Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Bookshelf


Index for “adam ferguson”

St. Cavid Street.] DAVID HUME. 161
which a denomination was conferred upon the street
in which his house is situated. ?Perhaps, if it be
premised that a corresponding street at the other
angle of St. Andrew Square is called St. Andrew
Street-a natural enough circumstance with reference
to the square, whose title was determined
on the plan-it will appear likely that the choosing
of ? St. David Street ? for that in which Hume?s
house stood was not originally designed as a jest
at his expense, though a second thought and whim of
his friends might quickly give it that application?
Burton, in his ?? Life of Hume,? relates that
when the house was first inhabited by him, and
when the street was as yet without a name-a very
dubious story, as every street was named on the
On Sunday the 25th of August, 1776, Hume died
in his new house. On the manner of his death,
after the beautiful picture which has been drawn of
it by his friend, Adam?Smith, we need not enlarge.
The coolness of his last moments, unexpected by
many, was universally remarked at the time, and
is still well known. He was buried in the place
selected by himself, in the old burial-ground on the
western slope of the Calton HilL A conflict
between vague horror of his imputed opinions and
respect for the individual who had passed a life so
pure and irreproachable, created a great sensation
among the populace of Edinburgh, and a vast
concourse attended the body to the grave, which
for some time was an object of curiosity to many
Edinburgh. Adam Smith, Blair, and Ferguson, were
within easy reach, and what remains of Hume?s
correspondence with Sir Gilbert Elliot of Minto,
Colonel Edmonstone, and Mrs. Cockburn, gives
pleasant glimpses of his social surroundings, and
enables us to understand his contentment with
his absence from the more perturbed, if more
brilliant, worlds of Paris and London.
In 1775 his health began to fail, and it was
evident that he would not long enjoy his new
residence. In the spring of the following year his
disorder, which appears to have been a hzniorrhage
of the bowels, attained such a height that he knew
it must be fatal, so he made his will, and wrote
? My Own Life,? the conclusion of which is one of
the most cheerful and dignified leave-takings of
life and all its concerns.
wilderness, and may meditate undisturbedly upon
the epitome of nature and man-the kingdoms of
this world-spread out before him. Surely there
is a fitness in the choice of this last resting-place
by the philosopher and historian who saw so
clearly that these two kingdoms form but one
realm, governed by uniform laws, and based alike
on impenetrable darkness and eternal silence; and
faithful to the last to that profound veracity which
was the secret of his philosophic greatness, he
ordered that the simple Roman tomb which marks
his grave should bear no inscription but, ?DAVID
HUME. Born, 1711. Died, 1776.? Leavhg it to
posterity to add the rest.?
It is a curious fact, sometimes adverted to in
Edinburgh, but which cannot be authenticated,
according to the Book of Days, that in the room ... Cavid Street.] DAVID HUME. 161 which a denomination was conferred upon the street in which his house is ...

Book 3  p. 161
(Score 2.64)

The Lawnmarket] DR. JOHNSON. 95
years, his house was rented by Dr. Blair ; but amid
the gaieties of Pans his mind would seem to have
reverted to his Scottish home. ?I am sensible
that I am misplaced, and I wish twice or thrice
aday for my easychair, and my retreat in James?s
Court:? he wrote to his friend Dr. Ferguson;
then he added, as Burton tells us, Never think,
dear Ferguson, that as long as you are master of
your own fireside and your own time, you can be
unhappy, or that any other circumstance can add
to your enjoyment.? ?Never put a fire in the
south room with the red paper,? he wrote to Dr.
Blair ; ? it is so warm of itself, that all last winter,
which was a very severe one, I lay with a single
blanket, and frequently, upon coming in at midnight
starving with cold, I have sat down and read for
an hour as if I had a stove in the room.? One
of his most intimate friends and correspondents
while in France was Mrs. Cockburn of Ormiston,
authoress of one of the beautiful songs called U The
Flowers of the Forest,? who died at Edinburgh,
1794. Some of her letters to Hume are dated in
1764, from Baud?s Close, on .the Castle Hill.
About the year 1766, when still in Paris, he began
to think of settling there, and gave orders to sell
his house in James?s Court, and he was only prevented
from doing so by a mere chance. Leaving
the letter of instruction to be posted by his Parisian
landlord, he set out to pass his Christmas with
the Countess de Boufflers ai L?Isle Adam ; but a
snow storm had blocked up the roads. He returned
to Paris, and finding that his letter had not
yet been posted, he changed his mind, and
thought that he had better retain his flat in James?s
Court, to which he returned in 1766. He soon
after left it as Under-Secretary of State to General
Conway, but in 1769, on the resignation of that
Minister, he returned again to James?s Court, with
what was then deemed opulence-AI,ooo per annuni-
and became the head of that brilliant circle
of literary men who then adorned Edinburgh. ?I
am glad to come within sight of you: he wrote to
Adam Smith, then busy with ?The Wealth of
Nations? in the quietude of his mother?s house,
$? and to have a view of Kirkcaldy from mywindows ;
but I wish also to be on speaking terms with you.?
In another letter he speaks of ??my old house in
James?s Court, which is very cheerful and very
elegant, but too small to display my great talent
for cookery, the science to which I intend to addict
the remaining years of my life.?
Elsewhere we shall find David Hunie in a more
fashionable abode in the new town of Edinburgh,
and on his finally quitting James?s Court, his house
there was leased by Tames Boswell, whose character
is thus summed up by Lord Macaulay :-? Servile
and impertinent, shallow and pedantic, a bigot and
a sot, bloated with family pride, and eternally blustering
about the dignity of a born gentleman, yet
stooping to be a talebearer, an eavesdropper, a
common butt in the taverns of London ; so curious
to know everybody who was talked about that,
Tory and High Churchman though he was, he
rnanceuvred for an introduction to Tom Paine ; so
vain of the most childish distinctions, that when he
had been to Court he drove to the office where
his book was printing, without changing his clothes,
and summoned all the printer?s devils to admire
his new rufRes and sword. Such was this man,
and such he was content to be.?
He was the eldest son of Alexander Boswell, one
of the Judges of the Court of Session, a sound
scholar, a respectable and useful country gentleman,
an able and upright judge, who, on his
elevation to the Bench, in compliance with the
Scottish custom, assumed the distinctive title of
Lord Auchinleck, from his estate in Ayrshire.
His mother, Eupham Erskine, a descendant of the
line of Alloa, from the House of Mar, was a woman
of exemplary piety. To James?s Court, Boswell,
in -4ugust, 1773, cohducted Dr. Johnson, from the
White Horse Hostel, in ,St. Mary?s Wynd, then
one of the principal inns of Edinburgh, where he
found him storming at the waiter for having sweetened
his lemonade without using the sugar-tongs, ,
~Johnson and I,? says Boswell, walked arm-inarm
up the High Street to my house in James?s
Court, and as we went, he acknowledged that the
breadth of the street and the loftiness of the buildings
on each side made a noble appearance.? ?My
wife had tea ready for him,? he adds, ?? ail we sat
chatting till nearly two in the morning.? It would
appear that before the time of the visit-which
lasted over several days-Boswell had removed
into a better and larger mansion, immediately
below and on the level of the court, a somewhat
extraordinary house in its time, as it consisted of
two floors with an internal stair. Mrs. Boswell,
who was Margaret Montgomery, a relation of the
Earl of Eglmton, a gentlewoman of good breeding
and brilliant understanding, was disgusted with the
bearing and manners of Johnson, and expressed
her opinion of him that he was ?a great brute !?
And well might she think so, if Macaulay?s description
of him be correct. ?He could fast,
but when he did not fast he tore his dinner like
a famished wolf, With the veins swelling in his
forehead, and the perspiration running down his
cheeks; he scarcely ever took wine; but when
he drank it, he drank it greedily and in large
. ... Lawnmarket] DR. JOHNSON. 95 years, his house was rented by Dr. Blair ; but amid the gaieties of Pans his mind ...

