Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


490 INDEX TO THE PORTRAITS, ETC. w KO. Page .WALKER, Rev. Dr. John, Professor of Natural History .. ...... ... ...... ... ccxxxii 178 Wallace, Sir William. ... . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .cceliv 480 Watson, Mr. Henry, hardware merchant .................................... clxxiii 13 Wellwood, Sir Henry Moncreiff, Bart., one of the ministers of the West Church ... .. . . . . . .. ... .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .cclx 267 Wemyss, Mr. John ......................... clxxxi 28 Wemyss, Captain, afterwards Major- General. ...... ............. ..............c cxxi 151 Wesley, Rev. John ........................ ccxxvi 158 Whitefoord, Sir John.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... cxcii 69 Williamson, Mr. Geo. , King’s Messenger and Admiralty Macer for Scotland ccxii 120 KO. Page Wilson, Ebenezer, brassfounder .... .. , . .. ... cci 87 Wilson, William, or “Mortar Willie ”...ccv 101 Witch of Endor ... ... . .. .. . ... ... .. # . . . ... . . .ccclii 480 Woman who minded her own affairs ... cccxli 479 Woodrow, Mr., of the Pembrokeshire Cavalry.. ... .. . ... ... . .. .. . .. . . .. ... , . .cccxlvi 479 Wright, Mr. Malcolm, haberdasher ... clxxiii 12 Wright, Mrs.. .............................. clxxiii 15 Wright, John, lecturer on law .. ... .. .cccxxvi 465 Y YATES, Mrs., as the “Duchess of Braganza ”. ... ... . . . ... ... .-. ... ... ... ... ccxli 203 Yetts, Mr. William, hair-dresser ....... clxxiii 14
Volume 9 Page 681
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