Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Bookshelf


Index for “brown square”

attempt was made to have the royaltj. extended
over all the southern suburbs of Edinburgh; but,
as that was strenuously opposed, they were afterwards,
by an Act of George 111. in 1771, divided
into eight distrkts in the following manner :-
I. The road leading from Bristo Street westward
by Teviot Row and Lauriston, ?? to the Twopenny
Custom? (in Old Toll Cross), to be called the district
of Lauriston.
been inscribed. Figures of two of these-Mozart
and Beethoven-have been already painted by
a Munich artist, and it is understood to be Sir
Herbert?s hope that the remaining eight will be
Towards the middle of the eighteenth century an
with other thoroughfares leading into it, to be
George Square district.
IV. Nicolson Park, including the crossways
intersecting it, from the Chapel Street to the
Pleasance, and the street along the back of the
City Wall from Potterrow to Pleasance, to be
Nicolson Park district.
V. The Cross Causeway, from the south end of
the Potterrow to the east end of the said cause-
11. The streets of Bristo and Potterrow, from
their two ports to where they join (near the
General?s Entry), and the cross streets between
them, to be the district of Bristo and Potterrow.
111. George Square, with Charles and Crichton
Streets (exclusive of the corner house of the latter), ... Place.] THE SOUTHERN DISTRICTS. 345 attempt was made to have the royaltj. extended over all the southern ...

Book 4  p. 345
(Score 1.46)

No . Page
Abercromby. Sir Ralph. K . B., giving the
word of command ........................ li 106
Abercromby, General Sir Ralph, K.B.,
viewing the army encamped on the
plains of Egypt ........................... lii 108
Adams. Mr . John, master of the Royal
Riding Menage ........................... clxi 410
Aeronauts, a Group of .................. xxxviii
Arnot, Hugo, Esq . of Balcormo, advocate ... v
cate ....................................... Viii 25
cate ....................................... lxvi 157
cate .................................... cxxxii 324
X ........................................ lxxxix 215
Beat, Rev . William, Kilrenny, Fifeshire ... cx 271
Bell, Mr. Andrew, engraver .................i.v 13
Bell, Mr . Andrew, engraver ............ lxxxvi 210
Beuuet. Mr . John, surgeon ...............c lix 401
Black, Dr . Joseph ........................... xxu 52
Black, Dr . Joseph, lecturing ............ xxiii 54
Black, Dr . Joseph ........................... xxv 56
Provost ................................. xxviii 62
Blair, Sir James Hunter, Bart ............. xcu 226
Blair, Sir James Hunter, Bart ............. cii 252
Arnot, Hugo, Esq . of Balcormo, advo-
Arnot, Hugo, Esq . of Balcormo, advo-
Arnot, Hugo, Esq . of Balcormo, advo-
Artois, Count D’, afterwards Charles
Blair. Sir Jcmes Hunter, Bark, Lord
Blir, Robert, Esq., Solicitor.Genera1,
afterwards Lord President of the
Court of Session ..................... cxxvii 313
Blair. Robert, Esq., Solicitor-General cxxviii 314
Blair, Rev . Hugh, D.D., of the High
Church .................................... lvii 120
Blair, Mr . Thomas, of the Stamp-Office ... cxlii 355
Boruwlaski, Joseph. the Polish Dwarf . cxxxiii 327
Brodie, Deacon William ..................... cv 256
Brodie, Deacon William ..................... cVi 264
and Elliestown ........................ xxxiii 75
Brown, George, Esq . of Lindsaylands
Brown, Dr . John, author of the “Brunonian
System of Medicine ” ......... xxvi
Brown, Dr . John, in his study ......... xxvii
No . Page
Abwsinian Traveller ..................... lix 128
Bruce. James. Esq . of Kinnaird. the
Buchan. Right Hon . the Earl of ......... cxvi 286
Bucks. Four .................................... cxx 292
Burnett. James. Lord Monboddo ............v 18
Burnett. James. Lord Monboddo ............ vi 21
Buttons. General. an American Officer ... cvii 266
Byrne. Charles. the Irish Giant ............ iv 10
Campbell. Major. of the 35th Regiment.xcvii 235
Campbell. John. Esq . of Blythswood.
Lieut.-Colonel of the 9th Regiment
of Foot .................................... clu 383
Byrne. the Irish Giant ..................... clxiv 417
Carlyle. Alexander. D.D., Inveresk ... xxix 65
Chalmers. Dr . John. Principal of King’s
College. Aberdeen ..................... xxxv 78
Chalmers. Dr . William. Professor of
Medicine. King’s College. Aberdeen
....................................... xxxv 79
Charteris. I&., in the character of “Bardolph”
.................................... lxiii 151
City Guard. Three Captains of the ......... xv
Clarkson. Major .............................. clx 409
Cochrane. the Hon . Basil .................. cliii 384
Cock- fighting Match between the
Counties of Lanark and Haddington
.......................................... xliv 96
Congregation. a Sleepy ........................ x 28
Contemplation ............ .......................... 21
Courtship .......................................... Ix 139
Craig. Lord .................................... cxxii 302
Cranstoun. George .............................. xx 50
Cranstoun. Geordie ........................ clxiv 417
Cmwford. Miss. of Jordanhill ............ xlvi 98
Crawford. Miss. of Jordanhill ............ xlvii
Crawford. Captain ........................... xlvii 99
the Awkward Squad ..................... clv 390
Cullen. Dr . William. in his study ......... civ 255
Dalzel, Professor .............................. xxx 67
Crichton. Colonel Patrick. of the Edinburgh
Volunteers. with a view of
Cullen. Dr . William ........................ ciu 253 ... TO VOL . I . PORTRAITS AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES . A No . Page Abercromby. Sir Ralph. K . B., giving ...

Book 8  p. 604
(Score 1.46)

urgh Castle.] THE ROYAL LODGING. 77
for woodwork in the ? Gret Ha? windois in the
Castell, gret gestis and dowbill dalis for the myd
? chalmer, the king?s kechin, and the New Court
kechin in David?s Toure,? and for the Register
House built in 1542 by ?John Merlyoune,? who
first paved the High Street by order of James V.
On the east side of the square is the old palace,
or royal lodging, in which many stirring events
have happened, many a lawless deed been done,
where the longest line of sovereigns in the British
Isles dwelt, and manv have been born and
gorgeous landscape is spread out, reaching almost
to the ancient landmarks of the kingdom, guarded
on the far east by the old keep of Craigmillar, and
on the west by Merchiston Tower.? Besides the
hall in this edifice there was another in the fortress ;
for among the items of the High Treasurer?s accounts,
in 1516, we find for flooring the Lord?s
James VI. was unable to take with him to England
-lay so long hidden from view, and where they are
now exhibited daily to visitors, who number several
thousands every meek. The room was greatly
improved in 1848, when the ceiling was repaired
with massive oak panelling, having shields in bold
relief, and a window was opened to the square.
Two barriers close this room, one a grated door of
vast strength like a small portcullis.
In this building Mary of Guise died in 1550,
and a doomay, bearing the date of 1566, gives
1 have died. It is a handsome edifice, repaired so
~ lately as 1616, as a date remains to show ; but its
octagonal tower, square turrets and battlements,
? were probably designed by Sir James Hamilton
of Finnart, the architect to James V. A semioctagonal
tower of considerable height gives access
to the strongly vaulted and once totally dark room
EDINBURGH, FROM THE KING?S BASTION, 1825. (After EwJank.) ... Castle.] THE ROYAL LODGING. 77 for woodwork in the ? Gret Ha? windois in the Castell, gret gestis and ...

