Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


II 7 7 AND THE VALE OF THE ESK. I39 Dalkeith, there to remain solitary.” Charles I., on his progress to and from Edinburgh in 1633, rested there one night each way, being entertained with much splendour by the Earl of Morton. Dalkeith, too, was chosen for the place of sitting of the Council and Exchequer in 1637 ; and here must have been discussed the sore subjects of the Book of Canons and Laud‘s Service Book. A year later, when the King and the Covenanters were in strife, Dalkeith was among the places attacked. ‘On Saturday, the 22d March 1639,’ some of the chief Covenanters went thither, ‘and with them 1000 commandit musqueteires’ On the estate being delivered to them they discovered, in a ‘ seller, dowcat, and draw-well,’ shot, powder, and muskets, all of which they carried at night to Edinburgh, together with the royal insignia of the kingdom, crown, sword, and sceptre. As they were proceeding with their regal burden from Dalkeith to the capital t thrie staris fell doun above the thrie honoris of the kingdome,’ and the omen was understood by the Covenanting lords as ‘prognosticating the falling of the monarchical1 government from the royal1 family for a tyme.” The Castle and Manor of Dalkeith were purchased in 1642 by Francis, second Earl of Buccleuch, who, dying in 1651, left two little daughters, Mary and Anne. Cromwell had entered Scotland in the July of the year before. Dunbar was fought in September ; and, when Cromwell pursued Charles 11. into England, General Monk was left in Scotland to keep that country in order. Dalkeith, only six miles from the capital, was then an important place. Here met the Eight Commissioners appointed by the English Long Parliament to manage the incorporation of Scotland with the English Commonwealth. The town was filled with the representatives of the counties and burghs, called to consult with the Commissioners as to the great business. ’After Cromwell was proclaimed Protector, and ‘the session of the Eight Commissioners was at an end, the ‘great concourse of the English army’ was still in Dalkeith. The seats of the old church of St. Nicholas were taken out, the kirk being so filled with horse and guards that neither sermon nor session could be kept therein.’ The key of the poor‘s-box was lost; the contents of the penalty-box were stolen ; and the very minister was drighted to come near his own parish ! Here one of his sons died. The body was buried in the chancel of the parish church. Here For five years the Palace was leased by General Monk. Chambers‘s DornufiC Annals of ScotZand-Reign of James VI. NicoZrs Diary. p. 78, Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh. x838,-&fe Statistical Account of &tland-Dalkeith.
Volume 11 Page 198
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