Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


tl B.41~16 XACJbOUAN'S HOUSE. THElo oms in which two sptendid banquets were given by the City Corporation to King James VI., with his Queen, Anne of Denmark. and her brother, the Duke of Hofstcin. The panelled walls and ornamental ceiling remain in a very perfect condition. In :he engraving at page II the entrance to the Bailie's house is seen in the inner court through the archway, while the projecting staircase in the forrgmund of the picture leads to the house in which David Hume commenced his History of England.
Volume 11 Page xii
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- C 0 N T E N T S. I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EDINBURGH. BY THE REV. GEORGE GILFILLAN. PACS Reasons for difficulty of description-Comparison with London-Scott- Haydon-Thomas Aird-Word Pictures drawn from the Calton Hill- Salisbury Crags-The Castle-The Old Town at Night-Daniel ' O'Connell-Loyal Holidays-Visits of the Queen, . . . . 1-9 . 11. THE OLD TOWN: ITS REMARKABLE FEATURES AND HISTORICAL REMINISCENCES, INCLUDING A GLANCE AT THE CELEBRITIES OF THE CITY. BY .THE REV. GEORGE GILFILLAN. George Crabbe : his preference of the Old Town to the New-Rambles through the old Courts and Streets : the Men and Memories which they recall-Thomas Aud-The New Town and the Old-Arthur's Seat -Professor Wilson-Description of the Castle-Word Pictures drawn from the Esplanade-The genuine ' Auld Reekie '-Past Celebrities and Great Events-Present Celebrities, with an occasional reference to others of the past; including a glance at various interesting historical incidents, and natural scenery-The Author's feelings at bidding adieu - to his theme, . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-48
Volume 11 Page xiii
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