Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Bookshelf


Index for “adam ferguson”

Home’s tragedy of ‘ Douglas’ was first presented’ to the public.’ The
White Horse Inn, White Horse Close, was the resort of Prince Charlie’s
officers in i 745, and in another ‘White Horse,’ formerly situated near the
head of the Canongate, Boswell first met Dr. Johnson. Adam Smith, author
of the WeaZfh of Nations, breathed his last in Panmure House, now occupied
as a foundry. He was
buried in the Canongate Churchyard.
The house is shown on the left of the Engraving.
Within little more than a gun-shot of Holyrood, and nearly opposite
Queensberry House, is Whiteford House, originalIy occupied by Sir John
Whiteford. Almost under the shadow of the tasteful but inadequate monument
to Robert Burns, it stands upon the site of the town residence of the
Setons, Earls of Winton, which is referred to in the DiumaZ of Occurrents i~z
ScutZand as ‘my Lord Seytoun’s lugeing in the Cannongait besyid Edinburgh,’
where Lord Darnley sojourned in 1564, and Manzeville, the French Ambassador,
about eighteen years later.’ Almost every one is familiar with Sir
Walter Scott’s description of the ancient mansion in the first volume of the
Abbot, in connection with one of Catherine Seyton’s interviews with Roland
Grzme-the solemn quadrangle, ‘all around which rose huge black walls,
exhibiting windows in rows of five stories, with heavy architraves over each,
bearing armorial and religious devices ;, while in the interior were displayed
1 There are now no fewer than@ theatres in the Scottish metropolis.
The site is marked No. 54 in Edgar’s plan of the city of Edinburgh, published in 1742. and
is indicated by a metal tablet recently erected at the front of Galloway‘s Entry by a descendant
of the family. ... EDINBURGH PAST AND PRESENT. Home’s tragedy of ‘ Douglas’ was first presented’ to the public.’ ...

Book 11  p. 117
(Score 1.66)

The Moultrays of that Ilk-Village of Moultray's Hill-The Chapel of St. Ninian-St James's Square-Bunker's Hill-Mr. Dundas-Rob&
Bums's House-State of the Scottish Recdrds-Indifference of the Government in 174a-The Register House built-Its Objects and
Size<urious Documents preserved in this House-The Ofice of Lord Clerk Register-The Secretary's Register-The Register of
Sashes-The Lyon King of Arms-Sir David Lindesay-Si James Balfour-Si Alexander Erskine-New Register HoustGreat and
privy Seals of Scotland-The Wellington Statue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Marlii's Wynd-Legend of the Pavior-Peebles Wynd-The Bridge Founded-Price of Sites-Laing's Book Shop-The Assay Office and
Goldsmith's Hall-Mode of Marking the Plate-The Corporation, and old Acts concerning it-Hunter's SquarGMerchant Company's
Hall-The Company's Charter-"The Stock of Broom"-Their Monopoly and Progress-The Great Schools of the Merchant
Company-The Chamber .of Commerce-Adam Square-Adam's Houses-Dr. Andrew Duncan-Leonard Homer and the Watt
Institution-Its Progress and Vitality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
The Convent of St. Mary-Friends' Burial PlactOld Chirurgeon's Hall-Surgeon's Square-" Hamilton's Folly "-The Gibbet-Chapel
and Hospital of St. Leonard-Davie Deans' Cottage-The .. IMOCCnt Railway "-First Public Dispensary . . . . . . 382

Book 2  p. 391
(Score 1.66)

south, as having been the scene where poor Ferguson, that unhappy child of genius, so
wretchedly terminated his brief career. The building bears, on an ornamented tablet above
the main entrance, the date 1698, surmounted by a sun-dial. The only relic of its original
grandeur that has survived its adaptation to later purposes, is a handsome and very
substantial stone balustrade, which guardtl the broad flight of steps leading to the first
A remarkable course of events followed on the failure of the Darien scheme, attended
with riots of the same desperate character as those commonly perpetrated by the populace of
Edinburgh when under the influence of unusual excitement. In 1702, a vessel belonging
to the East India Company, which entered the Frith of Forth, waB seized by the Scottish
Government, by way of reprisal, for the unjust detention in the Thames of one belonging to
the Scottish African Company. In the course of a full and legal trial, the captain and
crew were convicted, in a very singular manner, of piracy and murder committed on the
mate and crew of a Scottish vessel in the East Indies. The evidence, however, appeared to
some influential parties insuEcient to justify their condemnation, and the utmost excitement
was created by attempts to procure a pardon for them.
The report having been circulated that a reprieve had been granted, the mob assaulted
the Lord Chancellor while passing the Tron Church in his carriage, on his return from
the Privy Council. The windows were immediately smashed, the Chancellor dragged out,
and thrown upon the street ; and he was rescued with great difficulty from the infuriated
multitude by an armed body of his friends. The tumult was only appeased at last by the
public execution of the seamen.
In the Parliament which assembled in June 1705, the first steps were taken in Scotland
with a, view to the Union between the two kingdoms. The period was peculiarly
unfavourable for the accomplishment of a project against which so many prejudices were
arrayed. The popular mind was already embittered by antipathies and jealousies excited
by the recent failure of the favourite scheme of colonisation, and the plan for a Union
was almost universally regarded as an attempt to sacrifice their independence, and establish
VIGNETTE-The Darien Eouae. ... INCIDENTS AFTER THE RESTORATION. 107 south, as having been the scene where poor Ferguson, that unhappy ...

Book 10  p. 117
(Score 1.55)

to press around him ; and on some gentlemen calling out to secure him, he ran
along the pier a few yards, brandishing his cutlass and uttering defiance. He
then went on board the store-ship lying at the pier, and stationing himself upon
the bowsprit, threatened to stab any one who should attempt to lay hands on
him ; and on some one calling out " Murderer ! " from the pier, he again ran on
shore, chasing the crowd with his cutlass. The boatswain of the Unicorn at last
came up to him, and desired him to sheath his sword, but he refused. The
boatswain then asked it from him, when a struggle ensued, on which one
Fowler Ferguson, a carter and publican in Leith, came up and took the cutlass
out of White's hand. The prisoner was then conveyed to the Council Chamber,
From exculpatory proof led, it was shown that White bore an excellent
character, both for sobriety and humanity ; that he could have entertained no
malice towards Jones, as he had only the day before sheltered him from punishment
for being drunk; and likewise that, as desertions were at the time
prevalent, he had acted under the impression that Jones wished to escape.
Whatever else might have had influence, it was evident that drink had been the
cause of the unhappy act-the ship arrived at Leith on the 14th, and the hands
had received their pay only ten days previous at Stromness, so that a little
irregularity might have been expected.
Although the prisoner was indicted for murder, yet the jury, after a lengthened
examiiation, found him guilty of culpable homicide; and the Lords of
Justiciary, in consideration of the previous good character of the unfortunate
young gentleman, sentenced him to fourteen years' transportation.
MR. HENDERSON, as Xir John FuZstu& a character in which he has
probably never been surpassed, will be easily distinguished to the left ; and it
must be admitted, that in this sketch of the scene betwixt the valiant Sir John
and his friend Bardolph, the pencil of the artist has felicitously conveyed a
portion of the genuine animation of the original
It was in February 1746 that Mr. John Henderson first saw the light in
Goldsmith Street, Cheapside ; his family was originally Scotch, and he is said
to have been a descendent in a direct line from the famous Dr, Alexander
Henderson. His father died two years after the birth of our hero, leaving him
and two brothers to the protection of their mother, who retired with them ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. to press around him ; and on some gentlemen calling out to secure him, he ran along ...