Book 1  p. 77
(Score 1.46)

camp, the peace of 1802 came, and they closed
their career of service on the 6th of May. Early on
the forenoon of that day they mustered reluctantly
on Heriot?s Green, where they were formed in hollow
square, and the Lieutenant-Colonel commanding
where the colours were formally delivered over to
the magistrates, who placed them in the Council
Chamber, and the corps was dissolved.
When the alarm of invasion was again sounded,
in 1803, in few places did the, old Scottish spirit
read Lord Hobart?s circular letter conveying the
thanks of the Crown and also of both Houses.
He also read the resolution of the Town Council,
conveying in the strongest terms the thanks of the
community to all the volunteers of the city, and
a very complimentary letter from Lieutenant-General
Column was then formed, and the volunteers
marched from the Green to the Parliament Square,
blaze up more fiercely than in Edinburgh. A very
short time saw Heriot?s Green again bristling with
arms, and upwards of 4,000 volunteers were enrolled.
On the 30th of September in that year the
old colours were again unfurled by the Royal
Regiment of Edinburgh Volunteers, mustering 1,000
rank and file, clad in scarlet faced with blue j and
in I 804, prior to the temble alarm known as ? the
Lighting of the Beacons,? there were in Edinburgh, ... the peace of 1802 came, and they closed their career of service on the 6th of May. Early on the forenoon of ...

Book 4  p. 373
(Score 1.44)

juvenile years, amply testified how unremitting were the instructions and care of
maternal solicitude. Naturally of a sprightly intellect, he made rapid progress
in his education ; and, at the Grammar School of Glasgow, he distinguished
himself by carrying away the second prize the first year, and thejrst prize the
three following years of his attendance. At the University, where he studied
for five years, his success was such, that a gentleman of great influence, to whom
his merit was well known, and who admired his character and talents, gave him
assurance of an excellent living, if he would pursue his theological studies in
connection with the Established Church ; but, immovably attached to the
principles he had imbibed from his parents, and adopted from mature jnd,pent,
he politely and unhesitatingly declined the offer, and entered on a course of
theological studies, under the Rev. *John Brown, of Haddington, then Professor
of Divinity to the Associate Synod. After attending the prelections of that
eminent divine, and honourably undergoing the usual course of preliminary trials,
he was licensed to preach early in the year 1776, when he had just completed
the twentieth year of his age,
Before he had been many months a probationer, he received a unanimous
call to become the minister of a new congregation at Cumnock, in Ayrshire,
and was ordained there in the following April, being then only twenty-one years
of age. In the spring of 1780 he married Miss Maxwell, of Bogtown, with
whom he had been intimate from his childhood, and in whom he enjoyed an
affectionate and valuable partner till the end of his life. They had several
children, all of whom died before reaching the years of maturity, except one
daughter. About the same time, he was called to be the pastor of Well
Street congregation, in London ; but the Associate Synod, agreeably to his
desire, continued him in Cumnock. After labouring there with fidelity and
success for the space of nine years, he was translated to Rose Street Church,
Edinburgh, in the month of June 1786.' He received a call some years after
to become the minister of a congregation in Manchester ; but the Associate
Synod, to which he was subject, considering that his sphere of usefulness was
equally extensive in Edinburgh, would not consent to his removal from it. As
an evidence of his unaspiring disposition, notwithstanding his popularity, it may
be mentioned, to his honour, that though the venerable Professor Beattie, in the
College of Aberdeen, voluntarily undertook to procure for him the degree of
Doctor in Divinity from that University, he modestly declined its acceptance,
because none of his brethren in the Secession Church had, at that period, been
dignified with the same honorary title. The degree was conferred upon him
by the University of Pennsylvania in 181 4 ; and previous to that time, a similar
honour had been awarded to some of his brethren by different Universities.
Previous to this he stood candidate, in opposition to Dr. Peddie, for the church in Bristo
Street. The latter was successful ; but, so large and influential were the minority, that a division
was the conseqnence; upon which the church in Rose Street was built for his reception. In
Cumnock he was succeeded liy the Rev. David Wilson; on whose death the Rev. Pabert Brown
was ordained to the charge. ... SKETCHES. 279 juvenile years, amply testified how unremitting were the instructions and care ...

Book 9  p. 371
(Score 1.44)

-was compelled to have recourse to a sedan chair
by which he was wont to be carried to Court by
.George IV. Bridge. He died in No. 17, in 1846,
lsurviving for thirty-one years the death of his
favourite and lamented son, Colonel William Miller
of the 1st Foot Guards, who fell mortally wounded
-at Quatre Bras.
No. 3 was the residence, in IS! I, of James Haig,
-of Beimerside and that ilk, who is mentioned in the
? Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border,? with reference
-to the old prophecy said to have been made by
?Thomas the Rhymer, that,
?? Tide tide, whatever betide,
There ?U aye be a Haig in Beimerside?
?The family have possessed the estate for many
.centuries. ?The grandfather of the present proprietor
of Beimerside,? wrote Scott in 1802, ?had
twelve daughters before his lady brought him a
male heir. The common people trembled ?for their
favourite soothsayer. The late Mr, Haig was at
length born, and their belief in the prophecy confirmed
beyond the shadow of a doubt.?
No. 14 was the residence of stout and portly
?Sir John Leslie, Bart., K.H., Professor of Natural
History in the University, the celebrated mathematician,
the successor of playfair, who died in
1832 ; and though mentioned last, not least, this
now nearly defunct square held the residence of
Miss Jeannie Elliot, authoress, about the middle of
-the last century, of the song ?The Flowers of
-the Forest,? who is said to have composed it in
consequence of a wager with her brother that she
.could not write a ballad on the subject of Flodden
.as they were driving homeward one evening in the
.carriage. ?? Yielding,? says the biographer of the
? Songstresses of Scotland,? ? to the influence of
the moment, Jean accepted the challenge. Leaning
back in her corner with all the most mournful
.stories of the country-side for her inspiration, and
two lines of an old ballad which had often rung in
her ears and trembled on her lips for a foundation,
she planned and constructed the rude framework
.of her ?Flowers of the Forest,? in imitation of
the older song to the same air.?
Miss Elliot of Minto dwelt on the first floor
.of a house beside the archway or pend which gave
-access to Brown Square from the Candlemaker
Row, in the south-west corner, opposite the Greyfriars?
Gate. She spent the latter part of her life
.chiefly in Edinburgh, where she mingled a good
deal in the better sort of society. ?? I have been
-told,? says Chambers in his ?? Scottish Songs,? ?? by
one who was admitted in youth to the privileges
of her conversation, that she was a remarkably
agreeable old lady, with a prodigious fund of
Scottish anecdote, but did not appear to have been
handsome.? Miss Tytler describes her, when
advanced in years, to have been a little delicate
old woman, in a close cap, ruffle, and ample snowwhite
neckerchief; her eyebrows well arched, but
having a nose and mouth that belonged to an
expressive, rather than a handsome face. She
generally went abroad in a sedan.
Eastward of this quarter lay Argyle Square (now
swept away to make room for Chambers Street), an
open area of 150 feet long, by the Same in breadth,
including the front gardens of, the houses on the
north side. The houses were all massive, convenient,
and not inelegant, and in some instances,
three storeys in height. The exact date of its being
built seems doubtful, tradition takes it back nearly
to 1730, and it is said to have been named from
the following circumstances :-A tailor named
Campbell having got into the graces of his
chief, the great John Duke of Argyle and Greenwich,
was promised the first favour that peeis
acquaintance or interest might throw in his way.
Accordingly, on the death of George I., the Duke
having early intelligence of the event, let his clans
man, the tailor, instantly know it, and the latter,
before his brethren in the trade were aware, bought
up all the black cloth in the city, and forthwith
drove such a trade in supplying the zealous Whigs
with mourning suits at his own prices, that he
shortly realised a little fortune, wherewith he laid
the foundation of a greater.
He began to build the first houses of this square,
and named it Argyle in hbnour of his patron, and
much of it appears to have been finished when
Edgar drew his first plan of the city in 11/42. In
the plan of 1765 the whole of the south side was
still called Campbell?s New Buildings. But prior
to any edifice being erected here, a retired bookseller
of the Parliament Close, who had once been
Lord Provost, built himself a mansion in what he
deemed a very rustic and suburban quarter, at the
head of Scott?s Close, latterly used as a ministers?
hall. Prior to that, and after the Provost?s death,
it had been the family mansion of Sir Andrew Agnew
of Lochnaw.
Lord Cullen dwelt here in a flat above what was
in 1824 a grocery store; and in the central house,
on the north side, lived Dr. Hugh Blau, the eminent
divine and sermon writer, one of the greatest
ornaments of the Scottish Church and of his native
capital ; and in that house (when he was Professor
of Rhetoric) died his wife, on the 9th February,
1795 ; she was his cousin Catharine, daughter of
the Rev. James Bannatyne, a city minister. ... house beside the archway or pend which gave -access to Brown Square from the Candlemaker Row, in the south-west ...