Book 1  p. 99
(Score 2.38)

(Burn a Drawing bu Geo. W. Simson.) ... FETTER h OILPIN h C? LITH.LON0ON THE HOUSE OF ADAM BOTHWELL, BISHOP OF ORKNEY. (Burn a Drawing bu Geo. ...

Book 5  p. viii
(Score 2.27)

well-known on the Edinburgh stage. Thomas
Campbell thus relates the reception, memorable
in the annals of the Drama, of Mrs. Siddons, as he
learned it from her olvn lips :-? The grave atten-
ADAM BLACK. (From a Pbfozrapl by Messrs. Marrll& Co.)
she would never again cross the Tweed ! When
it was finished she paused, and looked to the
audience. The deep silence wzs broken only by
a single voice exclaiming, ? That?s 720 bad!? This
tion of my Scottish countrymen,? he writes, ?and
their canny reservation of praise till they were
sure she had deserved it, had well-nigh worn out
her patience. She had been used to speak to
animated audiences, but now she felt that she had
been speaking to stones. Successive flashes of her
elocution that had always been sure to electrify the
South, fell in vain on these Northern flints. At
last, as I well remember, she told me she coiled
ludicrous parsimony ot praise convulsed the
audience with laughter. But the laugh was followed
by such thunders of applause, that, amidst her
stunned and nervous agitation, she was not without
fear of the galleries coming down.?
Mr. Yates, and other players, had remarked the
extreme coldness or quietness of the Edinburgh
audience, and while they thought it might indicate
a deep and appreciative feeling regarding the play,
they deprecated the loss of those bursts of hearty
applause which greeted their efforts elsewhere. In
Adam Black (February 10, 1784?January 24, 1874) was a Scottish publisher. He founded the A & C Black publishing company.

Black was born in Edinburgh, the son of a builder. After serving as an apprentice to a bookseller in Edinburgh and London, he began business for himself in Edinburgh in 1808. By 1826 he was recognized as one of the principal booksellers in the city; and a few years later he was joined in business by his nephew Charles.

The two most important events connected with the history of the firm were the publication of the 7th, 8th and 9th editions of the Encyclopædia Britannica, and the purchase of the stock and copyright of the Waverley Novels. The copyright of the Encyclopaedia passed into the hands of Adam Black and a few friends in 1827. In 1851 the firm bought the copyright of the Waverley Novels for £27,000; and in 186, they became the proprietors of De Quincey's works.

Adam Black was twice Lord Provost of Edinburgh, and represented the city in parliament from 1856 to 1865. He retired from business in 1865, and died on the 24th of January 1874. He was succeeded by his sons, who removed their business in 1895 to London. There is a bronze statue of Adam Black in East Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh.

See Memoirs of Adam Black, edited by Alexander Nicholson (2nd ed., Edinburgh, 1885).

... on the Edinburgh stage. Thomas Campbell thus relates the reception, memorable in the annals of the ...

Book 2  p. 344
(Score 2.19)

marching a short distance along the coast. This they accomplished in doublequick
time, without having almost ever seen the face of an enemy. At St. Cas
Howe had every thing in readiness, so that not a moment was lost, the troops
entering the boats just as they arrived on the beach. Lord Adam Gordon
greatly distinguished himself by bringing up the rear of the troops, and
resolutely retarding the advanae of the enemy. The embarkation took place
on the 11th September, thus finishing, almost without bloodshed, the long
campaign of seven days !
Lord Adam Gordon next became Colonel of the 66th Regiment of Foot, and
served for several years in America. He returned in 1765, having been
entrusted by the heads of the Colonies with a statement of their grievances.
Lord Adam had a long conference with the Secretaries of State j but his mission
was not productive of any favourable result. In 1775, he was appointed
Colonel of the 26th, or Cameronian Regiment; and, in 1782, was made Governor
of Tynemouth Castle.
Lord Adam sat in Parliament for many years, having been' first returned for
the county of Aberdeen in 1754. He afterwards'represented the county of
Kincardine from 1774 till 1788, when he vacated his seat, and was next year
appointed to the command of the Forces in Scotland. Lord Adam thereupon
took up his residence in Holyrood Palace, which he caused to be materially
repaired ; but displayed very questionable taste in having all the oak carvings
painted white !
While Commander-in-Chief, Lord Adam frequently amused himself by
reviewing those domestic warriors, the Edinburgh Volunteers, and the other
defensive bands which the emergencies of the country had called into existence.
He also had the honour of presenting a set of colours to a battalion of the Scots
Brigade. The ceremony took place in George Square, on the 19th of
June 1795. Lord Adam, who was then a very old man, addressed the corps
in the following terms :-" General Dundas, and officers of the Scots Brigade,
-1 have the honour to present these colours to you j and I am very happy
in having this opportunity of expressing my wishes that the Brigade may
continue, by their good conduct, to merit the approbation of our gracious
Sovereign, and to maintain that reputation which all Europe knows that old and
respectable corps have most deservedly enjoyed." This oration was received
with great applause, and the veterans were visibly affected.
Lord Adam resigned the command, in 1798, in favour of Sir Ralph
Abercromby, and retired to his seat of "The Burn," in the county of
Kincardine, where he died suddenly on the 13th August 1801, in consequence
of inflammation produced by drinking lemonade while over-heated.
His lordship married in London, in 1776, Jane, daughter of John Drummond,
Esq. of Megginch, in the county of Perth, the widow of James, second Duke of
Atholl, but had no issue.' Her Grace died at Holyrood pause, on the 22d
February 1795.
1 It waa on the Duchess that the song-beginning, " For lack of gold "-was composed. ... SKETCHES. 213 marching a short distance along the coast. This they accomplished in doublequick time, ...

