Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


- C 0 N T E N T S. I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EDINBURGH. BY THE REV. GEORGE GILFILLAN. PACS Reasons for difficulty of description-Comparison with London-Scott- Haydon-Thomas Aird-Word Pictures drawn from the Calton Hill- Salisbury Crags-The Castle-The Old Town at Night-Daniel ' O'Connell-Loyal Holidays-Visits of the Queen, . . . . 1-9 . 11. THE OLD TOWN: ITS REMARKABLE FEATURES AND HISTORICAL REMINISCENCES, INCLUDING A GLANCE AT THE CELEBRITIES OF THE CITY. BY .THE REV. GEORGE GILFILLAN. George Crabbe : his preference of the Old Town to the New-Rambles through the old Courts and Streets : the Men and Memories which they recall-Thomas Aud-The New Town and the Old-Arthur's Seat -Professor Wilson-Description of the Castle-Word Pictures drawn from the Esplanade-The genuine ' Auld Reekie '-Past Celebrities and Great Events-Present Celebrities, with an occasional reference to others of the past; including a glance at various interesting historical incidents, and natural scenery-The Author's feelings at bidding adieu - to his theme, . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-48
Volume 11 Page xiii
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