Book 8  p. 207
(Score 1.52)

INDEX. 463
Douglas, Daunie, 239
Cause, 163
Douglas, Heron, & Co.’s Bank, 284
Dow Craig, Calton Hill, 82
Dowie, John, 181
Dowie’s Tavern, Libberton’s Wynd, 164, 181
Downie, accused of High Treason, 123
Drama, Scottish, 285, 326
DreM, 14, 45
Dromedary, Exhibition of a, 286
Drowning, The Punishment of, 454
Drum, The, 115
Drumlanrig, 43
Lord, 299
Drummond, Bishop Abernethy, 265
Lord, 296
of Eawthorndeo, 91, 240
Sir Qeorge, 240
Qeorge, 207
Drumaelch, Forreat of, 276
Drury, Sir William, 84,132, 174, 273, 424
Dryden, 103
Duddingatone, Village of, 111
Dudley, Lord, 294
Dumbarton Castle, 2, 53, 130
Dumfries, William Earl of, 140, 141
Dunbar, Battle of, 93
Church, 129
Lord L’Isle, 49
Penelope, Countess of, 140
Qawin, 38
Town of, 50, 63, 77, 321
William, the Poet, 26, 28, 30
Canongate, 277
Donbar’s Close, 95,224
Dundas, Lord President, 243,253
Sir Lawrence, 259
Dundee, Viscount, 106,123,216,217
Dundonald, Earl of,. 163.
Dunfermline Abbey, 3
Dunkeld’a Palace, Bishop of, 319, 320
Dunnybristle House, 391
Dunrobin Castle, 154
Dunsinnane, Lord, 193
Dureward, Allan, Justiciary of Scotland, 5
Durham, Bishop of, 26
Durie, Abbot, Andrew, 261
Abbot, George;257
Lord, 243
Abbot of, 12,257 ’
Durie’s Close, 244
Dyvoura, 223
Ebranke, 2,419, 423
Edgar, Patrick, 139
Edinburgh, Ancient Maps of, 424
Ancient Painting of, 156
Viscount of, 7
Edmonston, Lord, 208
Edmrd I., 2, 4, 6, 132, 321, 399
II., 6,379
III., 132, 384
IV., 19
Edward VI., 48, 51, 58
Nicol. See Udward
Edwin, King of Northumbria, 2, 419
Eglinton, Earl of, 241
Elgin, Countess of, 166
Elibank, Lord, 143,
Elizabeth, Queen, 61, 62, 68, 89,174
Elliot, Sir Gilbert, 256, 332
Mise Jeanie, 332
Elphinstone, Lord, 309
Susannah, Counteea of, 241,289
Sir George, 286
Secretary, 89
Tower, 51
Elphinstone’s Court, 269, 314
Emblems, Paradin’s, 150
Erskine, Lord, 53
of Dun, 75
Sir Alexander, 227
Exchange, Royal, 122 .
Excise Office, 259
Palconer, William, 275
Falkland, 45, 388
Farquharson, Dr, 180
Fenelon, Xonsieur de la Motte, 175
Fentonbarns, Lord, 267
Fergus I., 91
Ferguson, Robert, the Poet, 106,181, 237, 242, 347
Fettes Row, 196
Fiery C r o ~5, 1
Figgate Whins, 244
Fires, 13, 209
Fisher’s Cloae, 169
Flezning, Lord, 22, 266
Robert, the Plotter, 192
Sir Ifalcolm, 16 .
Sir James, 368
Fleshmarket Close, 242
Canongate, 278
Fletcher, Lawrence, Comedian, 286
Flodden Field, Battle of, 31, 34, 38
Fonts, 142, 147, 353
Forbes, Lord, 48
of Milton, Andrew. See Miltor, h d
Duncan, of Culloden, 112, 192, 209
Sir Alexander, 239
Sir William, 212, 252
Foreman, Andrew, 23
Forglen, Lord, 239, 240
Forreat, Mer., Provost of the Kirk-of-Field, 397
Forrester’s Wynd, 181
Forster, Adam, Lord of Nether Liberton, 385
Fortune’s Tavern, 242
Fountain Close, 270
Fountainhall, Lord, 161, 203, 207,287
Fowler, William, the Poet, 240
Francis I., 41
Fraser of Strichen, Alexander, 261
Freemasons, 431
French Ambwador’s Chapel, Covgate, 328
Well, 258, 391
Tibbie, of the Glen, 367 ... 463 Douglas, Daunie, 239 Cause, 163 Douglas, Heron, & Co.’s Bank, 284 Dow Craig, Calton Hill, ...

Book 10  p. 502
(Score 1.51)

THE REV. DR. PEDUIEw as born on the 10th of February 1759, at Perth,
where his father was a respectable brewer. After having attended the grammarschool
of that city for some time, he was transferred to the academy there, of
which Dr, Hamilton, afterwards Professor of Natural Philosophy in Aberdeen
College, and author of a well-known work on the National Debt, was the Rector.
From thence Dr. Peddie proceeded to the University of Edinburgh, where he
went through the usual courses of study, under Professors Dalzel, Ferguson,
Stewart, etc. From an early age he had felt a predilection for the ministerial
office ; and, when the time arrived for choosing a profession, he became a student
of divinity under the venerable John Brown of Haddington, Professor of
Divinity to the Associate Secession Synod, of which religious denomination his
father was a member. In February 1782 he obtained license as a probationer
from the Associate Presbytery of Perth and Dunfermline ; and the congregation
in Bristo Street, Edinburgh, having soon afterwards elected him, he was
ordained their pastor on the 3d of April 1783. The election had been keenly
contested j and, upon its being decided in his favour, a large body of the members
of the congregation withdrew, forming themselves into the Associate Congregation
of Rose Street, of which the late Rev. Dr. Hall subsequently became
pastor. The Bristo Street Congregation, however, rapidly recruited its numbers
under the pastoral superintendence of Dr. Peddie ; and it has from that time
forward been distinguished for its highly flourishing condition.
From the commencement of his ministry, the Rev. Doctor was an acceptable
and popular preacher, and continued to be so although far advanced in years.
The branch of pulpit duty in which he excelled was what in Scotland is termed
Zectu~ing. In this respect he was eminently skilled for clearness in expounding
the mcaning of Scripture-for a graphic delineation of the incidents and
manners in the sacred volume-and for the sagacity and force of his practical
application of its lessons.
In addition to a most assiduous and successful superintendence of one of the
largest congregations in Scotland, Dr. Peddie through life took an active share
in the benevolent and religious societies of Edinburgh, as well as in the general
government and business of his own religious community ; and in both departments
his prudent and skilful management always secured to him a corresponding
share of weight and influence. It may be particularly mentioned, that he
was one of the founders of the Bible, of the Missionary, and of the Magdalene ... I0 GRAPH I C AL SKETCH E S. 35 1 No. CCLXXXVII. REV. DR. JUES PEDDIE, OF THE ASSOCIATE CONGREGATION, BRISTO ...

Book 9  p. 467
(Score 1.5)

siastic spirit of the ex-representative of Majesty, that he came to Edinburgh in
May 1802, to attend the levee of the new Commissioner. On the 4th of June
following, being the King's birth-day, he also attended the " grand collation "
given on the occasion by the Magistrates in the Parliament House. This was
the last public appearance of his lordship. He died at his house, in Edinburgh,
five days afterwards, aged 81.
Lord Leven married, in 1747, Wilhelmina, posthumous daughter, and nineteenth
child, of William Nisbet of Dirleton. The great degree of domestic
felicity with which this union was crowned, is, perhaps, the best proof of the
Earl's rectitude of private conduct. Lady Leven was not less distinguished for
her amiable qualities of mind than she was for comeliness of person. Her wit
was lively and pleasant-her heart affectionate and liberal. She had a habitual
and fervent piety, and a regular and constant regard to divine institutions and
the offices of devotion. Uninterrupted conjugal affection and felicity, sweetened
and heightened by the exercise of parenta.1 duties, marked the union of the
Earl and Countess. The fiftieth anniversary of their marriage was celebrated
at Melville House, 29th January 1797 ; and she died there, 10th May 1798,
aged 74.
The town residence of the Earls of Leven, during the early part of last
century, was at the head of Skinner's Close. The subject of this sketch resided
many years in a house at the north-west corner of Nicolson Square, and latterly
occupied KO. 2 St. Andrew Square.
Her ladyship had a family of five sons and three daughters.
LORD ADAM GORDON, fourth son of Alexander, second Duke of Gordon,
and grand-uncle to the late Duke, entered the 18th Regiment of Foot in 1746-
from whence he was transferred to the 3d Regiment of Foot Guards in 1755. He
accompanied this regiment in the expedition to the coast of France, under
General Bligh, in 1758 ; undertaken, in conjunction with the fleet under Lord
Howe, for the purpose of creating a diversion in favour of the allies. The
General succeeded in effecting a landing at St. Lunaire, on the 4th September,
and in destroying a few vessels at St. Briac ; but his courage soon began
to " ooze out at his finger-ends " on learning that the French camp was only a
few miles distant, and that some fresh reinforcements had lately been received.
On the 10th of the same month he summoned a council of war, when, with
only one dissentient voice (Lieutenant-colonel Clerk) a re-embarkation was
resolved upon. Lord Howe was immediately made acquainted with this determination
; but, for the safety of the fleet, the Admiral found it necessary to go
to St. Cas Bay. The troops were thus under the disagreeable necessity of
Print of Lord Adam Gordon on horseback as peculiarly striking.
A gentleman, who was intimately acquainted with the subject of this sketch, describes the ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. siastic spirit of the ex-representative of Majesty, that he came to Edinburgh in May ...

