Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


HISTORICAL AND DFSCRIPTIVE NOTES. 67 escutcheon, confirm the tradition in question, the armorial bearings (three cinquefoils) are not those pertaining to the surname of Lawson, but to that of Liviagsfon; and moreover it appears, from the city records, that the Town Treasurer or Chamberlain, up to Martinmas 1645, was John Fairholme, his successor in office being John Jossie, the friend of George Heriot. On the north wall of the mansion-house of Greenhill, in the immediate neighbourhood of the enclosure, is a semicircular stone with the letters already mentioned (I * L and E * R), under the date 1637 ; and on a similar stone, in the west wall, is an ornamental escutcheon, surmounted by the initials E - R, and charged with a saltire between a mullet in chief and a' crescent in base, bearing a close resemblance to the armorial seal of Hugh Rigg of Carbeny, described in Nisbet's System of UeraZdry. In all probability, the initiaIs E + R (Elizabeth Rigg ?) indicate the wife of a certain John Livingston, whose virtues are recorded on the monumental slab ; and this view is corroborated by the following entry in the Register of Proclamations and Marriages for the city of Edinburgh :--20 Aprilis 1626. Johnne Levingstoun Merchant, Elizabeth Rig.' Above the initials on the north wall, on a smalI semicircular stone surmounted by a crescent, are some scriptural lines; while the ninth verse of the thirty-fourth Psalm is inscribed on a similar stone adjoining the escutcheon on the west wall :-' 0 feare the Lord yee His saints; for there is no want to them that feare Him.' ' . . KNOLL NEAR SRUNTSBIELD HOUSF. Near the south-eastern corner of Bruntsfield Links is an interesting knoll, from whiich the chivalrous James IV. is said to have surveyed his army previous to the battle of Flodden. In the formation of a new street through the grounds of Sir George Jarrender, this historical spot will probably soon be removed, the hand of the spoiler is even now upon it.
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68 EDINBURGH PAST AND PRESENT. In addition to the small vignette of the eavtern wing of Merchiston Castle at page 40, we give an Engraving of the room in which Logarithms were invented. It is reached by a narrow spiral staircase, at the top of which three 'THE NAPIBK XUOM. descending steps lead into the interesting apartment, from the wincfows of which charming views are obtained. ROOM IN WHICH CHALhIERS DIED. Leaving Merchiston Castle, we reach the house, at the western extremity of Churchhill-now occupied as a young ladies' boarding school-where the illustrious Dr. Chalmers spent his latter years. The hallowed chamber in ~ ~ - __-
Volume 11 Page 109
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