Book 4  p. 271
(Score 1.41)

William Arbuthnot, who twice held the chair in
1815, and again in 1821. He was created a
baronet by the King in person on the 24th of
August, 1822, at the banquet given to his Majesty
by the City in the Parliament House; but the
patent bore date, 3rd April, 1823. He was a son
of Arbuthnor of Haddo, who, like himself, had
been an official in the Trustees office. In the
interim Kincaid Mackenzie and John Manderston
had been Lords Provost-the former in 1817. He
was a wine merchant in the Lawnmarket, and while
in office had the honour of entertaining at his house
in Gayfield Square, first, the Russian Grand Duke
Michael, and subsequently Prince Leopold, the
future King of the Belgians.
Among the most eminent Lords Provost of later
years we may refer to Sir James Forrest, Bart., of
Comiston, who received his title in rS38. During
his reign Queen Victoria paid her first visit to her
Scottish metropolis in 1842. He was worthily
succeeded in 1843 by the late Adam Black, M.P.,
the distinguished publisher,
In 1848 the Lord Provost was the eminent
engraver William Johnstone, who was knighted in
1851, when he was succeeded by Duncan
M?Laren, a wealthy draper in the High Street,
afterwards M.P. for the city, and well known as a
steady upholder of Scottish interests in the House.
On the 7th August, 1860, during the prorostry of
Francis Brown Douglas, Advocate, there took place
thegreat review before the Queen and Royal Family
in Holyrood Park of 22,ooo Scottish Volunteers,
? merchants perhaps in Scotland, and who had the
honour to entertain at his house, 35, George Square,
the Prince and Princess of Wales. It was during
Mr. Lawson?s reign that, on the 10th of hfarch,
1863, the Prince?s marriage took place, an occasion
that gave rise to the great and magnificent illumination
of the city-a spectacle the like of which has
never been seen, before or since, in this country.
His successor, in 1865, was William Chambers,
LL. D., the well-known Scottish writer, and member
of the eminent publishing firm of W. and
R. Chambers, High Street, during whose double
tenure of office the work of demolition in connection
with the city improvements commenced
in the block of buildings between St. Mary?s Wynd
and Gullan?s Close, Cannongate, on the 15th June,
1868. A grand review and sham-fight of volunteers
and regulars, to the number of 10,000 men, took
place in the royal park on the 4th July ; and subsequently
the freedom of the City was bestowed
upon Lord Napier of Magdala, and upon that
far-famed orator, John Bright, M.P. In 1874
James Falshaw was elected to the chair, the j ~ s t
Englishman who ever held such an office in Edinburgh.
He was created a baronet of the United
Kingdom in 1876 on the occasion of the unveiling
by the Queen of the Scottish National Memorial of
the late Prince Consort in Charlotte Square. He
was preceded in the chair by William Law, and
succeeded in 1877 by Sir Thomas Jamieson Boyd,
the well-known publisher, who was knighted in
1881 on the occasion of the Volunteer Review.
Blackfriars Monastq-Its Formdation-Destrpyed by Fire-John Black the Dominican-The Friary Gardens- Lady Yester : her Church
and TomLThe Buryiug Ground-The Old High School--The Ancient Grammar School-David Vocat-School Founded-Hercules
RdlLlock-Early ClassesThe House Destroyed hy the English-The Bleis-Silver-David Malloch-The Old High Schml-Thomas
Ruddiman, Rector-Barclay?s Class-Henry Mackenzii?s Reminiscences-Dr. Addam, Rector : his Grammar-New Edifice Proposcd
and Erected-The School-boy Days of Sir Water Scott-Allan Masterton-The School in 1803-Death of Rector Adam-James
Pdans, M.A., and A R Canon, RectorsThe New Schwl Projected-The Old one Abandoned.
INFIRMARY STREET is now a continuation of
Chambers Street to the eastward, and is a thoroughfare
of great antiquity, as it led from the north
side of the Kirk-of-field, past the Dominican
Monastery and &to the Old High School Wynd.
In 1647 it was a double street with one long continuous
line of houses, occupyiing the whole front- ! Dominican or Blackfriars? Monastery, founded in
age of the future infirmary, and having six long
abutments (or short closes) running south towards
the south-eastem flank of the City wall.
On the exact site of the Old Surgical Hospital
there stood for nearly four hundred years a great
edifice of which now not a trace remains, the ... Arbuthnot, who twice held the chair in 1815, and again in 1821. He was created a baronet by the King in ...

Book 4  p. 284
(Score 1.41)

his jurisdiction. It was at that time customary to present the Dean of Guild,
on the expiry of his term of office, with the sum of fifty guineas as a gratuity ;
but, on the motion of Sir John Marjoribanks, the sum was doubled to Mr.
Johnston ; sq much had he acquitted himself to the satisfaction of the Council.
In all public affairs Bailie Johnston took a lively interest. To his good taste
and enterprise the inhabitants are indebted for the improvements on the Calton
Hill--now comparatively easy of ascent-and one of the most delightful resorts
in this picturesque city. The promenade of the Meadows, too, owes much to
his exertions ; and amongst other public services of the Bailie, it deserves to
be mentioned that he had the merit of originating the Society for the Suppression
of Mendicity. He was for many years treasurer of the Trinity Hospital, and
displayed great zeal in the management of that charity, as well as of others
connected with the city. He was treasurer to the great Waterloo Fund for
Scotland; succeeded his uncle as honorary Secretary to the Asylum for the
Blind; and was one of the Parliamentary Commissioners for finishing the
buildings of the University ; and also for the erection of the Regent Eridge.
Bailie Johnston continued in business until the year 1831, when he retired
in favour of Mr. Russell, his son-in-law. Latterly, in consequence of declining
health, he was almost closely confined to his own house. On occasion of a
dinner given to Sir James Spittal, Knight, by the Society of High Constables,
the following card of apology was transmitted to the Secretary :-
“Dear Sir-From the condition of my health at present, I cannot dine from home. I
regret this on account of the dinner which is to be given to Sir James Spittal, whose conduct
has my admiration, and I hope you will tell him so. We began public life together in the
Society of High Constables, and afterwards scrvcd in the Magistracy of olden times. All was
pleasant and smooth-no jarring words-no angry feelings arose during a long life, which still
continues-both adhering to their own views in public matters. I wish the Society and the
company all happiness.--I remain, etc.
Dr. Gordon, on
the Sunday after the funeral, concluded his discourse with a very appropriate
character of the deceased. He died at his house, 27 St. James’ Square, on the
4th April 1838. He married Miss Christie, from Stirlingshire, by whom he
had six children, three of whom died in early life.’
Mr. Johnston was one of the elders in the High Church.
THIS worthy octogenarian, in his eighty-seventh year (at the time of this publication),
was in his day considered one of the handsomest men of Modern Athens.
Hia eldest daughter was married to Wfiam Henry Brown, Esq., of Ashly, china and glass
manufacturer ; the second to Mr. Rwell, his successor in business ; and the third to Jam- Dallas,
Esq., wine merchant in Canada. ... SKETCHES. 455 his jurisdiction. It was at that time customary to present the Dean of Guild, on the ...