Book 8  p. 298
(Score 1.5)

992 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [The Old High School.
the great William Pitt, afterwards Lord Chatham.
My master was a great favourite of his pupils,
about sixty in number.
&cond.-Gilchrist, a good-humoured man, with
a great deal of comedy about him ; also liked by the
class, in number somewhat exceeding Farquhar's.
" Third-Rae, a severe, harsh-tempered man,
but an excellent scholar, a rigid disciplinarian, and
very frequent floggerof the school, consequently very
unpopular with the boys, though from the reputation
were then removed to the Rector's class, where
they read portions of Livy, along with the other
classics above mentioned. The hours of attendance
were from seven to nine a.m., and after an
interval of an hour for breakfast, from ten to twelve ;
then after an interval of two hours (latterly, I think,
in my time, three) for dinner, returned for two
hours in the afternoon. The scholars wrote versions,
translations from Latin into English ; and at the
annual examination in August rkited speeches, as
of his superior learning, he had more scholars than
either of the above masters.
Aurfk-Gib, an old man, short and squabby,
with a flaxen three-tailed wig, verging towards
dotage, though said to be in his younger days a
very superior scholar, and particularly conversant
in Hebrew. He had then only twenty-five or
thirty pupils, who liked him from the indulgence
which his good-natured weakness and laxity of
discipline produced.
"The scholars went through the four classes
taught by the under-masters, reading the usual
elementary Latin books-for at that time no Greek
was taught in the High School-and so up to
Virgil, Horace, Sallust, and parts of Cicero. They
they were called, being extracts of remarkable
passages from some of the Roman poets.
Of eminent men educated at the High School
were most of the leading lawyers of Scotland. In
modem times were President Hope, Mr. Brougham,
Mr. Francis Horner, Mr. Wilde, the great favourite
of Mr. Burke, hfr. Reddie, town clerk of Glasgow,
who, during the short time hewas at the Edinburgh
bar had a high reputation for his ability and
knowledge of law. Lord Woodhouselee was at the
school with me, in the class below mine; so was
Lord Meadowbank, who had for his tutor Mr.
Adam, afterwards rector. The Chief Commissioner
Adam was of the same standing and class."
In 1765 began the connection of the eminent
* ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [The Old High School. the great William Pitt, afterwards Lord Chatham. My master was a ...

Book 4  p. 292
(Score 1.45)

melancholy interest, disguised though they are by the changes of modern taste and
manners. The name of the Bishop of Orkney appears at the bond granted by the nobility
to the Earl of Bothwell, immediately before he put in practice his ambitions scheme against
Queen Mary; so that here, in all probability, the rude Earl, and many of the leading
nobles of that eventful period, have met to discuss their daring plans, and to mature the
designs that involved so many in their consequences. Here, too, we may believe both
Mary and James to have been entertained as guests, by father and son, while at the same
board there sat another lovely woman, whose wrongs are so touchingly recorded in the
beautiful old ballad of ‘‘ Lady Ann Bothwell’s Lament.” She was the sister of the first
Lord Holyroodhouse, and is said to have possessed great personal beauty. She was
betrayed into a disgraceful connection with the Honourable
Sir Alexander Erskine, a son of the Earl of Mar,
of whom a portrait still exists by Jamieson. He is
there represented in military dress, with a cuirass and
scarf; but the splendour of his warlike attire is
evidently unnecesary to set off his noble and expressive
countenance. The desertion of the frail beauty by this
gay deceiver was believed by his contemporaries to have
exposed him to the signal vengeance of heaven, on his
being blown up, along with the Earl of Haddington, and
many others of noble birth, in the Castle of Dunglass
in 1640, the powder magazine having been ignited by a
servant boy out of revenge against his master.’ Adam
Bothwell lies buried in the ruined Chapel of Holyrood,
where his monument is still to be seen, attached to the
second pillar from the great east window that once overlooked
the high altar at which Mary gave her hand to
the imbecile Darnley, and not far from the spot-if we
are to believe the contemporary annalist-where she
yielded it to her infamous ravisher.
The fore part of the ancient building in the High Street has been almost entirely
modernised, and faced with a new stone front, but many citizens still living remember
when an ancient timber faqade projected its lofty gables into the street, with tier above
tier, each thrusting out beyond the lower story, while below were the covered piazza and
darkened entrances to the gloomy “laigh shops,’’4 such as may still be seen in the few
examples of old timber lands that have escaped demolition. But this ancient fabric is
associated with another citizen of no less note in his day-“The glorious days of auld,
1 A rude version of this beautiful ballad was printed in 1006, and others have since been given of it by Percy, Jamie-
A alight confusion occura in his account, where she is atyled the daughter of Bothwell, Bishop of
The dates seem to leave no doubt that the father waa John, his son, the first who obtained the title of
’ In a Sasine of part of this property, it is styled, “that western laigh booth, or shop, lying within the fore tenemeut . as also that merchant shop entering from the High
son, Kinloch, t c . ; Mr R. Chambers, however, was the first to publish the true hishry of the heroine, in his
tiah Ballads.”
Orkney, tc.
Lord Holyroodhouse.
of Y r Adam Bothwell, under the laigh stair thairof .
Street,” tc.
VIoNElTE.-Adam Bothwell’s houae, from the north. ... HIGH STREET. 227 melancholy interest, disguised though they are by the changes of modern taste and manners. ...

Book 10  p. 247
(Score 1.45)

LEITH. ‘07
revels, resulting usually in a number of free fights and occasional serious
skirmishes with the town-guard. Booths, taverns, and theatrical amusements
of every description, and to almost any extent, stood along the outer line of
the shore, reaching eastwards, while the pier, for the time being, was improvised,
and largely taken advantage of, as an excellent stand for the people. From
the time of the Restoration to the year 1816, these races appear to have been
held annually; but at that period they were removed to the Links of
Musselburgh, where they have been run ever since. Ferguson, in his ‘ Leith
Races,’ gives a very humorous and truly descriptive account of them, which
poem, we may add, not only suggested to Burns, Scotia’s bard par MtceZZmc,
but afforded him a model for, that inimitable and bitingly telling satire of
his, the ‘Holy Fair,’ so full of fun, racy description, and pawky commonsense.
Ecclesiastically, Leith is divided into the two parishes of North and South
Leith, separated from each other by the river ; the former lying to the west,
and including in it, since 1630, the baronies of Newhaven and Hillhousefield ;
the latter, to the east, is much the larger, and of a triangular shape, extending
along the shore to the Figget-bum at Portobello, thence following the line of
the public road to the city, embracing the abrogated parish of Restalng, and
till lately the Calton Hill, and reaching onwards to Leith Walk. Objections
have been taken to the site of the town as not the best adapted for a maritime
port. It has been urged that, in consequenee of the flat, sandy expanse
on which it is placed, and which the retiring tide at its ebb leaves quite-dry
for over a mile in breadth, it never can command any great depth of water,
while the river again, flowing through the harbour, runs so sluggishly, and
with such small volumeusually, that it has not power to keep the mouth of
the harbour free of .the mud and sand with which it is apt to become silted
up.‘ That, however, in these times, has been greatly obviated, and probably
at no distant day is destined to disappear altogether before the various
efficient and energetic efforts of engineering enterprise.
The harbour and docks, crowd4 as they generally are with shipping, flying
the colours of almost every nation and country, is a sight in itself worth
seeing. Indeed, a walk in this direction on a fine summer day or a quiet
autumn evening, when the winds are low and the sea ‘ calm as cradled child,’
and especially along either of the piers which form the harbour, with ships
and steamers and other craft ever in motion, outwards or inwards, lending
life and charm to the scene, is highly interesting. Then again, at the further
end of either promenade, what a grand and extensive prospect I Both sides
. ... ‘07 revels, resulting usually in a number of free fights and occasional serious skirmishes with the ...