Book 8  p. 300
(Score 2.18)

High Street.7 BAILIE FULLERTON. 277
says, after they heard the explosion at the Kirk-offield,
?thai past away togidder out at the Frier
Yet, and sinderit when thai came to the Cowgate,
pairt up the Blackfriar Wynd and pairt up the
cloiss which is under the Endmylie?s Well.?
On the east side of the Close, and opposite to
the house of Bassandyne the printer, one with a
hideous in the eyes of the reformers, ?playing a
Robin Hood,? as we have related in our account of
the Tolbooth, and would have hanged him therefor,
had not the armed trades made themselves
fairly masters of the city.
In January, 1571, he sat as Comniissioner for
the City in the General Assembly which met at
highly ornamented double doorway, was themansion
of Adam Fullerton, a man of great note in his time,
and an active coadjutor of the early reformers.
The northern door lintel had the legend-
and the southem-
He was one of the Bailies of Edinburgh in 1561,
who, with the Provost, committed to ward the
craftsman who had been guilty of that enormity so
Leith, and in the summer of the same year he was
made captain of two hundred armed citizens, who
formed themselves into a band or company, and
joined the forces of the Regent in that seaport, for
which he was denounced as a traitor to his @een ;
and by an act of the Estates, sitting in the Tolbooth,
and presided over on the 18th of August by the
Duke of Chatelherault, many rebels to the Queen,
? forrnost among whom is Adam Fullerton,? were
declared to have forfeited their lives, lands, goods,
1 and coats of arms. . His house in the Fountain ... Street.7 BAILIE FULLERTON. 277 says, after they heard the explosion at the Kirk-offield, ?thai past away ...

Book 2  p. 277
(Score 2.16)

and Gillies, with other men eminent for learning and rank. Nr Smellie may be regarded
as in some degree the genius loci of this locality ; the distinguished printing-house which he
established is still occupied by his descendants,’ and there the most eminent literary men of
that period visited, and superintended the printing of works that have made the press of the
Scottish capital celebrated throughout Europe. There was the haunt of Drs Blair, Beattie,
Black, Robertson, Adam Ferguson, Adam Smith, Lords Monboddo, Hailes, Kames, Henry
Mackenzie, Arnot, Hume, and, foremost among the host, the poet Burns ; of whom some
interesting traditions are preserved in the office. The old desk is still shown, at which these
and other eminent men revised their proofs ; and the well used desk-stool is treasured as a
valuable heir-loom, bearing on it an inscription, setting forth, that it is “ the stool on which
Burns sat while correcting the proofs of his Poems, from December 1786 to April 1787.”
Not even the famed Ballantyne press can compete with this venerable haunt of the Scottish
literati, whose very ‘‘ devils ” have consumed more valuable manuscript in kindling the
office kes, than would make the fortunes of a dozen modern autograph collectors 1 It need
not surprise us to learn that even the original manuscripts of Burns were invariably
converted to such homely purposes ; the estimation of the poet being very different in 1787
from what it has since become. Of traditions of remote antiquity, the Anchor Close has ita
full share; and the numerous inscriptions, as well as the general character of the old
buildings that rear their tall and irregular fronts along its west side, still attest its early
importance. Immediately on entering the close from the High Street, the visitor discovers
this inscription, tastefully carved over the first entrance within the pend: THE * LORD
* IS ONLY - MY - SVPORT -; and high overhead, above one of the windows facing
down the close, a carved stone bears a shield with the date 1569, and, on itB third and
fourth quarters, a pelican feeding her young with her own blood. Over another doorway a
little further down is this pious legend: 0 * LORD * IN THE - IS AL ’ MY -
TRAIST Here was the approach to Daunie Douglas’s tavern, celebrated among the older
houses of entertainment in Edinburgh as the haunt of the Crochal1a.n corps. It is mentioned
under the name of the Anchor Tavern in a deed of renunciation by James Deans of
Woodhouselee, Esq., in favour of his daughter, dated 1713, and still earlier references
allude to its occnpants as vintners. The portion of this building which faces the High
Street, retains associations of a differeut character, adding another to the numerous
examples of the simpler notions of our ancestors who felt their dignity in no way endangered .
when It is styled in most
of the title deeds (‘ Lord Forglen’s Land,” 80 that on one of the stories of the same building
that furnished accommodation to the old tavern, resided Sir Alexander Ogilvie, Bart., one
of the Commissioners of the Union, and for many years a senator of the College of Justice
under the title of Lord Forglen. Fountainhall records some curious notes of an action
brought against him by Sir Alexander Forbes of Tolquhoun, for stealing a gilded mazer
cup ’ out of his house, but which was at length accidently discovered in the hands of a
goldsmith at Aberdeen, to whom Sir Alexander had himself entrusted it some years before
to be repaired; and he having forgat,, it lay there unrelieved, in security for the goldsmith’s
the toe of the peasant came so near the heal of the courtier.”
This printing-office, together with the other objecta of interest here described in connection with Anchor Cloae,
waa taken down on the construction of Cwkburn Street in 1859. ’ h f m Cup, a drinking cup of maple. ... was the haunt of Drs Blair, Beattie, Black, Robertson, Adam Ferguson , Adam Smith, Lords Monboddo, Hailes, Kames, ...

Book 10  p. 260
(Score 2.13)

