert, and whenever a Highlander could be seen, a gun loaded with grape was fired at him CHAPTER XLI. EDINBURGH IN 1745 (concluded). General] Guest's '' Bravery "-Popularity of the Prince-Castle Blockaded-It Fires on the City-kith Bombarded-End of the Blockade- Departure of the Highland Army for England-Prisoners in the Castle-Macdopald of Teindreich-Duke ofCurnberlan'd in Edinburgh- Burning of the Standards.
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