Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


I B0NAI.Y TOWER. PROFESSHOORD GSQhNa s affixed to the front of Bonaly Tower a medailidn portrait in bronze of Lord Cockburn, a duplicate of that which the eminent wulptor Sir John Steel1 executed for his Lordship's monument in the Dean Cemetery. The effigy, an excellent likeness, looks out to the hills which the original loved so well, and with which his memory will, it is hoped, be tong associated.
Volume 11 Page x
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THE SC07'TISH REGALIA. ' Fair art thou, City. to the eye, But fairer to the rnemory.'-AmmNmx SMITH. + The glory of a building is not in its stones, nor in its gold. Its glory is in its age, and in that deep sense of voicefuhess, of stern watching, or mysterious sympathy-even of approval or condemnation-which we fee1 in the walls that hitve been long washed by the passing waves of humanity.'-RUSKIN. HE design of this Work is to illustrate the more notable features of Edinburgh, past and present-many of them hitherto undelineated ; to sketch the general history of the City, including a glance at its celebrities ; and to portray the scenery and traditions of its neighbourhood. The Volume also contains an outline of the geology of the district. The Editor ventures to hope that this may serve as a memoria1 of the city of so many worthies and such interesting associations. W. B. EL~INRVRGH, Deconbr 1x76.
Volume 11 Page xi
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