Erskine, Sir William, 249
Erskine, Henry David, 289
Erskine, Sir James St. Clair, 38
Erskine, Mr. John, 381
Enkine, Dame Janet, 381
Erskine, Hon. Andrew, 325
Eskgrove, Lord, 260, 426
Ewing, Rev. Greville, 300, 334
Exeter, Lord, 420
FAIRHOLNMr., Adam, 224
Fairholme, George, Esq., 413
Fairholme, William, Esq., 413
Fairholme, Adam, Esq., 413
Farquharson, Mr.. of Haughton
Farren, Miss, 227
Fearn, David, 328
Fergus, John, Esq., 105
Fergus, Mr. John, 224
Ferguson, Fowler, 146
Fergusson, Dr. Adam, 53
Ferpson, Sir Adam, Bart., 63
Fergusson, Robert, the poet, 143.
Fergusson, Captain Adam, 199
Fergusson, of Pitfour, 202
Fergusson, Rev. Adam, 326
Tergusson, Captain John, 326,327
'ergusson, Mr. James, 327
rergusson, Mr. Adam, 327
?ergusson, Miss Helen, 366
Pergusson, Sir James, 392
Terrier, James, Esq., 206
Terrier, Miss Agnes, 206
Ferrier, Lieut. -General, 236
pettes, Sir William, 261
rield, Nr., of Crichton and Field,
'ife, Earl of, 77, 79
'iggins, Miss, 149
'ilk, Arnauld de, 205
indlater and Seafield, Earl of, 279
itz-Stephen, 96
letcher, General, 99
'letcher, of Saltoun, 287
ollett, Sir William, 379
oote, Mr., 148, 149, 348, 349
orbes, Lady, 45
orbes, Sir William, 62, 83, 179,
193, 413
orbes, Lord, 180
Drbes, Lady, 180, 183
wbes, Mr., 182
rbes, Sir William, 182
246, 430
Forbes, Mr. George, 183
Forbes, Sir John Stuart, 184,251,
Forbes, Mr. Charles, 184
Forbes, Professor James, 184
Porbes, Mr. Andrew, 307
Forbes, Sir David, 350
Forbes, Duncan, of Culloden, 350
Forbes, Miss Agnes, 350
Fordyce, Miss Ann, 43
Forrest, Mr., the American t r a e -
Forrester, Mr. Robert, 261
Fortune, Jack, 99
Fortune, Matthew, 99
Fortune, Mrs., 99
Fortune, Mr., 360
Foulis, Sir James, Bart., 307
Foulke, &fr. Francis, 422, 423
Fonrnier, Mr., 147
Fox, Hon. Charles James, 207,278
Franklin, Dr., 379
Fraser, Dame Eleanor, 39
Fraser, Major, 83
Fraser, Mr., 113
Fraser of Allness, 172
"aser, -, 278
Praser, Hon. Archibald, 284
+aser, William, Esq., 289
+aser, DIiss Margaret, 289
Treebairn, Robert, 96
Wlerton, Miss, 125
Wlerton, Mrs., 396
dim, 410
:AIMBOROUGII, the painter, 147
iagahan, Mr., 255
kill, Afr., of Crichton, Gall, and
Thomson, 391
[all, Mr. James, printer, 372
lalloway, George, 141
arden, Alexander, of Troup, 23
ardenstone, Lord, 61, 350, 419
arrick, the tragedian, 147, 148,
149, 150
:ascoigne, Sir Charles, 251
:avin, &h.2,0 6
ieddes, Mr., 144
:eddes, Nr., tobacconist, 260
ieddes, John, 352
:eorge III., King, 6, 42, 64, 96,
126, 129, 187, 285, 343, 382,
406, 415, 419
eorge IV., 198, 318
erard, Dr., of Aberdeen, 320
errald, Joseph, 168, 351, 353
Dundas, Robert, Lord President
100, 103, 168, 192, 349, 363
Dundas, Lord Chief Baron, 102
260, 308, 375
Dundas, Miss Montague, 110
Dundas, Thomas, of Fingask, 13
Dundas, Miss Mary, 131
Dundas, General, 213
Dandas, Sir Robert, Bart., 237
Dundas, Mr. John, 237
Dundas, bfr. Robert, 260
Dundas, Henrietta, 363
Dundas, Lady, 375
Dundas, Major-General, 383
Dundonald, Earl of, 384
Dunmore, Earl of, 295
Dunning, Mr., 119
Dunsinnan, Lord, 307, 392
Dymock, E. William, 300
EBDON,M isses, 330
Edward, Prince Charles, 9, 251,
Edward III., 96
Edwards, President, 172
Eglinton, Earl of, 99, 170
Eiston, Mr. John, 292
Elcho, Lord, 420
hlder, Thomas, Esq., 237,405,406
Elder, Mr. William, 359
Eldin, Lord, 261, 314, 315, 399,
Elgin, Earl of, 199
Elliot, General, 95
Elliot, Mr. C., 207, 412
Hliot, Sir Walter, of Stobbs, 41
Ellis, Mr. Williani, 300
Errol, Gilbert Earl of, 203
Erskine, Henry, 5,17, 83, 84,15d
313, 320, 325, 430
Erskine, Colonel John, 29
Crskine, Xiss Mary, 29
Erskine, Sir Chas., of Alva, Bart.
Erskine, Rev. Dr. John, 95, 211
Erskine, Lord, 124, 207, 379
Erskine, Major, 128
Erskine, John, of Carnock, 171
Erskine, David, of Carnock, 173
Erskine, Mrs., 175, 176
Erskine, Colonel, 211
Erskine, Daft Davie, 223
Erskine, Major Archibald, 237
385, 419
349 ... INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. Erskine, Sir William, 249 Erskine, Henry David, 289 Erskine, Sir James St. Clair, ...

Book 8  p. 611
(Score 2.11)


Book 8  p. iii
(Score 2.09)

(Ftonr fhe Plafe in ?The Works in Architcchrrc of Robed andfams Adam,? L a b , 1788-1Saz. For Refirewes seep. 27.) ... THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS. 21 ORIGINAL PLAN OF THE PRINCIPAL STOREY OF THE NEW BUILDING FOR THE ...

Book 5  p. 21
(Score 2.05)

impartial walls, among such strange bed-fellows as the chances of the night had offered to
its vigilant guardians. The demolition of the Cross, however, rendered the existence of
its unsightly neighbour the more offensive to all civic. reformers. Ferguson, in his
“ Mutual Complaint of the Plainstanes and Causey,” humorously represents it as one of
the most intolerable grievances of the latter, enough to I‘ fret the hardest stane ; ” and at
length, in 1785, its doom was pronounced, and its ancient garrison removed to the New
Assembly Close, then recently deserted by the directors of fashion. There, however, they
were .pursued by the enmity of their detractors. The proprietors of that fasAionabZe district
of the city were scandalised at the idea of such near neighbours as the Town-Rats, and by
means of protests, Bills of Suspension, and the like weapons of modern civic warfare,
speedily compelled the persecuted veterans to beat a retreat. They took refuge in
premises provided for them in the Tolbooth, but the destruction of their ancient stronghold
may be said to have sealed their fate ; they lingered on for a few years, maintaining
an unequal and hopeless struggle against the restless spirit of innovation that had beset
the Scottish capital, until at length, in the year 1817, their final refuge was demolished,
the last of them were put on the town’s pension list, and the truncheon of the constable
displaced the venerable firelock and Lochaber axe.
VIoaETTE-hchaber axe8 from the Antiquarian Museum. ... MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. impartial walls, among such strange bed-fellows as the chances of the night had ...

Book 10  p. 269
(Score 2.04)

VOL. 11.

Book 9  p. iii
(Score 2.02)

his celebrated discovery of jxed air, or carbonic acid gas. We are informed
by himself, that he was led to the examination of the absorbent earths, partly
by the hope of discovering a new sort of lime and limewater, which might possibly
be a more powerful solvent of the stone than that commonly used. The
attention of the public had been directed to this subject for some years. Sir
Robert, as well as his brother, Horace, afterwards Lord Walpole, were troubled
with the stone. They imagined that they had received benefit from a medicine
invented by a Mrs. Stephens; and, through their interest principally, she
received five thousand pounds sterling for revealing the secret. It was accordingly
published in the Londm Gazette on the 19th June 1739. This .had
directed the attention of medical men to the employment of lime-water in cure
of the stone. Upon the publication of the thesis, it immediately attracted the
attention of chemical- philosophers ; and Dr. Black is now universally acknowledged
to be the founder of pneumatic chemistry, and to have opened an iinmense
field for observation and experiment to the philosophical world, which
before his time had never been explored or even thought of.
Dr. Cullen removing to Edinburgh in 1756, Dr. Black was appointed Professor
of Anatomy and Lecturer on Chemistry ; but not conceiving himself so well
qualsed for filling the anatomical chair, he obtained the concurrence of the University
to accomplish an exchange with the Professor of Medicine. He brought
to maturity his theory of latent heat, some time between 1759 and 1763 ; and
he read, in April 1762, to a select society in Glasgow, the result of his experiments
on the subject. Much about the same year he read the essay on latent
heat before a society in Edinburgh, bearing the name of the Newtonian Society,
instituted in 1759. The delicate state of his health was the cause of his
never publishing an account of his doctrine, as the slightest exertion, if continued
for any length of time, always brought on a spitting of blood ; and the
excitement which a publication of this description would necessarily have produced,
and the controversy and criticism that would have followed, was much
more than his feeble frame could have borne.
In 1764, it was fortunate both for Dr. Black and science, that Mr. James
Watt, so justly celebrated for his improvements of the steam-engine, became his
pupil, he being at that time employed in repairing the model of a steam-engine
for the Natural Philosophy class in the University.
In the year 1766, Dr. Cullen, the Professor of Chemistry in the University of
Edinburgh, was appointed Professor of Medicine; and the chemical chair in
the University thus becoming vacant, Dr. Black was immediately appointed to
it, and he continued one of the chief ornaments of the University for a space of
about thirty years.
Dr. Black lived on very friendly terms with most of the many literary
characters then resident in the northern metropolis. Amongst these we may
mention his relative, Dr. Adam Ferguson, Mr. Home, author of the tragedy of
DozcgZus, Dr. Alexander Carlyle, Sir George Clerk of Penycuick, his brother
Mr. Clerk of Eldin, Dr. Roebuck, and Dr. Hutton. ... Amongst these we may mention his relative, Dr. Adam Ferguson , Mr. Home, author of the tragedy ...

