Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


1745.1 GENERAL- PRESTON, 329 the operations subsequent to his council of war, though the inscription on his tomb in Westminster CHARLES EDWARD IN HIS YOUTH, (Frm t@ Portrait 6y Torque.) when " besieged by the rebels." The officers of state had now fled from Edinburgh to defend which he instantly adopted the most vigorous measures. He wrote to the Secretary of State, acquainting him that if not soon relieved he would be compelled to surrender, as his stock of provisions was so small. This letter fell into the hands of the Prince, by whom the Castle was never formally summoned. Preston had now been seventy years in the service. He was in his eighty, seventh year, and was so enfeebled by time and wounds as to be unable to walk j yet so constant was his vigilance, that every two hours he was wheeled round the posts to see that his sentinels were on the alert, and whenever a Highlander could be seen, a gun loaded with grape was fired at him CHAPTER XLI. EDINBURGH IN 1745 (concluded). General] Guest's '' Bravery "-Popularity of the Prince-Castle Blockaded-It Fires on the City-kith Bombarded-End of the Blockade- Departure of the Highland Army for England-Prisoners in the Castle-Macdopald of Teindreich-Duke ofCurnberlan'd in Edinburgh- Burning of the Standards.
Volume 2 Page 329
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