Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE NOTES. 65 form of a cairn within his grounds at St. Bennet’s. demolished in 1871. Convent of St. Margaret’s, about a miIe to the westward. The last fragment was We give an Engraving of the entrance to the modern CA~RN AT sr. BENNET’S. Beside Ashfield Villa, at the north-eastern extremity of Chamberlain Road, leading from Greenhill Gardens to Merchiston, is a small unroofed enclosure, which appears to have been used as a place of burial during the last visitation of the Plague in the year 1645. The entrance door is sur- ENTRANCE TO ST. YARGARET’S CONVENT. mounted by a pedimental stone, bearing the letters I * L and E * R, with the date 1645; and on the inner side of the west wall is a large incised slab, measuring 6 feet 8 inches by rather more than 3 feet. The upper portion
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66 EDINBURGH PAST AND PRESENT. of this slab, contaiiiing the shield of arms, appears in the annexed Engraving; the lower portion is occupied with the inscription, which we give below :-- THIS SAINT WHOS CORPS LYES BU LET ALL POSTERITIE ADMEIR FOR VPRIGHT LIF IN GODLY FEIR WHEN IUDGMENTS DID THIS LAND HE WITH GOD WAS WALKING FOUND FOR WHICH FROM MIDST OF FEIRS [?I HEIR TO BE INTERRD BOTH HE AND FREIhD BY PROVIDENC AGRIE NO AGE SHAL LOS HIS MEMORIE RIED HEIR! SURROUND HE'S CROUND . HIS AGE 53 DIED 1645. According to local tradition, the monument commemorates John Lawson of Greenhill, Treasurer or Chamberlain of Edinburgh, who, with his friend Hugh Wright (after whom ' Wright's Houses' is said to be named), was most devoted in his attention to the sufferers from the plague in the year above referred to ; and having himself fallen a victim to the fatal epidemic, was buried within the enclosure, which then probably formed a conspicuous object on the old Borough Muir.1 While the initials (I L), on each side of the the author makes some unaccountable mistakes respecting the arms, motto, and initials. 1 The slab is mentioned in Dr. Wilsan's AZmrOriaZs of Edindurgh (i. 165), where, however,
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