Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


54 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. that upwards of two hundred thousand patients had derived benefit from the Institution. br. Duncan entered warmly into every proposal which had for its object the promotion of medical science. He projected, in 1773, a new work to be published annually, originally under the name of “ Medical Commentaries,” but subsequently under the title of “Annals of Medicine,” which regularly made its appearance f0r.a series of more than thirty years. The celebrated Dr. Cullen, through old age and extreme debility, having resigned, Dr. James Gregory was elected to the professorship of the ,Practice of Physic on the 30th December 1789. Upon the same day Dr. Duncan was chosen Dr. Gregory’s successor j and lie taught this class-“ The Theory of Medicine ”-till within a few months of his death. No. CXCI. DR. ANDREW DUNCAN IN 1797. THIS portrait represents the Professor at a later period of life than the former, although, from the difference of attitude, and the adoption of the modern round hat, his appearance may be deemed younger. He invariably carried an umbrella under his arm in the manner figured. In 1807 Dr. Duncan proposed the erection of a Lunatic Asylum at Morningside, in the vicinity of Edinburgh, the want of which had been long felt in Edinburgh. He had many difficulties to encounter. Subscriptions at first came in slowly, but at last the object was effected ; and a royal charter for its erection was obtained. The year following, the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council presented him with the freedom of the city, in testimony of the sense they entertained of the services he had rendered to the community by the establishment of the Public Dispensary and Lunatic Asylum. Dr. Duncan delighted much in the pleasure of a garden, and having for many years entertained an opinion that the science of horticulture might be greatly improved, he succeeded, in 1809, in establishing the Caledonian Horticultural Society. . It is incorporated by royal charter ; and, by exciting a spirit of emulation among practical gardeners, has been productive of the best effects. Upon the death of Dr. Gregory) he was appointed, in 1831, First Physician to his Majesty for Scotland. Dr. Duncan was a member of the Harveian, Gymnastic, and other clubs of a
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