Book 11  p. 160
(Score 1.43)

mted with several mouldings, partly circular and
partly hexagonal. The eagle stands upon a globe,
and the shaft has been originally supported on
three feet, which are now gone. The lectern at
present is five feet seven inches in height, and is
He died on January 24th, 1543, and the probability
is that the lectern had been presented to
Holyrood on his elevation to Dunkeld as a farewell
? 1523. He had been previously provost of the
collegiate church of Corqtorphine, and was twice
High Treasurer, in 1529 and 1537. In 1538 he
was elected Bishop of KOSS, and held that office,
together with the Abbacy of Ferne, till his death,
jrst November, 1545.
XXIX ROBERT STUART, of Strathdon, a son.of
James V. by Eupham Elphinstone, had a grant of
the abbacy when only seven years of age, and in
manhood he joiiied the Reformation party, in 1559.
THE ABBEY CHURCH. (From an Engravitigin Maitlads ?History of Edinbaq-4.?)
gift, and that it had been stolen from the abbey
by Sir Richard Lea of Sopwell, who accompanied
the Earl of Hertford in the invasion of 1544, and
who carried off the famous brazen font from Holy-
TOO^, and presented it to the parish church of St.
Albans, with a magniloquent inscription. ?? This
font, which was abstracted from Holyrood, is no
longer known to exist, and there seems no reason
to doubt that the lectern, which was saved by
being buried during the Civil Wars, was abstracted
at the same time, and given to the church of St.
hlbans by the donor of the font.??
XXVII. WILLIAM DOUGLAS, Prior of Coldingham,
was the next abbot.
He died in r5z8.
He married in 1561, and received from his sister,
Queen Mary, a gift of some Crown lands in
Orkney and Shetland in 1565, with a large grant
out of the queen?s third of Holyrood in the following
year. In 1569 he exchanged his abbacy with
Adam Bishop of Orkney for the temporalities of
that see, and his lands in Orkney and Shetland
were erected into an earldom in his favour 28th
October, 1581.
XXX. ADAM BOTHWELL, who acquired the
abbacy in commendam by this strange and lawless
compact, did not find his position a very quiet one,
and several articles against him were presented in
the General Assembly in 1570. The fifth of these
stated that all the twenty-seven churches of the ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. WolJlmd mted with several mouldings, partly circular and partly hexagonal. The eagle ...

Book 3  p. 48
(Score 1.42)

church was accordingly built for them, at the
expense, says h o t , of Az,400 sterling. A portion
of this consisted of zo,ooo merks, left, in 1649, by
Thomas Moodie, a citizen, called by some Sir
Thomas Moodie of Sauchtonhall, to rebuild the
church partially erected on the Castle -Hill, and
demolished by the English during the siege of 1650.
Two ministers were appointed to the Canongate
church. The well-known Dr. Hugh Blair and the
splendid scabbard. This life is full of contrasts ; so
when the magistrates, in ermine and gold, took
their seats behind this sword of state in the front
gallery, on the right of the minister, and in the
gallery, too, were to be seen congregated the
humble paupers from the Canongate poorhouse,
now divested of its inmates and turned into a
hospital. Our dear old Canongate, too, had its
, Baron Bailie and Resident Bailies before the
late Principal Lee have been among the incumbents.
It is of a cruciform plan, and has the summit of
its ogee gable ornamented with the crest of the
burgh-the stag?s head and cross of King David?s
legendary adventure-and the arms of Thomas
Moodie form a prominent ornament in front of i t
? In our young days,? says a recent writer in a local
paper, ?the Incorporated Trades, eight in number,
occupied pews in the body of the church, these
having the names of the occupiers painted on them;
and in mid-summer, when the Town Council visited
it, as is still their wont, the tradesmen placed large
bouquets of flowers on their pews, and as our
sittings were near this display, we used to glance
with admiration from the flowers up to the great
sword standing erect in the front gallery in its
Reform Bill in 1832 ruthlessly swept them away.
Halberdiers, or Lochaber-axe-men, who turned out
on all public occasions to grace the officials, were
the civic body-guard, together with a body in plain
clothes, whose office is on the ground flat under
the debtors? jail.?
But there still exists the convenery of the Canongate,
including weavers, dyers, and cloth-dressers,
&c., as incorporated by royal charter in 1630,
under Charles I.
In the burying-ground adjacent to the church,
and which was surrounded by trees in 1765, lie
the remainsof Dugald Stewart, the great philosopher,
of Adam Smith, who wrote the ?Wealth of Nations
; ? Dr. Adam Fergusson, the historian of the
Roman Republic; Dr. Burney, author of the ... was accordingly built for them, at the expense, says h o t , of Az,400 sterling. A portion of this ...

Book 3  p. 29
(Score 1.41)

David Martin, the fashionable portrait painter of last century, instituted a club in
Johnnie Dowie’s Tavern, styled after its host “ Doway College.” Lord Kames, Lord
Monboddo, and Dr. Alexander Carlyle of Inveresk, were among its members, and Sir
Henry Raeburn, the pupil of Martin, frequented the same old haunt. hfr. Archibald
Constable mentions in his biography that he frequently met George Paton, the antiquary,
and David Herd a t John Dowie’s. There is a very characteristic portrait of
Dowie, in his three-cocked hat, in the Scots Magazine.
West Digges acted young Douglas in John Home’s famous tragedy ; and it was at
his lodging in the Canongate that Dr. Carlyle attended the rehearsals of the ‘‘ DoziqZas ”
in conipany with Home, Lord Elibank, Dr. Ferguson, and David Hume. Digges was
a man of good birth, but had been compelled to leave the army, and is described by
Dr. Carlyle as a handsome young man, with a genteel address and very agreeable
manners ; but he adds, ‘‘ he was a great profligate and spendthrift, and a poltroon, I’m
afraid, to the bargain.”
Whitefoord House, Canongate, a plain building in the unpicturesque style of the
eighteenth century, is interesting as one where Burns found hearty welcome. I t also has a
certain local interest owing to its occupying the site of the ancient lodging of the Earls
of Winton ; the Court residence of one of the most powerful of the nobles who adhered
to Queen Mary. Sir Walter Scott restores it in fancy ; and there Roland Crmne goes
in pursuit of Catherine Seyton, with results familiar to all readers. In Edgar’s Map of
Edinburgh, 1742, the ancient mansion appears, though neglected and ruinous. Before
the century closed it had been displaced by Whitefoord House.
Page 88, DR. HAMILTON.
Dr. Hamilton was lately popularly known by the name of “ Cocky Hamilton,” from
his adherence to the otherwise obsolete cocked hat. A story was current of one of the
street simpletons, Daft Jamie, if I mistake not, stopping Dr. Haniilton one evening,
opposite Law’s famed coffee establishment, and pointing in succession to the Doctor,
the lamplighter, who was just then lighting a neighbouring street lamp, and to the namc
over the shop, he exclaimed, “ Cocky-leery-law,” by which cock-crowing he won a

Book 9  p. 642
(Score 1.4)

Albany Street.] GENERAL SCOTT. 19=
Gray was ordained his successor to that charge in
1773, but he resigned it ten years afterwards. In
1785 he was appointed joint Professor of Mathematics
in the University of Edinburgh with the
celebrated Adam Ferguson, LL.D., and discharged
the duties of that chair till the death of
his friend Professor Robinson, in 1805, when he
was appointed his successor. Among his works
are ? Elements of Geometry ? published in I 796 ;
?Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the
Earth ? in 1804; ?? Outlines of Natural Philosophy;?
besides many papers to the scientific department
of the Edinburgh &view and to various other
He died at No. 2, Albany Street, in his seventieth
year, on the 20th of July, 1819. An unfinished
?? Memoir of John Clerk of Eldin,? the inventor of
naval tactics, left by him in manuscript, was
published after his death in the ninth volume of
the ? Edinburgh Transactions.? An interesting account
of the character and merits of this illustrious
mathematician, from the pen of Lord Jeffrey,
was inserted in the ?? Encyclopzdia Britannica ?
and in the memoir prefixed to his works by his
nephew, and a noble monument to his memory
is erected on the Calton Hill.
Northwards of the old village of Broughton,
in the beginning of the present century, the land
was partly covered with trees ; a road led fkom it
to Canonmills by Bellevue to Newhaven, while
another road, by the water of Leith, led westward.
In the centre of what are now the Drummond
Place Gardens stood a country house belonging
to the Lord Provost Drummond, and long inhabited
by him ; he feued seven acres from the
Governors of Heriot?s Hospital. The approach to
this house was by an avenue, now covered by West
London Street, and which entered from the north
road to Canonmills.
On the site of that house General Scott of Balcolnie
subsequently built the large square threestoreyed
mansion of Bellevue, afterwards converted
into the Excise Office, and removed when the
Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee Railway Company
constructed the now disused tunnel from Princes
Street to the foot of Scotland Street.
In 1802 the l a d s of Bellevue were advertised
to be sold ?by roup within the Justiciary
Court Roomy for feuing purposes, but years
elapsed before anything was done in the way of
building. In 1823 the papers announce that
?? preparations are making for levelling Bellevue
Gardens and filling up the sand-pits in that
neighbourhood, with a view to finishing Bellevue
Crescent, which will connect the New Town with
Canonmills on one side, as it is already connected
with Stockbridge on the other.?
By that year Drummond Place was nearly completed,
and the south half of Bellevue Crescent
was finished and occupied; St. Mary?s parish church
was founded and finished in 1824 from designs b j
Mr. Thomas Brown, at the cost of A13,ooo for
1,800 hearers. It has a spire of considerable elegance,
168 feet in height.
General Scott, the proprietor of Bellevue, was
one of the most noted gamblers of his time. It
is related of him that being one night at Stapleton?s,
when a messenger brought him tidings that Mrs.
Scott had been delivered of a daughter, he turned
laughingly to the company, and said, ?You see,
gentlemen, I must be under the necessity of
doubling my stakes, in order to make a fortune for
this little girl.? He accordingly played rather
deeper than usual, in consequence of which, after
a fiw hours? play, he found himself a loser by
A8,ooo. This gave occasion for some of the
company to rally him on his ?? daughter?s fortune,?
but the general had an equanimity of temper
that nothing could ruffle, and a judgment in play
superior to most gamesters. He replied that he
had still a perfect dependence on the luck of the
night, and to make his words good he played steadily
on, and about seven in the morning, besides
clearing his .&8,000, he brought home A15,ooo.
His eldest daughter, Henrietta, became Duchess
of Portland.
Drummond Place was named after the eminent
George Drummond, son of the Laird of Newton, a
branch of the Perth family, who was no less than
six times Lord Provost of the city, and who died
in 1776, in the eightieth year of his age.
The two most remarkable denizens of this
quarter were Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe of Hoddam
(previously of 93, Princes Street) and Lord
Among the attractions of Edinburgh during the
bygone half of the present century, and accessible
only to a privileged few, were the residence
and society of the former gentleman. Born of an
ancient Scottish family, and connected in many
ways with the historical associations of his country,
by his reputation as a literary man no less than
by his high Cavalier and Jacobite tenets, Charles
Kirkpatrick Sharpe was long looked up to as one
of the chief authorities on all questions connected
with Scottish antiquities.
No. 93, Princes Street, the house of Mrs. Sharpe
of Hoddam, was the home of her son till the time
of her death, and there he was visited by Scotc
Thomas Thomson, and those of the next genera ... the University of Edinburgh with the celebrated Adam Ferguson , LL.D., and discharged the duties of that ...