Book 9  p. 607
(Score 1.41)

This marriage is also referred to by Nisbet in
his Heraldry,? Vol. I., so George Logan would
seem to have been fortunate in out-rivalling the
?? ane-and-forty wooing at her.?
The house was demolished, as stated, in 1840.
ten patients and inmates, and has a revenue of
A300 per annum. ? BLISSIT . BE. GOD . OF . HIS.
GIFTES . 1601.I.K.S.H:? appears in a large square
panel on an old house near the head of the Sheriff
Brae; and nearly the same hvourite motto, with
to make way for St. Thomas?s Church with its almshouses
erected by Sir John Gladstone, Bart., of
Fasque. It is clustered with a manse, schoolhouse,
and the asylum, forming the whole into a
handsome range of Gothic edifices, constructed at a
cost off;ro,ooo, from a design by John Henderson,
of Edinburgh.
The asylum is a refuge and hospital for females
afflicted with incurable diseases, and accommodates
the date 1629, and the initials I.H., K.G., appears
on the door lintel of another house, having a,square
staircase in a kind of projecting tower, and a
great chimney corbelled on its street front; but
as to the inmates of either no record remains.
The Leith Hospital, Humane Society, and Casualty
Hospital are all located together now in Mill
Lane, at the head of the Sheriff Brae-spacious
edifices, having a frontage to the former of 150 feet; ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith. This marriage is also referred to by Nisbet in his Heraldry,? Vol. I., so ...

Book 6  p. 248
(Score 1.39)

newspapers of the day, and perhaps discussing
mordi~us the great question of Burgh Reform. . .
After waiting for a few minutes, the younger partner
tips a sly wink across his counter, and beckons
you to follow him through a narrow cut in its
famous Hercules, the Dancing Fawn, the Iaocoon,
and the Hermaphrodite, occupy conspicuous
stations on the counters, one large table is entirely
covered with a book of Canova?s designs, Turner?s
? Liber Studiorum,? and such like manuals ; and in
mahogany surface, into the unseen recesses of the
establishment. X few steps downward, and in the
dark, land you in a sort of cellar, below the shop
proper, and here by the dim religious light, which
enters through one or two well-grated peeping
holes, your eyes soon discover enough of the
furniture of the place to satisfy you that you have
reached at last the sanctum sanctorum of the
tine arts. Plaster of Paris casts of the head of the
the corners where the little light there is streams
brightest, are placed, upon huge piles of corduroy
and kerseymere, various wooden boxes, black, brown,
and blue, wherein are locked up from all eyes, save
those of privileged and initiated frequenters of the
scene, various pictures and sketches, chiefly by
living artists, and presents to the proprietor. Mr.
Bridges, when I asked him on my first nsit what
mightbe the contents of thesemysteriousreceptacles, ... of the day, and perhaps discussing mordi~us the great question of Burgh Reform. . . After waiting for ...

Book 1  p. 109
(Score 1.38)

186 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Picardy Place.
It would appear that so early as 1730 the
Governors of Heriot?s Hospital, as superiors of the
barony of Broughton, had sold five acres of land
at the head of Broughton Loan to the city, for the
behoof of refugees or their descendants who had
come from France, after the revocation of the
Edict of Nantes. A colony of these emigrants,
principally silk weavers, had been for some time
attempting to cultivate mulberry trees on the slope
of Moultree?s Hill, but without success, owing to
the variable nature of the climate.
The position of the houses forming the village of
Picardie, as these poor people named it, after their
native province, is distinctly shown in the map of
1787, occupying nearly the site of? the north side of
the present Picardy Place, which after the Scottish
Board of Manufacturers acquired the ground, was
built in 1809.
More than twenty years before that period the
magistrates seem to have contemplated having a
square here, as in 1783 they advertised, ?to be
feued, the several acres, for building, lying on the
west side of the new road to Leith, immediately
adjoining to Picardy Gardens. The ground is
laid out in the form of a square. The situation is
remarkably pleasant. . . . According to the plan,
the buildings will have plots of background for the
purpose of gardens and offices ; and the possessors
of these will have the privilege of the area within
the Square, &c. Further particulars may be had
on applying to James Jollie, writer, the proprietor,
Royal Bank Close, who will show the plan of the
ground.? (Edin. Advert., 1783.)
This plm would seem to have been abandoned,
aAd a street, with York Place, in direct communication
with Queen Street, substituted.
Among the earliest occupants of a house in
Picardy Place was John Clerk, Lord Eldin, who
took up his abode in No. 16, when an advocate at
the bar. The grandson of Sir John Clerk 01
Penicuick, and son of John Clerk, author of a
celebrated work on naval tactics, Lord Eldin was
born in 1757, and in 1785 was called to the bar,
and so great were his intellectual qualities-at a
time when the Scottish bar was really distinguished
for intellect-that, it is said, that at one period he
had nearly half of all the court business in his
hands; but his elevation to the bench did not
occur until 1823, when he was well advanced in
In ?Peter?s Letters? he is described as the
Coryphzus of the bar. ? He is the plainest, the
shrewdest, and the most sarcastic of men; his
sceptre owes the whole of its power to its weightnothing
to glitter. It is impossible to imagine a
physiognomy more expressive of the character of a
great lawyer and barrister. The features are in
themselves good, at least a painter would call them
so, and the upper part of the profile has as fine
lines as could be wished. But then, how the
habits of the mind have stamped their traces on
every part of the face ! What sharpness, razor-like
sharpness, has indented itself about the wrinkles of
his eyelids; the eyes themselves, so quick, so grey,
such bafflers of scrutiny, such exquisite scrutinisers,
how they change in expression-it seems almost
how they change their colour-shifting from contracted,
concentrated blackness, through every
shade of brown, blue, green, and hazel, back into
their own gleaming grey again. How they glisten
into a smile of disdain! . . . He seems to be
affected with the most delightful and balmy feelings,
by the contemplation of some soft-headed,
prosing driveller, racking his poor brain, or bellowing
his lungs out, all about something which he,
the smiler, sees so thoroughly, so distinctly.?
Lord Eldin, on the bench as when at the bar,
pertinaciously adhered to the old Doric Scottish of
his boyhood, and in this there was no affectation;
but it was the pure old dialect and idiom of the
eighteenth century. He was a man of refined
tastes, and a great connoisseur in pictures He
was a capital artist; and it is said, that had he
given himself entirely to art, he would have been
one of the greatest masters Scotland has ever
produced. He was plain in appearance, and had
a halt in his gait. Passing down the High Street
one day, he once heard a girl say to her companion,
? That is Johnnie Clerk, the lame lawyer.? ?? No,
madam,? said he ; ?I may be a lame man, but not
a lame lawyer..? -
He died a bachelor in his house in Picardy
Place, where, old-maid-like, he had contracted such
an attachment to cats, that his domestic establishment
could almost boast of at least half a dozen of
them; and when consulted by a client he was
generally to be found seated in his study with a
favourite Tom elevated on his shoulder or purring
about his ears.
His death occurred on the 30th May, 1832,
after which his extensive collection of paintings,
sketches, and rare prints was brought to sale in
16 Picardy Place, where, on the 16th of March,
1833, a very serious accident ensued.
The fame of his collection had attracted a great
crowd of men and women of taste and letters, and
when the auctioneer was in the act of disposing of
a famous Teniers, which had been a special favourite
of Lord Eldin, the floor of the drawing-room gave
way. ?The scene which was produced may be ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Picardy Place. It would appear that so early as 1730 the Governors of Heriot?s ...

Book 3  p. 186
(Score 1.37)

