Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


AND THE VALE OF THE ESK. 743 bridge some hundred yards lower down the Esk, was, until modern times, the only means of transit across the river there. If you would follow the Esk to the very end, you must proceed along the left bank under the trees, and turn leftwards away from the town to the sea-shore, where the little river widens out in its shallow bed and glides almost imperceptibly into the waters of the Forth. A few black crows stalk and peck at the water edge ; a Aock of white sea-gulls flutter in the air. Freshwater plants grow on the moist ground, and mussel-shells innumerable are mingled with the stones upon the beach. Out on the Forth gleam the white walls of Inchkeith lighthouse, and there is a white sail in the distance. We have seen the Esk a ‘ burnie’ and a stream : going briskIy over stones, and sleeping sulkily in pools; clear from the hills, and brown and foaming from the mill-wheel. We have seen it winding under the stately walls of Roslin, through the ‘ woody Iabyrinth’ of Hawthornden, and among the sunlit deer-parks’of;Dalkeith. And now, as it loses itself in the Forth, we will bid it adieu.
Volume 11 Page 202
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VERTICAL SECTION~HOWINTHGE SUCCESSION OF GEOLOGICAFLO RMATIONS IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOFO EDD INBURGH. f ! U1 r Millstone Grit Carboniferous Limestone Series. I Red Sandstone Group P 2 6 5. B 8 cl c ........................ I HardGreywackes and Shales of Lammermuir Hills. \ g Red and Grey Sandstone! and Conglomerates of ii( [A Pcntkod Hills $4 ........................ I Relation of Upper to Lower Silurian not seen. Shales, Mudstones, and Grit-bands of Pentland Hills Raised beach. Volcanic Rock :s.
Volume 11 Page 203
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