Book 3  p. 191
(Score 1.39)

is in the Gothic style, with a tower 130 feet high,
surmounted by an open crown.
On the east side of this street, and near its
northern end, stood the house in which John
Home, the author of ?( Douglas ? and other tragedies,
was born, on the 13th September, 1724. His
father, Alexander Home, was Town Clerk of Leith,
and his mother was Christian Hay, daughter of a
writer in Edinburgh. He was educated at the
Grammar School in the Kirkgate, and subsequently
succeeded in carrying Thomas Barrow, who had
dislocated his ankle in the descent, to Alloa, where
they were received on board the YuZture, sloopofwar,
commanded by Captain Falconer, who landed
them in his barge at the Queen?s Ferry, from
whence Home rFturned to his father?s house in
Subsequently he became the associate and friend
of Drs. Robertson and Blair, David Hume, Adam
Fergusson, Adam Smith, and other eminent Ziterati
ST. JAMES?S CHAPEL, 1820. (Aftcr Stow.)
at the university of the capital. His father was a
son of Home of Flass (says Henry Mackenzie, in
his ? Memoirs ?1, a lineal descendant of Sir James
Home of Cowdenknowes, ancestor of the Earls of
Home. He was licensed by the Presbytery of
Edinburgh on the 4th of April, in the memorable
year 1745, and became a volunteer in the corps so
futilely formed to assist in the defence of Edinburgh
against Prince Charles Edward Serving as a
volunteer in the Hanoverian interest, he was taken
prisoner at thevictory of Falkirk, and committed to
the castle of Doune in hlonteith, from whence,
with some others, he effected an escape by forming
ropes of the bedclothes-an adventure which he
details in his own history of the civil strife. They
of whom the Edinburgh of that day could boast ;
and in 1746 he was inducted as minister at Athelstaneford,
his immediate predecessor being Robert
Blair, author of ? The Grab-e," and there he produced
his first drama, founded on the death of
Agis, King of Sparta, which Gamck declined when
offered for representation in I 749.
In 1755 Home set off on horseback to London
from his house in East Lothian, with the
tragedy of ?Ilouglas? in his pocket, says Henry
Mackenzie. ?? His habitual carelessness was strongly
shown by his having thought of no better conveyance
for this MS.-by which he #vas to acquire
all the fame and future success of which his friends
were so confident-than the pocket of the great-
. ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith is in the Gothic style, with a tower 130 feet high, surmounted by an open ...

Book 6  p. 240
(Score 1.39)

THIS Print represents Mr. Fergusson returning to his carriage, in company
with the little Polish Count, from the Parliament House, where he had been
showing him the Court of Session, the Advocates' Library, and other objects of
MR. FERGUSSON was a gentleman in considerable practice as a lawyer.
He was much distinguished for the urbanity of his manners, and for native
goodness of heart. His father, the Rev. Adam Fergusson, minister of Moulin?
in Perthshire, who died in 1785 at the advanced age of eighty-one, left four
sons. John, the eldest, attained the rank of Captain in the service of the East
India Company. His fate was tragical, having been assassinated by an individual
of the name of Roache. Captain Fergusson, after a short visit to his friends in
Scotland, was accompanied, on his return to India, by his younger brother Adam,
who had also obtained an appointment in the service.
While on the passage, Roache, who was likewise in the Company's service,
had a quarrel with Captain Fergusson; and in consequence of this and his
general bad conduct, was expelled from the Captain's table. Shortly after
landing at the Cape of Good Hope, Fergusson was induced, by a false message,
to leave his lodgings late at night, and in the darkness was stabbed by Roache
before he had time to draw in his own defence. The following statement of
this affair was given at the time of its occurrence :-
" Captain Fergusson and Captain Roache were both passengers on board the Varwlittavt, Captain
Young, which sailed for India in May 1773. ' Roache was very quarrelsome, and had differences with
most of the passengers. He behaved so ill in particular to Captain Fergusson at Madeira, that
Captain Fergdsson was under the necessity of calling him out. Roache refused to fight ; and, in
presence of Mr. Murray, the consul, and other gentlemen, made all the concessions which Captain
Fergusson required. Roache's dastardly behaviour on this, as well as on other occasions, made the
other gentlemen passengera decline speakmg to him ; nay, they insisted with Captain Young to forbid
him the table, which was done. This excited Roache'a revenge against them all ; but pazticularly
against Captain Fergusson, which issued in a most cowardly and barbarous assassination. Upon the
4th of September, the very day of the arrival of the ship at the Cape of Good Hope, %ache came
ashore, late in the afternoon, after all the other passengers ; and, in the dusk of the evening, came
skulking about the door of the house where he had learned that Captain Fergusson was lodged ; and
when it was dark, sent a message to him, in the name of his friend Lieutenant Martin, that he wished
to see him immediately at his lodgings. Captain Fergusson went., unsuspicious, defenceless, and ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. No. CXXXIII. NEIL FERGUSSON, ESQ., ADVOCATE, AND THE LITTLE POLISH COUNT. THIS ...

Book 8  p. 457
(Score 1.38)

ments of Major and Muster-Master General to the corps. The late Mr. Smellie
introduced the poet Burns to this corps in January 1787, when Lord Newton
and he were appointed to drill the hard, and they accordingly gave him a
most severe castigation. Burns showed his good-humour by retaliating in an
extemporaneous effusion,’ descriptive of Mr. Smellie, who held at that time the
honourable office of hangman to the corps.
The eccentricities of Lord Newton were frequently a source of merriment
amongst his friends. He had an unconquerable antipathy to punning, and in
order to excite the uneasiness he invariably exhibited at all attempts of that
nature, they studiously practised this novel species of punishment in his
His lordship had two estates (Newton and Faichfield), and was fond of
agricultural improvements ; although, like most other lawyers who cultivate
their own lands, he did not know much about farming. One day, when shown
a field of remarkably large turnips, he observed that, in comparison, those on
his own grounds were only like “ gouf ba’s ” (golf balls),-an expression which
his waggish friends frequently afterwards turned to his annoyance, by asking
him how his “ gouf ba’s ” were looking.
We have already mentioned that Lord Newton was an uncompromising Whig.
From his independent avowal of principles, and occasional vehement declamation
against measures which he conceived to be wrong, he was dubbed by his
opponents the “Mighty Goth.” This, however, was only in the way of goodnatured
banter : no man, perhaps, passed through life with fewer enemies, even
among those who were his political opponents. All bore testimony to his
upright conduct as a judge-to his talents as a lawyer-and to his honesty as
a man.
Lord Newton died at Powrie, in Forfarshire, on the 19th of October 181 1.’
His lordship, who is understood not to have relished fernale society, was never
married ; and the large fortune which he left was inherited by his only sister,
Mrs. Hay Mudie, for whom he always entertained the greatest affection.
This excellent piece of good-natured satire appeara in Bums’ Works under the title of {‘A Fragment.”
9 Lord Newton, when an advocate, continued to wear the gown of Lockhart, “Lord Covington,”
till it was in tatters, and at last had a new one made with a fragment of the neck of the original
sewed into it, whereby he could still make it his boast that he wore “Covington’s gown.” Lord
Covington died in 1782, in the eighty-second year of his age. He practised for upwards of half a
century at the bar previous to his elevation to the bench in 1775. He and his friend, Ferguson of
Pitfour, rendered themselves conspicuous by becoming voluntary counsel for the unfortunate priaonem
tried at Carlisle in 1746, for their concern in the Rebellion, and especially by the ingenious means
they devised to shake the wholesale accusations against them.
The linea will be found inserted in our sketch of Mr. Smellie. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ments of Major and Muster-Master General to the corps. The late Mr. Smellie introduced ...

