Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


?NDEX. 467 Macbeth, 4 Macdonald, Andrew, 162 MacEwan, James, 199 Mackenzie, Sir Roderick, 169 Sir James. See Ruyton, Lord Sir George, 178,210, 216, 261, 324 Hen y, l'h Man of Feeling, 328,332 Wise Ame, 169,247 Mackoull, James, 274 Kaclauchlane, William, 188, 210 Macleod, Mre, 192 Maclure, Mr Andrew, Writing Master, 182 Macmoran, Bailie, 168,453 Micquhen, Michael, 400, 401 M'Gill, Prebendary of Coretorphine, 327 M'Lehose, Mm See Clarinak M'Lellan of Bombie, 130, 198 M'Naught, Robert, 156 M'Vicar, Rev. Neil, 111 Magdalene, Princess, 41, 42,152 Magistrates' Gowns, 90 Maiden, the, 86,100,175,203 Maison Dieu, 245, 400 Maitlaud, Robert, Dean of Aberdeen, 170 Malcolm II., 2 Iv., 3 Mre, the Black Princess, 292 Malloch, Robert, 250 Mandenton, Patrick, 144 Manzeville, Monsieur, 303 Mar, John, Earl of, 18 Cochrane, Earl of, 19 John, 6th Earl of, 83, 268, 273, 284 John, 7th Earl of, 90, 204 Patrick, Earl of, 5, 7 George, Earl of, 12 Mare, Wooden, 95, 247 Margaret, Queen. See St Muguret of Denmark, 18 of England, 25, 26, 36, 405 Narch, Earl of, 245 Marischal, William, 4th Earl, 67 Marlin's Wynd, 69, 260 Martin, the Painter, 401 Mary, Queen, 4740,125, 130, 157, 185, 226,245,341, ia entertained in Cardinal beat on'^ House, 375, 452 Cowgate, 452 of Gueldem. See cfueldera of Guise. See ChLiie Mary King's Close, 182,188, 233 Maries, The Queen's, 63, 141 Masterton, Allan, 181 Matildg Queen, 377 Yauchain, Alexander, 172,175 Mauchain's Close, 172 Made, Baron, 259 . Maxwell, Lord, 176 May Games, 353 Meal Market,' 209 Medins, Sir John de, 411 Megginche, The Church of, 377 Melroee, Abbot of, 261 Melrose, Earl of. See Haaddington, Earl of Melvil, Sir Jamea, 77, 78 Mr Andrew, 87, 403 Melville, Viscount, 242, 253 Merchant$ Court, 327, 331 Merchanta of Edinburgh, Address to the, 28 Merchiston Caatle, 348 I Mersington, Lord, 208 Middleton, Earl of, 99, 100 Miller, Sir Thomas. Milne, Robert, 159, 210,260 See CJEenleC, Lord, John, 159 Square, 242 Milne's Court, 159, 160 Miton, Lord, 297,312 House, 297 Mint, 88,135, 296,314,342 Close, 268, 314 Court, 314 Minto, Lord, 325 Mirror Club, 200 Mitchell, James, a Fanatic Preacher, 101,191 Modens, Duke of, 102 Moffat, Captain, 274 Moffet, Peter, the Reiver, 38 Monboddo, Lord, 288, 334 Monck, General, 96,98,131, 206,345 Monluc, Bishop of Valence, 67, 68 Mons Meg, 104,122,129-131 . Monteith's Close, 264 Montgomery, Master of, 37 Montrose, Earl of, 174 Alexander, the Poet, 267 Marquis of, 94, 99, 187,215, 295 Aisle, 100, 386 Monuments, Ancient, St Giles's Church, 391 Moodie, Thomas, 105, 428,429 Countess of, 294 Bishop of, 27 House, Canongate, 95,108,294 , Xoray, Earl of, 7 More, Jacob, Landscape Painter, 237 Moro~co, Empemr of, 282 Morton, John, 2d Earl of, 26 ' Land, Canongate, 280 James, 4th Earl of, 76, 86, 187 Robert, 12th Earl of, 345 Jamea, 14th Earl of, 232 Countess of, 39 Mansion of the Earls of, 264 Moryson, Fynea, 221 Mound, The Earthen, 161 Moutray of Seafield, a70 Moutrie's Hill, 30, 150, 250, 370 Mowbray, Robert, of Castlewan, 140 Moyee, Dr, 252 Murray, Earl of, 38, 48 Regent, 73, 82, 243. See Stewurt, Lord Tomb of, St Qies's Church, 389 J a m Muschett, Nicol, the Murderer, 264 Myllar, Andrew, 30 Mylne, Barbam, a Witch, 305
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