No. 111. of the “ Book of Fame” is of a still more political and theological
As an accessory to bribery and corruption, the press, which he accuses
of dealing in “thick-skinned lies,” does not escape the lash of the cynic.
a letter addressed to the Editor of the Tyne Mercury, he says-
‘‘ Sir-As the business of the philosopher is to warn mankind of their danger, and lash vice
without personality, and let the sins find out the thief, you ought therefore to be caudid, and
give both sides of the question ; for when you manufacture the French news, you deceive yourself,
and impose on your readers ; for, since the schemes taken to deceive the country have induced
the manufacturers to read the papers backwards, on purpose to come at the truth, proves that
corruption defeats its own purpose, by promoting investigation. Please to give the following a
place in your paper.” [Here follows a long paragraph entitled “A Receipt for reading Newspapers”]
25th October 1808.
Among the other prose effusions is to be found an account of his muchvaunted
discovery of “The Perpetual Motion, or Eternal Machinery of
Uncreated Nature.” In this document, astronomical truisms and infidel dogmas
are strongly blended with his own rude conceits and audacious levity of
language. Speaking of the clergy, who, as he asserts, persuade ‘‘ the ignorant
to deny themselves the comforts of this life, and submit to the cheat, assuring
them of the riches of the next world for the riches of this,” he concludes by
observing-“ for a bird in hand is worth two in the bush ; we have shown the
way to heaven, but we are going about by Stirling bridge !7’ But enough of
the Doctor’s opinions and his Books of Fame.
As already stated, Brown frequently suffered severely for the promulgation
of the ‘<new philosophy ;” and it must have required all his enthusiasm to
bear the load of martyrdom. He was patronised, however, by many who, while
they pitied him, were amused with his eccentricities and absurdities. The
Print, done in 1819, affords a very accurate portraiture. He was then a little
bent by age, still he maintained, in appearance, a degree of respectability.
Over his neatly tied hair, which was grey and well powdered, he wore a whitishbrown
hat ; and his white neckcloth and ample length and breadth of frill sufficiently
indicated that he was no common person.
That the Doctor experienced a full share of the’vicissitudes incident to such
a devious career may justly be inferred. At Dunse, on one occasion, when
stocks were evidently low, he entered the shop of a victualler, to purchase the
luxury of a hay-penny worth of cheese I The shopman declared his inability
to accommodate him with so small a portion. “Then, what is the least you
can sell 1’’ inquired the Doctor. “ A penny worth,” replied the dealer, and
instantly set about weighing the quantity, which he speedily placed on the
counter in anticipation of payment. “ Now,” said the Doctor, taking up the
knife, ‘‘ I will instruct you how to sell a half-penny worth in future ;” upon
which he cut the modicum of cheese in two, and appropriating one of the halves,
paid down his copper and departed.
Brown was a frequent visitor at the shop of the late eccentric David Webster
-a vendor of books, who was much patronised by Sir Walter Scott j
and it was not a little amusing to be present at their colloquies. Webster, ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. No. 111. of the “ Book of Fame” is of a still more political and theological As an ...

Book 9  p. 532
(Score 1.37)

Heriot's Hospital.] THE GATEWAY. 369
, nished by Inigo Jones; and yet, as a whole, the
building is remarkable for its bold beauty and
The windows are two hundred in number, and
richly ornamented with curious devices j and nothospital
regular and uniform, and for the more easy
finishing and completing thereof, they give warrant
and order, to the present treasurer, to finish and
complete the south-west quarter of the said hospital
with a platform roof, in the same way and manner
as the north-east and north-west quarters thereof are
covered ; and with all conveniency to take down
the pavilion turret in the north-west quarter, and
to rebuild and cover the same with a platform roof,
regularly with the other three quarters of the
Prolix as this quotation may be, it seems,with
the other references to Wallace, Aytoun, Donaldson,
and Brown, as master masons and architects,
that any uniform design could never have been fur-
withstanding that there are so many, no two are to
be found precisely similar.
The hospital is quadrangular, and measures externally
162 feet each way, and 94 each way in
the court, which is paved; it has on the 'north
and east sides a piazza six feet and a half broad.
Over the gateway, which is on the north side,
facing the Grassmarket, is a tower projecting from
the main line, surmounted by a small dome and
lantern, provided with a clock. The corners of ... Hospital.] THE GATEWAY. 369 , nished by Inigo Jones; and yet, as a whole, the building is ...

Book 4  p. 369
(Score 1.35)

____ -
and the memory of the day. Southwards, over the Echoing Rock and Samson’s
Ribs, the eye rests on old Craigmillar Castle.
Amidst ali this, the city, though glowing in purple and crimson, with
grand pinnacles of splendour, standing up above brown hollows and mystic
shadows, might not be greatly regarded, but still it was something to remember
that ‘like some sweet beguiling melody, so sweet we know not we are listening
to it,’ it was there as the base and soIid centre of the fairy-seeming vision.
Different tastes have differentIy estimated the comparative beauty of the
two prospects, both transcendent, from the Calton Hill and the Castle.
Besides the view from the former, of Leith, the ocean and its far-stretching
and embayed shores, the two finest points are, first, the view of Arthur’s
Seat and the ‘giant-snouted crags’ of Salisbury, brought out across the deep
valley into such bold and startling zelief; and secondly, the peep westward of
what Thomas Aird calIs the ‘backbone of the Castlehill,’ with those lofty and
close-piled houses, churches, spires, and public buildings, which might
be compared to the black mane of a thunder-cloud, hanging with a
frown so dark and portentous over the fair gardens, Scott’s Monument, and
‘ merry Priiices Street’ below ! There are here a depth and a contrast of light
and shade, glory and gloom, the most refined Art of the present and the
~- - ~- ~~ -_ -____________ ~ - - _ _ _ _ _ - .~ ... DESCRIPTION. 5 ____ - and the memory of the day. Southwards, over the Echoing Rock and Samson’s Ribs, ...

Book 11  p. 9
(Score 1.35)

of Eglinton, resided during her latter years, and was visited by Lady Jane Douglas,
as appears in the evidence of the Douglas Cause. The other tenants of its numer0usJiTat.s
were doubtless of corresponding importance in the social scale ; but its most eminent
occupant was David Hume, who removed thither from Riddle’s Land, Lawnmarket, in
1753, while engaged in writing his History of England, and continued to reside at Jack’s
Land during the most important period of his literary career. Immediately behind this,
in a court on the east side of Big Jack’s Close, there existed till a few years since some
remains of the town mansion of General Dalyell, commander of the forces in Scotland
during most of the reign of Charles II., and the merciless persecutor of the outlawed
Presbyterians during that period. The General’s dwelling is described in the Minor
Antiquities a as (( one of the meanest-looking buildings ever, perhaps, inhabited by a
gentleman.” In this, however, the author was ‘deceived by the humble appearance of the
small portion that then remained. There is no reason to believe that the stern
Mmcovite-as he was styled from serving under the Russian Czar, during the Protectorate-
tempered his cruelties by an$ such Spartan-like virtues. The General’s
residence, on the contrary, appears to have done full credit to a courtier of the Restoratidn.
We owe the description of it, as it existed about the beginning of the present
century, to a very zealous antiquary’ who was born there in 1787, and resided in the
house for many years. He has often conversed with another of its tenants, who remembered
being taken to Holyrood when a child to see Prince Charles on his arrival at .
the palace of his forefathers. The chief apartment was a hall of unusually large
dimensions, with an arched or waggon-shaped ceiling adorned with a painting of the
sun in the centre, surrounded by gilded rays on an azure ground. The remainder of
the ceiling was painted to represent sky and clouds, and spangled over with a series of
silvered stars in relief. The large windows were closed below with carved oaken shutters,
similar in style to the fine specimen still remaining in Riddle’s Close, and the
same kind of windows existed in other parts of the building. The kitchen also was
worthy of notice for a fire-place, formed of a plain circular arch of such unusual
dimensions that popular credulity might have assigned it for the perpetration of
those rites it had ascribed to him, of spiting and roasting his miserable captives l 4 Our
informant was told by an intelligent old man, who had resided in the house for many
years, that a chapel formerly stood on the site of the open court, but all traces of it
The following advertisement will probably be considered a curious illustration of the Canongate aristocracy at a
still later period:-“A negro runaway.-That on Wednesday the 10th current, an East India ne50 lad eloped from a
family of distinction residing in the Canongate of Edinburgh, and is supposed to have gone towards Newcastle. He is
of the mulatto colour, aged betwixt sixteen and seventeen years, about five feet high, having long black hair, slender
made and long-limbed. He had on, when he went off, a brown cloth short coat, with brass buttons, mounted with
black and yellow button-holes, breeches of the same, and a yellow vest with black and yellow lace, with a brown duffle
surtout coat, with yellow lining, and metal buttons, grey and white marled stockings, a fine English hat with yellow
lining, having a gold loop and tassle, and double gilded button. As this negro lad has carried off sundry articles of
value, whoever shall receive him, EO that he may be restored to the owner, on sending notice thereof to Patrick
M‘Dougal, writer in Edinburgh, shall be handsomely rewarded.”-Edinhwgh Advertiser, March 12th, 1773. An
earlier advertisement in the Courunt, March 7th, 1727, offers a reward for the apprehension of another runaway :-“A
negro woman, named Ann, about eighteen years of age, with a green gown, and a brass collar about her neck, on which
are engraved these words, ‘ Gustavus Brown in Dalkeith, his negro, 1726.’ ” ’ Minor Antiquities of Edinburgh, p. 230.
Mr Wm. Rowan, librarian, New College,
Fountainhall‘s Deciaiona, vol. i. p. 159. Burnet’s Hut. of his Own Times, vol. i. p. 334. ... MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. of Eglinton, resided during her latter years, and was visited by Lady Jane ...