Book 8  p. 284
(Score 1.37)

afterwards James VII., during the time he was
Royal Commissioner at Holyrood. ?? They have
been rehearsed in verse by Robert Ferguson,? says
Robertson in 1851, ?? and still form a topic of converse
with the elder part of our citizens, as one of
the prominent features of the glorious days of
The earliest records of them have all been lost,
he adds. They took place on the east side of the
harbour, where now the great new docks are
formed. The Leith race week was a species of
carnival to the citizens of Edinburgh, and in
many instances caused a partial suspension of
must have seen it many times, ?? that long before
the procession could reach Leith the functionaries
had disappeared, and nothing was visible amid
the moving myriads but the purse on the top of
the pole.?
The scene at Leith races, as described by those
who have been present, was of a very striking
description. Vast lines of tents and booths, covered
with canvas or blankets, stretched along the level
shore ; recruiting-sergeants with their drummers
beating, sailors ashore for a holiday, mechanics
accompanied by their wives or sweethearts, servant
girls, and most motley groups, were constantly pass-
work and business. They were under the direct
patronage of the magistrates of the city, and it
was usual for one of the town officers, in his
livery, to walk in procession every morning from
the Council Chambers to Leith, bearing aloft on a
pole or halberd, profusely decorated with ribbons
and streamers, the ?? City Purse,? accompanied by
a file of the City Guard, with their bayonets fixed
and in full uniform, accompanied by a drummer,
beating that peculiar cadence on his drum
which is believed to have been the old U Scottish
This procession gathered in strength and interest
as it moved along Leith Walk, as hundreds were
on the outlook for the appearance of this accredited
civic body, and who preferred ?gaun doon wi? the
Purse,? as the phrase was, to any other mode of
proceeding thither. Such a dense mass of boys
and girls finally surrounded the town officers, the
?drummer, and the old veterans,? wrote one wha
ing in and out of the drinking places ; the whole
varied by shows, roley-poleys, hobby-horses, wheelsof-
fortune, and many of those strange characters
which were once familiar in the streets of Edmburgh,
and of whom, ?Jamie, the Showman,? A
veteran of the Glengarry Fencibles, a native of the
Canongate, who figures in 66Hone?s Year Book,??
was perhaps the last.
Saturday, which was the last day of the races,
was the most joyous and outrageous of this seashore
carnival. On that day was the ?subscription?
for the horses beaten during the week, and these
unfortunate nags contended for the negative honour
of not being the worst on the course. Then, when
night closed in, there was invariably a general
brawl, a promiscuous free fight being maintained
by the returning crowds along the entire length of
Leith Walk.
A few quotations from entries will serve to show
that, in the progression of all things, racing ... THE LEITH RACE WEEK. 269 afterwards James VII., during the time he was Royal Commissioner at Holyrood. ?? ...

Book 6  p. 269
(Score 1.29)

ABERCROMBGYe, orge, Esq., 106
Abercromby, Sir Ralph, 213, 289,
Abercromby, Lord, 106, 302, 303,
Abercromby, Sir Robert, K.C.B.,
Abercromby, Lord, of Aboukir
and Tullibody, 109
Abercromby, the Hon. James,
Speaker of the House of Commons,
Abercromby, Alexander, C.B., 110
Abercromby, John, G. C. B., 110
Abercromby, Ralph, Esq., 110
Abercromby, Captain George, 237
Aberdeen, Earl of, 72, 204
Aberdeen, Magistrates of, 135
Aboyne, Earl of, 187
Adam, Admiral Sir Charles, 95
Adam, Dr. Alexander, 298
Adam, Robert, Esq., architect, 406
Addington, Mr., 74
Addington, Justice, 380
Agnew, Sir Andrew, 170
Agnew, Miss Mary, 170
Aikenhead, Miss, 88
Aikman, Mr. John, 300, 334
Ainslie, General, 236, 419
Ainslie, Andrew, 257, 258, 259,
Aleck, Blind, 110
Alemore, Lord, 248
Alexander, Helen, 1
Alexander, Sir William, 106
Alexander, Provost William, 224
Alexander, Emperor of Russia, 392
264, 265
Alison, Rev. Mr., 179, 180, 182
Alison, Mr., 270
Allan, Robert, Esq., 42, 43, 261
Allan, Thomas, Esq., 43
Allan, IIiss Adriana, 128
Allan, Colonel Ethen, 267
Alston, Mr. John, 399
Alves, John, Esq., 307
Amory, Mr., 38
Ancrurn, Lord, 238
Anderson, Dr. James, preface, Vii
Anderson, David, Esq., 193
Anderson, Dr., 303
Anderson, Provost, 390
Anderson, Dr. Robert, 412
Andrew, Nr. Gcorge, 418
Angelo, Henry, 70
Angouleme, Duke D’, 215
Angouleme, Duchess of, 215
Annandale, Marquis of, 196
Anstruther, Lieutenant John, 237
Anstruther, Lady Betty, 417
Anstruther, Mr., 271
Arbuthnot, Lieutenant Robert,
Argyle, Duke of, 254
Armadale, Lord, 170, 306
Armstrong, Lieutenant Thomas,
Armstrong, Martyn John, 247
Arnold, Dr., 30
Arnot, Rev. Robert, 80
Arnot, Hugo, Esq., of Balcormo,
Arnot, Mrs., of Balcormo, 16
Arundel, Lord, 302
Asaph, Dean of St., 207
Atholl, Duke of, 213, 385, 420
Atholl, Duchess of, 213
Atkinson, Mr., 11
Auchinleck, Lord, 350
Anchterlony, Miss, 404
Aylesbuv, Earl of, 327
Aytoun, Lieut.-Colonel, 237
BABY, the dwarf, 328
Baikie, Miss, 262
Baikie, Robert, Esq., 262
Bailie, John, 305
Baillie, Mr., of Mellerstain, 196
Baine, Rev. James, 348
Baird, Robert, Esq., 81
Baird, Sir James, of Newbyth, 96
Baird, Sir David, 130
Baird, Sir David, Bart., K.B., 204
Baird, William, Esq., 204
Eaird, Rev. Dr., 237,240,354,359
Baird, Mr., 292
Balcarras, Earl of, 204
Balfour, James, of Forrett, 23
Balfonr, Rev. Dr., 67
Balfour, John, Esq,, 307
Balfour, Mr. E., 354
Balgray, Lord, 393
Ballangiech, Gudeman of, 190
Balmuto, Lord, 126, 298
Bankton, Lord, 225
Bannatyne, Rev. James, 124
Bannatyne, Katherine, 124
Bannqtyne, Lord, 303, 417
Barclay and Cross, Messrs., 22
Barjarg, Lord, 127, 299
Barnard, Dr., 74
Bath and Wells, Bishop of, 336
Bauchope, -, 309 ... TEE NAME S I N C I D EN TAL L Y hl E NT I0 NE D IN THE FIRST VOLUME. A ABERCROMBGYe, orge, Esq., ...

