Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


62 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. panied by his brother, then in bad health, and who died on the journey. On his return he married Sarah, daughter of Alexander Maitland, Esq. of Stoke Newington, near London, a gentleman of Scottish extraction. The lady was heiress of a considerable fortune, and had many suitors; but her choice was influenced inadvertently by a rival, who, having just returned fyom an excursion in the Highlands, unfortunately for himself related the feat which had been performed at the hill of Ben Chei1t.I After marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair took up their residence at Thurso, where his attention was chiefly occupied for a short time with a work on the Sabbath, but which, by the advice of Dr. Adam Smith, was never published. The friendship of this eminent philosopher he had early obtained, and to this circumstance he probably owed his taste for the study of political economy. Among the first of Mr. Sinclair‘s literary productions was an essay entitled ‘‘ Observations on the Scottish Dialect,” the object of which, while it afforded one of the fullest collections of what are called “ Scotticisms,” was to facilitate the acquisition of a purer style of English among his countrymen. A deficiency in this respect was then considered a formidable barrier to the success of a Rorth Briton in the capital. The essay was well received, not only as an ingenious, but useful and amusing production. During its progress he had the honour of forming the acquaintance of the great English lexicographer, to whom he was introduced by Boswell. The Parliamentary career of Mr, Sinclair began in 1780, having been chosen, at the general election, M.P. for Caithness. The prospects of the country were then extremely gloomy. The American war had proved ruinous-the ministry were unpopular, and a pdwerful opposition existed in the Commons. Not coinciding with the alarmists, whose views he conceived to be anti-national and violent, he at first gave his support to the cabinet of Lord North, with whom he was for some time on the most friendly terms. The first of Mr. Sinclair’s political pamphlets appeared in 1782, entitled, “Thoughts on the Naval Strength of Great Britain,” and was intended to dispel the gloom into which the nation had been thrown by the desertion of her ancient allies the Dutch, and the formidable aspect of the marine of France. This publication was peculiarly well-timed, and the victory of Admiral Rodney over De Grasse, on the 12th April, happening a few days afterwards, the author was highly complimented from all quarters for his sagacity, and the solidity of the opinions he had advanced. This pamphlet he followed up by another Previous to Sir John’s tour to the Continent he had entered into a matrimonial negotiation with Miss Maitland. His proposal was accepted; the marriage contract drawn up; and nothing more required than to name the day : but Mrs. Maitland felt insuperable repugnance to the removal of her daughter from her own neighbourhood, and insisted on a promise from her future son-in-law, that he would reside permanently in England. To this condition public spirit withheld him from consenting ; and tu he now considered the engagement brokeu off, he made his excursion to the Continent On his return, however, he learnt, with equal surprive and satisfaction, that Miss Maitland did not approve, BS he had supposed, of the arbitrary stipulation made by her mother. He intimated his readiness to renew his addresses-a favourable answer waa returned, and the maniage was celebrated on the 26th March 1776.
Volume 9 Page 84
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