Book 10  p. 315
(Score 1.34)

Bristo Street.] ALISON RUTHERFORD. 329
and conversed on various topics, we took leave
of the venerable lady, highly gratified by the interview.
To see and talk with one whose name is so
indissolubly associated with the fame of Bums,
and whose talents and virtues were so much
fare, where, in the days of her widowhood, as Mrs
Cockburn of Ormiston, resided Alison Rutherford
of Fahielee, Roxburghshire, authoress of the
modem version of the ?? Flowers of the Forest ? and
other Scottish songs-in her youth a ?forest flower
esteemed by the bard-who has now (in 1837)
been sleeping the sleep of death for upwards of
forty years-may well give rise to feelings of no
ordinary description. In youth Clarinda must
have been about the middle size. Bums, she
said, if living, would have been about her own age,
probably a few months older.?
Off Bristo Street there branches westward
Crichton Street, SO named from an architect of the
time, a gloomy, black, and old-fashioned thoroughof
rare beauty.? She removed hither from Blair?s
Close in the Castle-hill, and her house was the
scene of many happy and brilliant reunions Even
in age her brown hair never grew grey, and she
wore it combed over a toupee, with a lace band tied
under her chin, and her sleeves puffed out in the
fashion of Mary?s time. ?She maintained,? says
Scott, ?that rank in the society of Edinburgh
which French women of talent usually do in that of
Paris ; and in her little parlour used to assemble a ... Street.] ALISON RUTHERFORD. 329 and conversed on various topics, we took leave of the venerable lady, ...

Book 4  p. 329
(Score 1.32)

236 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [High Street.
the printing office of this strange genius (who died
in I 799, ?? and there the most eminent literary men
of that period visited and superintended the printing
of works that have made the press of the
?? 0 Willie, come sell your fiddle,
Oh sell your fiddle sae fine ;
0 Willie, come sell your fiddle,
And buy a pint 0? wine.
If I should sell my fiddle,
The warl? would think I was mad,
For many a rantin? day
My fiddle and I hae had.
?As I came by Crochallan,
I cannily keekit ben-
Rattlin?, roarin? Willie,
Was sitting at yon board
Sitting at yon board en?,
And amang guid companie
Rattlin?, roarin? Willie,
You?re welcome hame to
In verse elsewhere
me !?
was accused by Sir Alexander Forbes of Tolquhoun
of stealing a gilded drinking-cup out of his house,
a mistake, as it proved, in the end.
Eastward of this were, in succession, Geddes?s,
W.R.-C.M. ; and the house immediately below it
contained the only instance known to exist in
Edinburgh of a legend over an interior doorway:
W. F. B. G.
These were the initials
of William Fowler, a
merchant burgess of
Edinburgh, supposed to
be the author of ?The
Triumph of Death,? and
the others are, ot course,
those of his wife. As to
what this house was
originally nothing is
known, and the peculiarity
of the legend has
been a puzzle to many.
Later it was the
residence of Sir George liarities of his introducer,
who had become, in middle life, careless of his Drummond, who in 1683 and 1684 was Lord
costume and appearance :- 1 Provost of the city. In those days the lower
(From a Sketclr &Y the Author.)
To Crochallan came,
The old cocked hat, the brown surtout the same ;
His bristling beard just rising ill its might ;
?Twas four long nights and days to shaving night.?
At the foot of the close there stood, till 1859,
ground that sloped down to the North Loch
appears to have been all laid out in pleasant gardens,
wherein stood a summer-house belonging to
Lord Forglen, who was Sir Alexander Ogilvie, Bart.,
a commissioner for the Treaty of Union, and who
an advocate.
this is Mylne?s
Henry Mackenzie,
h o t , Hume, and foremost among the
host, the poet Burns.?
Here was long shown an old time-blackened
desk, at which these, and other men such as these,
revised their proofs, and a stool on which Burns
sat while correcting the proofs of his poems published
between December, 1786, and April, 1787.
Lower down the close, over the doorway of a house
where the Bill Chamber stood for several generations,
were carved the date, 1616, and the initials
Square, the entrance to which bears the date of
1689, a lofty and gloomy court, having on its side
a flight of steps to the North Bridge. This-the
project of one of the famous masonic family of
Mylne-was among the first improvements effected
in the old town, before its contented burgesses
became aspiring, and dreamt of raising a New
Edinburgh, beyond the oozy bed of the bordering
loch. Many distinguished people lived here of old.
Among them was Charles Erskine of Alva, Lord ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [High Street. the printing office of this strange genius (who died in I 799, ?? and ...

Book 2  p. 236
(Score 1.32)

but by bringing ordonnance from the Castell to the
shoare, to dins at them so long as they sould be
within shot.?? (Melrose?s Letter.)
Upon this the constable and his cannoniers, with
a battery of guns, came with all speed down, by the
Bonnington Road most probably, and took up a
position on the high ground near the ancient chapel
of St. Nicholas; but this aid came too late, for
Mynheer de Hautain had driven the unfortunate
Spanish frigate, after great slaughter, completely
outside the harbour, where she grounded on a dangerous
reef, then known as the Mussel Cape, but
latterly as the Black Rocks.
There she was boarded by a party of Leith seamen,
who hoisted a Scottish flag at her topmasthead
; but that afforded her no protection, for the
inexorable Dutchmen boarded her in the night,
burned her to the water?s edge, and sailed away
before dawn.
Two years after this there occurred a case of
? murder under trust, stouthrief, and piracie,? of
considerable local interest, the last scene of which
was enacted at Leith. In November, 1624, Robert
Brown, mariner in Burntisland, with his son, John
Brown, skipper there, David Dowie, a burgess there,
and Robert? Duff, of South Queensferry, were
all tried before the Criminal Court for slaying under
trust three young Spanish merchants, and appropriating
to themselves their goods and merchandise,
which these strangers had placed on board John
Brown?s ship to be conveyed from the Spanish port
3f San Juan to Calais three years before. ? Beeing
in the middis of the sea and far fra lande,? runs
the indictment, they threw the three Spaniards
overboard, ?ane eftir other in the raging seas,?
after which, in mockery of God, they ?maid ane
prayer and sang ane psalm,? and then bore away
for Middelburg in Zealand, and sold the property
acquired-walnuts, chestnuts, and Spanish wines.
For this they were all hanged, their heads struck
from their bodies and set upon pikes of iron in the
town of Leith, the sands of which were the scene
of many an execution for piracy, till the last, which
occurred in 1822, when Peter Heaman and Fransois
Gautiez were hanged at the foot of Constitution
Street, within the floodmark, on the 9th of January,
for murder and piracy upon the high seas.
On the 28th and 30th March, 1625, a dreadful
storm raged along the whole east coast of Scotland,
and the superstitious Calderwood, in his history,
seems to connect it as a phenomenon with the death
of James VI., tidings of which reached Edinburgh
on that day. The water in Leith harbour rose
to a height never known before; the ships were
dashed against each other ?? broken and spoiled,?
and many skippers and mariners who strove to
make them fast in the night were drowned. ?It
was taken by all men to be a forerunner of some
great alteration. And, indeed, the day followingto
wit, the last of March-sure report was brought
hither from Court that the King departed this
life the Lord?s day before, the 27th of March?
Si William Mown?s Suggestinns-Leith Re-fortified-The Covenant Signed-The Plague-The Cromwelli in Leith-A Mutiny-Newspaw
Printed in the Citadel-Tucker?s Report-English Fleet-A Windmill-English Pirates Hanged-Citadel seized by Brigadier Mackintosh&
Hessian Army Lands-Highland Mutinies-Paul Jones-Prince William Henry. .
CHARLES I. was proclaimed King of Scotland,
England, France, and Ireland, at the Cross of Edinburgh
and on the shore at Leith, where Lord Balmerino
and the Bishop of Glasgow attended with
the heralds and trumpeters.
The events of the great Civil War, and those
which eventually brought that unfortunate king to
the scaffold, lie apart from the annals of Leith, yet
they led to the re-fortifying of it after Jenny Geddes
had given the signal of resistance in St. Giles?s in
July, 1637, and the host of the Covenant began to
gather on the hills above Dunse.
Two years before that time we find Vice-Admiral
Sir William Monson, a distinguished English naval
officer who served with Raleigh in Elizabeth?s reign
in many expeditions under James VI., and who
survived till the time of Charles I., urging in his
?Naval Tracts? that Leith should be made the
capital of Scotland !
?? Instead of Edinburgh,? he wrote, I? which is
the supreme city, and now made the head of justice,
whither all men resort as the only spring that waters
the kingdom, I wish his Majesty did fortify, strengthen,
and make impregnable, the town of Leith, and
there to settle the seat of justice, with all the other
privileges Edinburgh enjoys, referring it to the ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. rLeith . but by bringing ordonnance from the Castell to the shoare, to dins at them so ...

