Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE NOTES. 65 form of a cairn within his grounds at St. Bennet’s. demolished in 1871. Convent of St. Margaret’s, about a miIe to the westward. The last fragment was We give an Engraving of the entrance to the modern CA~RN AT sr. BENNET’S. Beside Ashfield Villa, at the north-eastern extremity of Chamberlain Road, leading from Greenhill Gardens to Merchiston, is a small unroofed enclosure, which appears to have been used as a place of burial during the last visitation of the Plague in the year 1645. The entrance door is sur- ENTRANCE TO ST. YARGARET’S CONVENT. mounted by a pedimental stone, bearing the letters I * L and E * R, with the date 1645; and on the inner side of the west wall is a large incised slab, measuring 6 feet 8 inches by rather more than 3 feet. The upper portion
Volume 11 Page 106
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