Book 8  p. 74
(Score 2.02)

well-known landscape painter,’ and among his subjects may be mentioned the celebrated
historical painter, Alexander Runciman, Sir Brimstone; Robert Ferguson, the poet, dubbed
Sir Precentor, most probably from his fine musical voice; Gavin Wilson, the poetical
shoemaker, who published a collection of masonic songs in 1788, whose club title was Sir
Maccaroni; Walter Williamson of Cardrona, Esq., a thorough specimen of the rough 6on
civant laird of the last age; Walter Ross, the antiquary; Sir Henry Raeburn, who had
already been dubbed a knight under the title of Sir Tohy, ere George IT. gave him that of
Sir Henry; with a host of other knights of great and little renown, of whom we shall only
specify Sir Lluyd, as the notorious William Brodie was styled. Some ingenious member
has drawn on the margin of the minutes of his election, April 27th, 1773, a representation
of his last public appearance, on the new drop of his own invention, some fifteen years
later. The old books of the Club abound with such pencilled illustrations and commentaries,
in which the free touch of Runciman may occasionally be traced, among ruder
sketches of less practised hands.
novice, on making his appearance in Cape Hall, was led up to the Sovereign by two knightly
sponsors, and having made his obeisance, was required to grasp the large poker with his left
hand, and, laying his right hand on his breast, the oath dejdeli was administered to him
by the Sovereign-the knights present all standing uncovered-in the following words :-
I swear devoutly by this light,
To be a true and faithful Knight,
With all my might,
Both day and night,
The following was the established form of inauguration of a Knight of the Cape.
So help me Poker !
Having then reverentially kissed the larger poker, and continuing to grasp it, the Sovereign
raised the smaller poker with both his royal fists, and, aiming three successive blows at the
novice’s head, he pronounced, with each, one of the initial letters of the motto of the Club,
C. F. D., explaining their import to be Concordia Fratrum Decus. The knight elect
was then called upon to recount some adventure or scrape which had befallen him, from
some leading incident in which the Sovereign selected the title conferred on him, and which
he ever after bore in Cape Hall. This description of the mode of inauguration into that
knightly order will explain the allusions in Ferguson’s poem :-
The Club, whose honours were
But chief, 0 Cape ! we crave thy aid,
To get our cares and poortith laid.
Sincerity, and genius true,
Of Knights have ever been the due.
Mirth, music, porter deepest dyed,
Are never here to worth denied ;
And health, 0’ happiness the queen,
Blinks bonny, wi’ her smile serene.
thus carefully hedged in by solemn ceremonial, established
its importance by deeds consistent with its lofty professions, among which may be specified
the gift by his Majesty of the Cape to his Majesty of Great Britain in 1778, of a contribution
from the Knights of one hundred guineas, (( to assist his Majesty in raising troops.”
1 Jacob Yore was a pupil of Alexander Runciman. He went to Rome about 1773, where he acquired a hiih reputation
as a landscape painter. He applied his art ta the arrangement of the gardens of the Prince Borghese’s villa, near
the Pork Pinciana, with such taste, as excited the highest admiration of the Italiios.-puSeZi. ... HIGH STREET. 237 well-known landscape painter,’ and among his subjects may be mentioned the ...

Book 10  p. 258
(Score 1.99)

The Royal Eank of Scotland.
The Scottish Provident Institution.
The British Linen Company's Rank
The Scottish Widows' Fund Office.
CHAR L 0 T T E S (2 U X R E.
Charlotte Square-Its Early Occupants-Sir John Sinclair, Bart.-Lamond of that Ilk-Sir Williarn Fettes-Lord Chief Commissioner Adam-
Alexander Dirom-St George's Church-The Rev. Andrew Thornson-Prince Consort's Memorial-The Parallelogram of the first New
CHARLOTTE SQUARE, which corresponds with that
of St. Andrew, and closes the west end of George
Street, as the latter closes the east, measures about
180 yards each way, and was constructed in 1800,
after designs by Robert Adam of Maryburgh, the
eminent architect ; it is edificed in a peculiarly
elegant and symmetrical manner, all the fasades
corresponding with each 0the.r. In 1874 it was
beautified by ornamental alterations and improvements,
and by an enclosure of its garden area, at a
cost of about d3,000. Its history is less varied
than that of St. Andrew Square.
During the Peninsular war No. z was occupied
by Colonel Alexander Baillie, and therein was the
Scottish Barrack office. One .of the earliest OCCUpants
of No. 6 was Sir James Sinclair of Ulbster, ... AND NEW EDINBURGH. cst. Andrew Sq- ST. ANDREW SQUARE, The Royal Eank of Scotland. The Scottish Provident ...