Book 5  p. 184
(Score 1.29)

347. LAWYERAN D CLIENT, Reverse Heads.
348. Another set of REVERSEH EADS. The one with the round hat is a
likeness of Lord Monboddo.
349. CONVENTIOONF ASSESj or Spirit of Democracy. Etched for a satirical
political pamphlet in verse,’ entitled “ Rights of Asses,” and published in
Edinburgh in 1792, 8vo. The author, we believe, was Mr. William Wilkie,
tailor, James Square, Edinburgh.
350. THEF IDDLEORF GLENBIRNIE. This is a capital Etching; but who
the subject of the sketch was Kay has not stated. The character is probably
351. DEAD GAME. The artist’s favourite Cat introduced.
35 3, BEGGAR’SFE AST-after Ostade.
A good Etching-apparently after Fuseli.
354. SIR WILLIAMW ALLACEt,h e hero of Scottish independence. The
Print is said to be from a very old picture ; but it is questionable whether there
be any genuine likeness of Wallace in existence, A painting, said to be a
copy of the original portrait executed while he sojourned in France, was once
in possession of Lieut.Qenera1 Ainslie of this city. It had the appearance of
considerable antiquity, and had been in the General’s family upwards of a
355. Equestrian Statue of CHARLES11 . erected in the Parliament Square in
1785. The “Merry Monarch” occupies the site once intended for the hero
of the Commonwealth, Oliver Cromwell. The statue of the latter was actually
in progress when the Restoration of Monarchy, in the person of Charles, speedily
convinced the pliant authorities of the impropriety of their design. During the
great fire in 1624 Charles narrowly escaped destruction. He was unhorsed,
and lay for some time in the Parliament Square. From thence he was removed
to the Calton Hill jail, where he remained “in durance vile” till 1636, when
he was restored, on a new pedestal, to his original position, and has since been
refreshed by a coat of bronze.
356. KAYI N MINIATUREb,y himself.
357. HIEROGLYPHLIECV ER from the Devil to Sir Laurence Dundas.
This trifle is not destitute of talent ; it is, as may be supposed, an attack on the then existing
order of things. It was published by Robertson and Berry, South Bridge, both of whom got &to
trouhle in consequence of their political agitation. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 347. LAWYERAN D CLIENT, Reverse Heads. 348. Another set of REVERSEH EADS. The one with ...

Book 9  p. 638
(Score 1.28)

G-s %-.I ?GREEN BREEKS.? 341
incident which occurred in that then fashionable
It was in this square, and in the adjoining
suburbs of Bristo Street, the Potterrow, and Cross
Causeway, that those ? bickers? of stones, or street
fights between boys of different ranks and localities-
New Town and Old Town boys, Herioters
and Watsoners-took place-juvenile exploits, to
which he refers in his general preface to the
Waverley Novels.? These dangerous rows were
bickers which took place between the aristocratic
youths of George Square and the plebeian fry of its
vicinity, and it runs thus :-? It followed, from our
frequent opposition to each other, that, though not
knowing the names of our enemies, we were yet
well acquainted with their appearance, and had
nicknames for the most remarkable of them. One
very active and spirited boy might be considered
leader in the cohort of the suburbs, He was, I
suppose, thirteen or fourteen years old, finely made,
difficult of suppression, as the parties always kept
pretty far apart, and the fight was often a running
one, till the Town Guard came on the ground, and
then all parties joined against that force as a
common foe, and clouds. of stones were hurled at
them. These bickers, as an Edinburgh feature,
were of great antiquity, and we have already cited
an act of the Town Council published antnf them
in 1529; and Calderwood tells us that ?upon the
Lord?s Day, the 20th (January, 1582-3), the Lord
Heries departed this life suddonlie, in time of the
afternoone?s preaching, going to an upper chamber
in William Fowllar?s lodging to see the bqes
Scott has told us an anecdote of his share in the
tall, blue-eyed, with long fair hair, the very picture
of a Goth. This lad was always the first in the
charge and last in retreat-the A4chilles and Ajax
of the Cross Causeway.? From an old pair of
green livery breeches which he wore, he was named
Green Breeks. ?? It fell once upon a time,? he added,
?when the combat was at the thickest, this
plebeian champion headed a sudden charge, so
rapid and furious that all fled before him. He
was several paces before his comrades, and had
actually laid his hands on the patrician standard,
when one of our party, whom some misjudging friend
had entrusted with a caufeau de rhusse, inspired
with a zeal for the honour of the corps worthy of
Major Sturgeon himself, struck poor Green Breeks ... %-.I ?GREEN BREEKS.? 341 incident which occurred in that then fashionable promenade. It was in this square, ...

Book 4  p. 341
(Score 1.27)

NioiLson Street.] JOHN MACLAREN. 337
spend a portion of each day in education, often
passing an hour or more daily in learning to read
by means of raised letters, under the direction of
the chaplain.
One of the most remarkable inmates here was
John Maclaren, who deserves to be recorded for
his wonderful memory. He was a native of Edinburgh,
and lost his sight by small-pox in infancy.
He was admitted into the first asylum ir. Shakespeare
Square in 1793, and was the last survivor
In West Richmond Street, which opens off the
east side of Nicolson Street, is the McCrie Free
Church, so named from being long the scene of
the labours of Dr. Thomas McCric, the zealous
biographer of Knox and Melville. Near it, a large
archway leads into a small and dingy-looking court,
named Simon Square, crowded by a humble, but
dense population ; yet it has associations intimately
connected with literature and the fine arts, for
there a poor young student from Rnnandale, named
of the original members. With little exception,
he had committed the whole of the Scriptures to
memory, and was most earnest in his pious efforts
to instruct the blind boys of the institution in portions
of the sacred volume. He could repeat an
entire passage of the Bible, naming chapter and
verse, wherever it might be opened for him. As
age came upon him the later events of his life eluded
his memory, while all that it had secured of the
earlier remained distinct to the last. Throughout
his long career he was distinguished by his zeal
in promoting the spiritual welfare and temporal
comfort of the little community of which he was
a member, and also for 3 life of increasing industry,
which closed on the 14th of November, 1840.
Thomas Carlyle, lodged when he first came to
Edinburgh, and in a narrow alley called Paul
Street David Wilkie took up his abode on his
arrival in Edinburgh in 1799.
He was then in his fourteenth year; and so little
was thought of his turn for art, that it required all
the powerful influence of the kind old Earl of
Leven to obtain him admission as a student at the
Academy of the Board of Trustees. The room he
occupied in Paul Street was a little back one, about
ten feet square, at the top of a common stair on
the south side of the alley, and near the Pleasance.
From this he removed to a better lodging in East
Richmond Street, and from thence to an attic in
Palmer?s Lane, West Nicolson Street, where hq ... Street.] JOHN MACLAREN. 337 spend a portion of each day in education, often passing an hour or more ...

