Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


46 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. excepting such as had become attached to him during his attendance at the University. The rapidity with which Mr, Bell rose in his profession was remarkable. He was not less eminent as a consulting surgeon than as an operator ; and he enjoyed to an extraordinary degree, the confidence of his professional brethren and of the country. In addition to his natural and acquired abilities, two points in E. Bell’s character seem to have contributed much to promote his successa fixed determination that not an hour should be misapplied, and a never-failing kindly attention to the interests and feelings of those who placed themselves under his care. The extent to which the first of these considerations prevailed is evinced by the variety of his publications. Besides several treatises on distinct professional subjects, and an extended system of surgery, he is understood to have been the author of not a few political and economical tracts, called forth by the engrossing interest of the times, and of a series of essays on agriculture -a pursuit which he cherished during the busiest years of his life, and which afforded him employment when his health no longer su5ced for much professional exertion. hlr. Bell’s address was mild and engaging; his information varied and extensive ; and his powers of oonversation such that his society was much courted. He was born in 1749. He married in 1774 the only daughter of Dr. Robert Hamilton, Professor of Divinity, and died in 1806, leaving four sons. No. CLXXXVII. “THE FIVE ALLS.” THE characters in this grotesque classification of portraitures have been previously noticed, with the exception of two-Mr. Rocheid of Inverleith and his Satanic Majesty, whose biography was, at the beginning of last century, penned by the author of Robiiuon Crusoe. The figure in the pulpit represents the REV. DR. ANDREW HUNTER, of the Tron Church, whose benevolence might well be said to extend to all ; and the uncombed head, in the desk beneath, is intended to indicate Mr. John Campbell, precentor. The gentleman in the long robe, said to “Plead for All,” is the HON. HENRY ERSKINE ; and perhaps, in reference to his character as the poor man’s lawyer, to no other member of the Scottish bar of his time could the observation be more appropriately applied. The centre figure is JAMES ROCHEID,’ Esq. of Inverleith, a gentleman l Pronounced and sometimes spelt Roughead.
Volume 9 Page 61
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