Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


4-40 MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. An’ then there ’s the Major, sin’ less winna ser’ him, His servitude haulds o’er the crook 0’ the Bow, Wi’ his tittie, sin’ better folk wunna gang near him, Come thundering at midnight in glamour a’low ; The Deil for their coachman ; a whup wi’ some smeddum, AE needs maun wha drive wi’ auld Clooty to lead ’em. Hurrying doun, &c. Or belyve, for a change, just as twal’ is a bangin’, Whir, out frae the pend, in a whirlwind 0‘ flame, Ilk cloot, wi’ a low frae the causey it ’8 clangin’, The headless hell-charger gangs galloping hams ; Ill luck to the loon says gude e’en as he ’8 gangin’, He were better gae doun the Wast Bow to his hangin’. Hurrying doun, Cc. . An’ dinna forget, 0’ the auld gousty alley, At his bidin’ on errands a shopin’ wad sally, Yet ne’er a m wagged his tongue ‘gainst the Major’s queer vally As he chanced on him daunderin’ doun the auld alley. The Major’s black caddie, his stick 0’ a’ sticks, Wad chap at the counter an’ play aff its tricks ; Hurrying doun, &c. An’ then there’s Jock Porteous’s gaist took an airin’, Ance a year, at the fit 0’ the Bow dieappearin’, Deil ane, gaist or gomrell, wad think 0’ repairin’, To the new.fangled Bow for to tak him an airin’. Wi’ his gun o’er his shouther just primed for a shot, Whar the dyster’a pole ser’ed for the raxin’ he got. Hurrying doun, &c. Fuul fa’ the Commissioners wi’ their improvements, May the Major, when neist bent on ane 0’ his movements,- Whisk his coach doun the Bow, just for ilk anes behovements, Wi’ a team 0’ Commissioners 0’ the Improvementa. Their biggins, an’ howkins, an’ sweepins awa ; ’Tis the warst-waled retour that I wus may befa’,- Hurrying doun, stoiterin’ an’ stumblin’, The gleger ye gang better luck against tumblin’ ! XI. OLD BANK CLOSE. ASSASSINATION OF‘SIR GEORGE LOCKHART BY CHIESLEY OF DALRY, THE following is the circumstantial narrative of this savage act of vengeance, furnished in Father Hay’s Manuscript Memoirs (Advocate’s Library, tome iii p. 135) :- “ It was not known that the villain waa com’d fiom London till Sunday the 31st, which day he came to the New Church, and offered money to the bedler for a part of my Lord Castlehih seat, just behind the Presidents, whom @ designed to have murdered theri ; but not getthg the seat, he would have none at all, and
Volume 10 Page 479
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