Book 3  p. 172
(Score 1.96)

the 17th December’ 1596, already described, when the king was besieged in the Tolbooth
by the excited citizens, Andrew Hart is specially mentioned as one of the very foremost in
the rising that produced such terror and indignation in King James’s mind ; in so much
so, that he was soon after warded in the Castle of Edinburgh, at his Majesty’s instance, as
one of the chief authors of (‘ that seditious stirring up and moving of the treasonable
tumult and uproare that was in the burgh.”’ We can fancy the sturdy old printer sallying
out from the close, at the cry of “ Armour! armour ! ” hastily armed with his loug spear
and jack, and joining the excited burghers, that mustered from every booth and alley to
lay siege to the affrighted monarch in the Tolbooth, or to help ‘‘ the worthy Deacon Watt;”
in freeing him from his ignoble durance.
The house which stauds between the fore and back lands of the famed typographer, was
celebrated during the last century as one of the best frequented taverns in the neighbourhood
of the Cross, and a favourite resort of some of the most noted of the clubs, by means
of which the citizens of that period were wont to seek relaxation and amusement. Foremost
among these WLS the Cape Club, celebrated in Ferguson’s poem of Auld Reekie.
The scene of meeting for a considerable period, where Cape Hall was nightly inaugurated,
was in James Mann’s, at the Isle of Man Arms, Craig’s Close. There a perpetual High
Jinks was kept up, by each member receiving on his election a peculiar name and character
which he was ever afterwards expected to maintain. This feature, however, was by
no means confined to the Cape Club, but formed one of the peculiarities of nearly all the
convivial meetings of the capital, so that a slight sketch of ‘(the Knights of the Cape ”
will suffice for a good sample of these old Edinburgh social unions. The Club appears
from its minutes to have been duly constituted, and the mode of procedure finally fixed, in
the year 1764 ; it had however existed long before, and the name and peculiar forms which
it then adopted were derived from the characters previously assumed by its leading
members.2 Its peculiar insignia were-lst, a cape, or crown, which was worn by the
Sovereign of the Cape on state occasions, and which, in the palmy days of the Club, ita
enthusiastic devotees adorned with gold and jewels; and, 2d, two maces in the form of
huge steel pokers, which formed the sword and sceptre of his Majesty in Cape Hall,
These, with other relics of this jovial fraternity, are now appropriately hung in the lobby
of the Societies of Antiquaries.
The first Sovereign of the order after its final constitution was Thomas Lancashire, the
Once celebrated comedian, on whom Ferguson wrote the following epitaph :-
Alae ! poor Tom, how oft, with merry heart,
Have we beheld thee play the sexton’s part I
Each merry heart muat now be grieved to Bee
The sexton’s dreary part performed on thee.
The comedian rejoiced in the title of Sir Cape, and in right of his sovereignty gave name
to the Club, while the title of Sir Poker, which pertained to its oldest member, James
Aitken, suggested the insignia of royalty. Tom Lancashire was succeeded on the throne
by David Herd, the welI-known editor of what Scott calls the first classic edition of Scottish
songs, whose knightly soubriquet was Sir Scrape. His secretary was Jacob More, the
, ’ Calderwood’e Hit. vol. v. pp. 512, 520, 535. * A different account of the Knights of the Cape has been published, but the general accuracy of the text may be
relied upon, being derived from the minute books of the Club. ... MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. the 17th December’ 1596, already described, when the king was besieged in the ...

Book 10  p. 257
(Score 1.91)

380 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [South Bridge.
~~ ~~~
mechanics, and such other branches of science as
were necessary in their various crafts, an association
was formed, and with this general object in view
the School of Arts was duly inaugurated on the
16th of October, ISPI, by a meeting at which the
Lord Provost, afterwards Sir William Arbuthnot,
Bart., presided. The two leading classes then
established, and which continue to this day to be
fundamental subjects of education in the school,
were Chemistry and Mechanical or Natural Philosophy.
The first meetings of the school were in a
General Hope, it was resolved that an edifice
should be erected with that view, appropriate to
the name and character of Watt, and that it should
be employed for the accommodation of the School
of Arts and to promote the interests of the class
from which he sprang.
The directors had by them L400, which they
resolved to add as a Subscription for this memorial,
to the end that their school should have a permanent
building of its own ; but it was not till
1851 that arrangements were completed, by which,
SURGEON SQUARE. (Rrom a Drawing by Sh#krd,julZishd zn 1829.)
humble edifice in Niddry Street, but after a time it
was moved to one of the large houses described
in Adam Square.
Continued success attended the school from
its opening; it had the support of all classes of
citizens, particularly those connected with the
learned professions ; the subscription list showing
a sum of ;E450 yearly, and from this the directors,
by thrifty management, were able to put aside money
from time to time, as a future building fund.
For the purpose of erecting a memorial in
honour of James Watt at Edinburgh, a meeting
was held in July, 1824. On thewotion of the
.*Me Lord Cockburn, seconded by the Solicitorinstead
of erecting a new house, the old one in
Adam Square, which had been occupied by the
school for nearly thirty years, was purchased, when
the accumulated fund amounted to ~ 1 , 7 0 0 , and
the directors adding ASoo, obtained the house
for A2,500, after which it took the name of The
Watt /nsfifufion and SchooZ of Arts.
In May, 1854, the directors placed a statue of
James Watt, on a granite pedestal, in the little
square before the school, where both remained
till r871, when the building in Adam Square, which
had become too small for the requirements of the
institution, was pulled down, with those which adjoined
it, to make way for the broad and spacious ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [South Bridge. ~~ ~~~ mechanics, and such other branches of science as were necessary ...

Book 2  p. 380
(Score 1.85)

in the rooms of Stewart, Blair, or Robertson. . , .
But Edinburgh offered tables and entertainers of a
less staid character, when the glass circulated with
greater rapidity, when wit flowed more freely, and
when there were neither high-bred ladies to charm
conversation within the bounds of modesty, nor
serious philosophers nor grave divines to set a
limit to the licence of speech or the hours of
enjoyment. To those companions, who were all
of the better classes,
the levities of the rustic
poet?s wit and humour
were as welcome as
were the tenderest of
his narratives to the
accomplished Duchess
of Gordon or the beautiful
Miss Burnet of
Monboddo ; theyraised
a social roar not at all
classic, and demanded
and provoked his sallies
of wild humour, or
indecorous mirth, with
as much delight as he
had witnessed among
the lads of Kyle,
when, at mill or forge,
his humorous sallies
abounded as the ale
While in Edinburgh
Bums was the frequent
and welcome guest ot
John Campbell, Precentor
of the Canongate
Church, a famous
amateur vocalist in his
time, though forgotten
now ; and to him Bums
applied for an introduction
to Bailie Gentle,
After a stay of six months in Edinburgh, Burns ? set out on a tour to the south of Scotland, accompanied
by Robert Ainslie, W.S. ; but elsewhere we
shall meet him again. Opposite the house in which
he dwelt is one with a very ancient legend, BZissit.
be. th. bra. in, aZZ. His .gz)Xs. nm. and. euir. In
1746 this was the inheritance of Martha White,
only child of a wealthy burgess who became a
banker in London. She? became the wife of
to the end that he might accord his tribute to the
memory of the poet, poor Robert Fergusson, whose
grave lay in the adjacent churchyard, without a
stone to mark it. Bailie Gentle expressed his
entire concurrence with the wish of Bums, but
said that ?he had no power to grant permission
without the consent of the managers of the Kirk
?Tell them,? said Burns, ?it is the Ayrshire
ploughman who makes the request.? The authority
was obtained, and a promise given, which we
believe has been sacredly kept, that the grave
should remain inviolate.
Charles niIlth Earl of
Kincardine, and afterwards
Earl of Elgin,
?? undoubted heir male
and chief of d l the
Bruces in Scotland,?
as Douglas records.
The countess, who died
in 1810, filled, with
honour to herself, the
office of governess to
the unfortunate Princess
Charlotte of Wales.
One of the early
breaches made in the
vicinity of the central
thoroughfare of the city
was Bank Street, on
tlie north (the site of
Lower Baxter?s Close),
wherein was the shop
of two eminent cloth
merchants, David
Bridges and Son, which
became the usual resort
of the whole Ziteraii of
the city in its day.
David Bridges junior
had a strongly developed
bias towards
literary studies, and,
according to the memoirs
of Professor WiE
son, was dubbed by the Blackwood nits, (? Director-
General of the Fine Arts.? His love for these and
the drama was not to be controlled by his connection
with mercantile business ; and while the sefiior
partner devoted himself to the avocations of trade in
one part of their well-known premises, the younger
was employed in adorning a sort of sanctum, where
one might daily meet Sir Walter Scott and his
friend Sir Adam Ferguson (who, as a boy, had
often sat on the knee of David Hume), Professor
Tradition points to the window on the immediate right (marked *)
as that of the mom occupied by Burns. ... might daily meet Sir Walter Scott and his friend Sir Adam Ferguson (who, as a boy, had often sat on the knee ...