Book 8  p. 608
(Score 1.26)

294 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [The Second High School.
behind the class in which I was placed both in
years and progress. This was a real disadvantage,
and one to which a boy of lively temper ought to
be as little exposed as one who might be less expected
to make up his leeway, as it is called. The
situation has the unfortunate effect of reconciling a
boy of the former character (which in a posthumous
work I may claim for my own) to holding a subordinate
station among his class-fellows, to which he
would otherwise aflix disgrace. There is also,
from the constitution of the High School, a certain
danger not sufficiently attended to. The boys take
precedence in their pZaces, as they are called,
according to their merit, and it requires a long
while, in general, before even a clever boy (if he
falls behind the class, or is put into one for which
he is not quite ready) can force his way to the
situation which his abilities really entitle him to
hold. . . , . It was probablyowing to this circumstance
that, although at a more advanced period of
life I have enjoyed considerable facility in acquiring
languages, I did not make any great figure at
the High School, or, at least, any exertions which
I made were desultory, and little to be depended
In the class with Scott, at this time, were several
clever boys among whom he affectionately enumerates,
the first dux, who retained that place without
a day?s interval during ?all the while we were at the
High School ?- James Buchan, afterwards head of
the medical staff in Egypt, where amid the wards
of the plague-hospitals, ?he displayed the same
well-regulated and gentle, yet determined perseverance,
which placed him most worthily at the head of
his class-fellows ; ? his personal friends were David
Douglas, and John Hope, W.S., who died in 1842.
?? As for myself,? he continues, ? I glanced like
a meteor from one end of the class to the other,
and commonly disgusted my master as much by
negligence and frivolity, as I occasionally pleased
him by flashes of intellect and talent. Among my
companions my good nature and a flow of ready
imagination rendered me very popular. Boys are
uncommonly just in their feelings, and at least
equally generous. I was also, though often
negligent of my own task, always ready to assist
my friends, and hence I had a little party ofstaunch
partisans and adherents, stout of heart and hand,
though somewhat dull of head-the very tools for
raising a hero to eminence. So, on the whole, I
made a brighter figure in the Yards than in the
After being three years in Luke Fraser?s class,
Scott, with other boys of it, was turned over to
that of the Rector Adam?s, under whose tuition he
benefited greatly in the usual classic course ; and in
the years to come he never forgot how his heart
swelled with pride when the learned Rector announced
that though many boys ? understood the
Latin better, GuaZteyus Scott was behind few in
following and enjoying the author?s meaning,
Thus encouraged, I distinguished myself by some
attempts at poetical versions from Horace and
Vigil. Dr. Adam used to invite his scholars to
write such essays, but never made them tasks. I
gained some distinction on these occasions, and the
Rector in future took much notice of me, and his
judicious mixture of censure and praise went far
to counterbalance my habits of indolence and
inattention. I saw that I was expected to do well,
and I was piqued in honour to vindicate my
master?s favourable opinion. . . . . . Dr.
Adam, to whom I owe so much, never failed to remind
me of my obligations when I had made some
figure in the literary world.?
In 1783 Scott quitted the High School, intent
-young though he was-on entering the army ;
but this his lameness prevented. His eldest son,
Lieut.-Col. Sir Walter Scott, who died in 1847,.on
board the WeZZesZey, near the Cape of Good Hope,
was also a High School pupil, under Irwin and
Pillans, between 1809 and 1814.
In the spring of 1782, Uavid, Earl of Buchan,
the active founder of the Scottish Society of
Antiquarians, paid a formal visit to the school, and
harangued the teachers and assembled scholars,
after which Dr. Adam made an extempore reply in
elegant Latin ; and nine years subsequently the
latter gave to the world one of his most important
works, ? The Roman Antiquities,? which has been
translated into many languages, and is now used as a
class book in many English schools, yet for which
he only received the sum of A600.
In 1795 we find among the joint writingkmasters
at the High School the name of Allan Masterton,
who was on such terms of intimacy with Robert
Bums, and composed the music for his famous
bacchanalian song,
? Oh, Wil& brewed a peck 0? maut,
And Rab and Allan cam? to prie ;
Three blyther lads that lee kng nicht,
Ye wadna find in Christendie ! ?
?( Willie ? was William Nicol, M.A., another schoolmaster
and musical amateur, afterwards a private
teacher in Jackson?s Land, on the north side of
the High Street, in 1795. ?? The air is Masterton?s,?
says Burns; the song is mine. . . . . We
had such a joyous meeting that Mr. Masterton and
I agreed, each in our own way, to celebrate the
business.? ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [The Second High School. behind the class in which I was placed both in years and ...

Book 4  p. 294
(Score 1.26)

should return to the granter, his nearest heirs-male, and assignees whatsoever.
The immediate heirs of Robert Hunter, after the alienation of the family estate,
gradually sank into obscurity, so that when Thomas Hunter died it became
difficult to discover any traces of them. However, two parties came forward, the
one an old man called Adam Hunter, subsequently a well-known individual in
the Scottish courts, and a persqn of the name of Taylor, who afterwards withdrew
his claim. Legal proceedings were instituted, but, after nearly fifty years’
keen contest, the aged competitor was defeated, t&e Court of Session and House
of Lords deciding that he had not established his pedigree.
Hogg, in his Winter Evening Tales,‘ remarks, “You ask who is the
owner of Polmood? This, it seems, is a hard question, since all the lawyers
and judges in Scotland have not been able to determine it in the course of half
a century. It is a positive and lamentable fact, that though it is as apparent to
whom the estate of Polmood belongs, as it is to whom this hand belongs, it has
been a subject of litigation, and depending in our Courts of Session these fifty
years.-This is one remarkable circumstance connected with the place, which
has rendered it unfamous of late years, and seems in part to justify an ancient
prediction, that the Hunters of Polmood were never to prosper.”
To the correctness of the first part of this statement it is impossible to assent ;
for, however strong the moral evidence may have been in favour of Adam
Hunter, the legal proof of his pedigree was unquestionably defective,
Mr. Alexander Hunter died at Edinburgh, 22d January 1786, and was
succeeded by his nephew Walter, whose daughter Elizabeth, Lady Forbes, is
presently (1837) in possession of Polmood.
The other figure is ROGER HOG, Esq. of Newliston, formerly a merchant in
London. Beside his
landed property, he died possessed of personal estate to a vast amount, the succession
to which was contested, and gave rise’to the celebrated case of Lashley
against Hog. It is said that Mr. Hog, amongst other economical habits, used to
dispose of his poultry, and in order to superintend the trade himself, he usually
brought them to market in his carriage. HG son and heir going one day to Newliston,
to visit his father, met him on his way to town. The servants knowing
that their master was short-sighted, drove the carriage close up, that they might
converse together. The son, in popping his head in at the carriage window,
was, to his infinite astonishment, immediately seized by the nose by an enraged
turkey-cock which was being conveyed to the market.
He was
a great admirer of Dr. Grahram, and a constant attendant during his lectures.
He was accustomed to preface anything he uttered with “I say,” a peculiarity
noticed by Mr. Kay in this Print.
Being very parsimonious, he amassed a large fortune.
Mr. Hog was remarkably corpulent, and very careless in his dress.
He died at Newliston, 19th March 1789.
VoL ii. p. 3. Edinburgh, 1820. ... I0 GB A P HI GAL SKETCHES. 45 should return to the granter, his nearest heirs-male, and assignees ...

Book 8  p. 61
(Score 1.25)

of such melodies as AzZd Robin Gray and the Rowers of fhe For&,-
Lady Anne Barnard (Lindsay), Jane Elliott, and Mrs. Cockburn, come into
delightful though momentary view. And the list at this point may be fitty
closed by the names of Adam Fergusson the Roman historian, and Lord
Monboddo, whose strange theories, after a century's sterility, seem now
showing some symptoms of vitality, shooting root downwards and bearing
fruit upwards.
About the close of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth
centuries, more if not brighter spirits appear in the Scottish Metropolis.
DugaId Stewart is still in the Moral Philosophy chair, and yet to be long
there. Professor Playfair is in the niiddle of his usefui career. Henry
Mackenzie has laid aside the pleasing and pathetic pen with which he wrote
his novels, but is stiIl alive and active. Sir John Leslie is preparing his
great work on Heat, and is soon to be appointed Playfair's successor in the
chair of Mathematics. Dr. Thomas M'Cne is preaching in Edinburgh, and
already collecting materids for his Xt;e of Knoz. (The grave of Knox, ... EDINBURGH PAST AND PRESENT. of such melodies as AzZd Robin Gray and the Rowers of fhe For&,- Lady Anne ...

