Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 47 well known to the citizens of Edinburgh? He was an enthusiastic agriculturist, and brought his lands to a high state of perfection. Hence the artist has made him the champion of that branch of industry which is still held by many political ecbnomists to “ maintain all.” The dignified attidude in which the agriculturist is portrayed refers to the extreme hauteur of thid gentleman, who had no small idea of his own consequence. . Proceeding between Musselburgh and Dalkeith one morning after a heavy fall of rain, he thought proper to ride on the footpath. Meeting a plainly dressed old gentleman walking, in his usual haughty manner to supposed inferiors, he ordered him out of his way. The unknown person remonstrated, observing, that a gentleman of his appearance ought to know that the footpath was set apart for pedestrians. “Fellow !” said Rocheid, “do you know who I am! ” “ No, sir,” was the reply; “ I have not that honour.” “ Why, sir, I am James Rocheid, Esq. of Inverleith, Justice of the Peace, and one of the Trustees of this road; and who are you, sir, that presumes to question my conduct 9” ‘‘ Sir,” replied the old gentleman, “ you may be a Justice of the Peace, although you seem more likely to break the peace than keep i t y o u may be a Road Trustee, although a worse one can hardly be figured-and as to who I amwhy, I happen to be George Duke of Montague.”’ The confusion of Rocheid may easily be imagined, He attempted an apology; but the Duke coolly turned upon his heel and walked on. Mr. Rocheid seems to have had a predilection for obstructing pedestrians. He was in the custom of driving his carriage dongst a private foot-road from Broughton Toll towards Leith, to the great annoyance of those who had been at the expense of making it. After ineffectually remonstrating against this most unwarrantable proceeding, the following notice was inserted in one of the Magazines for January 1773 :- “ A CARD. “ The ladies and gentlemen, who by subscription raised a foot-way, leading from Broughton Toll towards Leith, present their compliments to the young Nr. R-h-d and his companions, and beg they will order their footmen to keep the carriage road, and not follow their lead in a direct line; for, what is spirit in the one character, is insolence in the other.-Broughlon, Tuesday even. Jan. 28.” During the political trials of 1793-4, Mr. Rocheid obtained a good deal of local notoriety. He was one of the jury on the trial of Muir of Huntershill, and was on very intimate terms with the Senators of the College of Justice, several of whom were in the habit of dining frequently at Inverleith. While at dinner there on one occasion, prior to the trials of Margarot and Gerrald, the Lord Justice-Clerk (Macqueen of Braxfield) is said to have made use of those unbecoming expressions with which these individuals openly charged him in court. Mr. Rocheid died in October 1824. His residence waa Inverleith House on the north side of the city, close to the Botanic Garden. The villas of Inverleith Row are built upon this property. fl His Grace was the Duchess of Buccleuch’s father, and then on a visit at Dalkeith Palace.
Volume 9 Page 63
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