Book 4  p. 337
(Score 1.26)

that tongue which sounded like the alarum-bell of the world is for ever silent.
Here Hugh Miller’s restless intellect and more restless heart are still. And
here Guthrie’s work is ended, and that long speech-his life-is closed.
Here Professor Nichol is shut out, while time endureth, from the spectacle of
those heavenly bodies which he loved so well and panegyrised with all the
ardour of his fine imagination and warm heart. And here Samuel Brown,
bright ambitious ‘ son of the morning,’ rests, and all his gorgeous theories and
goIden hopes are buried with him-not, however, it may be, without some
prospect of resurrection, for does not the poet sing
‘ That every thought which strongly moves men’s minds,
And makes itself a worship in their hearts,
Contains within it an unchanging germ ;
May die, but must one day be raised again ;
In form though diverse, yet in soul the same,
Transfigured, and by this declared divine ’ ?
On the slope to the south of this, stands The Grange House, so called
from its having been in this locality that the grange or farm 6f the Vicar of
St. Giles’ was situated. In 1831 this house became the residence of Sir Thomas
Dick Lauder, the accomplished and gifted author of the lVt@t of Badenoch
and Th Moray Roods iit 1829,-0ne whose image as a talI, fine-looking,
grey-haired, gentlemanly man, with a world of geniaIity in his face, kindness
in his manner, and gleesome humour in his speech, lingers stilI in the memory
of many. . Before coming to the Grange he lived at Relugas, a romantic ... OLD TOWN. 39 that tongue which sounded like the alarum-bell of the world is for ever silent. Here Hugh ...

Book 11  p. 63
(Score 1.26)

Page 66, Dr. CARLPLE.
For the actual facts regarding Carlyle’s friendship with Home, wide Dr. Carlyle’s
Autobiography. He attended two rehearsals along with the author, Lord Elibank, Dr.
Ferguson, and David Hume, at the old Canongate theatre, then under the management
of Captain Digges, a well-born profligate, who had been dismissed the army, it was said,
as a poltroon. The
friends of Home were accustomed to meet at a tavern within the Abbey Sanctuary, and
out of this originated the Griskin Club, one of the old convivial clubs of Edinburgh.
He performed Young Douglas, and Mrs. Ward, Lady Randolph.
For an account of the Club, vide Ker’s Life of Xmellie, by whom Burns was introduced
to the Club. See the poet’s impromptu on Smellie ; and also his addenda to the
old song of “ Rattlin’ roarin’ Willie,” in both of which the Crochallan Club is referred to,
Page 11 7, Mr. WOODS.
Woods the actor was a special friend of the poet Fergusson. Vide ‘‘ My Last Will : ”
“ To thee, whose genius can provoke
Thy pmsions to the bowl or sock ;
For love to thee, Woods, and the Nine,
%e my immortal Shakespeare thine,” etc.
An Address, in Verse, “ To Mr. R. Ferpsson, on his recovery from severe depression
of spirits,” by Mr. Woods, appeared originally in the Culedoninn Mercury, July 9, 1774,
and was appended to the first edition of Pequsson’s Poems, 1807.
Page 12 3, Dr. BLAIK
“ The great Dr. Blair used to walk in a sort of state, with gown and wig, from his
house in Argyle Square, down the Horse Wynd, up the Old Fishmzrket Close, and so
to the High Church, every Sunday foreuoon when he went to preach. His style of
walking was very pompous, though perhaps not affected.”- Fide Chambers’s Traditions.
It is almost necessary to note here that the Physicians’ Hall, a somewhat tasteful
building, with a portico of Corinthian columns, was one of the prized architectural
features of the New Town in its early days. It was erected in 1775 ; and as it stood
opposite St. Andrew’s Church, the two porticoes would have harmonised well in a
general view of the street, had not the Physicians’ Hall been thrown back behind the
general line of the street. The site is now occupied by the much more imposing
building of the Commercial Bank.
Page 160, Rev. JOHNM ‘LuRE.
Dr. Robert Chambers describes this same character in his Traditions of Edinburgh,
hut he gives him the name of Andrew M‘Lnre. He lived “ in the second flat of a house
at the head of Bell’s Wynd, fronting the southern wall of the Old Tolbooth, and next
door to the Baijen Hole.” This, Dr. Chambers states, was a celebrated baker’s shop,
named in Peter Williamson’s Directory for 1784 as Bugon Hole ; but he says “ the
origin of the word defies all research.” The
Bejauni were the freshmen, or students of the first year in the old universities. In
Aberdeen the freshman is still called a Bejeant, as in Paris he was a Bbjaune, i.e. a
ninny, in the fourteenth century. No doubt the Eaijen Hole was a favourite resort of
the younger students who had not yet lost a schoolboy’s love for gib, candy, etc. Old
High School boys will remember Brown’s Baijen Hole, in the old High School Wynd,
the reputation of which survived till the desertion of the Old High School Yards for the
Calton HilL
The word, however, is very significant. ... TO VOL. I. Page 66, Dr. CARLPLE. For the actual facts regarding Carlyle’s friendship with Home, wide Dr. ...

Book 8  p. 601
(Score 1.25)

On another part of the building the initials I D ., and K * T *, appear attached to some
curiously-formed marks, and are doubtless those of the original owners ; but unfortunately
all the early titles are lost, EO that no clue now remains to the history of this singular
dwelling. The lower story, which is believed to have formed the black-hole or dungeon of
the English t.roopers, is vaulted with stone, and around the massive walls iron rings are
affixed, as if for the purpose of securing the prisoners once confined in these vaults. The
east wall of the main room above is curiously constructed of eliptic arches, resting on plain
circular pillars, and such portions of the outer wall as are not concealed by the wooden
appendages of early times, exhibit polished ashlar work, finished with neat mouldings and
string courses.
Immediately to the north of this ancient mansion, there is a large land eutering from
the foot of Sellar’s Close, which has two flat terraced roofs at different elevations, and forms
a prominent and Eiomewhat graceful feature of the Old Town as seen from Princes Street.
This is known by the name of (( The Cromwell Bartizan,” a and is pointed out, on the same
traditional authority, as having been occupied by the General, owing to its vicinity to his
guards, and the commanding prospect which its terraced roof afforded of the English fleet
at anchor in the Firth. Over a doorway, which divides the upper from the lower part of
this close, a carved lintel bears this variation of the common legend :-THE . LORD . BE .
BLEIST . FOR . AL. HIS. GIFTIS .3 A building on the west side, finished in the style prevalent
about the period of James VI., has the following inscription over a window on the
third floor :-
In the house which stood opposite, a very large and handsome Gothic lire-place remained,
in the same style as those already described in the Guise Palace. In Brown’s
Close adjoining this, Arnot informs us that there existed in his time a private oratory,”
containing -a ‘( baptismal font,” or sculptured stone niche ; but every relic of antiquity has
now disappeared ; and nearly the same may be said of Byres’ Close, though it contained only
a few years since the town mansion built by Sir John Byres of Coates, the carved lintel of
which was removed by the late Sir Patrick Walker, to Coates House, the ancient mansion
of that family, near Edinburgh. It bears the inscription, “ Blissit be God in a1 His giftis,”
with the initials I B a, and 31 B ., and the date 1611.4
Dunbar’s, Brown’s, and Sellar‘s closea, mentioned in this chapter, are now obliterated by recent city improvementa.
’ Vide p. 95, some confusion exists in the different attempts‘ to lix the exact house, but these discrepancies tend
to confirm the general probability of the tradition; the name BartiZan, however, would seem to determine the
building now assigned in the text
8 In that amusing collection “Satan’s Invisible World Discovered,” written for the purpose of confounding atheiste,
the following is given as an Eat Lothian grace, ‘‘in the time of ignorance and superstition :”
Lord be bless’d for all His gifts,
Defy the Devil and all his shifts.
Qod send me mair d e r . Amen. .
* The front land to the west of Byree’ Close, wan long the residence, Post Office, and miscellaneous establishment of
the noted Peter Williamson, who advertised himself as “from the other world I ” and published an ingenioua narrative
of his Adventures in America, and Captivity among the Red Indians.--Piale Kq’r Portraits, voL i. p. 137.
2 F ... HIGH STREET. 225 On another part of the building the initials I D ., and K * T *, appear attached to ...

Book 10  p. 245
(Score 1.23)

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