Book 1  p. 107
(Score 1.8)

Fountainbrige.1 ADAM RITCHIE. 221
master?s son.? This centenarian died with ? all his
teeth fresh and complete, and made it his boast
that he could crack a nut with the youngest and
The Edinburgh Magazi/re for 1792 records the
death of his brother William, in his 106th year,
adding, that ?? he was twice married End had twenty-
comprehended two districts, the Easter and Wester,
lies wholly to the westward of Wharton Lane and the ... ADAM RITCHIE. 221 master?s son.? This centenarian died with ? all his teeth fresh and complete, ...

Book 4  p. 221
(Score 1.74)

Greyfriars Church.] TOMBS.
1. The hlartyrs' Monument : o Monument of Sir G. McKenzie commonly called '' Blocd McKenzie " 16gz; 3, Wilhm CarJtarrs Rdomer,
and Principal of the Uhiversity of Edinburgh, 17x5 ; 4, Ebtranrx to the South Gmu$ known 85 ihq Covenant4 Rim ; 5, J&nhYhG
Keeper of the Signet, 1614 ; 4 C M y ol DaLy, 1633 ; 7, William Adam, Archirat, 1748, and W b h h n , D.D., 1793. ... Church.] TOMBS. TOMBS IN GREYFRIARS CHURCHYARD. 1. The hlartyrs' Monument : o Monument of Sir G. ...

Book 4  p. 381
(Score 1.73)

THE most memorable occurrence during LORD ADAM’S command in Scotland
was the arrival of his Royal Highness the Count d‘Artois, in 1796.
“June &-This afternoon, about two o’clock, his Royal Highness Monsieur
Compte d’Artois, etc., landed at Leith from on board his Majesty’s frigate
Jason, Captain C. Stirling. On the frigate’s coming to anchor in the Roads,
his Royal Highness was saluted with twenty-one guns from Leith Fort, and
with the like number on his landing at Leith, where he was received from the
boat by Lord Adam Gordon and a part of his suite, and conducted in his
lordship’s carriage to an apartment in the Palace of Holyrood, fitted up in haste
for his reception; and, as he entered the Palace, his Royal Highness was
saluted with twenty-one guns from the Castle. The Windsor Foresters
and Hopetoun Fencibles were in readiness to line his approach to the Palace ;
but his Royal Highness choosing to land in a private manner, and with as little
ceremony as possible, that was dispensed with. The noblemen in his Royal
Highness’s suite followed in carriages provided for the purpose, and were
conducted from the outer gate of the Palace by the Commander-in-Chief to
their apartments.’’
“Next day his Royal Highness Le Compte d‘drtois held a levee at his
apartments in Holyrood House, at which his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, Lord
Dalkeith, Lord Adam Gordon, and all the officers of the Hopetoun Fencibles,
and of the Staff in North Britain, attended, and were presented; as also the
Sheriff Depute of Mid-Lothian and several other gentlemen. His Royal
Highness, it is understood, means to see company every Monday and Thursday.”’
The royal suite remained for several years at Holyrood House, during which
, On this occasion, the following verses appeared in the “Scots Chronicle” of the 2d March 1796 :-
“ 0 Scotia ! take me to thy arms-
Thy friendly arms 0 stretch to me !
My native land has lost her charms-
From Gallia’s shore I come to thee :
From Gallia’s once dear sprightly shore
I fly to thee, her ancient friend ;
Oh ! ope the hospitable door-
Wilt thou a royal head defend ?
The purple stream and deluged plains,
So late the terror of mine eyes,
My wounded breast the shock retains,

Book 8  p. 301
(Score 1.72)

attention, This urbanity and condescension produced on their part a feeling of
the deepest veneration and respect for their beloved minister.” “The esteem
in which Dr. Johnston was held,” continues the writer, “ is characteristically
illustrated by the exclamation with which the women, when selling fish to a
higgling customer, attempted to destroy all hopes of a further abatement in
price. ( Na, na,’ they were wont to say, ( I wadna gie them to the DoctoT himsel’
fw that siller I ’ ’’
The memory of Dr. Johnston is still cherished with the utmost veneration.
He officiated amongst them for upwards of half a century, and in many families
had “performed the ceremonies of marriage and baptism through four successive
generations.” Some curious anecdotes are told, illustrative of his homely
manner and the primitive character of his parishioners. A fisherman, named
Adam L-, having been reproved pretty severely for his want of Scripture
knowledge, was resolved to baulk the minister on his next catechetical visitation.
The day appointed he kept out of sight for some time ; but at length getting
top-heavy with some of his companions, he was compelled, after several falls, in
one of which he met with an accident that somewhat disfigured his countenance,
to take shelter in his own cottage. The minister arrived ; and was informed
by Jenny, the wife, that her husband was absent at the fishing. The Doctor
then inquired if she had carefully perused the catechism he had left on his last
visit, and being answered in the affirmative, proceeded to follow up his conversation
with a question or two. “Weel, Jenny,’’ said the minister, “can ye tell
me what was the cause 0’ Adam’s fall ‘1 ” By no means versed in the history
of the great progenitor of the human race, and her mind being exclusively
occupied by her own Adam, Janet replied, with some warmth, “’Deed, sir,
it was naething else but drink! ’’ at the same time calling to her husband,
“ Adam, ye may as wee1 rise, for the Doctor kens brawly what’s the matter ;
some clashin’ deevils o1 neibours hae telt him a’ about it !”
On another occasion of pastoral visitation, the “ gudewife 0’ the house,”
Maggy, had just returned from market, and in her hurry to meet the minister,
whom she found in possession of her cottage, deposited her basket, which
contained certain purchases from a butcher’s stall, at the door. After a few
preliminary observations, Dr. Johnston began by putting the question-“ What
doth every sin deserve, Margaret 1 I’ “ God’s curse-the dowg’s awa’ wi’ the
head-and-harigals I” she exclaimed as she bolted after the canine delinquent
who had made free with the contents of her basket. (‘Very well answered,”
said the Doctor on her return, “ but rather hurriedly spoken.”
Another of the fish dames, named Maggy-for Margaret and Janet are the
prevailing names among the females of Newhaven-happening to take a glass
extra, was met on her way home by the minister. “ What, what, Margaret ! ’’
said the Doctor jocularly, “1 think the road is rather narrow for you,” ‘‘ Hout,
sir,” replied Maggy, alluding to her empty creel, “how can I gang steady without
ballast I ’’
The late erection of a church at Newhaven, we understand, has been ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. attention, This urbanity and condescension produced on their part a feeling of the ...