Book 11  p. 40
(Score 1.23)

North Bridge.] ADAM BLACK. 339
removal in 1850 to a handsome and more spacious
.one, built in a kind of old Scoto-English style of
.architecture, an the opposite side, and on the site
of a portion of Halkerston?s Wynd, and numbered
as 6 in the street, the establishment of the old and
well-known firm of publishers, Adam and Charles
Black. The former, long a leading citizen, magistrate,
and member of the city, was born in 1784,
.and died on the 24th of January, 1874.
Educated at the High School and University of
his native city Edinburgh, though but the son of a
humble builder, Adam Black raised himself to affluuence,
and is said to have more than once declined
the honour of knighthood. After serving his apprenticeship,
he started in business as a bookseller,
and among other important works brought out the
? Encyclopzedia Britannica,? under the joint conduct
of Professor Macvey Napier and James
Browne, LL.D.; and to this his own pen contributed
many articles. From the beginning of his
career he took an active part in the politics of the
city, and in the early part of the present century was
among the boldest of the slender band of Liberals
who stood up for burgh reform, as the preliminary
to the great measure of a Parliamentary one.
When the other wel!-known firm of constable
and Co. failed, the publication of The Edinburgh
Revim passed into the hands of Adam Black, and
thus drew the Liberal party more closely by his
side. He was Provost of the city from 1843 to
1848, and filled his trust so much to the satisfaction
of the citizens, that they subscribed to have
his portrait painted to ornament the walls of the
Council Room. He was proprietor, by purchase,
of the copyright of ?? The Waverley Novels,? and
many other works by Sir Walter Scott. It was
when he was beyond his seventieth year that he
was returned to the House of Commons as member
. for the city, in succession to Lord Macaulay ; and
being a member of the Independent body, he
was ever an advocate for unsechrian education,
absolute freedom of trade, and the most complete
toleration in religion; but the cradle of his fortunes
was that little shop which till 1821 was, as
we said, deemed ample enough for the postal
establishment and requirements of all Scotland.
The new buildings along the west side of the
North Bridge, from Princes Street to the first open
arch, were erected between 1817 and 1819, with a
Tange of shops then deemed magnificent, but far
outshone by hundreds erected since in their vicinity,
These buildings are twice the height in rear that
they are to the bridge front, and their erection
intercepted a grand view from Waterloo Place
south-westward to the Castle, and thus roused a
spirited, but, as it eventually proved, futile resistance,
on the part of Cockburn and Cranston, Professor
Playfair, Henry Mackenzie, James Stuart of
Dunearn, and others, who spent about &I,OOO in
the work of opposition.
Their erection led to the demolition of a small
edificed thoroughfare named Ann Street, which
once contained the house of a well-known literary
citizen, John Grieve, who gave free quarters to
James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, when the latter
arrived in Edinburgh in 1810, and published a
little volume of poems entitled ?The Forest Mintrel,?
from which he derived no pecuniary benefit.
Poverty was pressing sorely on Hogg, ?but,? says
a biographer, ?he found kind and steady friends in
Messrs. Grieve and Scott, hatters, whose welltimed
benevolence supplied all his wants.?
While he was still in obscurity, John Grieve
obtained him introductions to Professor Wilson
and other local literati, which ultimately led to his
becoming a contributor to BZackwood?s Magazine.
Mr. Grieve is referred to in the quarrel between
the Shepherd and the Blackwoods concerning the
famous Nocft-s Ambrosiana ? He ceased to contribute,
whereupon Wilson wrote thus to Grieve on
the subject :-
?If Mr. Hogg puts his return to ?Maga? on the
ground that ? Maga? suffers from his absence from
her pages, and that Mr. B. must be very desirous
of his re-assistance, that will be at once a stumblingblock
in the way of settlement ; for Mr. B., whether
rightly or wrongly, will not make, the admission.
No doubt Mr. H.?s articles were often excellent,
and no doubt ?Noctes? were very popular, but the
magazine, however much many readers must have
missed Mr. Hogg and the ?Noctes,? has been
gradually increasing in sale, and therefore Mr.
B. will never give in to that view of the Subject.
? Mr. Hogg in his letter to me, and in a long
conversation I had with him in my own house
yesterday after dinner, sticks to his proposaf of LIOO settled on him, on condition of writing,
and becoming again the hero of the ?Noctes? as
before. I see many difficulties in the way of such
an arrangement, and I know that Mr. Blackwood
will never agree to it in any shape, for it might
eventually prove degrading and disgraceful to both
parties, appearing to the public to be a bribe given
and taken dishonourably.?
?My father,? adds Mrs. Gordon, whose life of
the Professor we quote, ?never wrote another
?Noctes ? after the Shepherd?s death, which took
place in 1835.?
In consequence of tie increase of populatibn
and traffic by its vicinity to the railway termini, ... Bridge.] ADAM BLACK. 339 removal in 1850 to a handsome and more spacious .one, built in a kind of old ...

Book 2  p. 339
(Score 1.2)

278 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Lord Prowsta
the city, Berwick, Roxburgh, and Stirling, met in
Holyrood Abbey.
After a gap of forty-eight years we find John
Wigmer aZdermm in 1344. Thirteen years subsequently
certain burgesses of Edinburgh and other
burghs are found negotiating for the ransom of
King David II., taken in battle by the English.
In 1362 WilliamGuppeld was alderman, 9th April,
and till 1369, in which year a council sat at Edinburgh,
when the king granted a charter to the
abbey of Melrose.
In 1373 the dderman was Sir Adam Forrester,
.said to be of Whitburn and Corstorphine, a man
possessed of immense estates, for which he obtained
no less than six charters under the great seal of
Robert II., and was several times employed in
-treaties and negotiations with the English, between
In 1377 John of Quhitness first appears as
Pmost, or Prepositus, on the 18th of May, and in
the following year Adam Forrester was again in
office. In 1381 John de Camera was provost,
and in 1387 Andrew Yutson (or Yichtson), between
whom, with ?Adam Forster, Lord of Nether
Libberton,? the Burgh of Edinburgh, and John of
-Stone, and John Skayer, masons, an indenture was
made, 29th November, for the erection of five new
-chapels in St. Giles?s, with pillars and vzulted roofs,
-covered with stone, and lighted with windows.
These additions were made subsequent to the
burning of the city by the invaders under Richard
of England two years before.
In 1392 John of Dalrymple was provost, and
*the names of several bailies alone appear in the
Burgh Records (Appendix) till the time of Provost
Alexander Napier, 3rd October, 1403, whom
Douglas calls first Laird of Merchiston. Under him
Symon de Schele was Dean of Guild and KeepeI
.of the Kirk Work, when the first head guild was
held after the feast of St Michael in the Tolbooth.
Man of Fairnielee was provost 1410-1, and
again in 1419, though George of Lauder was provost
So lately as 1423 John of Levyntoun was styled
alderman, with Richard Lamb and Robert of
Bonkyl bailies, when the lease of the Canonmills
was granted by Dean John of Leith, sometime
Abbot of Holyrood, to ? the aldermen, baylyes, and
dene of the gild,? 12th September, 1423. His
successor was Thomas of Cranstoun, Preporitus,
when the city granted an obligation to Henry VI.
of England, for 50,000 merks English money, on
account of the expenses of James I., while detained
in England by the treasonable intrigues of his
.uncle. William of Liberton, George of Lauder,
1 3 9 4 4 1404-
hl 1413.
and John of Levyntoun, appear as provosts successively
in 1425, 1427, and 1428.
In 1434 Sir Henry Preston of Craigmillar wag
appointed provost; but no such name occurs in
the Douglas peerage under that date. After John
of Levyntoun, Sir Alexander Napier appears as
provost after 1437, and the names of Adam Cant
and Robert Niddry are among those of the magistrates
and council. Then Thomas of Cranstoun
was provost from 1438 till 1445, when Stephen
Hunter succeeded him.
With the interval of one year, during which
Thomas Oliphant was provost, the office was held
from 1454 to 1462 by Sir Alexander Napier of
Merchiston, a man of considerable learning, whom
James 11. made Comptroller ofScotland. In 1451
he had a safe-conduct from the King of England
to visit Canterbury as a pilgrim, and by James 111.
he was constituted Vice-Admiral. He was also
ambassador to England in 1461 and 1462.
In succession to Robert Mure of Polkellie, he
was provost again in 1470, and until the election of
James Creichton of Rothven, or Rowen, in 1477,
when the important edict of James 111. concerning
the market-places and the time of holding markets
was issued.
In 1481 the provost was Rilliarn Bertraham,
who, in the following year, with ?the whole fellowship
of merchants, burgesses, and community ? of?
Edinburgh, bound themselves to repay to the King
of England the dowry of his daughter, the Lady
Cecil, in acknowledgment for which loyalty and
generosity, James 111. granted the city its Golden
Charter, with the banner of the Holy Ghost, locally
known still as the Blue Blanket. In 1481 the
provost was for the first time allowed an annual
fee of A z o out of the common purse ; but, some
such fee would seem to have been intended three
years before.
His successor was Sir John Murray of Touchadam,
in 1482; and in the same year we find Patrick
Baron of Spittlefield, under whose rt?gime the
Hammermen were incorporated, and in 1484 John
Napier of Merchiston, eldest son of Provost
Alexander Napier. He was John Napier of
Rusky, and third of Merchiston, whom James III.,
in a letter dated 1474, designates as OUY Zouift
fandiar sqwiar, and he was one of the lords
auditors in the Parliament of 1483. Two of his
lineal heirs fell successively in battle at Flodden
and Pinkie.
The fourth provost in succession after him was
Patrick Hepburn, Lord Hailes, 8th August. He
was the first designated ?? My h r d Provost,? pre
bably because he was a peer of the realm. He had ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Lord Prowsta the city, Berwick, Roxburgh, and Stirling, met in Holyrood Abbey. After ...

Book 4  p. 278
(Score 1.19)

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