Book 9  p. 456
(Score 1.72)

authority on which this rests, it is probable that the utmost countenance afforded by these
divines waa their presence at the rehearsal, and the dinner which succeeded it in the
Erskihe Club, at the Abbey.’ The old tenement, wherein this singular assemblage took
place, has been entirely demolished to make way for a chapel and school founded by the
Duchess of Cordon for the inhabitants of the Sanctuary. The antique building to the
south, separated from this by the vennel mentioned above, appears from the titles to
have been the residence of Francis Lord Napier at the memorable era of the Union
The ancient Tennis Court, the frequent scene of the dramatic amusements of the royal
occupants of Holyrood, which survives now only in name, immediately without the Water
Gate, has been repeatedly referred to in the course of the work.’ The game of Tennis,
which was a favourite sport throughout Europe during last century, is now almost
unknown. Its last most celebrated Scottish players are said to have been James Hepburn,
Esq. of Keith, and the famous John Law, of Laurieston, afterwards Comptroller-
General of the finances in France.8 The whole ground to the eastward of the Tennis Court
appears in Edgar’s map as open garden ground attached to the Palace, with the exception
of the small building known as Queen Mary’s Bath; but shortly after Lord Adam
Gordon, Commander of the Forces in Scotland, took up his residence at Holyrood Palace
in 1789, he granted permission to several favourite veterans, who had served under him
abroad, to erect small booths and cottages along the garden wall; and they so effectually
availed themselves of the privilege that several of the cottages have since risen to be
substantial three and four storied lands. John Keith, a favourite subaltern, obtained at
that time the piece of ground immediately adjoining Queen Mary’s Bath, and in the
course of rearing the large building, which now remains in the possession of his daughters,
he had to demolish part of a turret staircase which led to the roof of the Bath. Here, on
removing a portion of the slating, a richly-inlaid dagger of antique form, and greatly
corroded with rust, was found sticking in the sarking of the roof. It remained for many
years in the possession of the veteran owner, and used to hang above the parlour fire-place
along with his own sword. His daughter, to whom we owe these particulars, described
the ancient weapon (( as though it had the king’s arms on it, done in gold.” It was
finally lent to a young friend, to add to his other decorations, preparatory to his figuring
in one of the processions during the visit of George IV. to Edinburgh in 1822, and was
lost through the carelessness of the borrower. This very curious relic of antiquity has
been supposed, with considerable appearance of probability, to have formed one of the
weapons of the murderers of Rizzio, who are known to have escaped through this part of
the royal garden^.^ This curious and exceedingly picturesque lodge of the ancient Palace
is well worthy of preservation, and it is to be hoped will meet with due care in any,projected
improvements in the neighbourhood of Holyrood House. The tradition of its
having been used as a bath by the Scottish Queen is of old standing. Pennant tells us
Pi& Burton’s Life of Hume, VOL i. p. 420, where it is shown that Dr Robertaon was not then principal, nor Dr
Ferguson, professor; though thin is of little account, if they lived at the time in friendship with Home. Among the
company at the Abbey were Lord Elibank, Lord Milton, Lord Kamea, and Lord Yonboddo.
a Ants, p. 103. ’ Ante p. 76.
* Archseol. Scot., voL i. p. COS.
We have made thie curioue discovery the subjed of careful investigation, and feel aesured that no
one who make, the name inquiries at the respectable proprietora of the house will entertain any doubt on the subject. ... MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. authority on which this rests, it is probable that the utmost countenance afforded by ...

Book 10  p. 336
(Score 1.71)

Wynd, and paid up the cloiss which is under the Endmyleis Well.9’ 1 Jvhether this be
the same well is doubtful, as no close lower down appears as a thoroughfare in early or
later maps ; it is evident, however, that the name of the Fountain Close is derived from
some other, and probably much more -mportant, conduit than the plain structure beside
John Knox’s house, which has long borne the same designation.
On the east side of the close, directly opposite the entrance to Bassendyne’s house, an
ancient entrance of a highly ornamental character appears. It consists of two doorways,
&th narrow pilasters on each side supporting the architrave, which is adorned with a
variety of inscriptions, as represented in the accompanying woodcut, and altogether forms
a remarkably neat and elegant design. “his is the mansion of Adam Fullerton, whose
name is carved over the left doorway-an eminent and influential citizen in the reign of
Queen Mary, and an active colleague and coadjutor of Edward Hope in the cause of the
&formation. In 1561, his name appears as one of the bailies of Edinburgh, who, along
with Archibald Douglas of Kilspindie, the provost, laid hold of a poor craftsman who had
been guilty of the enormity of playing Robin Hood, and condemned him to be hangeda
procedure which ended in the mob becoming masters of the town, and compelling the
magistrates to sue for the mediation of the Governor of the Castle, and at length fairly to
succumb to the rioters.’ Only two months after this commotion, Queen Mary landed at
Leith, and was loyally entertained by the town of Edinburgh-Adam Fullerton, doubtless,
taking a prominent part among her civic hosts. In the General Assembly held at
Leith, January 16, 1571, his name occur8 as commissioner of the town of Edinb~rgh.~
On the 23d of June following, during the memorable siege of Edinburgh by the Regent
Mar, in the name of the infant King, the burgesses of the capital who favoured the Regent,
to the number of two hundred men, united themselves into a band, and passing privately
to Leith, which was then held by the Regent’s forces; they there made choice of Adam
Fullerton for their captain.l The consequence of this was his being “ denuncit our souerane
ladiea rebell, and put to the horne ” on the 18th of August following ; and “ vpoun
the tuantie nynt day of the said moneth, James Duke .of Chattellarault, George Erle of
Huntlie, Alexander Lord Home, accumpanyit with diuerse prelatis and barronis, past to
the tolbuith of Edinburgh; and thair sittand in parliament, the thrie estaitts being convenit,
foirfaltit Matho Erle of Lennox, James Erle of Mortoun, John Erle of Mar,” and
many other nobles, knights, and burgesses, of the Parliament, foremost among the latter
of whom ia Adam Fullerton, burgess of Edinburgh, “ and decernit ilk ane of thame to
Pitcairn’s Criminal Trials, Supplement, p. 567. Diurnal of Occurrents, p, 283 ; ante, p. 69.
Booke of the Univeraall Kirk, p. 208. ‘ Diurnal of Occurrenta, p. 227. Ibid, p. 239. ... MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. Wynd, and paid up the cloiss which is under the Endmyleis Well.9’ 1 Jvhether this ...

Book 10  p. 295
(Score 1.67)

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